Cashflow Club Norwich

Cashflow Club Norwich

Connect with like-minded individuals on their financial education journey, through networking and learning through playing the Rich Dad Cashflow game.


They say readers are leaders ... those interested in the Cashflow Club have generally already read the book (or books!!!) but for those just embarking on their journey, the book Rich Dad Poor Dad is the starting point ... it's a book written by Robert Kiyosaki advocating the importance of financial literacy, financial independence and building wealth through investing in assets, real estate investing, starting and owning businesses, as well as increasing one's financial intelligence.

Let me know if you've read the book and what your biggest takeaway from it is ...

The book is widely available in hard copy, reading device or audiobook ... the first step to getting to where you want to go, is getting started!

Check out our events page for our upcoming Cashflow Club event ...


Learning through play is a concept widely used in primary education ... we know it to be effective ... but we seem to think it's only for kids or for primary school ... the Cashflow Board game is a great way to get to grips with financial education and investing basics without risking your own real money ... monopoly with a mission!!!

The CASHFLOW Board Game by Rich Dad 22/08/2021

About the Cashflow game from the game creators ...

The CASHFLOW Board Game by Rich Dad Purchase the Game Here: the age of nine, my rich dad started teaching me to be a rich man by playing the game Monopoly. So in 1994,...


👇👇👇So further to my sharing an earlier post about surviving the imminent school lock-down in the UK ... 😟😟😟my thoughts are that our education "system" (just like so many of our other slow, clunky, archaic institutions) are in desperate need of an overhaul ... learning is constant and done ALL of the time ... not just in a classroom ... we are taught making mistakes is WRONG 🙄😥... yet it's one of the primary ways we learn ... we are taught we have to get it PERFECT or ALWAYS RIGHT first time and every time, or we're just not good enough ... when in reality we get BETTER by doing, practicing and testing what works and what doesn't ... it's no good teaching us "independent living skills" or "life skills" when we're adults ... how often as grown-ups have we said "I wish I had known that then"?!?!? 😳😬🙋‍♀️

Case in point ... the game (get your own copy here ... has been by far one of the best investments in a "game" ... not only does my daughter (10 this Friday!) now not even ask to watch telly because she wants to play the game ... but she also beat me hands down at building her cashflow quicker than I did!!! 🙈😃💥💥

I am not pushing for her to be a millionnaire (by today's economics we apparently need £64 million to be "secure" and not just £1 million!!! Just saying like ... 😳😱😟) ... nor am I pushing for her to have a lot of money to have a lot of stuff ... i think our current global situation is making it quite clear that STUFF is not as valuable or pursuit-worthy as HEALTH ... yet within the society most of us find ourselves in, for the most part, having money allows us to access the better health choices (though I hand on heart have TOTAL RESPECT and GRATITUDE for the NHS ... I mean choices like organic food and bamboo toilet paper etc.!!!) ... unless we return to good ol' community living ... it is the I want her to develop ... being savvy and the decision-making process of making smart money management decisions ... the of the effort and time it takes to reach the objective of having enough cashflow to cover monthly expenses ... (if you're raising your hand and buying into the "become a millionnaire overnight with no money or effort" don't waste your time or money - it's bo****ks!!!) ... and the HARSH REALITY that sometimes we make mistakes and they cost us dearly ... the lateral thinking to get back up and back in the game ... how to reduce those unnecessary monthly expenses and "delay gratification" ... the expense of kids (!!! 😆😆😁 absolutely the BEST contraceptive EVER!!! 😆🤪👈) and even the unexpected, unforeseen EXPENSIVE expenses that crop up and put us up s**t creek ... the learning how to evaluate opportunities and even in tonight's game exploring how those we trust or believe to have our best interests at heart might not really want our success (especially if they hate losing ... hey, I am human after all ... motherhood does not exempt me from that ... and I was only testing!!! 😉🤭🤫) ... and all this from a BOARD GAME!!!!

Some of you may be aware of my mission to elevate the financial wellbeing of women by helping them find the HOW to achieve their WHY and the launch of Norfolk's first and ONLY exclusively dedicated to women ... Rich Woman Cashflow Club as well as the open to men too Norwich Cashflow Club (since when we collaborate rather than compete we can learn more from each other and we learn better when we can teach each other!!!) ... these groups may not go ahead live but certainly stay tuned to the pages and I will run these as online events!

To get your own copy of the game ... check out

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! 16/03/2020

The first step to getting out of the rat race is to get the right EDUCATION ... I have invested a great deal of time and money ... as well as blood, sweat and tears ... in training courses, events and business ventures over the years ... to come full circle and wish that I had read this book first!!!! 🤦‍♀️😫😎

It's NEVER too late ... get your own Rich Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!


Super excited to be launching this group ...
.. please share and see you there! 🙌🤩
