

This page is dedicated to Raven. She is a German Shepherd that I picked up today. She is in bad shape and has a long road to recovery ahead of her.

Most posts here will be from her point of view on how she is doing. Sooo... Here we go.

Photos from Raven's post 12/06/2022

Hi everybody!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy living my best life like many of you. Plus it's hard to type with paws.
As you can see I'm doing great. We had a mishap last fall with Papa's cousin. I grabbed him cause I thought he was trying to grab J (Papa's son). I had never met him before and he had never come over before that. Papa said I was in the right though.
Was I wrong?

Photos from Raven's post 29/04/2021

Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while.
Sooo, update.

Papa found a dog someone had thrown out on the highway in some places called New Mexico. The poor pup she was pregnant and ended up having 8 little ones.
Then came the new shep. Shes a couple years younger than me. She came from a bad home too and was even set on fire atvs one point. She's noisy and has a mean streak. We are trying to get her to settle in but idk. Papa wants her to be able to be part of our pack and not have to go to another home. I guess that will depend on her.

I'm doing good though. My hematoma is all better. I've blown most of my coat for the season too.

Photos from Raven's post 14/12/2020

Papa's activating me with the camera and bribing me with cookies.

Timeline photos 29/11/2020

Touch my boy and I'll eat you!

Photos from Raven's post 07/10/2020

Hey guys, meet my new cub. Papa found her on the side of the road yesterday and brought her home. I took over as her mama for now. Ain't she cute?

Papa gets mad when I put my mouth on her or pick her up through. Funny huh?


Has anyone else noticed that I have a lot of rigs? [harnesses]
The flag one
The Blue one
The red one.

Photos from Raven's post 10/09/2020

I'm in trouble guys. I chewed a hole in my leg. Now in stuck in a cushion cone until I get my meds filled.

Photos from Raven's post 04/07/2020

I'm off lead trained with good recall.
I no longer jump on anyone but papa.
I don't even chase the chickens.

Photos from Raven's post 12/05/2020

Helping Papa clean the shop.

Photos from Raven's post 11/02/2020

See? My weight is getting better. It'll just take time.
I stole Ringo's bed! (Grandma's dog) *laughs evily*
Lots of love fee rom my guys.
He keeps falling asleep in the chair after work. Is this a normal behavior?

Photos from Raven's post 04/02/2020

Chillin with a movie.

My guy brought home another dog. He says that he is grandma's dog and he will be here for a month. I wasn't thrill so I stole his bed later.

Photos from Raven's post 07/12/2019

Welcome to my den. Forgive the mud, I was outside playing earlier.
I got my first Kong today! It's liver filled and frozen!!! Tastes great and keeps me from wanting to chew my paws!

Photos from Raven's post 27/11/2019

Life is good. But I got in trouble today. I went to the head on my guys bed... apparently I am only supposed to do that outside. So much for being house broken. My apologies. So I'm on a tether until my kennel is up. -pulls ears back- I think he really liked that blanket...

Photos from Raven's post 18/11/2019

Please excuse my guy's messy room. He working on it. On another note. I am doing great. My fur is all back after just a month. I am still pawing the sore around my left eye open but not as bad. My weight is slowly coming up too!

Photos from Raven's post 27/10/2019

My fur is starting to come back! I'm not itchy anymore. I do keep paying the cuts around my eyes open but they are healing and they itch! It's getting better though.


I took my boy for a walk today. Isn't he cute? He even wears a hat to give him ears like mine! My handler's voice is still really funny. Doesn't sound like a male does he? I taught my boy to sit!
I'm looking better huh? I'm not itching anymore and my fur is coming back too!!


Thank you, everyone, who is following my progress and encouraging me to look towards the better life that I am now experiencing!


We went for a morning walk! He sounds funny huh? I guess he has something called laryngitis. I don't know what that is but he sounds weird. Anyway, It was finally a sunny day so I got to enjoy the sun for a bit!!

Timeline photos 20/10/2019
Photos from Raven's post 20/10/2019

Good morning all. I'm out enjoying the sun this morning.
See how much slack is in my lead? I'm a good girl.

Photos from Raven's post 17/10/2019

This is my new boy. He is my handler's son. His name is Jack and he is a sweet little guy. I got to play with him in the garage where it was warm. He likes to walk me back and forth and gets mad when his daddy tells him to leave me be. I think we will be good friends. He gives me lots of hugs but doesn't seem to like it when I give him kisses. That only makes me do it more though.

Photos from Raven's post 17/10/2019

There, now you can see my pretty face. I got to spend some time outside today but not for long periods of time because of all the rain and high winds. It was fun though. I have three acres to run on.


Good food and three bowls of water this morning. Life is getting better. I didn't like having my eye and back treated but it wasn't too bad.


I saw one of the dogs that live at my new house. He is HUGE! I'll admit it, I froze and might have even started shaking. He didn't bark at me or growl. He just looked at me but he is still kinda scary. I don't think I'll meet him up close for a while yet.
I am doing good with walking on a lead. At least that is what I am told. Things seem to be a lot calmer at this house than in my old one. I think things will be okay. Apparently, I have to come and learn my new name. Do dogs really do that?

Photos from Raven's post 16/10/2019

Hello, my name is Raven. I was taken from the only life that I have known today. Apparently, the life that I have lived isn't a good one. I didn't know that since it is the only life I have known.

You can see in the photos that I am not in the best of shape. No, I do not have mange.
According to the records that my new handler has gotten I have had fleas since I was born more or less. I have had a poor diet and have been neglected for the past three years of my life.
My previous humans said that I have a food allergy but they don't know what to and that the only food I will ear is Purina one. That's a lie. I liked the food that my new handler gave me today. I really liked the food and treats that the ladies at the shop gave me. I ate every bite! *Wags tail*
My new handler gave me the name Raven because I didn't know my old one. He says that I should have a new name to go with my new life. He says I'm such a pretty and good girl even though I don't have much fur right now. That makes me happy. He started me on flea medication today so that I can start getting better.
My left front paw is messed up pretty bad too. The people I came from said it had to do with the umbilical cord wrapping around my leg while my mama was still carrying me. My new guy says that there are no individual pads on my paw and that it looks like scar tissue. I don't know what that means though. He and a lady at the shop cut my nails today. I haven't ever had that done before and it scared me. I nipped at the lady and they put this weird thing that they called a muzzle on me. After that, I buried my nose in my new handler's shoulder and let them do it. You know what? My paws felt better after!
He took me home after that. I got to meet his brothers. The bigger one is okay I guess. I don't really like the other one. I met his mama. She rides in this funny thing that is called a wheelchair. It scared me at first and I growled at her... *Sorry mama*... I met his little boy too! He was nice. He petted me and hugged me!
I have to be crated in the garage for a few days until all of my fleas are gone. I ate a whole bowl of the new kibble after I was settled. It was really good!
I'm going to sleep now. I will let you all know how I am doing in a day or so and post more photos maybe. I'm camera shy right now.

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Morning Walk
