Dear Humana

Dear Humana

Intentional, chic impact messaging. Celebrating and amplifying the power of the Human species ☀️🌎❤️


on tour this past summer. Be Kind ❤️

Lifestyle clothing brand devoted to Human Empowerment. We’re far more powerful than they want us to believe and when we unite as one, we reawaken to our true being. Our highest collective Self (big S).

We’re hosting calls, meetups, retreats, and festivals. Get in touch. Join the tribe.

Because we’re all better when we all buy in. When we share space together, on purpose.

It gets really big soon.

Email [email protected] or DM us on here 🤙

We’re excited to meet you.




Happy Turkey Day!! So grateful for you and all the light you bring to this world.


Hug your people and let em know you love them!



Within you, within everyone you meet, within the creation in which we live.

This experience, this realm that we find ourselves in defies all explanation. There's a certain magic to it, a knowing in the not knowing how any of it could be possible that some thing, some force greater than our comprehension must have created it.

Allow yourself to surrender to that force today. You don't have to assign a name to it if you don't want. But see if you can feel it. See if you can acquaint yourself with the flow of energy that weaves it all together. The current, if you will.

What a beautiful life.

All our love,




Where do you feel restricted? Are those limitations real or do they exist within your mind? What steps can you take today to cultivate increased agency over your life?


What helps you to open up new pathways?

Let us know in the comments.

And as always, be kind. When you pick up a "be kind" tee on our shop or our site, 10% of proceeds go to supporting 💙


The greatest teacher there is. How do you remain open to learning? How do you tend to store and filter information?

By breaking down our natural inclinations, we can work to enhance our methods of comprehension and retention.

Isn't learning fun?!

It's a lot easier to learn when you're not worried about bullying. That's why we're working to support National Bullying Prevention Month with our "Be Kind" tees. When you purchase on our store or at, 10% of proceeds go to


We're all for intention. Prayer, meditation, affirmations, align that energy with the highest spirit!

But then what comes next? We can't simply declare we want something then sit back and expect it to happen. These conversations with the Divine must be two-way streets. We must be demonstrative with our desires in order to manifest them into this material realm.

You're doing so well.

Proud of you... keep it up now.


Send this to someone who needs to read it ❤️


Sometimes, all someone needs is a friendly face. A wave, a smile, an invitation to share space. Your light shines so brightly and it's amplified even further when you use it to spark others' torches. Spread that joy!

We're supporting National Bullying Prevention Month with our "Be Kind" tees! When you pick one up at our shop on here or at, 10% of proceeds go to


New projects, friendships, experiences, habits, relationships... what seeds are you sowing and how are you cultivating your garden to give them the best chance to grow big and strong?

We're supporting National Bullying Prevention Month with our "Be Kind" tees. Pick one up at our shop (on our page) or at! 10% of proceeds go to


Can you feel the shift? It's time to remember our power, to join together and awaken to our new reality. We're building it, creating it in each new moment.

Grateful to be here on this big beautiful rock with you ❤️


Our tag goes to the birthday Queen, DH co-founder .bradford ❤️

Leave a little message with your tag. Spread that love far and wide!


Deserve - De Serve - Of Service

Where can you shine your light today to make a positive impact on the world?

Support National Bullying Prevention Month with our Be Kind tees. 10% of proceeds go to


Push the boundaries. Expand with the Universe.

Help to support National Bullying Prevention Month with our Be Kind tees! 10% of proceeds go to


We believe in you. Keep going.

Support National Bullying Prevention Month with our Be Kind tees. 10% of proceeds go to


Open your heart! You never know how a smile can change your life.

Support National Bullying Prevention Month with our Be Kind tees. 10% of proceeds go to


Promise. You deserve to live a long and beautiful life. Joy without pain has no meaning. Remember this when all seems hopeless, life must exist in extreme opposites in order to hold true purpose.

We believe in you. We love you and we honor your struggle. Keep going.

It gets better ❤️


Feel your hands. Feel your feet. Feel your chest.

Check in with the awareness in the center of your forehead. The vibration of the energy through your all-seeing eye.

Notice your throat. Do you feel any tightness? Bubbles? Don’t judge, simply observe.

Shift your focus to your heart. Smile. Picture someone or something that you love. Allow their beauty to amplify your energy. Feel the love, the gratitude, the joy...

Breathe into the resonance of the waves, rippling out from the heart center. Set an intention to direct them towards the person you pictured, maybe even towards someone you don’t know that needs to feel the fire of love.

Can you feel the vibration grow within you when you send out a stronger signal through the ether?

Take a few deep breaths, and then see if you can locate the spark at the center of your being. Beyond every layer lives an infinite expanse of Creator Consciousness. This is God, Source, Spirit, Christ, insert word that feels aligned for you here.

Close your eyes and really search for it. Curiosity. Wonder. Ease. Take your time.

You are the all. The infinite one that exists within. Around. All-encompassing.

All One.

Remember this space inside yourself. When you get caught in the physical and mental realms, let yourself wander back to your soul. Your truest essence.

Thank you for taking this moment to exist here, now.

Have a beautiful day.


It’s impossible for anyone to know what goes on in the space behind your eyes. To understand the invisible battles you’re fighting, the limitations and belief systems you’re constantly transcending and re-shaping.

Sometimes, in the throes of crisis, it becomes nearly impossible for you yourself to realize what’s going on beneath the surface.

The valley is a scary place to be. To look around you in all directions and to realize that you are at the bottom. To believe that your surroundings are incomprehensibly massive in comparison to the space that your physical body occupies, that you are insignificant to the scale of all that is.

But beliefs can be misleading. Dangerously so.

You are a vital thread in the tapestry of life, an integral piece of the puzzle. Your purpose transcends yourself. It transcends your fear, your doubt, your feelings of unworthiness.

Remember my friend, you are loved. You are Holy. You are special, and you are entirely unique. One of one. There is no one like you and the role you play in this Universe cannot be overstated.

Please don’t take yourself out of the game. This world can be dark and foreboding... seemingly hopeless sometimes.

There is no feeling like the sunshine on your skin for the first time after months of grey winter. Stick around. Keep fighting, keep living, keep looking within yourself for the spark of Divinity buried within the buildup of guck that has permeated your system.

In entirely different ways, we all go through it. Peeling back layers, questioning everything we believe in, losing and finding new faith.

I believe in you.

If you’re in a painful, heavy season and you want to connect, drop in with a DM or an email. We’re here. On this planet together. It’s our responsibility and our greatest blessing to be there for one another.

“Before You Decide” by Logan Klaus (written for the Teen S* Prevention Society) is available everywhere you listen to music.


You’re a beautiful tree, just beginning to sprout. Dig your roots into the earth and reach your arms up to the sky. Never stop growing, learning, living, loving, becoming.

This is the true meaning of it all.


Saw an keynote today... BLOWN AWAY by her story, her systems, and her soul. The love and the light truly shine through everything this woman does, and it was an honor to listen and learn from her.

Check out .inc and remember, YOU ARE A BOSS!!! DO THE THING!!!!


Look at how brightly you shine!!! We know it can be hard to see yourself sometimes, but we’re here to remind you just how beautiful your glow really is.

You are capable of all that you set your mind to, and you exist in a vortex of your own power. It’s your choice whether you want to run from it or stand in it, fully present and committed to confidence.

We believe in you. Do you believe in you?


Whatever you’re in the midst of, keep going! We’re so proud of you and how far you’ve come.

Remember that the path always looks clearer once you’ve learned it first with your feet, that vision can be faulty, and that not every day is going to feel like you’re on top of the world.

Keep going. Head up. Stay strong.

30% off shop with code ALIVE


Share this with someone who needs to hear it.


Share this with someone who needs to hear it. No doubt, no worries, keep the faith.
