Dumb Dude Metal

Dumb Dude Metal

this is Dumb Dude Metal (aka DDM) this is a comedy review page of local metal and mainstream metal.


Hey guys follow "willow grove" as that's the new fresh band that's kicked off this year! (Deffo not self promotion)


Ps if anyone wanted to know who I looked like. This is me 😂


Yoooo, thank you for following this page guys. I shall be doing a review on Metallica 's new song.

I MUST SAY I'M NOT A GATEKEEPER WITH METALLICA!! If you see fans who knew metallica through 'stranger things' well I ain't going to complain because I knew metallica through 'guitar hero' so gatekeepers diss on me instead 🤘.


You see I like to ma******te to DragonForce whilst drinking 5 red bulls....
Now my p***s is burning and my j**z is hot 😂


Gimme fuel *screams in metal*


Ocean Sleep were you at? You've been quiet lately....


Phil oh lovely Phil, you a kind way of words.


So I would like to take a moment and saying that DDM have attended a brilliant set of METAAAAAAL by Steel Mage Dislocator and (we shall not mention the other band because they were just plain crap).

I have enough time during sets I had a small interview with the bassist of dislocator and this is what he had to say (Q= me A= bassist of dislocator):

Q: when will you be doing your next gig/event
A: well we are having a break at the moment but we hope to do some more stuff after new year's eve.

Q: have the crowd treat you guys well
A: yeah, I would say so.

Q:can I have that beer you have.
A: no mate *laughs*

meanwhile I had too much beers and I made most of the experience by making the most of been in the pit.

Thank you for seeing/reading my first post of this page.

Liam Eastwood 🤘
