New Beginnings

New Beginnings

New Beginnings is a Christ centered recovery ministry where we gather, we share and we pray for healing, from our hurts, habits and hang-ups.

New Beginnings is our hands extended to those who are hurting. No matter what the problem, we listen, we share, [we process] and we pray. Aimee Cortese (founder of New Beginnings)

Timeline photos 15/11/2020

The final step in Celebrate Recovery is to help others. Not out of an empty place in your life, but out of an abundance of health found in Christ.

Many locations across the world are tightening back up due to the pandemic. During this next round of lockdowns, think about how your community can give a hand up (perhaps virtually) to those in your community.

Principle 8: Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by my example and by my words.
“Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires.” (Matthew 5:10)


God bless you all!

I am pleased to announce that we are starting our new season on Friday, September 4th.

Since the church is closed, we use zoom to gather, starting large group at 7, where we worship and hear a teaching. Then from 7:30 to 8:30 we break into small groups to share about the teaching and its relevance in our lives. The small groups are confidential and anonymous to create a safe place.

Please feel free to share the post and spread the word. You never know when someone could use a hand extended because you never know who is struggling silently.

If you wish to join us, please email Pastor Linda Delerme at [email protected].

Looking forward to "seeing" you on Friday!


Hey everyone!

Praying you are well during these disturbing times. It is completely understandable if you may be struggling.

Remember that there are resources on this page that you can always go back to watch or even listen.

Hoping to gather together soon, when it is safe for us to do so.

Be safe and be well!

God bless you!


Hola Family!
We are thinking of you and waiting on the Lord with you. The elephant in the living room is now almost everywhere. But the Triune God continues to reign even when there are no words to express our concerns.

Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. NLT
God is good, a hiding place in tough times. He recognizes and welcomes anyone looking for help, No matter how desperate the trouble. MSG

By Rev. Thomas Taylor, LCSW-R, Ph.D., LCC Pastoral Counselor
“Why are you so anxious?”, my wife asked Monday morning as I prepared to leave home.
“Anxious? Me anxious? I’m about to get on the subway for the 1st time since the report of a New Yorker with coronavirus”. And anxious I was, as I began to think through walking out of our apartment into a – possible – new reality of life with COVID-19, AKA, coronavirus.
We all have, no doubt, had similar anxious concerns about how best to protect ourselves and our loved ones. As a worshipping community whose life centers around gathering together, we are cautiously considering if gatherings of people – including worship – should be avoided. Yikes!
Anxiety, in and of itself, is not the problem. Anxiety is nature’s way of warning us of impending danger. Anxiety becomes problematic when it hi-jacks our healthy warning system and races off into the catastrophic world of worst-case scenarios. Our anxious concern about coronavirus is, likely, merited but what is not merited, we hope, is catastrophic worry that immobilizes us from living our – even altered – lives.
So, how can we manage our anxiety in the face of COVID-19 – a legitimate danger that we still know little about? Andrea Petersen’s piece* in the Wall Street Journal, published March 5th, outlines a number of helpful and mindful actions for us to consider.
 Seek out reliable information — but not too frequently.
To avoid misinformation, seek out reliable sources of information like the CDC ( and The World Health Organization ( One bit of advice – monitor and limit how often you seek out virus information. Consider limiting yourself to, say, 30 minutes a day.
 Focus on what you can control.
We can add and control a number of preventative care steps like washing our hands, avoiding touching our face, etc. “Doing something proactive and productive helps us to feel less anxious,” says Lynn Bufka, senior director at the American Psychological Association.
 Find the right kind of support.
It is helpful to talk about your concerns. Dr Bufka, however, suggests seeking out friends and colleagues who are “fairly levelheaded when it comes to health matters”. Careful not to talk with those who “tend to reinforce your fears”. Remember, your goal is less anxiety!
 Keep a healthy routine.
Among the many well-known healthy routines we already know about, consider Charles Marmar’s – chair of psychiatry at NYU Langone Health – counterintuitive advice to purposefully reduce fear and anxiety by trying to “silo it off, compartmentalize it and put it out of your mind”.
 Try some anxiety-reducing techniques.
LCC therapist Forrest Parkinson’s October 2019 OnCenter post “The Art of Mindfulness” suggests anxiety reducing techniques like paying attention to the here and now, “stopping and smelling the roses” (the Holy Spirit is at work), prayerful mindfulness especially in the middle of a disturbance, and, taking a deep breath in order to step back from a stressor.
 If your anxiety is impairing your ability to function…
Reach out to your doctor, and / or call Crossroads at 718 904-0202
* “How to Manage Your Coronavirus Anxiety” by Andrea Petersen, Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2020.

Again we are here to extend a hand!

May His peace continue to sustain you,
New Beginnings


Hope you are well and feeling at peace with all that is going on around you.

We will not be meeting on Friday, since the church is closing.

We plan to broadcast using technology and will notify you how so that you can still join us.

Look out for announcements of when we can meet up again.

Please use godly wisdom and keep safe. “See you soon!”

Way Maker | Latin Arrangement | Puchi Colon 13/03/2020

Way Maker | Latin Arrangement | Puchi Colon Way Maker | Latin Arrangement | Puchi Colon - Cover Written by: Osinachi Okoro (Sinach) Produced & Arranged by: Puchi Colón Horn Arrangement by: Juaco Music ...


Hope to see you on Friday March 13th for another New Beginnings @ 7 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM

*Crossroads will be open but should there be any changes we will send out an email.

Evaluate all my relationships.
Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I’ve done to others when possible,
except when to do so would harm them or others.


Confess & Trust


Hope to see you on Friday Feb 28 for another New Beginnings @ 7 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM

“Asking God to Grow my Character through self examination and confession"


Hope to see you on Friday Feb 21st for another New Beginnings.
Doors open at 6:30 PM


Hope to see you on Friday, Feb 7 for New Beginnings!
@7 PM (doors open at 6:30 pm)


Our kickoff is this Friday, January 31st!
Join us on the next season to deeper healing!

Doors open at 6:30!

Looking forward to seeing you!


New Beginnings is starting January 31st!

Looking forward to a new season of being a work in progress!!

See you then!
Doors open at 6:30


I received a notification for this Friday to meet. I made that event incorrectly. Please ignore it if you receive it as well.

We are starting the new series on January 31! Please share this post publicly.

Looking forward to seeing you all!!


The new cycle for New Beginnings is January 31st!

20/20: Continuing the journey of Hope and Strength...

Doors open at 6:30.

Share the news!

See you then!


Hey New Beginnings family!

I posted a few weeks ago that the new season would start January 17. Unfortunately, do to uncontrollable circumstances we won’t be able to start on that date.

I will notify you immediately when the date has been confirmed, so please look out for it!

Please spread the word so that no one will show up that day at the church and be disappointed.

If you are struggling, reach out to others if you need any encouragement. We may not be meeting on Friday; but we can still touch base with one another.
You are not alone.

God bless you and see you soon!!


Ooops, I might have gotten ahead of myself. January 17th is a tentative date for the new season to begin, and waiting for confirmation! Keep the date open and I'll let you know once we have been given the green light! Just looking forward to gathering with you all again soon!


Work In Progress
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. - Galatians 5:13

Steve Areterburn states " I don’t know whether this is true in your part of the country, but here in Southern California almost any business will hire guys to stand on the sidewalk and hold a sign advertising their store. Most signs are painted brightly and are shaped like an arrow, pointing the way toward the supposedly "best deal" in town.

Now when it comes to the sidewalks of life, we should probably each be wearing a sandwich board that reads in bold letters, "Work in Progress Here." I know that’s been the case for me. Whatever season of life you find yourself in, being in Christ means you are a constant work in progress. And, just like someone wearing a sandwich board would attest, being in Christ and therefore a work in progress can be tiring, frustrating, and even embarrassing. In short: it requires both endurance and humility."

Life is always happening so let us press on!
Per Joanna Weaver, "Perhaps the most comforting thing I learned was that none of us has it all together. Even on our best days and with our best intentions, we all eventually blow it. We start out operating in our gifts and talents (with every good intention) —excited to be serving the Messiah—only to have our efforts morph into a full-blown pity party when we don’t get enough help, when we are hurting, exhausted, resentful, or we aren’t appre- ciated, or someone else gets the attention we know we deserve. My deepest fear is waking up twenty years from now still the same person I am today. With the same annoying habits and petty attitudes; with the same besetting sins and false beliefs. (Same hurts, habits, and patterns.) I can’t imagine anything more terrible than get- ting to the end of my life only to discover that God had so much more in mind for me—more freedom, more joy, more peace, more true effectiveness. And I had missed it all, simply because I refused to change."

"Change may not be easy, but the benefits can be outstanding. For there are very few things in this world comparable to the daily thrill of learning to love and serve Christ by loving and serving others.” This is the true testament of change!
Steve Arterburn

Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway. - Mother Theresa


New Beginnings is on PAUSE till next year…

Take this time to reflect as you wait upon His return; keep the fire burning!

Till next year:


For all who have attended New Beginnings this season, whether in person or through this page, thank you for your presence and prayers.

We will gather again soon, after the Christmas season. Please look for the announcements as to when we will begin again.

Have a blessed advent season as we wait expectantly for His holy birth!


Celebrate The Journey With Gratitude!

Hope to see you on Friday, November 22nd at 6:30!


What a wonderful blessing to help us celebrate the closing of this season.

Please look out for any announcements for times when we can schedule check-ins between now and the beginning of the next season.

Videos (show all)

What a wonderful blessing to help us celebrate the closing of this season. Please look out for any announcements for tim...


Opening Hours

09:00 - 17:00