Cutsceneaddict Cosplay

Cutsceneaddict Cosplay

Just a meek geek wearing fiction on her skin. I’ve cosplayed my inspirations since 2012, with special focus on crossplaying anime and video game characters.

The intersection of storytelling, Faith, psychology, and fandom is my passion, so I pair my posts with miniature musings meant to facilitate reflection and conversation. If you take a moment of your day to squint at my strange words—and leave an echo of yourself in response—it means the world. Follow me on Insta here:


⭐Congratulations to the Attack on Titan Anime⭐

The Attack on Titan anime officially wrapped up this past week. I can’t believe it’s been close to 10 years since I watched the first episode of this series. Joining in the reminiscing this week, here’s a throwback to my Levi cosplay, first worn in 2014/2015.

Levi is one of my favorite characters in Attack on Titan. In a world where humanity is constantly reminded of its mortality—threatened by human corruption from within and carnivorous Titans from without—Levi wants people to live and die without regrets. Despite his ability to drop 15-meter Titans like flies—a quality that makes him untouchable by lawman and layman alike—Levi strikes me as neither a reckless rebel nor a cold-hearted sociopath. However, his ability to grasp people’s feelings and empathize with them makes him willing to play the “bad guy” as the need arises. No doubt a part of that willingness stems from his lifelong hostility to the government, but I believe Levi is one of the few characters capable of showing true, selfless love for others. After all, he’s a man who, despite an almost medically diagnosable aversion to contamination, is willing to hold the bloody hand of a dying comrade and offer them words of hope.

Let’s talk Attack on Titan: Who are your favorite characters? What are your favorite scenes? How full is your FEELS METER after watching the finale?

Photo by: Shutterspade Snapshots

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 03/11/2023

I have new cosplays in the works (pending December 2023!). For now, enjoy a Sherlock (MtP) throwback.

Do you have any iconic locations you always shoot your cosplays (almost like a tradition)? This chalk wings mural is one for me. It just so happens to also fit the finale scene from Moriarty the Patriot.


💀 How has cosplay made you braver? 💀

Halloween is nearly here! I can’t help but reflect a little on the subject of fear this time of year…

Growing up as that shameless geeky kid who learned Elvish and Saurian as her second and third languages, I was far from the self-conscious sort. Or so I thought. I was always aware of my cowardice. I went out of my way to play the gallant hero in all my friends’ imaginary games, as though to compensate for my fear of the boogeyman. Several years ago, I skulked out my house cosplaying as that “boogeyman”—a stitch-faced, red-eyed freakshow named Beyond Birthday—that would have given seven-year-old me nightmares.

I’m not necessarily fond of cosplaying villains, but I think, in many ways, Beyond Birthday is an homage to courage—a pat-on-the-back of sorts to say, “You did it, you big chicken! Look how far you’ve come.”

How has cosplay made you braver?

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 06/10/2023

Trigun is a super-serious story about guilt, redemption, and forgiveness…

…and whatever this is.

Special thanks to my good friend and fem-Wolfwood cosplayer for being such a good sport.

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 29/09/2023

✨Commission Reveal – Livio’s Mask✨

I love foam-smithing, using craft foam and clay foam to create props and armor. Recently, I had the pleasure of assisting this fantastic Livio cosplayer with her mask. (I built and sculpted it, and she painted it.) I’m thrilled with how it turned out. Dramatic photo collage incoming!

Fun Fact: The mask is kept in place by two attachments (No Razlo required!). One is a tiny piece of Velcro sewn near the hairline, and the other is Pros-Aide medical-grade adhesive which connects the mask directly to the cheek.

I designed the mask using craft foam (general base/shape) and clay foam (teeth, gills, etc.). To get the mask to adhere perfectly to the face, I formed the black eyepiece first and pressed it over her eye to fit her specific eyebrow ridge. Once I assembled the base, I used my Dremel to “scuff it up” a bit. The paint was the finishing touch!

(I also styled the wig!)

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 22/09/2023

☀️Last Day of Summer!☀️

September 23 marks the beginning of fall in my country, so here’s a little bit of Zack to wish those summer vibes (and, hopefully, heat!) a fond farewell!

Autumn is my absolute favorite season. I can’t wait to put on my fall video game OST playlist (Super Media All Stars on YouTube!), burn an autumn scent from Potions & Pyrelights (probably Akkala Autumn!), and enjoy my fair share of butternut squash soup (Fun Fact: I’m obsessed with it!).

Of course, autumn is a favorite time of cosplayers in general. (What other month but October can you traipse around town dressed as Sherlock Holmes or Zhongli without getting too many weird looks?) Do you have any cosplays planned for Halloween? Drop ‘em in the comments!


Happy 16th Anniversary, Crisis Core!!

My first Final Fantasy game and one that left a big impact on the way I tell stories and life live.

Zack Fair embodies sacrifice, loyalty, virtue, and optimism. He’s an easy fan favorite of many, but for me personally, he stands as a continuous reminder and encourager that it’s always right to do right—and the legacy we leave on others is the greatest of all.

Here’s to the next 16!

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 08/09/2023

✨🔍 “My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don’t.” 🔍✨

Sherlock’s world is one of logic and reason, cause and effect, clues and solutions. Because of this, I’ve experimented with a symbolic black-and-white design on these portrait shots. In Sherlock’s world, all is a dichotomy of “if this, then that.” But one must still leave room for subconscious intuition, which is where the splashes of blue (symbolic of imagination, inspiration, intuition) on the color palette come in.



I’m so excited to have won Clean Fiction’s cosplay contest. Thank you all *SO MUCH*! Whether you logged in and voted every day, or voted once, your support means the world to me.

Today’s a huge milestone for my Insta page, as I’ve hit over 600 followers! I initially started this account as a way to connect with other cosplayers and con friends, as well as keep a record of my own cosplay endeavors. I can’t believe it’s grown so much! Thank you all for being here. I love seeing the creativity and passion that goes into bringing your favorite characters and moments to life.

If you’d like to follow me on Insta, you can do so here:


💦🐉Diving into Fontaine🐉💦

Like… literally.

(Seriously, is anyone else having as much fun as me with the underwater exploration?)

Quick Disclaimer: I’m only in Part 2 of the new Archon quest, so go easy on the spoilers (for my sake and others who haven’t started yet)! If you want absolutely no spoilers on anything, period, skip this post.

As a huge fan of Ace Attorney, I’ve been positively *nerding* over what may very well be Fontaine’s direct inspiration from Great Ace Attorney (you know, the one with Sherlock Holmes?). Yes, we get a couple of great Sherlock references in there (including a beautiful butchering of his “eliminate the impossible” quotation), but I’m talking about the courtroom gameplay—complete with iconic “objection” pointing, testimony rebutting, and a giant scale of justice that dramatically tips as one side’s argument is favored. The stage magician flare also brings to mind a certain case in Spirit of Justice…

As someone who loves classic lit, I’m giving a megaphone-shouted “KUDOS” to MiHoYo for Fontaine’s mashup of Charles Dickens and Conan Doyle, with a smattering of religious mythology on top. The characters are interesting and engaging (I’m now wishing on Lyney’s banner after getting through some of his story), and the connections between them dramatic and intriguing. There’s mystery, murder, and mayhem aplenty. Not to mention all that beautiful Fontaine architecture and countryside. I’m looking forward to spending many hours soaking it in—especially that soundtrack (reminds me of some of Jon Mark’s music from “Land of Merlin”).

I’m still—and forever—a Zhongli main… but really looking forward to Neuvillette’s banner drop.

Who’s on your “must-have” Fontaine roster?

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 18/08/2023

✨On Being a Christian Cosplayer – How Identity Influences Cosplay✨

At its core, cosplay is an expression of identity. It allows us to be co-creators of something that matters to us. Cosplay says, “We all know and love that character’s story; now let’s add YOURS to it!”

For this reason, while there may be 27.9 Vashes (that missing arm adds up, haha) wandering about the convention, each one will be wholly unique—not simply in visual terms (angel wings, red/black coat, etc.) but also in symbolic significance. Each cosplayer infuses the character with a part of themselves, often building upon a pre-existing feature; some will relate to Vash’s happy-go-lucky attitude that inspires optimism, while others will find encouragement in Vash’s battles with depression, loneliness, and guilt.

I identify as Christian, and that identity influences everything that I do. This lens makes watching anime, such as Trigun, a fascinating experience, as I’m more sensitive to the overt symbolism inspired by Christianity. While I would never claim that Trigun is a “Christian anime” or that the author is out to make a “Christian statement,” I see the truths of Christianity at the core of Trigun’s broken world (perhaps because Christianity canonically exists in the world of Gunsmoke; the manga has Vash enter a church in time to hear the textbook salvation message).

Part of why I admire Vash is his Christ-like love for others. He literally “turns the other cheek” to his attackers, strives to heal the broken and rescue the powerless, all while leading with a disposition of meekness. Of course, Vash is a broken messiah at best—believing he has to earn forgiveness through acts of suffering, rather than looking to the One who bore all suffering for him.

When I cosplay Vash, I keep these traits foremost. He is a beautifully complex character who struggles with nasty personal demons while embodying compassion, forgiveness, and the universal theme of humanity’s need for redemption. This is how I infuse the character and cosplay with my identity.

Fun fact: The inside of Punisher is hollow and inscribed with various Bible verses that I relate to the series (my personal favorite being Luke 23:43—a reference to Wolfwood’s “Paradise” episode).


✨Happy Birthday, Cloud Strife!✨

Today on August 11th the spiky-haired hero of FFVII entered the world of Gaia. Ironically, this month, I also had the honor of meeting the awesome Steve Burton, who first brought Cloud to life for English speakers.

Cloud isn’t just an icon of gamers’ nostalgic childhoods. He’s also a physically and mentally broken “everyman” and source of inspiration.

“Ex-SOLDIER” Cloud Strife has solaced many gamers through his day-to-day struggles with chronic depression, PTSD, dissociative disorder, inferiority complex, and cherophobia across multiple video games, a film, and a series of light novels. Often forgotten in the wake of his convoluted psychology, Cloud’s chronic medical illness also stalks him like a wolf. After unethical experimentation, he contracts Mako poisoning so severe it leaves him catatonic twice and eventually manifests itself in a disease that both aggravates his mental condition and serves as a graphic metaphor for it. Though he’s a superhuman in a fantasy world, Cloud battles against lifelike illnesses with reassurance from friends that he’s “not alone” in his fight.

I can’t summarize the encouraging influence of Cloud better than Emily Palmieri in her piece “Advent Children: What’s Beneath the Fan Service”:

“Cloud is a fascinating choice . . . particularly for a medium proliferated with seemingly invincible protagonists. He’s mentally scarred, physically ill, easily exhausted, and emotionally distraught. Forget about fighting the bad guys; he struggles to find the strength to fight . . . Even someone as flawed and damaged as Cloud can survive, find strength, and feel happiness . . . These messages can be important for those who suffer from mental illness where seeing the good things in life is so difficult.”

What fond memories of Cloud Strife of FFVII are you reflecting on today?


✨Creator Spotlight – MythMesh✨

Accuracy and quality are top-of-mind whenever I build a prop or armor piece. It took me several weeks to finally decide on a pattern for my Trigun STAMPEDE Vash’s mechanical arm.

Fortunately, Myth.Mesh on Etsy came to the rescue! Their Pepakura templates are amazing! I’d never used Pepakura before, but their tutorials and detailed instructions made the process a cinch. I’m very pleased with the result, which has the right amount of bulk—and plenty of room for LEDs—to match Vash’s look in Trigun Stampede.

Myth.Mesh has many other templates for props, armor, and even Dragon Ball wigs. I highly recommend giving them a follow and checking them out!


🍩Why I’m Grateful to Trigun: STAMPEDE (A Not-so-long Essay)🍩

New entries to old favorites will always divide the fanbase to an extent. STAMPEDE, with its 3D animation, visual rebranding of characters, grimmer tone, and manga-meets-anime mashup, isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. One thing I hope we can all be grateful for, however, is the way STAMPEDE has brought Trigun back into spotlight and reintroduced it to a new generation of fans.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the sheer amount of fanart, fan candles, fan keychains, fan acrylics, and fan-you-name-its I’ve seen at every convention I’ve attended this past 6 months. There’s also been at least one (often several) Vash and Wolfwood duo cosplay group (complete with impressive Punisher and artificial arm replicas).

The benefits go beyond the mere representation in the fan community, though. Due to popular demand, Dark Horse is republishing the highly elusive (and expensive) Trigun MAXIMUM manga collection. Vash and Wolfwood are getting Nendoroids (and the original cast all got Funko POPs!). Livio has finally hit mainstream fanbase awareness. Who knows: Maybe we’ll even see a Blu-ray release of the original anime at some point!

Let me be clear: I’m in camp “I love STAMPEDE!” But I’m also a mega-sized fan of the manga and have fond memories of the original anime. Whatever part of Trigun you enjoy, whatever installment got you hooked on the world of Gunsmoke, welcome aboard this crazy Sand Steamer. I hope you fall in love with your stay.

Your ticket to the future is always blank!


✨🍩HAPPY BIRTHDAY VASH!! Cosplay Debut: Vash – Trigun STAMPEDE🍩✨

I was blessed to meet some amazing people at Metrocon—other Trigun fans who showered my group and me with love, and vice versa. (And, of course, I brought and handed out doughnuts!) I’ll have more photos to share of my Wolfwood, Livio, and Milly soon. I’m so proud of every member of my group. They worked so hard to bring these cosplays together. (Livio’s wig and mask are designed by me but colored by the cosplayer!)

Here's a few highlights from Metrocon 2023:

✨I handed out 30 doughnut holes. Apparently, that garnered me a reputation, because a Vash walked up to me at the end of the event and basically asked “Are you the Vash handing out doughnuts”?

✨Trigun is BACK! By far, Trigun was the most visually represented anime fandom at the event. I lost count of the number of Punishers and red trench coats I saw. Fans were REALLY creative. I saw an (articulated!) winged Vash, a Gunman in Black Vash, a Wolfwood with a portable confessional, and a Meryl with an old-fashioned working camera getting her journalist shots. I literally had someone walk up to me at the end of the con and ask, “Okay, WHAT is this series I keep seeing all over the Con?!” I happily filled him in.

✨People were REALLY nice. I witnessed so many gift exchanges—ranging from stickers to homemade jewelry—between fans who wanted to show appreciation for each other. There were many “days made” comments all around.

✨I got the 1st English signature for Young Knives in Trigun Stampede! Megan Shipman was the sweetest peanut ever. She enjoyed the role and said it was the first time she’d ever signed for the character (though playing a psychotic child was very different from her precious performance as Anya!).

More photos to come!

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 14/07/2023

✝️”That’s because it’s so full of mercy.”✝️

Building Punisher has been a 3-person labor of love. I designed the build, wrapped it, and crafted the belts. My friends painted and weathered while I measured and cut. Between the team effort, we managed to pull it together in time for Metrocon!

For its size, it weighs very little and can be easily carried over the shoulder by the cross-strap (double-layered and sewed for durability) or held in the crook of the arm. I’ve engineered it so the top beam comes off (it’s held on with Velcro and a sheath-like sliding piece) so it will fit in the back of a car.

The cross is made of quarter-inch foamboard hot-glued together, then wrapped with fabric: Yes, it was that simple! The belts are made from a faux leather/vinyl material and glued in place. The buckles are crafted from 1/8-inch foam, mod podged, painted, and mod podged again for extra-shiny effect, then hot-glued in place.

We’re a big Trigun group, and you can find us at Metrocon tomorrow on Saturday. (Yes, I will have doughnuts!) Can’t wait to see you all!


🍩Trigun & Silhouettes (an Appreciation of Nightow’s Lanky Men) 🍩

Nightow isn’t the least bit shy about his Western storytelling and superhero obsession. Flip Monev’s name backwards and you have Venom, as one such example. Even the most recent retelling of Trigun involves a rather Superman-like evacuation of Vash and Nai from the SEEDs ship for the human planet.

Superheroes are defined by their silhouettes. And while good character design in general should be easily recognizable by the shadow it casts, this is especially true of superheroes. The superhero stance, with hands akimbo and chest stuck out, is perhaps the most iconic of all character silhouettes. One could even argue that superhero comics solidified the importance of silhouette in mainstream visual storytelling. Can you recognize the character’s outline at a glance? Then you’ve done your design right!

Nightow takes the concept of the silhouette beyond just his characters’ designs, however. His panels are chock-full of crazy-cool, anatomy-defying action poses—to the point that you can dye his characters into black shapes and still follow the action. It’s part of his unique visual style and makes any one of his panels a stand-alone masterpiece.

This makes Trigun character posing an absolute BLAST! I’m regrettably nowhere near as flexible as Nightow’s lanky men, but it’s the effort that counts here. Throw in a heavy prop like Punisher or the Angel Arm and you add even more crazy, challenging complexity to the photoshoot. (Might as well try a JoJo pose while we’re at it…)

is just around the corner! Anybody else cosplaying Trigun there?

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 30/06/2023

✨Did someone say MORE Spy x Patriot content?✨

Crossover shoots are FUN! I recently hit my local downtown area to grab a few dramatic shots with my good friend (who happens to be a fantastic Yor cosplayer). It’s not necessarily intended to be a ship. (And if it is, rest assured this is an AU where Yor BRIAR is still single! Loid and Yor DESERVE each other!)

On that note: Did you guys catch the trailer for Spy x Family CODE: White? Who else is hyped for the Spy x Family movie later this year? Anyone planning to cosplay at the theater?

(Full disclosure: If I ever cosplay from Spy x Family, it will be a humanoid version of best boi Bond. I’d go with a butler-inspired theme, complete with a white suit, black gloves, monocle, and giant fuzzy mustache. And, yes, I would say “BORF” upon request.)

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 23/06/2023

☀️Summer is HERE!☀️

…Which means it’s time for an FFVII beach day throwback!

This was one of my first photoshoots in a “public” place. The natural lighting and beautiful backdrop resulted in some fantastic photos with my Tifa and Aerith.

I’m considering other “beach day” photoshoots for Tokyo Revengers (Baji) and Moriarty the Patriot (Sherlock) cosplay groups. Not only do you get some new photos for your social media, but you also get to enjoy a relaxing day in the sun, inhaling that cleansing, salty-sweet air. A win-win!

Have you ever done a photoshoot on the beach? What character or series would be your dream beach shoot? Drop it in the comments!


✨Massive Patriot Shoot – Photos Incoming! ✨

(Preface: Yeah, that’s a pure chaos JoJo pose shot. The people eating dinner on the patio outside the restaurant across the street had a blast watching the madness unfold.)

We recently added an Albert to our Moriarty the Patriot cosplay group! My Lous, William, Albert, and I had a blast running around the downtown area of our little town getting photos (and confusing a lot of passersby). Cosplaying in a non-convention space is always a bit intimidating, but made easier with friends. (What’s that old saying about strength in numbers? Well, it’s true!) If you have good people in your life, cherish them. There’s nothing in the world worth the time you spend with them.

Metrocon is coming next month, and I’m working hard on Vash from Trigun: STAMPEDE. The wig is finished, and the arm is next! I’ll be part of a group, so be on the lookout for a Trigun squad—and don’t be afraid to say “Hello!” (I usually have doughnuts on me!)

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 09/06/2023

Did you guys see that ✨DOUBLE TRAILER DROP✨ for FFVII: Remake and Ever Crisis!?

My brain has fully locked into hyper-analysis mode. Elena finally being brought into the new gen? Red XIII is now playable? Sephiroth is getting new Crisis Core-era cutscenes? WAS THAT THE HIGHWIND IN THE DISTANCE!?

I can’t wait for my Turk girl Juget to get more love when Ever Crisis drops later this year (fingers crossed)! I’m feeling today, so here’s me with my Cissnei from a few years back.

Have you played Before Crisis before (or watched a walkthrough)? Which part of Ever Crisis are you most looking forward to?

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 26/05/2023

🎉🔎Happy Birthday, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle! 🎉🔎

This week on May 22nd, the creator of Sherlock Holmes celebrated what would have been his 164th birthday!

The impact that Sherlock Holmes has had on society can’t be overstated—from influencing how real crimes are investigated, to inspiring thousands of retellings and adaptations that impact popular culture. He continues to be a prominent figure in the world of fictional characters.

I’ll never forget my trip to London when I got to tour the Sherlock Holmes Museum, a recreation of his Baker Street flat. I hope to visit again someday in cosplay and get some beautiful shots in character. Until then, this lovely antique mall near my hometown provided some period-centric settings for a memorable photoshoot.

Anime has seen many incarnations of the “World’s Greatest Detective.” Which has been your favorite? What’s your favorite Sherlock Holmes quotation?

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 19/05/2023

✨ Vash/Eriks without Glasses (a.k.a. – An Unexpected Deep-Dive into the Use of Shades) ✨

TL;DR – Ya’ll asked for glasses-less pics, and you got ‘em!

The eyes are the window to the soul. For this reason, fiction often uses glasses as visual shorthand to characterize someone—often as shady or mysterious. After all, if you can’t see their eyes, you can’t know what kind of person they *really* are!

Vash inverts this trope in a few different ways. When we first meet “the Humanoid Typhoon,” he’s a wanted (possibly deranged?) criminal, so his orange-tinted glasses (which completely cover his eyes) help emphasize our uncertainty.

However, as we get to know the real man in the geranium-red coat, we realize that Vash covers his eyes to hide his pain. Wolfwood is quick (the very first, in fact) to pick up on Vash’s fake smile and sad gaze. The “Humanoid Typhoon” hides his pain behind his specs.

When Vash goes off-radar as Eriks for two years, he replaces his creamsicle-orange shades with a colorless pair (symbolic of trying to bury his identity and social optimism behind a false, ordinary persona). However, when Wolfwood finally hunts him down, Vash loses his iconic glasses while protecting the townspeople—marking one of the first times we see Vash’s face unobscured for much of an episode.

Seeing Vash without his trademark glasses is a special treat for readers and viewers, and I wanted to pay homage to this with a few glasses-less shots.


So yesterday I MAY HAVE given a TEDx Talk where I MAY HAVE used the phrase “Vash the Stampede, my all-time favorite anime character.”

Thusly have I cemented this fact to the world, and thusly shall I be remembered for the rest of time. 🤣

I’ll share the video clip once it goes live on YouTube in a few weeks. My talk is about the universal language of pop culture and how it can be used in education.

Thanks, guys, for all your support in helping me get this far.

❤️🤞Love & Peace🤞❤️

PS - I may have stolen the hat from my group’s Daybreak (SpyxFamily) for this pic

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 05/05/2023

🌟Creator Spotlight: PocketToku🌟

My Trigun-obsessed friends all have one of these adorable roly-poly plushies! These “Planet Gunsmoke Pocket Heroes” come in six different character variations. They make decorative desktop buddies (stack ‘em!), “kawaii” cosplay photoshoot extras (pack ‘em!), and great stress-relieving palm plushies.

If you want a tiny Vash, Wolfwood, Knives, Legato, Milly, or Meryl, you can check out the complete collection at !



I’m celebrating today because you’ve brought me a new milestone: 550 followers on Instagram, and 100 followers on Facebook! Thank you all for following me on this crazy cosplay journey.

I’ve got three more cosplays planned this year. Trigun STAMPEDE Vash will debut at Metrocon 2023, and then I’ll be dropping a couple of Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Hopes cosplays toward the Fall/Winter 2023 seasons.

I set a personal goal of four new cosplays this year. Thank you for cheering me on!

Also: If I haven’t said this enough times already, I’m incredibly grateful for the outpouring of love (and donuts emojis) my Eriks cosplay has received from the Trigun fanbase. This cosplay has been 10 years in the making (9.5 to get over the self-consciousness of cosplaying my favorite anime character, and 0.5 to actually make him!). You guys are awesome.

Now, I want to hear from YOU: What cosplays have you accomplished this year? Which ones do you have planned? Let’s cheer each other on!

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 21/04/2023

“Every moment hesitated is a moment gone from life.” ~ Wolfwood

What would you try if you knew you couldn’t fail? I’ve had many dreams on the backburner that I’ve only just now started to pursue in 2023—voice acting, presenting a TEDx Talk, learning to sew…

I don’t believe in wasted experience. As long you take the time to collect a steppingstone from each of your mistakes, you can create a pathway to success. I do, however, believe that you’re only guaranteed to miss the shots you don’t take.

Case in point: Cosplaying my favorite anime character, Vash, has been a lifelong goal, but I felt self-conscious about getting him “just right.” “Eriks” has been one of my best-received cosplays. I’ll be debuting Stampede Vash in July 😊

Second Case in Point: I recently auditioned for a voice acting role that I nearly dropped out of, thinking the age-old, “They’ll never pick me.” I got the role.

Don’t let the negativity of others, past failures, or future fears stop you from launching out. You are your own worst critic. Reality often plays out differently than it looks and sounds in your head. Be bold. The world will be lesser for losing your untapped talent.

On that note, Trigun has many inspiring quotations. What’s your favorite?

Photos from Cutsceneaddict Cosplay's post 14/04/2023

✨ Vash vs. Wolfwood – a Study in Redemption

"People who sin say, 'it's too late now to stop.' The shadow called sin dogs them steadily from behind, silently without a word. Remorse and agony are repeated only to end up at despair in the end, but the sinners just don't know that if they'd only turn around there's a light there, a light which keeps shining on them ever so lonely. A light that will never fade." ~ Vash, Trigun #8

**Light spoilers for Trigun MAXIMUM**

Through their redemption arcs, both Vash’s and Wolfwood face the same weight of sin. Vash’s tremendous guilt causes him to play the martyr, never raising his gun to take a life, even when sparing certain lives causes him immense personal pain and persecution.

Wolfwood—a member of the cultic Eye of Michael—assumes he is too deep in treachery and crime already, and so continues to shoot first and ask questions later, considering himself a lost cause in the eyes of God. While they take opposite approaches to the same predicament, both Vash and Wolfwood believe themselves incapable of forgiveness for their sins.

While Vash has a repentant heart but struggles to realize that his self-salvation is in vain, Wolfwood acknowledges his fallible human nature but fails to see how it can ever obtain salvation to begin with. It’s through Vash’s imperfect example that Wolfwood begins to catch glimpses of salvation. The way that Vash chooses to spare and love his enemies—and the way that he chooses to see Wolfwood as a friend—creates a change of heart in the priest.

The story's ending resolves both characters’ fruitless quests for self-atonement in a beautifully poignant manner.

Salvation is tailor-made for the Wolfwood’s and Vash’s—those who feel that they cannot escape their sinful nature no matter what they do, and those who feel they must atone for wrongdoings on their own. It takes humility—a shameless plea for forgiveness from Wolfwood, and a giving up of personal perfectionism from Vash—for Trigun’s infamous gunmen to realize the reality of a salvation beyond their ability.