Reiki Healing With Caroline

Reiki Healing With Caroline

Reiki Healing services in person and online. Based in North Herts, offering hands on healing and distance reiki sessions for clients.


Would you like to heal and grow in 2022? Do you feel that you need some support on your healing journey, to help you to overcome and show up as you truly want to? Reiki healing can support you emotionally as well as physically and mentally and can help to shift you to space where you have more clarity, a greater sense of purpose and a deep feeling of peace.

For more information on how reiki healing could help you, please DM me.


I would like to wish all of my customers and clients a very Merry Christmas......


Can reiki help me to feel stronger emotionally and more connected to who I am? Yes it can.....reiki is especially helpful with emotional issues and is gentle, supportive and non intrusive. If you want to find out more about how I can support you DM me for more information......


I am taking in person bookings for reiki healing in November and December now. If you would like to book an appointment please message me or if you would more information around how I can support you, please reach out.


I am currently offering distance crystal reiki during the month of August at half price, £20 for a 45 min session. Reiki is a powerful healing modality that naturally supports and cleanses the body, mind and energy centres. It works so beautifully with the vibrations of crystals, supporting, cleansing and clearing.

Healing helps with many illnesses and emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, stomach disorders, muscular pain, insomnia an so on.

Message me for more information.


Reiki healing with crystals coming soon......


So today I am sharing more about my new oracle cards and healing sessions. These sessions have been developed from my natural connection to healing and supporting clients. Within my work as a healer and a psychic I feel into the energy of the here and now, tune into the immediate future and guide clients towards the next steps. Healing and psychic intuition go hand in hand, whether it be healing the client, healing a situation or both, it is a powerful tool and helps you to start to move forward in a positive and loving way.

These sessions will be 1.5 hours via zoom, with a card reading to tune into the energy and next steps, healing to support those next steps and some practical help for you to empower yourself and continue to grow. These sessions will be £60 for the 1.5 hours but I am offering them at £45 to the first five people that book with me.

I am so excited and feel really privileged to share this opportunity with you. Please message me to book your session or if you want to ask me anymore questions.


Distance healing supporting your wellbeing from the comfort of your own home. DM me for more information to see how I could support you


Healing begins with the intention to make change, to let go, to focus on good health and positive vibrations. When you surrender to the healing process, beautiful things materialise. Reiki is so much more than's a journey.


Supporting clients with distance reiki, from the comfort of their own home. Powerful treatments, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience and relax in your own space.

DM me for a consultation or for more information.


There are many benefits to reiki healing, it supports us physically and mentally, as well as helping us to release emotions, allowing us to make space to move forward in life.

Let's focus on the mind. Right now, many of us are experiencing anxiety, stress and perhaps feelings of despair. We may be unsure where to turn to for support and healing. Reiki helps to release the feelings of anxiety, brings a sense of calm and clarity, an opportunity to find peace. Space to just be.

Before a treatment we talk through your experiences and why you feel that you need help, what solutions you are looking for and guidance to help you to reach those solutions. Packaged into one space, bespoke to you, catering for your needs and your needs only .

DM me for more information about treatments or for an informal chat about how I can help you.


Healing can be offered at a distance or hands on.....the benefits are always the same. Connecting with you energetically and sending healing.....being at home means that you can relax in your own space and just be.


Easter and Spring time always feel like an opportunity for the new, change, metamorphosis and rebirth. 2021 more than ever feels as though it is calling us to step into something new and make that change. Leaving behind the old can feel hard, bring up old emotions or feelings that need to be healed. Breaking away and stepping into the brand new can make you feel vulnerable but support is always there.

Reiki healing is a support system that helps you to do this physically, emotionally and spiritually. It's a beautiful, natural process working with your energy in a safe, expansive way.

Face to face appointments are now available for April, message me for more information so that you can begin your journey towards rebirth right now.


I am able to take bookings for face to face reiki healing from the end of April. Please message me if you are interested in having some hands on healing.


So many of us are feeling tired, drained and exhausted with life right now. The last year has been a very testing time for many of us and it feels as though we need support, a space to heal and an opportunity to express our emotions.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that provides all of the above and more. It is a natural, safe way to pick ourselves back up and start to feel like the person we once were.

DM me for more information about healing or to book an appointment.

Timeline photos 17/02/2021

Healing is an energy often associated with healing. Nurturing and nourishing, it feels like new life and invokes a sense of growth and change.

You may be drawn to wearing certain colours at any one time, this is because you would benefit from the energy and healing properties of that colour. What colours.are you feeling drawn to in the here and now?


Healing is a two way journey.....the healer facilitates the process and the client experiences it. The client will see, feel, express different emotions, energies and physical sensations. It's a beautiful exchange......


Are you curious to know more about distance reiki?


Offering distance reiki appointments for January and February. DM for more information to see how I can support you.

Timeline photos 09/01/2021

I offer distance reiki to help support your mind, body and spirit. A space to.feel calm, relaxed and at peace all from the comfort of.your own home.

Timeline photos 30/11/2020

Connecting with reiki, supporting, healing, evolving and growing.


Reiki can support your mental health by providing you with a space to heal, relax and reconnect to the moment. Supporting our health in whatever way we can is so important right now. Reiki holds space for you to allow physical, mental and emotional healing to take place. It's gentle, natural and peaceful.


So I thought I would go back and explore the reiki principles, to feel into them again and understand how they can support myself and my clients old and new.

Today I am looking at emotions, "just for today I will not anger, just for today I will not worry...." So in the current climate that we are in, worry, fear and anger are prevalent emotions. We can choose to allow ourselves to fall into the rabbit hole of these emotions or we can acknowledge them, allow them to pass through us and let them go. It sounds easy right? Sometimes it doesn't feel that simple, things get on top of you and then before you know it you have held onto your emotions and caused "dis-ease." stress, anxiety and you are really not feeling so good.

So if you are experiencing these extreme emotions and are finding that you can't sleep, you feel anxious, perhaps you have an upset stomach that won't go away or continuous headaches, reiki can help you. Reiki supports your natural healing abilities by allowing the body to rest, let go and flow into alignment. Having regular treatments, healing and feeling more relaxed equals a happier, calmer more resilient you.

DM me for more information to see how can reiki can start supporting you.


Supporting naturally with reiki to help with:

* Anxiety
* Stress
* Insomnia
* Sadness
* Physical tension

Helping you to feel peace, calm, relaxation, a sense of release, increased energy, harmony, focus.....

Timeline photos 21/09/2020

Meditation, sunshine, nature.and self reiki - bliss!!!


Welcome to my business page. My name is Caroline Partridge and I have been working with reiki for 15 years. This wonderful healing therapy kick-started my deeper journey into spiritual exploration and helps support my wellbeing, as well as my clients. I have worked with many people, my specialty being those who feel lost and have been experiencing low mood/stress or anxiety in their lives. Having those feelings and that sense of disconnection in life really inhibits you and can lead you into emotional turmoil, mild depression and frustration. Reiki helps to release those feelings and start the healing process, in a natural, safe and beautiful way.