Soit Naturel

Soit Naturel

This page will recommend natural products made in Asia for easy body care.


I am a normal girl like you who moved to Canada in 2020 in a hope of a beautiful and independent life. I am on the way to conquering the same. However, my skin, hair, and body did not accept Canada which is why I face a lot of challenges such as hair loss, cracked lips, white skin, and other countless minor issues which eventually became monsters in my head. I know it's not just me 😇

After trying the expensive skincare in Canada, I gave up and started purchasing natural body care products from Asia which are made with home remedies and without harmful chemicals. Of course, it's not like a one-night lottery, but you feel the difference after continuous usage. They saved me, So here I am to save you.

On this page, whenever I get some time on weekends, I will post products that are natural and made with Asian home remedies. You can read about them, research about them, and can purchase them. They are as cheap as having a quick breakfast at Tim Hortons.

So Stay tuned.
