Chena Anderson ND - Healing Waters

Chena Anderson ND - Healing Waters

I help people find their unique design for a transformational life. I help them overcome energetic


This is the moment we live for… to bring forth life! Empowering life changing a moment that lasts forever!


I love this idea!!!


These are the last looking for home!

Timeline photos 08/12/2022

Turn your health journey into a lifestyle with the BioScan Health and Wellness scan. With the help of a holistic health professional, you can learn about your overall health, food sensitivities and more to strategically improve your health quality. To learn more click the link...

Timeline photos 06/12/2022

A comprehensive health and wellness scan will be provided to you in order to provide helpful information on how to improve your health. This scan will evaluate your overall health, allergies, and food sensitivities, as well as cellular assessment to assess chronic dis-ease patterns, which will help you make informed decisions about the health protocol you initiate to take control of your health.

Timeline photos 05/12/2022

The BioScan will give you answers to some of your most pressing health questions. Our test will provide information on overall health as well as food sensitivities and much more to give you access to the information you need to strategically improve your health quality. We are able to identify which foods will help you stay healthy and strong while discouraging the ones that may be associated with illness or poor quality of life. As well as tailoring a specific nutritional protocol and infoceutical just for you!


Completely agree

"I don’t know who needs to hear this, but
attachment parenting in a detached society is exhausting.
No. It’s not your baby.
There is nothing wrong with them if they want to be held all the time.
No. It’s not you.
You’re not doing it wrong.
Your feelings of exhaustion and depletion and being touched out are normal- considering the weight you’re carrying. Those feelings, and the deep ache underneath them - are a reminder that you were never meant to do this alone.
Babies want to be held. And we want to hold them close. Exclusive/extended breastfeeding, cosleeping, babywearing - all of these are intuitive, ancestral practices that have kept our species alive throughout history. Attachment parenting is just parenting!!
But never before have we parented in such isolation. There were always other hands stirring the soup pot, other aunties, and sisters, and uncles and grandmas, and cousins, and neighbors helping with the daily tasks and child rearing. Other arms carrying the weight of raising humanity. Together.
And now, it’s just you. Alone in the kitchen, trying to stir the soup and bounce the baby and play with the toddler and keep an eye on the big kid and answer the phone and sweep up the mess and tackle the laundry and .....
No matter how magical your baby wrap is — it can’t take the place of a whole village.
So no, you’re not doing it wrong. You’re just trying to stay connected in a world set on tearing you apart.
But don’t give up mama. I know you’re tired and touched out, but you’re giving your baby exactly what she needs. And maybe one day, when she’s raising her own babies, there will be a village around her, helping her hold it all together."

words and 📷 by ❤️




Stepping into nature allows me to relax and remember who I really am. It helps me to be inspired and see God speaking through the natural surroundings to and discover my true inner beauty!

Come to Healing Waters and unlock the doors of the past and discover your hearts desires and unpack your future. Click the link below.


I love to observe the symetry of sacred geometry expressed in the plants of nature.

It reminds me that each of us was designed uniquely and mystically by our Creator. We are fearfully and wonderfully made!!!!

Come to Healing Waters and unlock the doors of the past and discover your hearts desires and unpack your future. Click the link below.

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 18/10/2022

Visit TikTok to discover videos! Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.


Time --- a frustrating concept. Sometimes time feels as if it is a prison or an illusive prize that doesn't really exist. Each moment seems to go v***r before the tasks of the day are fully accomplished.

or it feels scares, like there is never enough of it...someone beat you too it and there was never going to be enough for you!

But what if you could find the time for yourself for just 3 days...time to discover all that is locked within you. Take the chance and invest in yourself and discover what the next season has for you.

Step into your next season with the gift of Retreat-- Click the link below.


Each of us carries a light within us from birth. In a perfect world, this light grows throughout our lifetime. Unfortunately, the light is often tarnished as life happens to us.

One of the greatest blessings in my life is the opportunity to help others find their light again and polish it until it can truly shine brilliantly... By discovering their true hearts desires and activating your gift to the world you can fully experience the inner light beaming for the world.

Step into your next season with the gift of Retreat-- Click the link below.


The past is a tricky subject....often we prefer to forget, delete or ignore the negative instead of seeing that even the awful was part of a yet to be discovered beautiful destiny.

At Healing Waters we help you begin to reflect and see the beauty that the fertilizer of the past has provided to grow a majestic future.

Step into your next season with the gift of Retreat-- Click the link below.


I love feeling inspired. I find nature to be a divine breath that carries me through most days.

When I spend time in retreat, I love to be in nature. I love to really look at the seasons changing, and reflect on how my life is constantly cycling through seasons of its own.

Step into your next season with the gift of Retreat--
Retreat Waters. Click the link below.


I was never good at using directions... I could always get lost easier than arrive where I was supposed to.

And frankly the only class I ever failed in college was Geography.

And yet, directions are essential...
Putting together furniture- (i have a teenage expert for that)
Baking--cookbooks are awesome!
Maturity comes in stages, can't run before you walk-
You have to learn the steps before you can do a Ballroom dance!

Your Future Direction is waiting--Step into your future and discover how your next direction can be clearer when you have a guide.

Join us for the Elemental Journey Retreat @ Healing Waters. Click the link below.


Transformation can happen in your life in many ways. Sometimes its a person who enters your life in an unusual and unexpected way. I find when I get away for a time of retreat I rediscover the depth of who I really am.

The Elemental Journey Retreat became a sacred time to reevaluate my life where I am in time, season and space. This helps me step into my next season with grace and divine direction. Join me on the journey at Healing Waters Retreat.

Click the link to learn more about The Transformation Retreat.


Many years ago we stopped locking our doors, I know that sounds crazy but we moved onto a property in a very secluded place and frankly lost the keys, and just never needed them... Now 10 plus years later, its an honor and blessing to live in such a special place that we feel completely safe and secure on our property that we need no keys to unlock the door.
Along the way though, I began to discover that my heart unlike my home had many locks on it. Many placed in childhood.
My father was a law enforcement officer and he always said, "locks are for honest criminals". He installed large deadbolts the day before he left us. I was 8. I'll leave you to ponder that one.
So from then till now at 52 I still have locks on my heart.. I may feel safe in my home, but not fully in my heart. I've spent 44 years unwrapping keys and removing locks... Through the past several years since Covid shut down the world, I've spent my time unpacking my memories of the past and then discovering keys to unlock the future... Each key hidden in the past.
Come to Healing Waters and unlock the doors of the past and discover your heart's desires and unlock your future.

Click the link to learn more about The Transformation Retreat.


At the feed store


Over the past 2 years I discovered a magical principle:
All the challenges of a lifetime...bring forth the gift inside you.

Like good lemonade, the lemon must be squeezed to bring forth the prized flavoring ingredient. How have you been squeezed over the past few years?

Explore the magic of your past and future at Healing Waters Retreat... and join the Elemental Journey!

Click the link to learn more about The Transformation Retreat.


I spent a lifetime learning to heal myself, then the gifts of healing began to flow from me as well.

The opportunity to train around the world with healing masters in the art. & now I teach others to access their gifts in order to help others heal as well.

Join me on the healing journey!

Click the link to learn more about The Transformation Retreat.

Clickfunnels - Page Not Found 01/10/2022

A life changing opportunity....No one leaves unchanged.

Clickfunnels - Page Not Found


Walmart delivered someone else’s order to our place! I always wanted one of these for teaching anatomy!


I always wanted one of these for anatomy demonstrations! Well Walmart sent one here by accident! So now he’s mine!
