Neuro Palma

Neuro Palma

Neuro Palma is a digi-local clinic with the intention to provide, professional, honest and personali


Finally our webpage is polyglot 🇸🇪🇪🇸🇬🇧🙏🏿
Välkomna, welcome, bienvenidos!!!


Important thoughts by Timothy Snyder, not only applicable on the American welfare system but also European ones. My diagnostic of the current situation is that Neuro Palma is not the solution but rather a symptom of the Malady. The only way that I could find, that enables me to practice medicine the way that I believe I do it the very best, combining science and dialogue. The need of totally private medicine is a result of economics and not medicine controlling the hospitals, which in the end makes both physians and patients be less human.. I hope we, as a society, could find a vaccine to this disease as well... It all goes hand in hand with enlightenment...

Marie Strandberg | Neuro Palma 11/12/2020

I proudly present Marie Strandberg. Our licensed Psychologist authorized to practice as a clinical psychologist both in Sweden and in Spain. She offers online therapy in English, Swedish and Spanish.

and of course the treatment is always evidence based.

Marie Strandberg | Neuro Palma psychologist, online, Palma de Mallorca, tele-medicine

Loss of smell in patients with COVID-19 08/12/2020

For those of you that lost your sense of smell due to a recent covid-19 (or those of you that are just curious) infection this could be a intriguing read. Small study-group but still interesting.

Loss of smell in patients with COVID-19 Objective To assess the physiopathology of olfactory function loss (OFL) in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we evaluated the olfactory clefts (OC) on MRI during the early stage of the disease and 1 month later. Methods This was a prospective, monocentric, case-controlled study. Tw...
