Heart 2 Heart

Heart 2 Heart

Meet 2 like hearted healers and spiritual coaches who share insight, experience and real life stuff.


⭐ Breaking Free From Burnout Masterclass ⭐

As a spiritual teacher, entrepreneur, or healer, are you tirelessly devoted to nurturing the well-being of others, always putting their needs before your own?

As healers, we often find ourselves in the role of perpetual giver, constantly "doing" for others without ever pausing to replenish our own life force energy, which can leave us feeling drained, exhausted and question how there isn't enough hours in the day.

It's a noble calling, but what happens when the healer needs healing?

Join us on February 27 at 12 PM EST for a profound one-hour online training session led by transformational healer and mentor Alison Davies.

In this empowering masterclass, we'll delve into the heart of healer burnout and discover how to reclaim our energy without sacrificing our compassionate touch.

Alison will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you unravel the deeply ingrained belief that your worth is tied to your ability to serve.

Together, we'll explore the transformative power of turning our focus inward, learning to prioritize our own well-being without guilt or shame, so we can feel more calm and connected. To feel that spark of hope again as you see how this is leading you to a brighter and greater future.

Through a deeper understanding of how healing operates at the quantum level, and you'll uncover and release the blocks that have kept your well-being sidelined for far too long.

Imagine what it could feel like to heal from a place of abundance, where your inner flame burns bright and your energy is replenished, not depleted, in the name of service.

It's time to reset, revitalize, and reignite your inner flame, healer.

Your light is not only essential for the world but also for yourself. Don't miss this opportunity to reclaim your power and rediscover the joy of living in alignment with your true purpose. Sign up now and take the first step toward a life of balance, fulfillment, and boundless energy.

I look forward to seeing your there!

Click on the following link register for my free webinar - Break Free From Burnout - Unveiling 5 Transformative Shifts to Beat Burnout.

Love & Sunshine


You may know the concept of asking for help. But when you have spent most of your life doing it for yourself, asking for help is foreign.

Alison & Lisa share their insights into this as they are learning how to ask for help.


How these mama's are handling the Monday drama's.


Join Alison & Lisa as they dive into the myths common in spirituality and hypnosis. And whatever else should come up.


2023 Reflections ~ all the roller coaster ride of 2023, the good, the bad and holy s**t moments. Join us to know you are not alone in this journey.

$300 OFF Black Friday Special 13/11/2023

Lisa and I are so excited to LAUNCH with you something that has been in creation for some time. The energies and movement is perfect for this course!


As you may already know, when Lisa and I get our minds and spirits together MAGIC happens.

Drop a comment below to find out more, or message either Universal Healing (Lisa) or myself Awaken Your Awesomeness with Alison Davies to register now.

Just imagine, 2 Days in Hypnosis, becoming a clear channel to your Higher Self gaining inner wisdoms just for you!

$300 OFF Black Friday Special


We have some exciting news!!!


Wouldn't you love to start the season feeling energized, grounded and happy hearted! Join us, as we are so excited to launch our next Heart Healing Day Retreat.

Listen now to the insight and the experiences shared in our very first one (October 21). Reach out for more info or to register! [email protected]


Oh wait....only 5 days away!!


It is time for your transition.
To release the veils preventing you from seeing all your possibilities.
For you to see Your Magnificence like we do...we see you.



Burnt out?

Feel like you are going in circles?

When was the last time you did something for yourself?
Just for you?

Time to awaken from the fear based world into a love filled reality.

Join Alison & Lisa in their Heart Healing 1 Day retreat so you can reconnect with your soul and expand spiritually.

It is so exciting to be hosting this LIVE IN PERSON retreat, empowering us all to fully feel the energetic support from one another in a safe place.

You will:
☀ Connect to the power of your Intuition
☀ The Power of your thoughts. (They cast the spell to your current reality)
☀ How to listen to the energy of your body
☀ Achieve greater alignment with your heart, mind and higher self
☀ Strengthen your Personal Power
☀ Release Negative Emotions from your past, past lives, ancestral and other dimensions

Only 20 women will be accepted to work in this safe and transformative container. Allowing us to go deeper into what is draining your life force energy and shift it into light and empowerment.

After this Retreat, you will be energized and have a new level of passion for life.

To learn more message me or you can register at https://www.joshuacreekarts.com/wellness/heart-healing-retreat/

We would be honoured to be part of your healing and expansion today.

⭐️⭐️Promotional BONUS!⭐️⭐️
Bring a friend and both receive $111 off!!


More information about what is coming up!


it's official - we will be coming to you live in Oakville for a ...


Lisa and Alison have some exciting news to share! You do not want to miss.


There is so much hype about it. What is is really? How does it impact you?

Join Lisa & Alison as they explore this and so much more.....
Make sure you comment below so they know you are there!!


The good. The bad. And the WTF!

Oh wait! There are no bad and good emotions, only....join us and find out ;)


Loving yourself is the greatest gift.

It is the key to having a happy and joyous life. ❤❤❤


I am not going to lie.
I am still on a post Awaken Your Power Course high.

I know that I am capable of many things.

As all the women learned and internalized this past week - you are enough and everything you need is already inside of you.

The beauty of teaching this is that I am reminded myself.

I find myself lifting my head higher.
Finding I am not procrastinating anymore.
Believing in myself and my communication skills.
Knowing that I CAN and WILL do what I set out to do.

Finding myself saying I AM ENOUGH and meaning it.

As healers we often put others first - before ourself. This course brings you back to yourself - transforming and growing your own beliefs - as well as teaching you how to do on others.

But it all comes back to YOU!!

If you are sitting on the fence about attending my next one the April 23-30th, 2022 - ask yourself "Will it bring me closer to my goals?".

If you said YES - the money and time will present itself. I promise you.

You just have to decide!

PM me or email me at [email protected] to set up a call and begin the application process.

It is the best self love gift you can give for you and your family.

Enrolment is open now.


JOIN ME LIVE on fb TONIGHT @ 8:30pm

Join me as I guide you through a special meditation bringing in the energy of love, unity and oneness with ourselves and others. Let the world around you fade away so you can connect with the world within you. Allow yourself to feel grounded, at peace and open to receiving the energy of love.

Please share this with anyone who needs this in their life right now.

And so it is!
Love & Light,
Lisa Gauder


Join me in this Live Meditation to bring in love and share it with the world.

Everyone needs Love, in some shape or form. It's what fuels us, makes us feel alive. It gives us a sense of purpose, motivation and the hope we need to believe in ourselves, our dreams, and a better world.

February can be an extremely hard month especially for those who feel alone, lost, unseen or unheard, disconnected and even unloved.

So I want to connect all souls no matter where you are in life or how you feel to join me in my Live guided meditation. Let me bring in the energy of Love so you can fill your internal cup, and as it overflows send and share it with the rest of the world. Let your loved ones, and all souls be wrapped in its power, so they may feel comfort, joy, healed, loved and safe.

We need each other, and the world needs us too! Let us send loving energy and hope to all our soul sisters and brothers.
And so it is!

Lisa Gauder


Everyone needs Love, in some shape or form. It's what fuels us, makes us feel alive. It gives us a sense of purpose, motivation and the hope we need to believe in ourselves, our dreams, and a better world.

February can be an extremely hard month especially for those who feel alone, lost, unseen or unheard, disconnected and even unloved.

So I want to connect all souls no matter where you are in life or how you feel to join me in my Live guided meditation. Let me bring in the energy of Love so you can fill your internal cup, and as it overflows send and share it with the rest of the world. Let your loved ones, and all souls be wrapped in its power, so they may feel comfort, joy, healed, loved and safe.

We need each other, and the world needs us too! Let us send loving energy and hope to all our soul sisters and brothers.
And so it is!

Lisa Gauder


Sometimes things seem to run smoothly.
Sometimes things seem to run anything BUT smoothly.

Lisa and Alison have been feeling all of this and more. Here they are to share what they have found has been able to keep them sane (somewhat anyways!)


I cannot believe it is already 2022!! Where did the time go.

Lisa and Alison are officially back with more programs to share, more opportunities for you to ask questions that we will talk about, and so much more!
Join us now

Videos (show all)

How do I ask for help?
Monday Drama
Spiritual Hypnotherapy Myth Busters
We are BACK!!!
You ask and you will receive....
Start the Season with Heart Healing
I am in need of a full day retreat?
Open your hearts and see.....
Some Exciting news!!!
We have exciting news!!!
Exciting News!!!
