Imaginary Hollow

Imaginary Hollow

Fanfiction, stories and short stories.


Hey all! sorry it's been a minute since my last post! Here is the second episode from my "Charmed" fan fiction. Hope you all enjoy!!

Episode 2 - The Victim

The three of them gathered around the book, and flipped to the page labeled "SHAX"
"Shax is a very powerful upper-level demon with wind based abilities. He is the personal demonic assassin of The Source." Prue read from the book.
"Yeah, well that isn't telling us anything we don't already know." Piper said, a hint of irritation in her voice.
"Right, what we don't know is why he wanted to get Dr. Griffiths so bad, and why now. . .Phoebe, did you see anything in your premonition about why he was the target in the first place?" Prue asked.
"No, I didn't see much of anything, just him getting attacked."
"Okay so then right now I think we should focus on finding out if it's somebody that he was about to save or already did save, because that person could be in trouble."
"How are we going to do that?"
"You're going to get another premonition." Prue stated.
"Prue, that's not going to work, I mean, you know I can't always get premonitions when I want. They just sort of . . . happen."
"Phoebe, I know you can do this. Okay, someone's life could depend on it."
"She's right Phoebes, you have to try." Piper added.
Phoebe sighed. "Okay."
"Follow me." Prue said, and she made her way out of the attic and down the stairs. Her two sisters following close behind her. Prue got to the landing on the stairs first, and stopped, gazing over the wreckage that was their home. Leaves everywhere, plants thrown across the room, dirt from the pots in clods all over the ground, glass, and pieces of wood, then she saw what was once the wall. She had an instant flashback of getting thrown into the wall, and everything going black.
"Prue?" Piper's voice came in through her reverie.
She came back.
"You okay?" Piper asked her.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Lets do this." She said, as she walked down the rest of the stairs and into the dining room, over to the window where Dr. Griffiths had met his demise. They all saw the blood stain. Prue, again, flashed back to Shax attacking the doctor, and her jumping in front of him, she shuddered, and came back from her thoughts.
"What now? What am I supposed to get a premonition off of?" Phoebe asked.
Piper then spotted a piece of white cloth, hanging from one of the jagged pieces of broken glass from the window. She picked it up and looked at it, "..THS MD" was stitched on the other side. The last three letters of his last name, and his title.
"This must be from his jacket." She said, giving the piece of cloth to Phoebe. She looked at her sisters, then to the cloth, and slowly took it out of Piper's hand. She took a deep breath, held the cloth in both of her hands, and closed her eyes. She was instantly thrown into a premonition.
"24 year old female, presents with blunt force trauma to the head, open lac on her chest, and . . . " The medic pushing the gurney with the female patient on it said. "And?" Dr. Griffiths, asked, looking at the chart, dressed in scrubs. "Open wound on the lower abdomen." The medic replied, sounding unsure.
"Do we know what caused it?" Griffiths asked, getting the woman into a hospital bed, surrounded by staff hooking her up to machines and monitors.
"Honestly? Not a clue. See for yourself." The medic said, removing the blanket from the patient, revealing a gaping wound on her stomach.
"What the hell?"
"Some pedestrians found her in an ally they were passing."
"Alright, get her to OR 1 now." Dr. Griffiths called, and Phoebe came out of the premonition.
She was breathing heavily.
"Phoebe?" Prue called to her.
"Phoebes, what did you see?" Piper asked.
She looked at them. "I saw, Dr. Griffiths, at the hospital. There was an incoming trauma, a 24 year old girl. She had trauma to her head, and an open wound on her abdomen, it looked like she'd been hit with an energy ball." Phoebe replied, sickened by the image she'd just seen.
"Okay, think Phoebe, what did the girl look like?" Prue asked.
Phoebe paused for a minute. "Uh, she was pale, and she had dark hair, average build? I don't know, she was on a gurney unconscious, I couldn't really see much of her."
"Alright, I'll call Darryl, see if he's gotten any reports of a girl matching that description being found." Prue said, and walked over to the phone to get on with Darryl.
While Prue was on the phone, Piper began to pick up the glass from the floor. Prue returned minutes later.
"Okay, we're in luck. Darryl said a girl matching that description, and the description of the injuries was checked in Bay Memorial 2 days ago. She's still there, so I'm going to go see her." She announced.
"What are we supposed to do if Shax comes back?" Piper asked.
"Just say the vanquishing spell in the Book to fend him off until I get back. I'll be quick." Prue said, she turned around and walked out of the dining room, grabbed her keys off the end table, put her coat on, and walked out the door.
"I am not cleaning this whole mess by myself." Piper announced to Phoebe.
Meanwhile, Prue had made her way to the hospital, Darryl met her there, they exchanged salutations, and he led Prue into the hospital, and to the floor the victim was on.
"You said she came in 2 days ago?" She asked, while they were making their way to the nurses station.
"Yeah, couple of pedestrians saw her all bloodied up in the ally way and called it in."
Prue nodded, and they got to the nurses station. Darryl introduced himself, and showed the nurse his badge, explaining that he was an inspector on her case, the nurse led the two of them to the victims room.
"She's still a Jane Doe." The nurse told them, before she opened the door. "She came in to the emergency room two days ago with no identification on her."
"Who is the doctor on her case?" Prue asked.
"Dr. Griffiths. He had to preform emergency surgery on her, and she's been in a medically induced coma since."
"May I see her?" Prue asked.
"Right through there." The nurse said, and Darryl and Prue walked through the door.
There, laying in a bed, Prue saw her. Her dark hair, against her pale skin, the way she was laying there motionless, she reminded her of snow white. She walked over a little more, so she was right beside the bed now, getting a much better look at the girl. From the moment she saw her, she got a sense of familiarity, a feeling she couldn't quite describe, considering she'd never met her. A tear escaped Prue's eye, the feeling that she had was overwhelming.
"I have to go. Call me when you get a name." She said, and walked out of the hospital and to her car. No sooner did she get in the car, did her phone ring.
"Darryl? I didn't even leave yet, what is it?"
"Her name is Paige. Paige Matthews."


Good morning all! Second episode will be up after some tweaking this afternoon!! Hope you all have a great day!!


Back to the basics. This was the first story I ever put out publicly. If you're not a fan of the original Charmed from 1998-2006, you may get the some of the references, but I hope you enjoy anyway!

Episode 1 - Prue lives.
The year is 2001. The manor is trashed. The window in the dining room, where they would sit and eat as a family, has been completely broken away, shards of glass litter the floor beneath it. The table, covered by debris, and leaves, leaves that covered not only the table, but the floor in the main room and foyer. The big oak doors of the old Victorian house are shut, the glass, shattered out of both of them, two women lay in the debris that was once a wall, lifeless, blood coming from their nose, ears and the back of their heads. Their sister, Phoebe, had been down in the underworld, trying to save her boyfriend, with the help of her brother-in-law/whitelighter Leo. Neither of them have any idea what had happened up above.
There's slight movement, Prue opens her eyes, but she can't seem to bring them to focus, everything is blurry, as she tries to move her legs and is unable to. But suddenly, through the blur her eyes were bringing her, was a blinding white light.
"Le-" She only managed to gasp out.
"Shh, don't move. I got you." A familiar voice said, and everything went black. Prue felt a random warmth come through her body, and the pains she felt, the ones that were too much to bare, seemed to disappear. She opened her eyes, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.
The man was there, smiling that familiar smile. "Did you miss me?" He asked, in a voice she hadn't heard in years.
She thought she was dead. "A-Andy?"
He smiled again. "In the flesh. Kind of."
She looked around. "Am I dead?"
"No, far from it. You came extremely close though, I almost wasn't able to bring you back." He said, kneeling down, and healing Piper.
She opened her eyes, shocked to what she was seeing as well.
Piper looked at Andy, then back at Prue, then at Andy again. "Oh crap! We died, didn't we?"
Andy chuckled. "If I hadn't gotten here when I did, you would have been."
"Andy, I have so many questions, how are you here? Why are you here? I mean, you died, we all saw you die, we covered you with a blanket in our living room."
"Some questions, don't necessarily have an answer Prue, all you need to know is that you're alive. Just sit tight, I'll get you guys some water." He said, going into the kitchen.
There was a moment of calm thankfulness, followed by Piper panicking. "Phoebe, where's Phoebe?"
All of a sudden, Leo orbed in, hand in hand with Phoebe.
They looked around.
"Prue! Piper! Are you guys okay? What happened?"
"Shax happened." Piper said.
"How are you guys still alive?"
Phoebe looked surprised. "Andy? As in, Andy, Andy? Your Andy? Prue he died, three years ago." She replied, just as Andy was walking out of the kitchen with two glasses of water for Prue and Piper.
Phoebe took one look at him, and heart heart stopped for a minute.
He smiled. "Hey Phoebe."
She didn't say anything, she just ran up and hugged him. "Oh Andy! We missed you so much!" She said, continuing to not let go.
"I know, I missed you guys too."
"So, how are you here? How is this even possible?"
"All your questions will be answered in time, but right now, you guys have other problems to deal with. There's a doctor hanging out of your dining room window, and as soon as this demon knows you guys are alive, he's going to come back. . ."
They all looked to the dining room, seeing a lifeless doctor Griffiths hanging half way out of it.
"Oh! Oh no! Doctor Griffiths!" Prue said, getting up, and helping Piper up.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Go prepare for Shax. . ." Andy said, and orbed the doctor to away, as the sisters made their way up the stairs and to the attic to consult with their Book of Shadows.