Sofia Isaeva

Sofia Isaeva

If you do not eat food as medicine, then you will eat medicine as food!


“Successful people are always looking for an opportunity to help others, people who are far from successful are always asking the question: “What is the benefit for me personally?” - Brian Tracy.


“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I hope that I will not have wasted talents, and I will be able to say: “I used everything that You gave me” - Erma Mombek.


Каждый бережет тебя настолько, насколько нуждается в тебе.


Alcohol is a great way to get rid of unwanted brain cells.


Surprisingly, alcohol is the strongest solvent. It will help dissolve without a trace of friends, family, marriage, liver, brain, kidneys ... But, alas, it will not destroy problems.


The first duty for those who want to be healthy is to purify the air around them.


For women's health, the admiring glances of men are more important than calories and drugs.


There is no wealth better than bodily health and there is no joy higher than the joy of the heart.


Don't rely on doctors... to make you well. They can save a life, even cure a disease, but they will only lead you to the start. And then learn to rely on yourself.
