Plant-Based Mavens

Plant-Based Mavens

Woman-centered plant-based nutrition and lifestyle guidance you can trust! Founded by registered dietitian Kayli Anderson.


Tired of trying diets and wish there was another way? 👎😩

Don't worry there is! You already know we're anti-diet around here.

My previous post highlighted the reasons why diets fail. Now, let’s talk about the things you can do instead of dieting👇

🧘‍♀️ Create a little space in your mind

With every situation life presents, we have two choices – to either react or respond. The difference between reacting and responding is space in your mind. With a little space, you'll start to notice how diet culture triggers negative thoughts that lead you to seek out restriction in the first place.

🤸 Respect your body

When you respect your body, you have an increased desire to care for your body by listening to its cues, choosing foods and activities that feel good, and setting boundaries around things that harm your relationship with your body.

🍎 Think self-care, not dieting

Just because diets don't work, doesn't mean nutrition doesn't work. When you encounter a nutrition practice, ask yourself, will this practice feel like self-care? This ensures that any new food habit you adopt is there to serve your highest purpose, caring for yourself.

🔋 Measure health in ways that matter

Ditch the scale and tune into how you’re really feeling. Your energy, sleep, and overall mood are much better indicators of how well you’re taking care of yourself.

🍽️ Let satisfaction be your guide

Choose meals that not only taste great but also make you feel the way you want to feel. Eating should be a joyful experience, not a controlling one.

I want to hear your anti-diet advice! Share your wisdom with us in the comments 🔽

Photos from Plant-Based Mavens's post 10/09/2024

95% of diets fail—are you stuck in the cycle? 🤔

Tired of the endless cycle of dieting, feeling deprived, and then "falling off the wagon"?

You’re not alone 💚

The truth is, dieting to lose weight is designed to fail—95% of diets don’t work! 😱 But don’t worry, it’s not you, it’s diet culture.

SWIPE RIGHT to learn why diets fail and what you can do instead 👉👉

Is your plant-based diet a DIET?

Take my Plant-based DIET Quiz to find out!

📩 Comment or DM ‘QUIZ’ for the link!

Photos from Plant-Based Mavens's post 07/09/2024

🔋 Feeling low on energy? Think you need an iron supplement? Let's talk about it!

Iron is crucial for your health and energy, especially at certain stages of life when your needs are higher. But here's the good news: most plant-based women don’t need an iron supplement! 🌟

SWIPE RIGHT to learn why 👉

Iron plays a key role in oxygen transport throughout your body and supports your immune function. While it’s important to be aware of your iron needs—especially if you’re premenopausal, pregnant, or really active—getting enough iron from your diet is often enough.

Curious about whether you're getting enough iron? 🤔

👉 Join the waitlist to get a personalized audit of your nutrition by me! I'll review your food journal and give suggestions. A limited number of spots are opening soon!

⭐ Comment or DM ‘AUDIT’ to save your spot!

Photos from Plant-Based Mavens's post 06/09/2024

Think dairy is the only way to build strong bones? Wrong! 🦴

💡Ladies, I hear this concern all the time: "Am I going to have weak bones if I’m plant-based?"

With osteoporosis rates 4x higher in women than men, it’s no wonder bone health is on your mind! And let’s be real, we’ve all been taught that dairy equals strong bones.

But here’s the truth: You CAN have strong bones without dairy. And bone health is about more than just calcium. 💪

Here’s your bone health checklist:

🥦 Add more plants to your plate – They’re loaded with nutrients that your bones will love, like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C.

🥛 Don’t skip on calcium – Try to get 6 mini servings of calcium-rich plant foods each day. Think dark leafy greens, beans, nuts, and fortified plant milks.

☀️ Get more vitamin D – Most of us could use a little extra help from a supplement or simply stepping out for more sunshine, so it’s worth checking your levels.

🏃‍♀️ Move your body – Your bones thrive on weight-bearing exercises like walking, jogging, or even dancing. Find what makes you feel good so you actually want to do it!

🚭 Cut back on alcohol and say goodbye to to***co – Both contribute to poor bone health.

These are the best ways to build strong bones, so make sure to SAVE THIS POST and SHARE it with someone you know 📌

Photos from Plant-Based Mavens's post 04/09/2024

🌱 Getting enough calcium is crucial—especially for women! Many plant-based women worry they won't be able to get enough.

Calcium is key for strong bones, healthy teeth, and many other functions 🦷💪🏻

The recommended intake for women is 1,000-1,200 mg daily. And you can get all of that from plant-based foods! 🥬

Swipe to discover the 5 Best Calcium Sources For Plant-Based Women ➡️

Calcium is just one nutrient that you might fall short in. Others include: iron, iodine, fiber, protein, and omega-3s.

So, how do you make sure you get enough of all the nutrients you need to thrive?

👉 Join the waitlist to get a personalized audit of your nutrition by me! I'll review your food journal and give suggestions. A limited number of spots are opening soon!

🌿Comment or DM “AUDIT” and I’ll send you the link to get on the list!


In the plant-based community, we often see protein get DEemphasized. In the rest of the world, we see protein get OVERemphasized.

📣Unpopular opinion: both of these approaches are harmful to women’s health!

Protein is essential for building and repairing cells and muscle tissue. Getting enough protein supports immune function, muscle tissue, and bones. So, meeting protein needs is important for all women, but it becomes especially critical during pregnancy when protein is used for fetal development as well as later in a woman’s life when she’s more prone to muscle and bone loss.

The good news - with a little planning, it is easy to get all the protein you need from plant-based foods! Here are a few PBM favorites:
🌿Hemp seeds
🌿Soy milk
🌿Peanut butter

Photos from Plant-Based Mavens's post 22/07/2024

Sweet, sweet summertime! Are y’all enjoying yours? We sure are over here! Here’s what I’ve been up to…

🌊Family vaca in Bug Sur (one of my favorite places!)
☀️Pool time with Bo
🪴Tending my garden (harvesting allll the greens rn!)
🏕️Airstream adventures with my boys
🎨Time in the clay studio
🏃🏻‍♀️Half marathon training (my first trail race!)
📚Speaking at
⛰️Family hikes
🧑‍🍳Cookin’ with my sous chef

If you’re on my email list, you know I’m all about embodying the “relaxed woman” persona right now. I think it’s working. 🧘‍♀️

What’s your favorite summer memory so far?


Have you ever thought about balancing your hormones?

Hormone balance for women has become quite the buzzword. But for good reason, since 80% of women are estimated to have a hormone imbalance.

Whether you want natural remedies for irregular periods, you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, you’re hoping for a smooth transition into menopause, or you’re trying to get back into balance after coming off of birth control pills, it all comes back to your hormones.

In this episode, I share 9 nutrition and lifestyle habits that can help you balance hormones naturally.



Can you be plant-based AND have a healthy relationship with food?

That is the topic of today’s conversation with Tara Kemp, PhD. Tara and I dive deep in to a topic that is near and dear to both our hearts – how to create a healthy, aligned, intuitive relationship with your plant-based eating. This one is full of mindset shifts and fresh perspectives on what it means to eat plant-based.



What do you think?!

Can you really eat intuitively? Especially as a plant eater, is it really possible (or even a smart health practice) to let yourself eat whatever you feel like eating?

My controversial opinion: a resounding yes! In this episode I tell you why and how to do it the right way.



🤰This one’s for anyone preparing for parenthood!

Food has a powerful effect on fertility for both women and men. In this episode, I interview fertility experts and authors of the new book “Getting To Baby: A Food-First Fertility Plan to Improve Your Odds and Shorten Your Time to Pregnancy”, Angela Thyer, MD and Judy Simon, RDN about all things nutrition and fertility. Angela and Judy have decades of experience supporting people struggling to conceive, and they’ve wrapped their incredible clinical and culinary wisdom into their brand new book. It’s an essential read for anyone on their fertility journey. And this episode is an essential listen!



Today is the day!🎉

Y’all, I’m so proud of this. The Plant-based Mavens Podcast is LIVE!

One of my superpowers is the company I keep. I’m lucky to know SO many brilliant women in the plant-based, lifestyle medicine, and women’s health world. They have incredible science, wisdom, and stories to share with you. I can’t WAIT for you to meet them.

The Plant-based Mavens Podcast is your masterclass in all things women’s health. Head over to wherever you get your podcasts and have a listen. Episode 001 is live!


This is the trick I use when I’m feeling 😵‍💫 👇

☔️It’s called the RAIN Meditation

It’s a technique taught by mindfulness teacher Tara Brach. Not only does it cultivate mindful awareness, it also cultivates self-compassion.

Here are the steps:
1️⃣Recognize what is happening. Look inward and name the thoughts and feelings that are present in your inner world.
2️⃣Allow the experience to be there, just as it is. Instead of distracting, avoiding, or resisting, fully accept the reality of your situation.
3️⃣Investigate with interest and care. Explore the situation - where did the thoughts and feelings come from? What triggered them? What patterns do you notice?
4️⃣Nurture with self-compassion. What is it that you need right now? How can you offer yourself compassion, gentleness, and understanding?

✨Give it a try and report back!

Photos from Plant-Based Mavens's post 31/01/2024

Need help setting boundaries? Message me the word EMAIL and I’ll make sure you get this Friday’s email with the 5 steps to setting healthy boundaries.

Solid boundaries protect so many things - your relationships, your energy, your mental health, and your time.

The idea of boundaries is simple, the act of setting boundaries is challenging. An exact 5 step process for how to set them is the topic of this Friday’s email. If you aren’t on my list, message me the word EMAIL and I’ll make sure you are! ❤️


🤸🏻‍♀️When it comes to “exercise”, have you ever thought to lead with the question, “how do I actually LIKE to move my body?”

💡Turns out, the movement you enjoy most is the movement you’ll stick with the longest.

🥾🏊‍♀️💃🏻🚴‍♀️How do you like to move? Tell me below!👇

My current favorites: up hill skiing & pilates


🍵I know you’ve heard of bone broth, but what about vegan bone broth?

I will preface this by saying that I think a lot of the bone broth craze is pseudoscience hype - ancient tradition co-opted by capitalism. BUT there’s nothing wrong with sipping a savory, comforting, nutritive broth… especially if it’s made from plants.

Why should you make this vegan bone broth instead of regular bone broth?
🌱Animal bones can carry lead and other heavy metals that can end up in bone broth.
🌱The vitamin and mineral content of bone broth varies widely. One study shows that bone broth only contains


Hi 👋 I’m Kayli!

It’s been a minute since I’ve introduced myself around here and I know there are some new faces post-conference season.

I’ve been in the lifestyle medicine & plant-based nutrition world for over a decade, and I started PBM because I felt like something was missing.

PBM is for women and the healthcare pros who serve them to find guidance they can trust that truly takes into account the unique needs of women. As much as we want equality and neutrality in our world, the truth is that many health symptoms present biologically differently for women (heart attacks!), women have different nutrient needs (iron!), and women have a unique cultural experience that shapes their relationship with food and health (diet culture!). I was tired of blanket recommendations and advice that didn’t take these things into account. So, PBM was born!🐣

I’m a registered dietitian with professional training in lifestyle medicine, women’s integrative and functional medicine, intuitive eating, exercise physiology, natural foods cooking, and herbalism. I’ve trained with the best in the biz, and I want to pass that knowledge on to you. I love teaching. I’ve taught cooking classes in culinary schools and serve as lead faculty for a professional food as medicine course that has been taken by over 32,000 (and counting!) healthcare providers. And I have my own courses for women like you. I also co-chair a professional women’s health lifestyle medicine group with 1,000+ which just means I get to connect with the brightest minds in women’s health first-hand.❤️

I’m also a mom (this is my baby Bodhi in the photo!) which has given me an entirely new reverence for the work women do here on this earth.✨

I am so glad you are here with me. Everything you need to find your way around PBM is linked above ☝️

I’m not trying to be a social media influencer - I just want to serve you high-value content! The best way I do that is via email, so make sure you’re on my email list to get the latest resources, offerings and updates!

xx Kayli


As a new mama, I’m probably not the best person to be giving sleep advice, but even in the newborn haze I try to do every one of these things to make the most of the sleep I do get!

Make your bedroom a sacred space. In other words, it's not the place to work on your laptop, watch television, etc. It's your space for sleep, s*x, and calm activities like meditation and reading.

💤Be consistent. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day (even weekends!) to help your body get into a predictable rhythm.

💤Keep it cool. The ideal sleeping temperature is about 65F. (That's a little chilly for me, so I opt for 68F. Find what’s right for you.)

💤Limit screen time. You knew this one was coming... Turn off all screens an hour before bedtime. This is a great time to meditate, journal with pen and paper, have a calm conversation with your partner, fold laundry, or read a book.

💤Go dark. Remove or cover any electronic/charging lights and install blackout curtains over windows if possible. Or make it easy and get an eye mask!

💤Avoid caffeine after lunch. Caffeine biologically interferes with the quality and quantity of your sleep. Also, forget the idea that alcohol helps you sleep. Alcohol is a sedative which might make you feel sleepy, but it interferes with your deep sleep cycles.


📣Calling all plant-based mamas-to-be!

Want to have a healthy plant-based pregnancy but feeling a little lost? I’ve got you!

My Plant-based Pregnancy Course is everything you need to know about thriving on plants as you grow your little one. We cover…
✅What and how much to eat
✅Key nutrients + how to get them
✅Which supplements to take
✅Foods to focus on during each trimester
✅Natural remedies for pregnancy symptoms
✅and more!

🔗Feel confident in how you nourish yourself and your baby! Learn more at the link in my bio.


This might sound silly…

But my skincare routine has been my lifeline during these past 2 months of postpartum. When time to myself is hard to come by, I really look forward to the 2 minutes in the morning and 2 minutes before bed that I lock myself in the bathroom and do my AM and PM skincare routine. It’s a moment of self care among the hours of caring for my little peanut. (It also helps me look and feel more refreshed and rested than I actually am! 😴)

Bonus? Because I use products, I know that what I put on my skin is also safe for him during our snuggles.

AM Routine
☀️All Bright AHA Toner
☀️All Bright C Serum
☀️All Bright Facial Oil
☀️Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer
☀️Cheeky Clean Blush or Highlighter

PM Routine
🌙Countertime Cleansing Oil
🌙 Countertime Hydrating Essence
🌙 Countertime Radiance Serum
🌙 Countertime Supreme Cream

💌Want to try my regimen for yourself? DM me and I’ll send you some free goodies!


Scale of 1-10… how would you rate your relationship with your body?

People who have a positive relationship with their body tend to also have a positive relationship with moving their body. These people exercise more than those who struggle with negative body image.

Want to exercise more and more consistently? Strengthen your relationship with your body first! I have lots of resources for this on


💊 Confused about supplements?

Do you need them? If so, which ones? And how the heck do you choose the right brand? 😵‍💫

This guide has you covered! Everything you need to know about supplements for plant-based (from vegan to flexitarian) women.

👉Download it for FREE! Link is in my bio.

Photos from Plant-Based Mavens's post 26/01/2023

🤸🏻‍♀️When it comes to “exercise”, have you ever thought to lead with the question, “how do I actually like to move my body?”

💡Turns out, the movement you enjoy most is the movement you’ll stick with the longest.

🥾🏊‍♀️💃🏻🚴‍♀️How do you like to move? Tell me below!👇

My current favorites: wintry hikes & pilates


❄️ On heavy rotation at our house.

👩‍🍳Vegan Creamy Potato Soup

Recipe on 👉 search “potato soup”


Here’s why we don’t shun fats at PBM:

🥑 We need fats to keep our hormones functioning properly

🥜Women who eat healthy fats like nuts are LESS likely to develop heart disease

🥦Dietary fat is critical for absorbing fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K

💁🏻‍♀️Healthy fats are beneficial for hair, skin, and nails

🚫Women who severely restrict fats often struggle to meet basic nutrient needs, caloric needs, and may experience irregular periods

📚The World Health Organization recommends that premenopausal women never dip below 20% fat per day. Healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, and their respective oils are linked to positive health outcomes for women.

📣The best way to approach fat intake? No need to cut it out. Instead, focus on swapping saturated fat foods (red meat, full fat dairy) for plant-based sources. A little fat with each meal can help you feel more satisfied, better absorb the nutrients in your meal, and enhance the pleasure factor.

Photos from Plant-Based Mavens's post 01/12/2022

Are you getting enough omega-3 fats?🧐

Omega-3 fats are called "essential" because they are an essential part of healthy eating - our body needs them and must get them from food! So, how can you get your daily dose of these important fats?

Everyday, enjoy:
1️⃣1-2 tbsp. of flaxseed, chia seeds, or h**p seeds
Or a handful of walnuts
2️⃣Consider an algae-based DHA/EPA supplement if you don’t eat seafood (a must if you are plant-based and pregnant!)

What about fish and omega-3s?🐟
You've probably heard that certain fatty fish are good sources of omega-3 fats. This is true! Fish can be a good source of specific types of omega-3s (EPA and DHA), but many types of fish are contaminated with mercury and heavy metals. If you choose to eat fish, choose low-mercury types.

What if you don't eat fish?🌿
Good news! Micro-algea also contains those special types of omega-3s DHA and EPA, so you can simply take a micro-algae supplement. After all, micro-algae is where fish get their omega-3s.

How do you get your omega-3s?⤵️

Videos (show all)

🧐 Is your plant-based diet a.... D-I-E-T?It’s possible that you are treating plant-based eating just like any other diet...
Q: What’s the best way to boost iron absorption?A: Pair iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich foods!Combining iron-rich fo...
Part 3 in this 4-part series on healing your relationship with food. Comment PEACE for a free training + keep reading!👇T...
Do you feel like you’re always at odds with food? Comment PEACE for a free training + keep reading!👇Tip #1: Clear out di...
Do you struggle with feeling guilt around food choices? Comment PEACE below for a free training that will help you put a...
🙅‍♀️Don’t fall for these plant-based diet myths!❌Myth 1: Plant-based eating has to be all or nothing✅Truth: Every little...
🥗Easy Kale SaladA salad you’ll actually want to eat!Only 5 ingredients + some optional extras🔖Get the full recipe at pla...
Strawberry Vinaigrette🍓This sweet, savory, summery dressing is definitely a salad upgrade! 🔗Full recipe: https://plantba...
🌟How do you set goals that you’ll actually stick with?Here are 3 ways you can move closer to your goals today:1️⃣ Figure...
🙋‍♀️Ever felt guilty about something you ate?Food guilt is usually a symptom of breaking a food rule that you believe in...
🌿Green Goddess Gazpacho The perfect summer meal! No stove required. 🔖Get the full recipe at
🌿Green Goddess GazpachoThe perfect summer meal. No oven required!🔖Get the full recipe on