Eastern Corridor for Steven Ayesu Ntim

Eastern Corridor for Steven Ayesu Ntim

A political movement for NPP members and supporters along the Eastern Corridor of Ghana. We are working for Chairman Ntim's victory.

Photos from Eastern Corridor for Steven Ayesu Ntim's post 07/08/2022

Thanks giving service for Chairman Ntim's victory. DMB was humbly represented.


NPP can make the difference

The government and the opposition NDC are quiet over this because it favors them.


HBD to our National Chairman, Mr. Stephen Ntim.


Even in the midst of the tight schedule, Ntim still found time to socialize with people. Time to support Ntim as the national chairman


*Examining The Competence Of Stephen Ayesu Ntim Through Party Responsibilities Assigned Him* -

_Abeiku Cobbinah,Mpohor Constituentcy, Western Region._

The competency of a leader is tested when given responsibility because that is a measurement of efficiency and effectiveness.

To effectively execute a task also shows what the leader can offer to justify the trust reposed in the individual by a community or populace or organisation

By inferences, *Stephen Ayesu Ntim* fits into this profile, having over the years proven to be more competent and astute when it comes to strategies and the determination to galvanize votes to ensure electoral success. It was during the 2016 electioneering campaign that Stephen Ayesu Ntim was assigned to lead the *Settler Communities Project* through which over 15 Pro-NDC constituencies were won for the first for the NPP across the country. Also, available data showed that, NPP votes in Settler Constituencies across the country truly improved very very well.

*It would be recalled that Stephen Ayesu Ntim exemplary leadership saw the NPP winning pro-NDC seats like Atebubu-Amantin, New Edubiase, Techiman South, Krachi East, Dormaa West, et al.* This attests to the fact that Stephen Ntim is an embodiment of hard work that can ensure electoral success

NPP's re-organization process for ushering us into election 2024 requires a national Chairman who has the track record of leading a team that can
convincingly produce good results. In my opinion, *Stephen Ntim can lead the way.*

Our success in 2024 partially lies in the hands of the right person who has done it before and can do it again.

All said and done, it is common knowledge that the flag of *Stephen Ayesu Ntim* flies higher than many of his competitors so let us all support him to become the National Chairman of our great party.

The race is on, and we will continue to remind all and sundry about the important task ahead and the outstanding records of the Chairman Stephen Ntim

Through Stephen Ntim, we can be assured of success, and it falls in our place to give him the needed support that he deserves.

*Time A*o To Break the Ei8ht Ampa.*


Mahama Promises for 2024 Election so far.
1. Mahama has promised to repeal the E-levy.
2. Mahama has promised to find the perpetrators of all murder cases including Ahmed Suale, Bimbilla, Bawku, etc.
3. Mahama has promised to abolish FSHS policy.
We continue to monitor and will relate to how Mahama handled policies during his presidency.

Photos from Hon. Kwaku Agyeman Manu -MP's post 12/05/2022

Despite the challenges, Ghana is working.

Photos from Eastern Corridor for Steven Ayesu Ntim's post 05/05/2022

Dear Delegates, please put your trust in Ntim by electing him as the national chairman. He's accommodating and keep in high esteem the values of our beloved party, the New Patriotic Party. Kukurudu!
All Constituency in the Eastern Corridor.


Today, Hon. Salifu Sa-eed the former Northern Regional Minister is attending the Powering Africa Summit-PAS22 in Washington DC, USA. The overarching theme for the summit is 'Capital Flows Underpinning the Energy Transition'.
The summit among other things, will look to understand how the vast sums of promised additional finance will flow and the opportunities that the successful mobilising of finance will create.
The PAS began in 2015 to support U.S Government stakeholders, institutional investors, private financiers, service and technology providers from North America come together with Ministerial and Governmental participation from countries across Africa to drive energy developments on the continent.


It's very clear that John mahama's wish is to see Ghana plunge into crisis to propel him back to the Flagstaff house. This explains the NDC zero tolerance for the proposed e-levy. It's sad that Mr Mahama is incompetently comparing his incompetent management of the economy to that of Nana. Let me remind my northern brother Mr Mahama that his economy taxed condoms and cutlasses, yet he placed an embargo on public sector employment. He was the first president to abolished allowances for trainees across all training institutions. His economy consistently failed to post nurses after training. JM economy inflicted on Ghanaians an unprecedented energy crisis. These and other insensitivities happened while existing taxes were increased and new nuisances ones introduced.
The. Nana Addo pre-COVID_19 economy restored trainees allowances across board, employed graduates into the public sector, post teachers, nurses and allied professionals. This economy birth free SHS, planting for food and jobs, expanded infrastructure in senior high schools and completed some of the e-blocks. This economy consistently paid workers salaries compared to JM 3 months policy. Roads and other infrastructural projects are numerous.
My advice to my brother incompetent JM should not behave as an over ambitious royal who would not listen to his spiritualist. The COVID-19 pandemic is a global issue that has ravaged economies globally. It's not terribly bad if Ghana's economy is facing difficulties. Mr Mahama must pulled the break and look at the recovery of the economy. Allah made Mahama president of Ghana and may bring him back if He so wishes. May Allah help Ghana and protect us against an over ambitious politician. Ameen.


Let's read page 99 subsection 8.7 titled FINANCIAL INCLUSION AND ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS ( FINTECH) of the NDC 2020 manifesto. This is the mischief by the NDC. Let's not fall into their propaganda track.


The NPP remains solid and focus for the job ahead. Traveling mercies for everyone!


Public Health Act, 2012
Compulsory vaccination 22.
(1) The Minister may by executive instrument, generally or with reference to a particular district, area, or place or with respect to a particular class or classes of persons, order the persons to whom the instrument applies who do not produce satisfactory evidence of successful vaccination, to be vaccinated by a public vaccinator, unless in the opinion of the public vaccinator the vaccination would be injurious to health.
(2) The instrument may prescribe at what age a person is liable to a penalty for non-compliance with the terms of the instrument and who is liable where the person who fails to be vaccinated has not attained that age. (3) An instrument under this section may be made subject to the appropriate qualifications and exceptions, and sections 23, 24 and 25 shall be read subject to those qualifications and exceptions.
19 Act 851 Public Health Act, 2012 Vaccination of adults
23. An adult to whom an instrument made under section 31 applies shall 1. (a) attend for examination and if necessary, for vaccination, within the period and at the time and place appointed by the Regulations made under section 31, and 2. (b) subsequently attend at the times and at the place that the public vaccinator may direct for the purpose of examination as to whether or not the vaccination has been successful, and if necessary, for re-vaccination.
Examination and vaccination at point of entry 26.
A public vaccinator may examine and vaccinate a person who arrives in the country but cannot produce satisfactory evidence of successful vaccination.
Penalties 30.
A person who 1. (a) fails to comply with a provision of this Part, or a legislative instrument made under this Part, 2. (b) deceives or misleads by a false statement or otherwise in respect of a provision of this Part, or 3. (c) obstructs a public vaccinator in the performance of functions, commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than fifty penalty units or to a term of imprisonment of not more than three months or to both and when the obstruction continues after conviction, to a fine of not more than ten penalty units for each day during which the failure continues.


Democracy is not intentionally conspiring to cause problems to make a government in power unpopular. It is how better one can manage a country in all aspects of governance than the other parties or governments . Those who always try to make other parties in power unpopular by their clandestine activities are not necessarily the better governments in waiting unless their policies and their ability to manage the country better is showcased while in opposition . . It is easier to sabotage an economy than to build it
While the NPP criticises in opposition and givey other options , the NDC in opposition does not give any alternatives to government policies yet.they reject any policy that can help.the country.just because these programmes do not.come from them. It is clear that they do not understand democracy but they only.accepted it to continue to.be relevant in.the politics of the country .
Without the NPP government we would not be enjoying the NHIS , the Capitation grant , the school feeding programme , the free maternity health for pregnant women, free registration for both JSS and SHS final exams, the most popular and useful program in the fourth republic Free SHS and one district one factory to.mention a few. After ruling for 27 years what can the party boast as exclusively their initiatives that are helping.the country ? All Governments have budgets to build roads , bridges , schools , universities and extend both electricity and water to the people since they even pay for the services . What we need in these times is a government that has vision , a government that can innovate and do things differently from what we know already . NDC is a political party alright but it is not anywhere close to the NPP when it comes to building a society that goes beyond physical infrastructure. Has anyone thought of how digitalisation can help us to develop as a country ? This is for only the big brains that think big . We as a country would not have had the National Identification cards left to the NDC party alone . The cost involved in these initiatives can not be appreciated by many people that is why they question what we have used the billions we have borrowed . Who does not borrow to build or own a viable business? We cannot be part of the new world order with NDC steering the affairs of this country . Long live parties with big dreams and visions . Long live Ghana.



You good leadership is being recognized.


Does the state has alternatives to the GPRTU taking hostage of the country? It is unfortunate that Ghanaians have chosen draconian tactics over dialogue in resolving issues. Yes, the GPRTU has a case, an issue that affects all of us. But must adopt moves that have the potential to further deepen the economic wounds of the country?
While I have my personal rejections to the move by the GPRTU, let's ask ourselves what happened to public transportation system; where is the Metro Mass Transport? Why are we not interested in making this system work? This is what I think citizens must show interest and be angry to get the leadership of this country to fix it. Partisan Politics is the problem of this country.


Thanks to God that I have numerous alternatives to Media General. Following your stations is not a religious command. Thank you


Thank you Your Excellency.


Bernard Monah just found his voice. A voice that speaks negative all the time. As yourself if government withdraws the proposed levy on electronic transactions, where will the revenue come from to finance the projects. I think the minority proposal for a downward review makes sense than what Monah is saying. The police should allow him and his gang to sleep in parliament. Who cares? Enemy of progress.


*Why are the NDC and John Mahama so noisy about the proposed E-levy?* What is so bad about taxes in the 2022 budget? In any case, both the NDC and the NPP will always impose taxes when in government. The difference is that the NPP will always use taxes to change lives. Take for example, under the Mahama administration taxes were imposed on condoms and cutlasses. on the back of this, nurses, doctors, trainees allowances, fight against cholera all defeated Mahama. Ghana went to the IMF.
In the case of the NPP, nurses, doctors, FSHS, and other graduates have been employed. other pro-poor interventions have been rolled out. The e+levy in my opinion is to ensure inclusiveness in the collection of taxes in the country. The NDC must think beyond partisan politics


He's humble, strategic in planning, and a unified. Chairman Ntim as National Chairman.


John Mahama doesn't know what shame is. I'm shocked that he still opens his mouth and talks about unemployment in this country. let me remind JM that he is not a serial caller. You are a former President under whose watch embargo was placed on public sector employment. under your government, people who worked for months were paid three months salary. Under your watch, teachers and other public sector workers were denied promotion. There are indeed challenges, but this government in 5 years did what you failed to do in 8 years. The government has tried and employed some of the backlogs of nurses, allied health professionals, teachers, and many other graduates you refused to employ. You are so annoying anytime you speak because your speeches are not backed by facts. Mr. former President, I'm convinced that Presidents are chosen by Allah and not how many distortions you put out. Please, be innovative and let your public utterances be based on research. Thank you for understanding


The Outstanding Public Servant of the year. Congratulations
