Insight Incubator - Prompts Worth Pondering

Insight Incubator - Prompts Worth Pondering

Program your day before it programs you. Prompts worth pondering--from my morning to yours. Pebbles


Spite says much about the Spiteful and nothing about the Spited.

~Insight Incubator


And that’s where I want my mind to go.


Dial up self-preservation by dialing down people you feel worse after confiding in than you felt before.



Sometimes things said don’t hurt less just because they ultimately reveal more about the sayer than the receiver. Sometimes hurt is hurt.


Be the leaves.


Where are you choosing confusion to avoid a discomfort of responsibility?

Wipe that slate clean. A fresh you and year await.


An invitation to make waves. Your presence has impact, and our world can use all hands onboard. 🙏🌏

Timeline photos 04/12/2021

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Is contemplation a luxury or necessity for you? Or perhaps a necessity that gets treated like a luxury?

For me, it’s too often the latter. So I’ve designated Thursdays my ‘consciously contemplative morning,’ so that my week doesn’t evaporate with me having only taken swipes at it.

It’s Thursday, so this moment I’m experiencing the richness of answers (phew!), ideas, inspiration and increased clarity that contemplation reliably brings.

✳️ Ask yourself: Is contemplation a luxury or necessity for you? Or perhaps a necessity that gets treated like a luxury? And, when can you schedule that gem? 🗓

➡️ This is both poll and prompt—let me know below. 🔽🔽🔽


HAPPY IS NOT—denial, blinders, head-in-the-sand, narrow or fixed mindedness, rolling over, or a superficial Pollyanna chant.

HAPPY IS—open-minded processing, healthy self-regulation, recognition you’re here to breathe another day, gratitude for the capacity to change and for the basest, most foundational of things we too often take take for granted or dismiss.

What HAPPY-HEALTHY systems and choices can you habituate?

Cos you’ve got this. 💪⭐️🙏


Heed nudges. Release your genius. Do not let the universe move on to a more open door.
What do you really wish you were doing?
Where are you playing small?
Breathe. Release. Then proceed. Boldly.


Life is full of “mountains.” Lace up, and climb. The “view” is worth it.
P.S. This view proved unparalleled in breathtaking magnificence. Simply endlesss. Have you climbed it??


The disciplined pursuit of less.
What can you pursue LESS, only BETTER?
What were you put on this earth to do?


Never is the company of trees so apparent as when the rain makes each leaf speak. ~KManz xo


Today, each of us receives a call.
Will you answer?


What would radical wellbeing mean to you? What would it look like? How would you feel? Who would you be?

What could you accomplish? What level of fulfillment could you experience?

We are less victim than we, self-enablingly, perceive.

Refuse to self-enable. Self-direct your way to radical wellbeing, physically, mentally, spiritually.


You are here. More pointedly, you are STILL here.

Every previous everything—day, moment, challenge, horror, sadness, disappointment, overwhelm, fear, mood—is in the rear view mirror.

Whether you learned, cried, hurt, took charge, failed miserably, lost painfully, or triumphed—you survived.

And you will survive this day, too. Whatever it holds.

Be here.


Ridicule and the demands of daily life be damned. Life is a brief blink, breath, moment.
Your dozing dreams await. Own and awaken them.


Whatdya got? What’s hiding buried in there, in you? What inner sparks do you get that flash ‘wow, if I unleashed that on the world, just think’ or ‘if people knew I could do/offer/be X, life would rain game-change.’

Promise. Everybody’s got it. Heed the nudges. The shot-down, blown-off, shrugged-away inner micro-bursts of ‘that is genius.’

You are genius. That is your promise. Own it. Out loud.


What is your vision of excellence?
No really, stop, think, write even—what is it?

In your personal life, professional life, waking moments, meal-making, goal setting, self-caring—what are the visions you strive toward?

Set them now. Gift yourself goals. Live intentionally. Let the empowerment of personal development ripple, liberally.

Let others wonder what makes you glow. Then be sure, always, to share this float-ring of insight: When we live our visions of excellence, we never need determine what is work and what is play.


Don’t know what to do? Or how? Decision to make? Simply bored? Or lonely?

Your advisory committee, aka soul, is ever at the ready. You are never truly alone. All the direction you need resides inside.

Tune in. With trust. Whether still, on a hike, walk, bike, or in the shower or kitchen. Don’t reject, push back, or run the show.

Just listen. And hear the wisdom already there.


How much awareness do you wring out of each moment? How much presence, alertness, existence do you register throughout the day?

These are habits waiting to happen. Cos guess what happens when you do—life gets BIGGER. More subtly satisfying, more vivid, more creative, well resourced, less stressed.

These portable, free, zero time-cost, life-expanders are mindfulness applied, simply a film over everything you already do. Only now mysteriously better. Richer. Fuller.

Awareness. Presence. Alertness. Existence. Life is short. Install habits worth having.


Feeling magnificent? Celebrate! Witnessing magnificence? Celebrate more!

Be the magical mirror that seeks out, acknowledges, applauds, encourages, uplifts, and perpetuates even micro-magnificence around you.

As Dan Harris says, ‘develop the capacity to to appreciate something a hair above neutrality.’

Then be a compounding good—mirror and magnify!


Fact: Garbage in >> Garbage out.

How often—when you’re in a funk, feeling off, fatigued, hungry, or in a poor mood—do you give honest eyes to which neurotransmitter roller coaster you launched in the past 24hrs? 3 days? 3 weeks? 3 mos? 3 years?

Everything we ingest kicks off a set of cascading effects. EVERY thing. EVERY time. There are no one-n-done’s. We are a system.

Every bite or sip hands the Carny a ticket to the ride of our choice:
Ride A >> Increased sharpness, energy, clarity, confidence, and self-regulation; OR,
Ride B >> Increased cravings, brain-fog, fatigue, moodiness, and poor sleep.

We always are moving toward one or the other. There is no standing on the platform. And better always is, well, better.

WE cue the ride. So flag the Carny and choose better. You deserve better! We all deserve better.


What are you white-knuckling? Right now, what is your grasp so tight around that you’ve lost flexibility for any other version of your journey to enter in?

We are shortsighted. Detrimentally myopic, when it comes to the scope not only of our potential, goals, and endgames, but even of piddly, numerous, much less consequential thoughts and actions.

To be in the driver’s seat is one thing—that is, of our mindset, conduct, character, environment, and associations. But to intently focus on only one path is to choke out countless unimagined alternatives.

Invest in how you show up in the world, yes, but leave space for brilliant, creative unknowns to unfold and amuse you.
