

📚 劍橋YLE / 補底 / 面試 / 活動教學
👩‍🏫 1對1或1對2教學
📍 為你度身訂造最適合的學習計劃
✨ Keep learning, keep growing.

Photos from E.meet_tutor's post 31/05/2024

同樣嘅字👇🏼 咁去表達📄 一聽就知你係英文高手😌

以下既字全部唔需要加s! 點解?🤔一齊睇睇高手們點用啦🫶

🗣️ Feedback (回饋意見):
Feedback 是由多個意見、建議或回應組成的。不需要加S!❌

🧳 Luggage (行李):
因為它是一個collective noun (集合名詞), 它指的是幾件行李。同樣不需要要加S。

📰 News (新聞):
News 原本已經有s結尾,當作名詞使用即可! 它指的是一系列的新聞報道或消息。

🔍 Research (研究)
多於一篇研究不需要在research後加S!! 因為它是一個collective noun (集合名詞), 如果想描述多於一篇研究可以配上studies, papers 📄的字眼。


Photos from E.meet_tutor's post 13/05/2024

又到左星期一啦!🙇🏻‍♀️ 放完個weekend 係咪又Monday blue呢…🫠加埋呢排既天氣又天陰陰🌧️ 成日落雨、冇哂動力做嘢😫

Monday blue喺形容星期一時嘅憂鬱同低迷情緒嘅最常用詞彙,有時候我地都會經歷呢種感覺,係冇問題既!但我地唔好俾佢影響我地嘅整個星期✨學習慢慢調整心態~

如果你想悶了呢個詞,仲可以用gloomy或者low spirit嚟表達,佢哋都有相似嘅意思~

做到累既時候記得休息一下💪💙 send埋比朋友成日Monday blue既朋友仔,下次有同樣情況就可以用下唔同嘅字啦🧠

#成人英文 #英文筆記 #英國升學 #澳洲升學 #英文補習 #英文單字

Photos from E.meet_tutor's post 04/02/2023

📍The expectation VS reality of a student life 😯

1. Before your exams…
👉🏻Sleep well VS deadline fighter

2️⃣After all your exams..
👉🏻 Relieved 😮‍💨VS worried 😩

3️⃣ Work at home
👉🏻 Work from home desk VS work from bed🙊

4️⃣ Daily schedule
👉🏻 Well-planned VS procrastination 😳

Photos from E.meet_tutor's post 27/01/2023

📍Do you feel guilty about taking a break?
Here are 3 myths about revision:
📍 Myth 1: The longer you revise = the better outcome?
✅Remember quality > quantity!!
✅Taking breaks = your mind can rest for awhile = function properly
✅lack of breaks → tired → lack of motivation
✅Try Pomodoro technique (work-25mins, rest 5 mins)
✅Set clear boundaries (work & rest time)

📍 Myth 2: Taking breaks = waste time = ineffective
✅Give yourself a mental break- recharge your energy
✅i.e Monday-Saturday-target revise x hours,
Sunday rest day-reflect +review this week, plan the next week

📍 Myth 3: ‘I don’t need a timetable, I will keep working until I accomplished it.’
✅Create a timetable (identify your key tasks, your deadlines, plan to hang out with your friends etc)
✅Don’t set extreme goals (break up a huge task into smaller milestones)
✅Clear plan + having things to look forward → increase your motivation + save time
✅Use an organized app/excel to plan + record → review it from time to time (i.e achievable? Any adjustments?)

Have you heard of any myths about revision?
Comment below and share with us💕


Are you stressed after your exams?
Here are 5 self-care tips to guide you:

✅Appreciate the time and effort you put in
✅Each step matters

📍Put your books away
✅take a break from your studies

📍Don’t talk about your exams
✅If you tried your best, then it’s ok. Nothing needs to regret.
✅Trust your ability:)

📍Reward yourself
✅You deserve a reward!
✅Go out for a meal / watch a movie / buy a present

✅’ You are not a machine, you’re supposed to take breaks.
✅ You deserve to rest. Don’t feel guilty when you take a rest.

Do you have any tips in coping exam stress?
Comment below and share with us💕

#英國留學 #溫習方法 #拖延症 #個人成長


[一秒教大家分清: x^2同-x^2]
1️⃣ x^2 positive quadratic - Happy face😊
2️⃣ -x^2 negative quadratic- Sad face☹️


Photos from E.meet_tutor's post 24/12/2022

📍Here are 3 Youtube study playlists we recommended!
📍Helps you to stay focused & motivated ⭐️
1️⃣Abao in Tokyo
-Jazz/ Hip-hop/Lofi/ study with calm piano
-with Pomodoro timer (25 mins work, 5 mins rest)
-live radio!!

2️⃣The Sherry Formula
-Relaxing Lofi/ chill music
-offers different playlists (i.e 24/7 live, 50mins focus10mins rest etc)
-with Pomodoro timer too (25 mins work, 5 mins rest)
-live radio!!

3️⃣Luv, Emily
-acoustic music (1/2hours), late-night vibe playlists
-study with me (with Pomodoro time)

Which playlist do you recommend?
Comment below and share with us 💕

Photos from E.meet_tutor's post 21/12/2022

🎄How to get 1% better everyday?
Do you the differences between👇🏼
1.01^365 VS 0.99 ^365?

Let’s try!!
📍How do you define 'better'?
⭐️Maybe work 5 minutes longer than yesterday?
⭐️Or wake up earlier? Don't be harsh on yourself!

📍Start with small and simple action
⭐️Especially when you form a new habit, small regular steps help you to start easily.

📍Do not make excuses
⭐️Try the 5-minute law! ⭐️Accomplish it now!

📍Reflect & Monitor
⭐️Daily/weekly/monthly reflections are crucial, reflecting upon your plans.
⭐️Are they effective? How can you perform better?

Photos from E.meet_tutor's post 16/12/2022


1️⃣ 視覺型
✅ 重視視覺效果
✅ 吸收資訊: 用mind map, timeline, 圖表、圖片和顏色

2️⃣ 聽覺型
✅ 透過聽/講/同其他人一齊討論去學習
✅ 吸收資訊: 網課、聽Podcast/YouTube、讀出聲

3️⃣ 讀寫型
✅ 抄寫或整理筆記學習

4️⃣ 動態型
✅ 透過互動形式去學習

5️⃣ 綜合型
✅ 幾種學習模式都適合!



📍How to revise? What’re the do’s and don’t

✅ Take breaks
✅ Start earlier & create plan
✅ Set up nice & tidy study space
✅ Reward yourself

❌ Procrastination
❌ Avoid subjects you are unfamiliar with
❌ Surround yourself with distractions
❌ Missed out sleep

📍Do you have any suggestions?
📍Comment below and share with us 💕




🌟 網上補習可以點幫到你?
✅ 1對1學習,提供個人化教學
✅ 釐清概念、學習應用、加強考試技巧
✅ 不受地區、時間的限制
