Clean Realism

Clean Realism

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Root Sum Squared Tolerance Analysis Method

The root sum squared ( ) method is a statistical tolerance analysis method.

In many cases, the actual individual part dimensions occur near the center of the tolerance range with very few parts with actual dimensions near the tolerance limits. This, of course, assumes the parts are mostly centered and within the tolerance range.

RSS assumes the normal distribution describes the variation of dimensions. The bell-shaped curve is symmetrical and fully described with two parameters, the mean, μ, and the standard deviation, σ.

The variances, not the standard deviations, are additive and provide an estimate of the combined part variation. The result of adding the means and taking the root sum square of the standard deviations provides an estimate of the normal distribution of the tolerance stack.

The normal distribution has the property that approximately 68.2% of the values fall within one standard deviation of the mean. Likewise, 95.4% within 2 standard deviations and 99.7% within 3 standard deviations.


What Are The Different Types of Wastes in Lean (Muda, Muri, Mura)

Wastes of Lean

Anyone with any degree of Lean training would know “Muda”. It is often translated as simply “Waste”. In Japanese, waste is identified as Muda (無駄) a word meaning “futility; uselessness; wastefulness”. By identifying and removing the Muda, waste, we get continuous improvement.

The most common acronyms for Muda are TIMWOODS (or sometimes the eight wastes are referred to as DOWNTIME).


Moving the product around unnecessarily is a waste of time, effort, and increases the likelihood that it will be damaged


Any unused materials is wasted capital. It is money just sitting around in the form of raw materials (0% complete), work-in-process (50% complete), or finished goods (100% complete).


The “wear and tear” on the equipment or the people involved in the process. If you are transporting the product around unnecessarily, you are also wasting the motion of the trucks, fork lifts and warehouse workers.


Time that the product is sitting there – not being transported or processed. This is a large source of waste in physician offices.


Doing more to the product than is necessary


Making more than is necessary, usually because the production batches are too large


Imperfect production that requires re-work, or doing work again

You can easily recall the 8 wastes of lean by using the acronym, “DOWNTIME”, which stands for:




Non-utilized talent.

Transportation excess.

Inventory excess.

Motion excess.

Excess processing.

‘Everyone knows the human toll of burnout. Unchecked organizational norms insidiously create the conditions for burnout—but leaders can change them to make burnout less likely.’ Eric Garton – HBR

Mura – Unevenness

Mura is best translated as Unevenness.
It’s a key driver of wastes throughout organisations and also with its people. Imagine being simply flooded with a massive to-do list that never goes down and nothing ever gets finished. Then imagine you go to work one day and find you have nothing to do. No client calls. Its the beginning of the month and everything has gone quiet. Then 2 weeks into the month the rush starts. The workload rockets and we start to make mistakes as we try to balance output and quality. Mura causes many of the issues we all face in day to day work.
As you move away from the front line, we have to look at the unevenness across the business and do what we can to solve it. What is driving the unevenness? Do we spread bonus payments out during the month to avoid last minutes demands on the last day of the month? Should we wait until the end of the month to send invoices?
By reflecting on the impact unevenness is having on both your internal processes and your customer delivery is critical to trying to remove it.

Overburdened employees burnout – it’s a fact

Muri – Overburden

Overburden can be caused by processes having uneven demand (Mura) or potentially by reducing wastes within processes. Whatever the reason, overburden occurs when we place too much burden on a part of the process.
This could be the overburden of machines – asking them to work faster than they are capable and perhaps not giving enough time for day to day maintenance.
But more often than not fail to identify when we overburden our people.

Overburdening people is one of the most damaging things that can happen within organisations. This can be the result of aggressive cutting, restructures or even the result of poorly planned transformation activities that are meant to drive improvements in the business.
In January 2017, Future workforce and Kronos identified that burnout is responsible for over 50% of their annual turnover. And 30% of these employees blamed the overburden on poor management.
Therefore, getting the balance right is critical.

And lets be honest – its often the best employees that get overburdened. Its not the average or poor performers that get pulled into various projects. It’s our best people – the ones we can count on to make a difference.

The manager’s role
The focus as a manager must first and foremost be on getting the front line team to understand “Muda” and how to remove waste from every process to drive efficiencies and great value.
However, as managers, we must take a high-level view of the end to end process and by removing silo’s, functions and departments from our thinking we must find ways to ensure a consistent flow of work across all sections to support our teams.
Do you have the right people in the right places?
Do you have uneven demand within the value stream and what actions can be taken to even it out?
Are there certain individuals or sections which are doing the lion’s share and are potentially overburdened? If so, how can the responsibility or workload be shared? Is the team structure or organisational structure fit for purpose?



4 AM - 6 AM — Brain Function: 100%
6 AM - 8 AM — Brain Function: 50%
8 AM - AFTERNOON — Brain Function: 35%
NIGHT — Brain Function: 20%
REMINDER: it is also effective if you will study for about a week before the upcoming exam. don't cram in reviewing the day before the exam. leave one day for not studying to rest your brain and prevent drainage.
— minimun: 6 hours
— maximum: 8 hours
— BREAKFAST: 60-80% (heavy meal/breakfast)
— LUNCH: 10-20%
— DINNER: 30-40%
— do regular meditation and exercises every morning and evening for about an enough minute
— drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday
— have a balance diet (healthy diet would help)
— Protein, Calcium, Omega 3, B Complex, Lecithin, Honey, Bee Polen, and Ginko Biloba
— increased alertness; improved mood; sharpened concentration
— the flavonoids in chocolate may help protect the brain. studies have suggested that eating chocolate could boost both memory and mood.
— nuts contain a host of brain-boosting nutrients, including vitamin E, healthy fats and plant compounds.
— oranges and other foods that are high in vitamin C can help defend your brain against damage from free radicals and can be a key to prevent mental decline.
— eggs are a rich source of several B vitamins and choline, which are important for proper brain functioning and development, as well as regulating mood.
— read it 6 times.
— say it 10 times.
— write it 2 times.


You're not the only thing that's changed. The world is a different place too.


Types of a Screws


What is a Stock?

: A type of security that signifies ownership in a corporation and represents a claim on part of the corporation’s assets and earnings.

Other Terms:

Type of Corporations

company: A company owned by a relatively small number of shareholders and which does not offer it’s company’s shares to the public on the stock market. The company’s stock is only traded or exchanged privately.

company: A company who’s ownership is dispersed among the general public and their shares freely traded on the stock market.


Kirchoff Law


Galvanic vs. Electrolytic
