Mind over mutts

Mind over mutts

Can you imagine how hard it must be when you are suffering from a mental health illness, becoming unwell and being sectioned.

Mind over Mutts has been set up to help ease the pressure of what to do with your pet


Can you help with a temporary home for a male springer spaniel approx 14 months old, who’s owner is in hospital. This could be for up to six months.

For further details please message this page and after a helping hand form has been filled in you will receive a deteiled description of the dog and his needs so that you can decide if you can offer the sort of home that is needed


Can you imagine how hard it must be when you are suffering from a mental health illness, becoming unwell and being sectioned. You are told you have to stay as an inpatient taking away your freedom for an unknown period of time.

Now think about the other things that are infected by this section, you might lose your accommodation, you may lose contact with friends but most importantly you will need to leave your beloved pet at home, not everyone has family that can take care of this pet, so off to kennels they go.

Some people are lucky and their local council will cover the costs however there is no legal responsibility for them to cover these costs. So individuals are left with a very hard decision to make to get in to debt paying for a kennels or rehome the pet.

Theses dogs are a massive part of the individuals life and often give emotional support and are the encouragement needed to get well and stay well.

This is the reason I would like to set up a network of people who would be willing to help look after theses animals whilst their owners are under section. If you feel that you can help please message this page
