

Healer Findr Services is a platform to connect healing & wellness practitioners with those interested in energy healing and holistic living.

Our services range from tarot card reading to reiki, sound therapy, to relationship coaching and many more.


Meet our practitioner. Linh was trained in Mayan lineage healing practices such as Hanafuda & Divine Intervention. Her inclination towards healing at the root cause brought her to Divine Healing Master Key and Soul contract reading. She has been living in Malaysia for over a decade and offers her service in English & Vietnamese. For inquiries email us at [email protected] / +0616 206 1567 (Whatsapp)


Soul contract reading is a system channelled by Frank Alper and further developed by Nicolas David Ngan based on ancient Hebrew, Kaballah, Tarot & astrology to help humanity accelerate our development and ascension.

Book your Soul Contract reading today with our practitioner to:
• Reveal the truth of how your life is really meant to work
• Empower you to manifest your hidden Soul Purpose
• Discover the precise strategy and solutions for overcoming your greatest challenges in life
• Express your natural talents in a deeper way
• Start manifesting your heart felt dreams
• Learn how to create better relationships


Authenticity opens yourself up to possiblities more than you may imagine, & it is a crucial part of healing process.


Do you have any anger stored within your beingness? This process is a way of releasing rage and anger in a safe and meditative way. It can be done alone or with your partner, if there is anger or stagnation in your relationship. It is helpful to do it every day for 10 days to really open your energy.

With a partner:

1. Kneel opposite each other with a large, thick pillow (or a stack of pillows) each in front of you.
2. Look into each other’s eyes.
3. Clasp your two hands together, without your fingers being interlocked.
4. Simultaneously start beating the pillows. Release all your anger and rage on the pillow. Allow yourself to shout, make noise etc. Be as total as possible, give yourself permission to let it all out.
5. Continue beating the pillows until your anger is spent.
6. Sit quietly, meditating, observing without judgement, the thoughts, feelings and emotions flowing out of you. Just allow them to be. Do this for about the same amount of time as you were beating the pillows.
7. Embrace each other. You may also like to share any insights you received.

By yourself:

1. Kneel with a large, thick pillow (or a stack of pillows) in front of you.
2. Clasp your two hands together, without your fingers being interlocked.
3. Start beating the pillows. Release all your anger and rage on the pillow. Allow yourself to shout, make noise etc. Be as total as possible, give yourself permission to let it all out.
4. Continue beating the pillows until your anger is spent.
5. Sit quietly, meditating, observing without judgement, the thoughts, feelings and emotions flowing out of you. Just allow them to be. Do this for about the same amount of time as you were beating the pillows.

Take care when doing this not to injure yourself, especially from hitting the floor with your hands and straining your back or shoulders.

Credit: Center Of Conscious Ascension


"Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance." (Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead)


When it comes to energy healing, it can be difficult to know if the work you are doing is effective. After all, we can’t see or touch energy in the same way we can see and touch physical objects. So how can we tell if the healing is working?

There are a few things you can look for to help determine the effectiveness of energy healing. One is changes in your own energy. If you are doing energy healing work on yourself, for example, you may notice that your energy feels lighter or more balanced after a session. You may also feel a sense of relief or calmness.

Another sign that energy healing is working is if the person you are working with experiences physical or emotional changes. For example, they may feel a decrease in pain or experience an increase in positive emotions.

Of course, not everyone will experience changes after energy healing. This doesn’t mean that the work isn’t effective – it just means that it may not be the right approach for that person at that time. It’s important to be patient and keep an open mind when experimenting with energy healing.

For more tips on healing work follow our blog at www.healerfindr.com


Modern life tends to condition us to suppress, ignore and distract our feelings, emotions and needs. Which in turn causes all sorts of mental, emotional and physical dis-eases. True healing, therefore, starts with authenticity & vulnerability.


In order to be effective in the physical reality it is important to be physically grounded. This also applies to manifesting abundance in your life. The world of ideas is where we conceive what we want to manifest but then it becomes manifest physically by staying grounded ourselves.

We recommend you ground yourself daily. With a little practice, it will only take you a few moments.

1. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes.
2. Focus on your first chakra at the base of your spine. Infuse it with the colour red and give it a little spin. Then extend a cord from your root chakra down into the centre of the earth. Anchor it there by giving it to an angel, tying it to a tree or whatever other preferred method. Make sure the cord is quite taut. Bring your consciousness back up this cord into your body.
3. Focus on your second chakra in your lower belly. Infuse it with the colour orange and give it a little spin. Then extend a cord from your second chakra down into the centre of the earth. Anchor it as above. Make sure the cord is quite taut. Bring your consciousness back up this cord into your body.
4. Focus on your third chakra in your upper belly. Infuse it with the colour yellow and give it a little spin. Then extend a cord from your third chakra down into the centre of the earth. Anchor it as above. Make sure the cord is quite taut. Bring your consciousness back up this cord into your body.
5. Now call your name down these three cords.
6. Allow the energy of Mother Earth to travel up these cords and to fill your body. Feel how nurturing and supportive She is.
7. Feel and enjoy the feeling of being grounded in your body and consciousness.
8. Express Gratitude.

Credit: Ahlmeirah Arielle Hallaire


Never judge anyone's journey.


Life is all about allowing your Self to move through that wall of separation, to eventually recognize and live who we truly are.


I've never left the weathered docks of your loving mind,
For I am in the moon, the wind and the whale's evening song,
I am the sailor of eternity whose voyage is not gone.


Existence is multi-dimensional and holographic. Heal one and you heal the rest.


Invest in what makes your heart whole, and what makes it sing!


Rewiring your life made possible!


Looking to heal things you feel inherited from generations before you? Or to shift the energetic field of your family lineage? DNA healing assists that process in a gentle yet profound way.


Little reminder of the day for your healing journey ❤


Given our existence is very much holographic and multi dimensional, Divine healing works deep as it is a multidimensional healing system. This powerful healing modality enables the many aspects of consciousness to heal and transform permanently and effectively. Schedule your trial session on our website or whatsapp us for inquiries!


Modern life trains our brain more than our heart, but the brain can't help heal your pain. To heal one needs to connect back to the the doorway of feeling, the heart center.


Hanafuda Card divination works in similar way as Tarot or Oracle cards, using Japanese traditional deck of cards with flowers and animals as guidance for clarity and insights.

Keen to have some guidance to make a decision in your life? Ask our Hanafuda card reader!


Have you ever felt a sense of depression, of anxiety attack, or a strange boredom to living life? Depression is a habit that can be healed too.


All pains are lessons necessary for you to move up the consciousness ladder, that which are perfect for your personal growth.


Self-acceptance, or acceptance of whatever that arises in your space, be it anxiety, anger or anguish, or anything for that matter, is the 2nd step to healing that which arises and much more.


Behind every seeming pain is a miracle!


Fate is often blindness. Take responsibility for your life by bringing up the hidden part of the iceberg of the mind, and remove the blocks to your living life fully.


Let not your Self wait until 'disability' pervades the body, address the root cause at the onset of joylessness, hopelessness, sadness, and anything not of Love.


The healing journey starts with self-awareness, which is to look into your heart, mind and soul, to see what misaligns and needs correction. Ask one of our practioners today if you need help and guidance.


Physical healing and emotional healing need a whole lot of self-honesty and awareness at the beginning. Many people turn to pills or quick fixes whenever they have a sorethroat, a cold, a body ache, a disappointment, a bout of anger, to skip these, and yet think they need no healing on mental/ emotional level. Are you up for some hard facts? 😄


Meet our practitioner - Bernard Yee offers chakra balancing to help clear and boost your centers of energy. But with his passion and talent in drawing mandala for the past 15 years the offering you don't want to miss is Bernard's art therapy, which helps you release negative emotions and heal deeply.


Drawn to drawing or painting or expressive arts? Art therapy in its different forms helps you express emotions onto paper or canvass, thereby removing unwanted energies. A meditation and self-healing process in its own rights.


This workshop can be for anyone and everyone! Healing the heart from emotional pain, life & work distress, and relationship breakdowns, is the opening to making life whole. Join May Kuen this 16th Jul to see rewrite your heart script!

Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00