Brandy White Candidate for Deltona District 1

Brandy White Candidate for Deltona District 1

A.C.T / A.C.T.I.O.N

What I stand for:


Only opening this page back up temporarily for storm help/info.

Deltona Citizen line regarding storms should open sometime tomorrow around 8am..


As a result of the tropical storm, the following roads and intersections are closed. Water over the road is an issue. The City is monitoring and working to resolve the high water concerns over these roads. Approved Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) and detour signs are placed around the road closures. Please avoid these roads at all costs. Stay safe!


Last post on this page. I will be making this page inactive soon. To continue to follow and discuss the City of Deltona Government with me, please join my Government watch group called " Deltona- A City On The Move?? ". This group was created around 6 years ago and contains a lot of great discussion on a multitude of agenda items. All the discussion here, was also held on there as well.

We have some flooding returned so please be careful on the roads. Catalina has a truck pumping it down, elkcam has water over the road again, as does many side streets. It appears most houses escaped further water damage (at first assessment).. but many have sustained damage from winds and downed trees. Please get out and help your neighbors if you can🥰


So...much ..rain😭. Waiting a few more hours then I will be out assessing and talking with residents. I have already received a few messages. Reminder to call in major concerns such as trees blocking the roads, flooding, and other dangerous conditions... to the Citizen line for City of Deltona 386-878-8511


Thank you to Lisa and Edda for sitting down and going over EVERYTHING so we can give everyone peace of mind moving forward. I have all the numbers and all the explanations to give you.

IF there is something I didn't think of or didn't get a sufficient answer to..and still cant...we are welcome to personally look at the ballots after 10 days have passed to put any doubt out of mind.

*There was a total of 4,045 ballots cast for District 1 per the printout I was provided

*There were 4 ballots listed as overvoted (meaning they picked us both or there was a stray marking causing it to read as an overvote)

*There were 511 ballots listed as undervoted
(Meaning they left it blank and choose nobody)

*Vote by mail totals show me with 652 and Tom with 622

*Early voting totals show me with 452 and Tom with 471

*Election Day totals show me with 605 and Tom with 728

*Election Day Broken down by Precinct is:
- Precinct 401 - had 2 machines and the totals show 660 and 623 for a total of 1283 voters. Tom 621 and Me 490
- Precinct 402 - 262 voters. Tom 107 and Me 115

I hope this helps and gives anyone who had doubts peace of mind

Photos from Brandy White Candidate for Deltona District 1's post 09/11/2022

I have one update to answer at least that question...

I won precinct 402a. To be honest that is the precinct I didn't think I would fare too well in because I wasn't able to get out and talk to that side near as much.

The ticker tape total is missing for precinct 401 which could only mean a handful of things like problems with the machine uploading on site... However what it does mean is if I won early voting and most the mail ends at the time, and I won 402. That means I lost 401? My own precinct? 🤔... I would be very shocked if that was the case but I suppose it's completely plausible.

However, I don't think this is giving anybody peace of mind but causes more questions instead. So I will follow up with ensuring we get the ticker total tape for precinct 401 and ensure everything seems to match..


In just the last hour I've received an overwhelming amount of messages, calls, texts. Some are relatively the same so I would like to address it

1. Yes I am aware and was also told about the precinct who had trouble with their machine in the morning.

2. Yes I am allowed to have access, as does anybody else in the public, to the ticker tape totals for precinct 401 and 402. I did attempt to go this morning to get the information to share since it was being requested however I did not see it posted at 401 so I reached out to Lisa Lewis before driving out to 402... I know years ago they used to tape them to the door for the public to view, but we spoke to the staff at the church and they were not aware if it was supposed to be posted and if so why it isn't... So I'm just going to wait for an update from Lisa Lewis as to perhaps what the current process is.. I'm only familiar with the previous process from years ago and what some residents thought as well.

3. Yes, I do know of many voters who chose to undervote. It was their right to undervote or overvote a race for that matter. If the process works as it should, the votes they did cast should be counted while the others were discarded. I understand your concern that it didn't happen, so the best I can do is reach out again to Lisa Lewis... But ultimately if you have these questions I believe is a canvassing board and a process to answer those questions. You all have the right to ask these questions and see them answered.

4. No, I do not plan to contest the results or ask for a recount. I understand all the concerns, but unless there is something shown to driven, I won't contest them. I will however take your concern seriously, ask the questions myself and look at the data myself if that helps bring peace of mind to the residents questioning the results.

I am a bit out of the loop as to how the whole process currently works as I have not been involved on the poll worker side for a good probably 10 years. I will definitely follow up as promised as I learn any answers to those questions.


There were a few signs I saw someone set on main was unsafe to pull over and collect them in the dark and I will get them today. If you have any signs you'd like me to pickup, please reach out! They get recycled/reused/repurposed!


Sorry I went to bed early last night ..I was whooped...was woken up for the results, made a quick post, and went back to sleep now my full post will be made:

Dear Deltona District 1,

I went into this not really wanting to win, but not wanting Deltona to sink any further with no real representation I said 2 things when I threw my hat in so the voters could have a choice:

1. For me, what's meant to be for me...will be... and so as uncertain as I was about putting my name in, I knew if it's not where I'm meant to be, I won't be..and if it is, I will.

2. I wanted the educated vote, the informed voter. I said I would stay focused on continuing to educate District 1 on the city agenda and topics...not typical dirty politics and preying on the uniformed voters while selling out to special interests. Could it cost me the election..yes and many people were very voiceful about that. I was, and still am, ok with that.

So for me, What's meant to be... was...and I slept sooooo good last night finally. I didn't win the election and after Monday nights meeting I was more than ok with not winning. I've said from the beginning I wanted the educated vote, I wouldn't play dirty politics, and I wouldn't sell out to special interests.... I was, and am ok, with that meaning I don't win. With Chisholm getting that horrid contract Monday Night, I knew it would have been pointless to be up there.... we are about to go through the worst period in Deltonas history...being up there wouldn't have changed any it.

I feel a bit relieved that my hands won't be tied and I won't have to worry about having to limit my voice online or not admin my groups anymore... I wasn't sure how I was going to maneuver that. I wasn't going to even have an attorney who's advice I could trust so getting elected had me worrying about how a lot of it would go down.

I am sad for the people of Deltona and definitely district 1, but I hope I shed plenty of light along the way the last few months and it's become more clear than ever who the puppets are and who is pulling their strings. I know many are upset and feel I should have tried harder, filled mailboxes with flyers, and sent robotic texts etc... but it was important to me to not lose myself in this...and that's just not who I am...sorry can't and won't do it, ever.

I have no regrets and although I feel bad for District 1, the voters spoke and it's up to them now to follow through and hold their elected representatives feet to the fire (good luck with that though). I made the special interests and puppet masters nervous....and that's a win for me! Deltona continues to reap what it sows...and I will continue doing what I've been doing...and unrestricted- so that I am most happy about!

Now let's finish prepping for this next storm! I'm here if you need me and will be out with my boots on the ground!!

Stay safe Deltona!!


Well the voters voted🤷

After what we saw last night, the desperate measures we saw at early voting and at precinct 401a, the multiple campaign violations and blatant lies...I'm not too surprised but a little...I'm sad for Deltona though. Pay to play continues and I'm relieved I won't be facing what's about to come under Chisholm...good Luck Deltona, you're going to need it!

I originally had a nice congrats message created for Burbank in case he won, but after he sold out to special interest I had nothing left to say beside...Good Luck! Deltona is watching!👀


Tropical Storm Nicole is expected to become a hurricane and is currently projected to pass over Central Florida.

The current path is making landfall near Melbourne in the early morning hours on Thursday as a Category One Hurricane. We will have tropical-storm-force winds in the evening hours on Wednesday. Inland Volusia County is predicted to receive sustained winds of 45-60 MPH with gusts up to 80 MPH. We are predicted to receive 4-6 inches of rainfall. Attached is the 12 pm briefing from Volusia County Emergency Management.

The Storm Water division is deploying pumps and generators to help mitigate flooding as much as possible. Two shelters will be open at 10 am Wednesday on the west side of the county.

-Heritage Middle School in Deltona will be open as a special needs and pet-friendly shelter.

-University High School in Orange City will be open as a general population and pet-friendly shelter.

-Volusia County Emergency Management is encouraging people to use the shelters as a last resort.

-The County will be enforcing a curfew from 7 pm Wednesday to 7 am Thursday.

-On the east side of the county there will be mandatory evacuations east of the intercostal RV and Trailer parks east of I-95.

-Please keep in mind that the path of the storm could change.

Deltona is planning to have personnel report to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 3 pm on Wednesday and open the EOC at 5 pm. At this time we are planning for full activation.

Once the EOC is open, the Citizens Information line will become active. That number is 386-878-8511. Volusia County will also fully open its EOC at 8 am Wednesday.

City Hall will close at 12 pm on Wednesday for the remainder of the week as Friday is a City Holiday.


With every burst of rainfall, my heart sinks a little more for those residents who were just barely starting to get relief from the previous water..and for many who still had flooding problems😭.

Please report any concerns and stay safe...


Picking up the signs before they become projectiles! It was great seeing everybody today!


I love seeing the desperation by placing that big gawdy sign out lying to the voters 🤣🤣 Can't even follow campaign guidelines nor what is set by Florida State statutes, commission on ethics and the division of elections... SMH no worries my human sign is much prettier to look at so I'll just stand right here and smile 😂😂😂


I love how many times today I have heard....Deltona is not for sale anymore, I cast my vote!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


Polling location for District 1 precinct 402a!


Many of us who attended last night's commission meeting, unfortunately knew all too well that they were going to pass anything and everything they could before the new commission takes their seats... In true lock step 4 to 3 fashion they did just that! One particular item alone is going to cost the taxpayers a pretty penny over the next 6 months. Despite all the valid concerns, even from three of those on the commission... And despite not being able to answer questions regarding the contract.... It still passed.

This is the voters opportunity, get out there and vote! Poles are open 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. today!


Remember that at the polls!! District 1 lake Helen Osteen was approved right where houses are still all underwater....


It's not too late...please come out and speak on the interim city manager contract!!!


Updated debris pickup map


Uh oh ...commission is being watched to see who is going to be naughty ..and who will be nice!! 😳🤣🤣. Meeting begins in 15min but running late no worries just come on in! If you plan to speak on an agenda item please fill out the form in the back. You only need to list your name in the agenda item you wish to speak on you do not need to fill out the rest


Here you go!

Out of an abundance of caution concerning Sub-Tropical Storm Nicole, Sandbag Filling Stations will open today, November 7th, from 8 AM until 5 PM at 2931 Day Road. Sandbag filling stations will remain operational through Sunday, November 13th, from 8 AM - 5 PM. The City is providing 20 bags per household while supplies last. Residents must show proof of residency and are encouraged to bring shovels and a helper – one to hold the bag, while another fills the bag, to expedite the sandbag filling.


To prepare for the rain...
Sandbag station is reopening and currently being setup at the Day Rd site!! Waiting for a news release from the City to share.


There was a great turnout each of the 11 days of early voting!! Yesterday though was a record breaking 1818!!!!

Photos from Brandy White Candidate for Deltona District 1's post 06/11/2022

To those who have not cast your vote and plan to vote on Election Day on Tuesday.

Can I please suggest you attend your city commission meeting this Monday starting at 630pm. There are several very important items on the agenda. I feel this would be a great meeting for everyone...but especially for those who still haven't cast their vote, to see how the process works!

You'll get to see how at least 3 of your currently elected do their jobs...and at least 2 more that only have 2 years left and at some point may want your support again.
After the meeting and before you vote....ask yourself this..

Did they listen to the people they are elected to represent? Do they ask the questions that you yourself had or provided answers that help understand their ultimate decision making? Did they appear well researched, willing to look at all options, and did they bring anything to the table? Did their vote makes sense given all the information and most importantly.... WAS IT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY AND RESIDENTS!!??

I have discussed at least 2 of the agenda items on this page already, so scroll back if needed and you can at least see my thoughts.

Items of major concern are 6a, 6c, 7a!!!Mondays decisions and Tuesdays election results... Will be life changing for many residents. Be informed. Be engaged. Be part of the solution!

I hope to see you tomorrow night at the City Commission Meeting at City Hall on Providence Blvd.

PS ...don't forget you can also direct your representative and send your thoughts ahead of time by emailing them at

[email protected]


Last day of early voting began almost an HR ago...busy day already! I've loved seeing such a large turnout every day these past 10 days!!
Come on out we are here until 6pm!

Also... reminder to turn clocks back Tomorrow!


The Center at Deltona. Food trucks and early voting for 1 more hour!

Videos (show all)

Polling location for District 1 precinct 402a!
The Center at Deltona. Food trucks and early voting for 1 more hour!
So will he move and live on lake tiny or center Rd.... or better yet one of the houses they're going to build in between...
I have a meeting here shortly with city manager Mr Peters. This is regarding the stormwater issues in district 1. I've b...
