O'Kon - Kub

O'Kon - Kub

everything dwarfs in comparison to the ornamental piece.


One of the fun facts about flowers

is that some flowers can be eaten! Flowers of the squash flowers, such as pumpkin blossoms, can be fried in a batter and eaten.


Bird of Paradise

Strelitzia is a genus of five species of perennial flowering plants. It is commonly known as the Bird of Paradise flower.



Freesia is a genus in the Iridaceae family, and it is a herbaceous perennial flower.


Inside a flower is the pistil, or the female parts of the flower.

The pistil looks like a vase with a long neck. The top of this "vase" is called the stigma. The long neck is called the style. The bottom, fatter part of the vase is the o***y and contains the ovules, or eggs.


Pollinators like bees, animals, and birds come and gather pollen from the flowers

When they go to visit another flower to gather more pollen, the pollen from the previous flower drops into the pistil of the new flower, fertilizes the eggs inside the o***y, and seeds are made.
