Cora Rose Readings

Cora Rose Readings

Intuitive reader and student of spiritual psychology, offering personalized tarot stories, group courses and coaching.

Photos from Cora Rose Readings's post 26/06/2022

This post is differentiated. What does this mean? This is something teachers do to tailor learning opportunities to each individual’s needs.
If you feel complete after reading a slide, there’s no need to scroll further. If you would like, you can save this post to come back and read the rest later if you feel that you need to return to the topic.

Resources from the last slide/in general:

is working in the U.S. to hold a constitutional convention to review/update the document

can teach you anything you want to know about capitalism + decolonizing spirituality

Google “direct aid” and “mutual aid” + your city/town to find local groups directly helping those in need



Today was my first day full time at my new job (end of my contract period). I find myself with many emotions and few words. I am proud of me for all the work I’ve done to find a job and to learn the ropes at this new one. I’m grateful for good coworkers at all of the jobs I’ve had. I’m grateful to work in a clean space where new ideas, growth and ingenuity are honored.

At the same time I know the rhythm of my soul beats its own drum and I am still listening. I’m still running my business and offering readings. I still know I can bring other things into the world and have no idea how or if they even should be monetized and sold. Yet other things are just moments, sacred to me or shared with a few.

To summarize, my new job has a defined role which makes it so much easier on my brain. Yet I am not defined by my job (and don’t think any of us are). I’m celebrating the love and perseverance it took to get me here.


Hey all, I’m deleting my FB. Follow me on IG or TikTok if you want to keep in touch. 💖

on TikTok


Truly be conscious of what you say bc the universe is listening. I asked to find a group of people yesterday morning & by the night was with them.

This means multiple timelines were aligned before I asked, with the anticipation of me asking. I was invited to an event last week and had no idea who’d be there other than 2 friends I already knew.

Speak aloud what you need & if your thoughts drift to something you don’t want, thank Spirit for helping you notice before you vocalize those thoughts.


How many times have you been told you have to love yourself before you can have a loving relationship? A partner who treats you the way you want and deserve to be treated? Friends who respect and encourage you and don’t complete against you?

Self-love can be the hardest to learn because our society only teaches how to love others, and then often like a martyr rather than an equal.

The truth we are all love and there is only love between us. Everything else is an illusion, although, at times, a very convincing one. The love you give to others allows you to receive love. Reflecting on how you love other teachers you hope you want to be loved.

The only answer to any “issue” is love. Love the best you can, as much as you can, as often as you can. Allow yourself to release judgment around how much you are loving anyone, including yourself. When your very existence is love, you don’t need to try at all. I’ll say it more clearly: You. Are. Love. It’s not a thing you do, but who you are. There is no trying, just being.


Oh heeeeyyyyyyy. It’s me. Your friendly neighborhood Cora-Ennegram-Type-9-Air- Sun-and-Moon.*

Social media was giving me deep anxiety for awhile, but I’m back with more…tarot and priceless/unsolicited opinions. (What else is the internet for?) Anyway, it’s a new year, or so I’m told, so expect some new things that I will announce when my s**t is more together. I personally don’t feel like it’s a new year, but I have trouble understanding/sensing the passing of time like that and time isn’t real anyhow sooooooooooo yeah.

*I don’t understand Enneagram too well but someone told me everyone loves Type 9s but they ghost everyone all the time and reappear years later and their friends are like: we missed you! And the Type 9s are like: was that 2 years ago? I thought it was last week. Sorry, friends.

Apparently Libra Sun, Gemini Moon means you don’t even know you have a body and that is….scarily accurate, honestly. I’m getting better at it, but sometimes it’s like, do I really feel like the gender binary makes no sense or am I just real great at dissociating and floating away? Lalala.

Image from , sent to me by the amazing who also has a great disappearing act and is generally amazing.

Self-Care Made SIMPLE | Cora Rose Readings 12/09/2021

Self-care is something I struggled with as someone coming out of twenty years of depression. Something I learned the slow, hard way. I had to learn everything I wasn’t able to do for myself as a child or young adult. It was a long process, but left me with the knowledge that if I could figure it out after so many years and having started basically at zero, I could help others do the same.

It also left me with a perspective that was quite different than what is marketed to us as “necessary” self-care. It’s actually a lot simpler than what we’re told and can be done all throughout the day. It starts with self-compassion, forgiveness and acknowledgment of everything we already do.

My hope is that I can teach you the same self-compassion I learned and that you can recognize how well you are already doing. We will also explore ways to support yourself that are unique to you and what makes you feel comfortable, safe, and at peace. I hope you will join me!

Registration closes TONIGHT (Sun 9/12) at 10PM for the seminar “Self-Care Made SIMPLE.” More details can be found in the registration link below/in bio. Hope to see you tomorrow!

Self-Care Made SIMPLE | Cora Rose Readings Taking the stress out of de-stressing.


Does the idea of adding self-care to your to do list leave you feeling stressed out? (And, oh, wait, isn’t self-care supposed to make us feel LESS stressed)? Do you feel guilty for never doing enough of it? Do you feel like you just don’t have the time? Don't know what to do? Feel like all those self-help choice boards and checklists you’ve downloaded don’t really have ideas that work for YOU?

If so, this 90 minute seminar is for you! It will help you reframe your definition of self-care, and you’ll learn (SPOILER ALERT) you’re already doing all the self-care things! Like, all the time! Promise!

Let's take a look at the other transformations in store for you:
* You’ll learn how to ACKNOWLEDGE yourself for all you’re doing instead of piling on the guilt and leave with a sense of RELIEF.
* You’ll also learn how to personalize your self-care not just for YOU but for what you NEED in various emotional states. You can forget your Pinterest boards with ideas you never look at (and stress over never looking at, amiright?) because you will leave with your own tailored list of solutions that will help YOU take care of YOU.
* Oh, and the best part? This list isn’t going to feel like a to-do list because it will be filled with QUICK things you can do, even as you complete your daily tasks. More importantly, it will be filled with things you choose, things you LOVE to do that LIGHT YOU UP.
Here’s what past participants had to say:

“I used to think I didn't do enough self-care, but now I know I do a lot on a daily basis.”—Jen

“I used to think that self-care was a single action or event that we choose to do, but now I know that it is so much more than that. These actions can be reactive/prescriptive (I'm feeling this way so I'll...) and purposeful (they don't always have to be planned).” --Jamie

Join us on Monday, September 13th @ 7PM EST (mind the time zone!)
The registration fee for this event is $40.

Once you register here, you will receive a link with payment information.

Your registration covers:
* Admission to the 90 minute seminar
* PDF "quick guide" for future reference
* Permanent access to a recording of the meditation done in the course


A message I received from Spirit for all of us multi-passionate, talented people! Wanted share in case this resonated with anyone else.

Don’t mind my pajamas or me mean mugging the camera 😂


Flipping the script on jealousy…when you feel jealous it’s a sun you want something that you think you can’t have. The good news is…. You can have it!
Side note: my TikTok works again…. Yay!!


Hi all, I will be live tomorrow to answer your questions about self-love, mindset, and meditation! Basically any question about life applies. DM me, leave a comment below or in my story, or show up live to ask your questions.

If you can’t attend the live, feel free to ask anyway as I’ll be posting the video here and on Facebook afterwards.

Photos from Cora Rose Readings's post 29/04/2021

As someone who has spent ten years teaching in a K-12 setting, I know how it can sometimes feel difficult to find time to take care of yourself. At the same time, I also know just how important it is to make space for yourself in a profession that requires us to constantly care for others’ needs. The truth is that self-love and care can happen in a moment. I wanted to create seminars by a teacher, for teachers, to address these issues and help others to find more balance, peace and joy!

You can register through the link in my bio. 💖

Photos from Cora Rose Readings's post 22/04/2021


I am so so pleased to be able to offer these 2 seminars on self-love/self-care for educators. Registration will be posted next week, but for now you can save the date in your calendar and share with anyone who you think may be interested.

Based on your feedback, each seminar will be offered twice, once on a weekday and once on a weekend. Swipe for dates/times and more info. 💖


May 4th 7:00-8:30PM EST
May 8th 12:30-2:00PM EST

Do you feel like you don’t have the time or money for self-care? Do you end up feeling more guilty about not doing self-care than if you had just never tried to do it in the first place? If so, this seminar is for you! We will explore the myths and misunderstandings around what is often marketed to us as “self-care.” Each participant will discover their own truth about how to care for themselves through meditation and reflection.


May 12th 7:00-8:30PM EST
May 15th 12:00-1:30PM EST

Self love and care sounds great and all, but what can I actually do in a moment of crisis…at work….in front of students….or worse my boss?
In this seminar you will learn 2 techniques (EFT and Free-Form Writing) that you can do nearly anywhere to help clear negative emotions, judgments, and thoughts. We will first learn the theory behind these techniques and then practice them.

*It is recommended, but by no means required, that you take Self Care Simplified before this seminar. Each does stand on its own, however.

Photos from Cora Rose Readings's post 17/04/2021

Always better in German! Immer besser auf Deutsch!
Thanks to Nietszche and for this reminder. I will say this every day for the rest of my life. I do believe it dissolves every conflict.


Mazel tov to the winner of our tarot giveaway... drumroll please 🥁... Thank you to everyone who participated and shared!


Saturday thoughts: we all tend to focus on the things that could be better, but if we really take a step back, we might see that our life is pretty awesome. My realization this morning was that little Cora would be so psyched about how my life has turned out. Conversely, what if young you wouldn’t be excited about the life you’re living? I have a conversation with your younger self, what ideals and values have you lost track of?


Hey everyone, I’ve been working on developing a new reading to boost self-confidence. It will help you to see your strengths, even those that are “hidden” from you, and get clearer on what you have to offer the world.

In order to test out this new offering, I am offering one lucky follower a free tarot story (personalized reading).

In order to enter, you need to:

1. Follow my business page on Instagram or on Facebook *
2. Comment on this post and tag 2 friends.

The winner will be announced on April 1st on both platforms.
*You can follow and comment/tag once on Instagram and once on Facebook to enter twice.

Best of luck to everyone! Can’t wait to read for you! ❤️💖🤍🖤

Photos from Cora Rose Readings's post 24/03/2021

Poem becomes painting. I wrote this over a year ago now, which seems crazy. Will post more as it progresses.


Happy spring! As the days grow longer and we see more sun, things begin to bloom. What would you like to bring into your life during this time?

Photos from Cora Rose Readings's post 11/03/2021

Today’s one-card pull: the four of cups. What do you feel like you’re missing out on? You’re getting lost in thought about what “might be” or could have been. Remember that you are in charge of your own life! You get to decide what you want in it! The only person standing in your way is you.

And update to yesterday: unfortunately the apps don’t really speak to one another, so I know it was hard for you to read the text to my video yesterday. From now on, I’ll post the video to my story (if you like the ASMR) and a photo here. Enjoy!


Don’t know about you, but I loooooove ASMR. I also love one card readings and daily tarot in my life, so I thought.... what a perfect combo! Shuffling is very soothing for me, so hopefully watching/listening to me shuffle is also soothing for you!

I’ll be posting every day on TikTok and will post here as well, but sometimes the videos seem to get cut off. Join me there if you like bc is very fun! (Don’t knock it til you try it!)

I try not to bring any negativity into this space, but let’s be honest, didn’t Instagram used to be a lot more fun? And don’t even get me started on Facebook! Do you remember when Facebook was only open to college kids? I know that’s a bunch of elitist, gatekeeping bulls**t BUT also there were no ppl telling me about their pyramid schemes or conspiracy theories. We just used it to cyber stalk all the hotties on campus like good, upstanding citizens. What I’m trying to say is...TikTok is actually still fun and not filled with 13 yo contrary to popular belief.

Happy Wednesday!


Waiting for an astrologer to explain!

Also, if I haven’t talked to you since 2012, see you in my dreams! 🤣


Some morning tarot fun. I read frequently for others, but so rarely pull cards for myself. Part of this is because I have other ways to connect with my intuition/care for myself. But I would be lying if I said that none of it was due to resistance.

What’s something you often do for others but rarely do for yourself?

Photos from Cora Rose Readings's post 19/02/2021

Apparently we’re supposed to post a lot for the Al-Gore-Rhythm (any Kimmy Schmidt fans?). However, also, apparently more likes and follows doesn’t mean actually reaching the people you want to help. Anyhooo I’m sending this cute octopus out into the universe with the intent of reaching anyone else who likes cute octopi or would vibe with my page. Swipe to see his humble beginnings!


Perfectionism has long held me back as a creative. Up until a few years ago, I was afraid to share my work with the world because it wasn’t necessarily going to be deemed perfect. People might judge it, and it was true, I was an amateur. I have always been a jack of all trades, I’ve never been satisfied with just focusing on one area of creativity. As I come in to my own and realize that this is a blessing, not a curse, I have started to share more and more. This is a painting I made during meditation yesterday. I allowed my intuition to choose all the colors, all the shapes, and at the end I smeared water over all of it (it was drawn with water color pencils), thus ruining any thoughts about perfection. I proudly share my least planned or aesthetically motivated piece with all of you. ❤️ guidance


Tarot reading for the month of February 2021


Type YES to affirm!
I woke up yesterday with these words ringing in my ears and meditated on them for a long time. While I have known this for a long time, it’s a different thing entirely to fully allow that knowing, to believe it, to let it guide your life.


How does a tarot reading with Cora work?

One of Cora’s greatest abilities is as a writer. When getting back into tarot as an adult, she wrote a story for each card to help her weave together the fabric of tarot. Writing is also one of the best ways she has found to let her intuition flow unhindered by other thoughts.

Therefore, when working with Cora, you will not only receive a phone consultation about the cards pulled for you, but also your own personalized written story of your reading to keep and refer to when needed. Should you choose to schedule regular readings, this is great way to track your progress and determine areas of growth and success.

Past clients have remarked that they preferred receiving written notes before the consultation because it gave them time to reflect and think about additional questions. They also loved that they got to keep their tarot story, and didn’t have to worry about furiously taking notes during the reading and missing something, allowing them to be more present.

If you are interested in a reading, please message Cora through this page with 2-3 questions you'd like answered. She will then get in touch with you about payment and scheduling the in-person portion of the reading. The price of a personalized tarot story and in-person follow-up in $75.

Videos (show all)

How many times have you been told you have to love yourself before you can have a loving relationship? A partner who tre...
A message I received from Spirit for all of us multi-passionate, talented people! Wanted share in case this resonated wi...
Flipping the script on jealousy…when you feel jealous it’s a sun you want something that you think you can’t have. The g...
Happy spring! As the days grow longer and we see more sun, things begin to bloom. What would you like to bring into your...
Don’t know about you, but I loooooove ASMR. I also love one card readings and daily tarot in my life, so I thought.... w...
Tarot reading for the month of February 2021 #tarot #tarotreading #intuition #intuitiveguidance #witch #aquarius #februa...
Type YES to affirm!I woke up yesterday with these words ringing in my ears and meditated on them for a long time. While ...

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 20:00
Thursday 11:00 - 20:00
Friday 11:00 - 17:00
Sunday 11:00 - 17:00