

Questions answered in this group: Where is America in Bible prophecy? Will America protect Israel? Will nuclear weapons be used in our lifetime?

What is America's symbolic name? Will America destroy Egypt? What happens after Egypt's destruction?


Zechariah 12:11
11In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.
Once the remaining Jews recognize Jesus Christ as their Messiah there will be great sadness and mourning all throughout Israel.

❓Where does this verse pick up ❓

(Ezekiel 37)
Once Ephraim joins with Judah to become “one stick” in God’s hand together we fulfill what is written by taking back Israel’s rightful land that Jehovah God gave to His people and together we remove our enemies from within the new boundaries of Israel. Once we feel secure we will then have time to mourn those we have lost!! That is where this verse picks up.

Explanation of verse:

11 (In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem,)

👉 Once Jerusalem feels secure they will reflect on those within their family that they know didn’t accept Jesus as their Messiah before their time on earth expired and there will be great mourning because of this!! 👈

To get an accurate comparison to be able to guage the type of mourning that is taking place Zechariah compares the mourning to an ancient time when Israel was mourning the loss of a beloved king!!

(as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.)

👉 Zechariah mentions the time in Ancient Israel’s history when Josiah was killed in battle against Pharaoh-Necho at Megiddo. 👈

🤔 Why does Zechariah reference ancient Israel’s history?? 🤔

➡️ Is it to give a reference to the type of mourning that will happen in Israel while at the same time pointing to a future similar event that will happen to help Israel recognize timing of Jesus return??

In my opinion Zelensky is making the same mistake that Josiah made!! I explained this in detail in one of my YouTube videos!! I’ll share the video in the comment section.

It is possible—in my opinion—that Zechariah mentions this ancient Israel’s history for that specific reason.

We are drawing close to some very violent wars.


Zechariah 12:10
10And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
I encourage everyone to read the previous articles to help them better understand the verses towards the end of this chapter.

This is a tremendously sad verse. (I’ll put a recap in the comments)

After Ephraim has taken back the rightful land given to Israel by Jehovah God this verse will come into play. We will have miraculously defeated our enemies and now there will be time to mourn and reflect!!

✡️ 🥾👟 Put yourself in the shoes of a Jewish survivor that doesn’t believe in Jesus and they are just realizing that Jesus was truly God’s Son sent to be their Messiah!! Do you know how sad they will be when they realize that all their family that has died before accepting Jesus as their Savior will be separated from God? (Sent to the lake of fire)

Explanation of verse 10:

10 (And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications:)

👉 God will pour out upon the leaders of Israel and the ones living IN JERUSALEM (other prophets explain how Ephraim will want all Jews living in Jerusalem so they can be protected) a spirit of “grace” which means understanding of their current situation and “supplications” which means both the leaders of Israel and the Jews will EARNESTLY SEEK GOD’S word to fulfill what was written and prepare for what lies ahead. 👈

👉 Ephraim will also be mourning those family members that decided to stay in America and not escape to Israel. (Remember Lot’s wife) Because by this time America will cease to exist. Go back and read the Isaiah chapter 13 articles to better understand the destruction of America. 👈

(…and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.)

👉 and the Jews will recognize Jesus as their Messiah—the one they crucified—and they will feel great sorrow and they will be wailing as one wails for the loss of an only son, and they will be bitter when they realize how many before them will be thrown in the lake of fire: a bitterness that one has when they experience the loss of a firstborn. 👈

It will be a “great and dreadful day”.

• Great in the fact that ALL REMAINING (Romans 11:26) Jews will accept Jesus as their Messiah!! Christians all over the world they will be escaping to Israel also!! (Isaiah 43)

• Dreadful in the fact that of realizing that all family members of the Jews that died before accepting Jesus will spend eternity in hell.

The next verses should be a lot easier to understand!!


Zechariah 12:9
9And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
One must read the article explaining verse 8 in order to understand this verse.


• Israel’s army was decimated when the Magog alliance attacked Israel. (Isaiah 4:1) People don’t seem to understand that America will not come to the rescue right away. Keep in mind that Babylon (America) will destroy Egypt!! (Ezekiel 29:11,12) It is HIGHLY POSSIBLE that because of the nuclear destruction of Egypt the beast (antichrist) and the ten horns (the antichrist will influence Europe) will “hate the whore” as it says in Revelation 17:16!! Because of this Babylon delays in helping Israel from the attack of the Magog alliance!!

• The Magog alliance decimates the male population in Israel. (Isaiah 4:1) All hope for Israel will seem lost!! (Ezekiel 37) Israel will hear of a group of Christians—the Bible refers to as Ephraim—escaping the destruction coming to America (Babylon) after the destruction of Egypt!! (Revelation 18:4)

• In God’s time He will use the Isles (America) to destroy the army attacking Israel and only a “sixth part of thee” (15%) of the army attacking Israel will survive. (Ezekiel 39:2)

• Which means 15% IS NOW REGROUPING and Israel HAS NO ARMY to defend themselves.
(Ezekiel 37)

• Israel can’t rely on America (Isles) because Magog (Russia) and the Isles (America) destroy each other. (Ezekiel 39:6)

• After this massive nuclear destruction the world will be dark!! Read Isaiah 60:1-9!!

• Then Ephraim—the army of the Gentiles— ARRIVES on the “ships of Tarshish” to defend Israel and it is HIGHLY POSSIBLE that this is when ALL REMAINING ISRAEL will recognize Jesus Christ as their Messiah!! (Romans 11:26)

• Because Ephraim told the world when Ephraim was escaping America that destruction would be coming to Babylon!! (America/Revelation 18:4) So that once America was destroyed it will have been Ephraim that told the world EXACTLY what was going to happen before it happened!!
(Jeremiah 29:16)

• Ephraim arriving will be like seeing the dead Israeli army coming back to life as explained in the “valley of dry bones” in Ezekiel 37. Go back and read the articles and watch the videos explaining Ezekiel chapters 38, 39, and 37. Ephraim’s army army will head to save the “tents of Judah first” …

Explanation of verse 9:

9 (And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.)

You may be asking: “How is it possible for this makeshift army to defend Israel??”

God will be with us in such a mighty way that even the feeble among us will fight as David and the house of David will fight as God, as an angel of the Lord!! (Read verse 8’s explanation)

You will have to understand the mindset of the group Ephraim!! And the only way one can do that is to have a complete knowledge of the Bible. Jesus said to “Remember Lot’s wife”!! Lot’s wife died in the escape of S***m and Gomorrah. Which means most every family will experience loss at this point in time as they escape to Israel. Ezekiel 39:9,10 explain that there will be plenty of weapons left for us to use once we arrive.

Steps that will be taken once Ephraim arrives:

• We will cleanse the land as explained in Ezekiel 39!!

• We will become “one stick” with Judah!! (Ezekiel 37: select a king, build the temple, etc)

• Zechariah chapter 9 explains that Judah will be the bow and Ephraim will be the arrow. It also explains that we will have to deal with the “sons of Greece”!! (Keep in mind that Daniel chapter 7 explains the 3rd beast as a leopard!! Go back and read my articles and watch my videos explaining the third beast in Daniel 7!)

• Any nation that comes against us we will deal with and those that plundered Israel we will return the favor!!

• Zechariah 14:21 explains that we will NOT ALLOW OUR ENEMIES TO LIVE AMONG US!!

The next verse is a tremendously sad verse as the remaining Jews now recognize Jesus as their Messiah and they also recognize…

I’ll explain this verse next!!


Zechariah 12:8
8In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.
It is very important to read the explanation given in verse 7 to help one better understand verse 8.

🤔 How will Ephraim save the “tents of Judah” first?? 🤔

Jehovah God will be with us in a mighty way. Joel chapter 2 explains that God will “pour out His Spirit” on Israel. (Joel 2:28,29) Many want to know what that will look like!! Go back and read the Joel chapter 2 articles and watch the YouTube videos explaining Joel chapter 2. Jehovah God will be with us as we defend Israel in a mighty way.

Keep in mind that once the Isles (which is America ) destroys the armies attacking Israel the weapons used to attack Israel will be left for us to use to defend Israel and to be used as fuel. (Ezekiel 39:9)

Bullet points to help understand the flow of what’s happening:

• All hope for Israel will seem lost!! (Ezekiel 37)

• Israel’s army was decimated when the Magog alliance attacked Israel. (Isaiah 4:1)

• However, God used the Isles (America) to destroy the army attacking Israel and only a “sixth part of thee” (15%) survived. (Ezekiel 39:2)

• Which means 15% IS NOW REGROUPING and Israel HAS NO ARMY to defend themselves.
(Ezekiel 37)

• Israel can’t rely on America (Isles) because Magog (Russia) and the Isles (America) destroy each other. (Ezekiel 39:6)

This is where we will pick up. All remaining Israel can see their enemies regrouping yet there is nothing they can do to stop them from coming to plunder Israel!!

Then Ephraim—the army of the Gentiles— ARRIVES on the “ships of Tarshish” to defend Israel and this is when ALL REMAINING ISRAEL will recognize Jesus Christ as their Messiah!! (Romans 11:26)

Because Ephraim told them when they were escaping the destruction coming to Babylon (America/Revelation 18:4) exactly what was going to happen before it happened!! Our army will head to save the “tents of Judah first” and ….

Explanation of verse 8:

8 (In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem;…)

🤔 How will God defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem? What will that look like? 🤔

(…and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David;…)

😳 Even those considered to lack knowledge of the Bible or to be the weakest among the group SHALL FIGHT AS DAVID!! What does that mean?? Why was this phrase used to describe those that would be fighting to defend Israel!?😳

King David was a warrior even before he was an adult. Even when he was considered a youth David knew God would be with him when he killed a bear and a lion to protect his sheep. David’s boldness and courage came from his faith in God to deliver him even when it appeared—from a human stand point—as hopeless!! When David faced Goliath as a young boy it looked hopeless from a humanistic perspective!! But God didn’t allow David to kill the bear and the lion just to let him die fighting Goliath in defense of Israel!! David knew God would be with him.

IN THE SAME WAY, the army of the Gentiles will know that God didn’t allow us to escape the destruction of America, cross the ocean, defeat who we will have to defeat on our journey to Israel (I’m not going to explain this right now), just to die defending Israel!! No, even those that would be considered “feeble” will fight as David in that day!! And everyone that knows the Bible knows David was a tremendous warrior!!

(…and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.)

🤔 What does this part of the verse mean? Who is considered the “house of David”? How will the house of David be as God, or be like an angel of the Lord before them? 🤔

The “house of David” is a phrase used to describe the lineage of David in ancient times and it is possible that it could mean the leaders of Israel during this specific time.

Which means the chosen leaders of Israel WILL BE AS GOD!!

🤔 You may be asking, “How is that possible for the chosen leaders of Israel to be as God”? 🤔

The Bible explains itself in the next phrase!!

The house of David being as God will be like an angel of the LORD before Israel!!

I can’t help but think of the time the chosen leader of Israel, Hezekiah, prayed to God to be delivered from the Assyrians and God sent an angel that killed 185,000 troops in one night!!
(2 Kings 19:35-37)

Does this mean that the “house of David” will be able to pray to Jehovah God to send His angels to help defend Israel??

That’s the way it reads to me!!! Because in verse 9 God makes it plain that He will destroy ALL THE NATIONS that come against Jerusalem!!

I’ll explain this in detail next!!


Zechariah 12:7
7The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.

There is so much to unpack in this verse. One must understand what has transpired and the only way to do that is to understand what Ezekiel 37 is explaining correctly and most Christians simply do not understand that chapter. Most Christians don’t even understand the correct order to read those prophetic chapters in Ezekiel. They should be read in this order: Ezekiel 38, then read Ezekiel 39, then read Ezekiel 37!!

Once you read those chapters in that order along with this chapter then you should understand these 4 main events:

1) that Israel’s army has been destroyed,
2) America has stepped in to save Israel,
3) Russia has destroyed America, and
4) Russia wins but is forced to relocate.

Those Christians in America that escaped (Revelation 18:4) have now fulfilled the “valley of dry bones” by escaping to Israel to become the army that Ezekiel sees coming back to life that have died fighting the Magog alliance. (One needs to see my Ezekiel 37 articles and videos to better understand Ezekiel 37)

Now this verse comes into play. Israel’s army has been destroyed!! (Isaiah 4:1) All hope seems lost!! Then Ephraim is spotted coming on the “ships of Tarshish”!! (Isaiah 60:9)

Ephraim (American Christians) will have arrived as the defender of Israel to defend the remaining Jews in Israel and that is where this verse picks up. Let’s explain this verse so that you—the reader—can better understand God’s plan!!

🤔 What do these phrases of the verse mean:

7 (The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first,)

👉 Ancient Jerusalem had a wall around the city and those outside of Jerusalem living in tents were defenseless against attack. Keep in mind that before America is destroyed God uses America to destroy the armies attacking Israel. (verse 6) These armies will be regrouping after they hear of the destruction of America because the enemies of Israel will see that there is no one left to protect Israel.

When Ephraim arrives we will have arrived in the nick of time to save the tents of Judah first and work our way towards Jerusalem. 👈

(that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.)

👉 This phrase is used to explain how God will be with us (Ephraim) to help us eradicate all anti-Israeli people from the land and we will give Jehovah God all the glory!! (How God will help us is explained in verse 8)

WE WILL NOT ALLOW our enemies to live among us!! One must understand the mindset of the group Ephraim that has escaped the destruction of America to fulfill God’s word!! (This is explained in Zechariah chapter 14)

Look at what Americans are facing currently within America. Americans are allowing their enemies to live among them and look at the chaos and violence that is happening because of this. Do you think we will allow these same problems to follow us to Israel?? 😈 Devil 😈 NO!!

Americans—in some parts of America—are currently living within a state of anxiety. Then you can add when it does come time to escape all of our family members will not escape with us—Jesus says to “Remember Lot’s wife”—which means Ephraim (American Christians) will have just lost loved ones in the escape!!

Once Ephraim arrives in Israel we will be in a violent frame of mind AND WE WILL SAVE THOSE on the outskirts of Israel because EVERY LIFE IS VALUABLE!! No one group is greater than the other!!

Even the “house of David” will join in the fighting which means even the leaders that God has chosen for Israel during this time will help eradicate the land!! (No more leaders deciding to have others fight for them while they are tucked away safe!!)

The next verse explains that God will help us. Because trust me when I say it will be a miracle to pull off what we will pull off. One must understand what all the prophets say about this event to help them understand what is actually happening. An example would be Jeremiah chapter 30. However, that’s just one example. A lot of the prophets discuss what happens when Ephraim arrives in Israel.

If you need a verse then Zechariah 12:7 cross references with Jeremiah 30:18.

There is more I could share but this is enough for now. Read ahead to better understand what is being explained by the prophet Zechariah so that you can better understand the explanation given. What does it mean for the feeble to be as David and the house of David to be as God?

I’ll explain this next!!


Zechariah 12:6
6In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.


😳 We have already established that the “governors of Judah” is a symbolic name for America. If the reader doesn’t agree with this then please read the article written on Zechariah 12:5. The previous articles go over the meaning of the phrases used in this chapter.

🤔 What is this verse explaining?? 🤔

👉 This verse comes into play at the point of Israel’s army being destroyed and now Israel is unable to defend themselves and Israel is experiencing tremendous violence. (Isaiah 4:1, Ezekiel 38, Zechariah 14:4, etc) The “governors of Judah” (America) have decided to help Israel. Zechariah 12:5 explains America’s thinking!! And that’s where this verse picks up. Israel’s army has been decimated and America decides to step in and save Israel. (Read Micah 4:10 post to understand that America will REDEEM Israel) 👈

Explanation of the verse:

6In that day will I make the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.

6 (In that day)
👉Leading up to Jesus return 👈

(will I make)
👉Jehovah God will make👈

(the governors of Judah)
👉America 👈

(like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheath)
👉 use their advanced low yield thermonuclear
weapons 👈

☢️🤔 One may ask: How does Ephraim know that low yield nuclear weapons will be used? 🤔☢️

☢️ Look closely at the description Zechariah is giving. Those types of brush fires happen quickly and spread rapidly destroying everything in the path!! Zechariah is describing a rapidly spreading fire that will burn through an army like a “hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf;”!! I’ll explain how I know we will use our advanced weapons at the end. ☢️

(and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left:)
👉 and America will devour the enemies all around Israel and to the right and left of Israel: 👈

(and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.)
👉 and Jerusalem will be allowed to dwell within her borders, EVEN IN JERUSALEM!! 👈


🤔 How do we know the “governors of Judah” (America) use low yield nuclear weapons?? 🤔

Look at this verse: Ezekiel 39:2!!
2And I will turn thee back, and 👉LEAVE👈 but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:

NOTICE that the army attacking Israel gets destroyed quickly!! Only 15% is left alive. Which means 85% of the army attacking Israel gets destroyed as Isaiah says—“like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf;”!!

🤔 How do we know that Isaiah could possibly be explaining that low yield nuclear weapons are used? 🤔

Look at Ezekiel 39:12!!
12And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.

🤔 Why would it take 7 months to cleanse the land? 🤔

Is that because of all the dead bodies? Or is it because those dead bodies are contaminated? Read the rest of Ezekiel 39 and you decide for yourself.

The phrase used: “EVEN IN JERUSALEM” is also very telling of the mindset of those Christians that will escape America (Revelation 18:4) fleeing to Israel!! You see, right now Israel is allowing their enemies to live among them. Look at East Jerusalem for example. That will change once Ephraim arrives in Israel. (Ezekiel 37) Because Ephraim WILL NOT allow Israel’s enemies to live within Israel EVEN IN JERUSALEM!!

There is much more that we could discuss but this is enough for now. I will go into more detail as we cover the later verses in this chapter.


Based on what we are about to see happen within America let me explain Zechariah 12:5. Some don’t recognize that America is being mentioned in the book of Zechariah. So the reader may strongly disagree. However, there is proof that this is already happening which is why I have decided to share the article. I’ll come back at a later date and share my video that goes along with this article.

When studying God’s word: TRANSLATION IS VERY IMPORTANT when trying to understand God’s prophecies. We MUST accurately understand God’s words!!!

Let me explain Zechariah 12:5 real quick. The reader will probably disagree because MANY CHRISTIANS don’t understand what God plans for America and they don’t recognize America in the Bible. However, in the upcoming months into next year YOU WILL SEE American politicians stand in favor of supporting Israel even though our current administration has denounced Israel defending themselves. In fact, it has already started.

God EXPLAINS how America will behave in her last days!!

Do you feel this is true: Most American Christians have been taught from childhood that as long as America protects Israel then God will protect America. This is what those who were born in the 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s were taught!! Just ask an American Christian that was born during that time!!

Umm,….that’s wrong!!! That’s the perfect example of American Christians seeing what they want to see and being WRONGLY INFLUENCED by their parents!!

Genesis 12:3
3I will bless those who bless you
and curse those who curse you;
and all the families of the earth
will be blessed through you.
This is one of the verses used to refer that God will bless America as long as America blesses Israel and protects Israel. The older generation uses this verse all the time to make sure America understands the importance of protecting Israel.

Well, God has blessed America. Look at the wealth and power of America. It is easy to see that America has been blessed by God!!!

However, America doesn’t get a free pass on judgement based on the laws that are in place that go against God’s word just because America protects Israel. NO!!! That would be referred to as “living carelessly” in the Bible.
(Ezekiel 39:6 reference)

And it is AMAZING how God’s word describes America PERFECTLY for those that are searching the truth. Look at this verse:

Zechariah 12:5(KJV)
5And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart, The inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be my strength in the LORD of hosts their God.
So let’s explain this verse.

👉Who are the “governors of Judah”?👈
Focus on the word governors!!! What country today has governors?!?! Israel HAS NEVER had governors in the history of their existence so we know this verse isn’t describing Israel.

What country today has governors that will say in their heart:

👉the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be my strength👈

Whose strength?? …..the governors strength!!

How do the governors get their strength???

Because 👉the Lord of Host is their God!!👈

Do you understand this?? If you read the wrong translation then the wrong definition of the word is used. The verse would say: “chieftains of Judah” or “leaders of Judah” and that is a BIG DIFFERENCE!!!

Because the Hebrew word used is alluph/allupe. And that word in this context means governors!!

🤔Now what country today has governors that considers itself a leader of Israel??? 🤔

The answer is simple:
ONLY 🇺🇸America🇺🇸!!!

🤯😲“Governors of Judah” is a symbolic name given to America when used in the correct context. 😲🤯

And doesn’t this verse make sense??? Many of our governors (political leaders) have been taught by their parents (the older generation which was alive to remember WWII or they remember America helping Israel become a nation in 1948) that as long as America protects Israel then God will protect America. And now those kids have grown up and some have become politicians (governors) and they are using their influence to voice the importance of supporting Israel when Israel will be facing what the Bible refers to as “Jacob’s trouble”.
(Jeremiah 30 reference)

🤩Isn’t God’s word AMAZING!!!🤩

Zechariah chapter 12 is a VERY PROPHETIC chapter and I could go into a lot further detail especially in light of what’s currently happening but that is enough for now.

Now if one understands how Micah 4:10 explains the way in which America will respond to Israel experiencing “Jacob’s trouble” then one understands that America will not help Israel in the beginning. But eventually AMERICA will be shamed into helping and that’s when things will turn violent. (America will destroy the army attacking Israel AFTER Israel’s army has been destroyed!!)

And when the end comes (these violent wars) Daniel explains that it will COME LIKE A FLOOD!!
(Daniel 9:26)

Just keep in mind, as long as Egypt is around then Americans have time. But the world is about to see Israel experience severe violence.
(Ezekiel 38)

Peace be with all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Curious to hear others thoughts on Zechariah 12:5!! Who do you feel represents the governors of Judah??


Zechariah 12:4
4In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness.
🤔 When will this verse play out?? What does this verse mean??🤔

Answer: Once the Magog (Russian) alliance decides to get involved in the attack against Israel that is when Zechariah 12:4 will come into play!! Let me explain.

🤷‍♂️ 🤔 Did you read verse 3?? 🤔 🤷‍♂️

Right now God is allowing Israel to do a good job as a “burdensome stone” by “cutting in pieces” any country that is trying to remove Israel as verse 3 explains by picking up the stone and throwing it out of the way!!

But once the Magog (Ezekiel 38/Russian) alliance gets involved then we will see verse 4 take place.

Anyone that really wants to attack Israel then they will have to take out the Iron Dome. Once the Iron Dome is disabled then….

We know that Russia has the technology to destroy the iron dome!! Quote from a recent article explaining the technology of the Russians:

“When speaking of ballistic missiles like Iskander that the Russians are using, Iron Dome is not the solution…” “The Iron Dome is designed to be used against rockets and UAV’s, but not ballistic missiles.”

Many around the globe don’t believe that the Iron Dome can be defeated because the media has been CONSTANTLY showing videos of the iron dome shooting down rockets WHICH IS WHAT IT IS DESIGNED TO DO!! (shoot down rockets)

However, ONCE RUSSIA gets involved….
(Now let me explain the verse)

4In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness:

MY understanding of the verse:

👉 In that day when the Magog (Russian) alliance gets involved then God will strike the Magog alliance with astonishment as their weapons are allowed to break through Israel’s defenses and the army will respond in VIOLENCE!! 👈
(Read Zechariah 14:2 for the R-rated version)

🤔 What does the next part of the verse mean?? 🤔

…and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness.

MY understanding of the verse:

👉…Jehovah God will open His eyes on the Jews and He will allow the Jews *TO BE REFINED SEVERELY* as God strikes the army and the people within Israel with blindness!! 👈
(Jeremiah 30:11 referenced also)

False Teachers

There are MANY false pastors and teachers that are causing confusion by using THE WRONG VERSES for the WRONG TIME PERIOD!! We saw this when those false pastors preached messages of a Ukrainian victory over the Bear (Russia)!! And now we are seeing them preach messages of a false hope for Israel. Be CAREFUL listening to proven false teachers.

God’s plan:

Israel is about to be REFINED SEVERELY and then God will step in to save Israel!! But HOW WILL GOD SAVE ISRAEL??

Because of HOW GOD ALLOWS ISRAEL TO BE SAVED will be what will lead to Israel being REDEEMED?? (Go back and read Micah 4:10 article because it is all coming together)

Have you recognized America’s symbolic name in Zechariah chapter 12?