PEPPY is a project approved by the Agency Erasmus + France / Education et Formation, in the Key Acti
PEPPY Multiplier Event!
Associazione GioNet and Alma Mater StudiorumAlma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaUniversità di Bologna are at Le Serre Dei Giardini Margherita
antic Pays Basque
IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque
University of Nicosia
Laurent Pourtau
See you tomorrow at the PEPPY Multiplier Event!
Final event organized by Associazione GioNet and Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
📍 Le Serre Dei Giardini Margherita
🗓 June 23, 2023
antic Pays Basque IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque Laurent Pourtau University of Nicosia SYNTHESIS
Great time spent with our international partners Associazione GioNet Alma Mater StudiorumAlma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaUniversità di Bologna IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque University of Nicosia SYNTHESIS Laurent Pourtau -VPL, coordinated by antic Pays Basque for the last Transnational meeting in France! During the second day (7th June 2023), we’ve discussed about the last steps of Peppy project before its end.
Don’t miss our final activities, stay tuned 😊
Final Transnational Meeting!
antic Pays Basque Associazione GioNet IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque Alma Mater StudiorumAlma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaUniversità di Bologna University of Nicosia SYNTHESIS Laurent Pourtau
Dernière rencontre physique entre les partenaires d'un projet commencé il y a bientôt 30 mois et qui s'achève en juin 2023. Nous avons peaufiné tous nos livrables que vous pourrez télécharger sur le site dans la rubrique "Ressources"
Have you heard about our project PEPPY? If not, now is your chance to visit the project's website and find out all details about the project and tools for engaging young people into project mode learning!
We are looking forward to seeing you there!!🤩🤩
It was a great pleasure meeting all PEPPY partners in Utrecht, Netherlands during the 12th and 13th of April. There we had the chance to discuss about the progress of the project and the future steps of the project.
Looking forward to the next one!!
🌎 Here we are!
The final Transnational Meeting of the PEPPY project in Bidart: updates and new perspectives!💪
antic Pays Basque
IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Laurent Pourtau SYNTHESIS University of Nicosia Associazione GioNet
Public events about peppy project, presentations of the results of Peppy partners’ workshops and dissemination events have been going on this spring 2023. If you wish to stay updated about our activities, visit our official social media pages!
antic Pays Basque IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque Associazione GioNetSYNTHESIS University of Nicosia Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Laurent Pourtau
Watch the complete video of the Rencontres numériques Pays Basque 2023 - ATELIER #2 (May 11, 2023)
antic Pays Basque IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque Laurent Pourtau Patrick Ngu
Rencontres numériques Pays Basque 2023 - ATELIER #2 LE KIT D’ACCOMPAGNEMENT PEPPY : ACCOMPAGNER LES JEUNES EN TRANSITION OU EN DÉCROCHAGE Cette innovation vise à initier une dynamique éducative et pédagogique...
We inform you that Associazione GioNet and Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna had to postpone the final event we were supposed to have today, due a state of emergency due to several floods that are affecting Bologna and whole region.
Associazione GioNet and Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna will present PEPPY Project: Ideas, tools and experiences for re-motivating people at Le Serre Dei Giardini Margherita
🗓️May 19, 2023
"𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒐 𝑷𝒆𝒑𝒑𝒚, Idee, strumenti ed esperienze per la ri-motivazione dei 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐓. Valorizzare le abilità, migliorare la fiducia in se stessi, sviluppare le intraprendenze, rinforzare le capacità di risposta alle sfide sociali e occupazionali"
In qualità di partner di progetto progetto Erasmus KA2 PEPPY, Associazione GIONET e Università di Bologna - Dipartimento Scienze Dell'Educazione, promuovono un momento pubblico di riflessione il prossimo 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐢̀ 𝟏𝟗 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 – Serra Sonora – Serre dei Giardini Margherita, BOLOGNA dalle ore 9:00 alle 13:00
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna CEFAL Scuola Centrale Formazione Zefiro Ciofs-FP/ER Sede di Bologna Cooss Ricerca e Formazione PEPPY
antic Pays Basque, IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque and Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) will present the European project PEPPY at during workshop #2.
🗓️May 11, 2023
First Day of Transnational Meeting 🌍 - work in progress💪
🌍Waiting for Transnational Meeting of PEPPY in Utrecht!
Final event: presentation of the results of the PEPPY laboratory at Alma Mater StudiorumAlma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaUniversità di Bologna
antic Pays Basque
Associazione GioNet
University of Nicosia
IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque
Laurent Pourtau
The results of the Peppy Laboratory will be presented on Thursday 23 February, organized as part of the First Cycle Degree in
Expert in Social and Cultural Education of the Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Peppy project coordinated by
antic Pays Basque
Partner: Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Associazione GioNet University of Nicosia SYNTHESIS IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque Laurent Pourtau
On February 15, 2023, Associazione GioNet and Alma Mater StudiorumAlma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaUniversità di Bologna took part in the "Giovani generazioni e fenomeno Neet" conference, an event about youth, employment and soft skills for the job market. It was great to be there!
antic Pays Basque
University of Nicosia
IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque
Laurent Pourtau
Cette année les Rencontres Numériques feront la part belle à notre programme d'accompagnement PEPPY ! En quoi PEPPY est une solution d'accompagnement des jeunes en décrochage ou en transition innovante ? Comment prendre en main ses outils et se l'approprier ?
Des tuteurs de IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque, GAIDO LAB et ANTIC Pays Basque qui ont participé à ce projet européen seront présents pour répondre et échanger autour de ces questions le 11 mai 2023, à l’Université des Métiers Bayonne Pays Basque, autour de la thématique « Pour l’enseignement, le Numérique Responsable n'est pas une option ».
Vous pouvez d'ores et déjà passer le mot : les pré-inscriptions sont ouvertes pour être informé des avancées sur le programme.
On espère vous y retrouver nombreux !
En savoir plus sur les Rencontres Numériques :
Today, the PEPPY Laboratory started at the Alma Mater StudiorumAlma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaUniversità di Bologna!
antic Pays Basque
Associazione GioNet
IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque
University of Nicosia
Laurent Pourtau
Today, the PEPPY Laboratory started at the Alma Mater StudiorumAlma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaUniversità di Bologna!
antic Pays Basque
Associazione GioNet
University of Nicosia
IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque
Laurent Pourtau
As part of the Siped - Società Italiana di Pedagogia Conference, on Saturday morning 4 February 2023, Anita Macauda and Elena Pacetti Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bolognawill present the speech: "Building a territorial educational dynamic for the reorientation of young people: the PEPPY European project"
antic Pays Basque Associazione GioNet University of Nicosia IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque SYNTHESIS Laurent Pourtau