Clive Arneil

Clive Arneil

Market leading forex educational platform for the beginner right through to the experienced professional.

Confidence Based Trading – Trading with Clarity 05/08/2024

Stock Markets take a battering as the huge sell-off continues from last week. Will the U.S manage a land grab this afternoon or will they slide even further..?
This is what we will be talking about in The Sharp End before we press the button this afternoon.

Would you like to know what we are doing..?
Would you like to be one of those traders..?

Many experts are speculating there to be a huge correction coming very soon, if so we could be facing some fantastic opportunities right now.

Don't miss it
Contact me now and you could be in the room within minutes.
Or come and see me at the IX Trader Event on September 27th.


contact [email protected]

Confidence Based Trading – Trading with Clarity The Sharp End is a Members Only Trading Club.It's Founders and Senior Traders are;* An ex Nat West Dealer.Specialist fields - FOREX and Fixed Income.* An ex ICAP Money Broker.Specialist fields - Indices, Oil and Gold.* An ex Cantor's Market Data Analyst.Specialist fields - Equites and FX.


As you guys know by now I run an on-line trading room, in real-time, for the private investor. With ex professional traders and brokers from the Money Markets offering their expert analysis of things, we provide a service to the retail trader which is essential in our opinion. In this day and age "everything" is so "tekky" and todays trader can get lost very easily. Whats-app, emails, socials, phone alerts etc are great BUT, by the time you get them - it's too late as it has happened. If you are trading you need to know what is going on and now, not 30 minutes ago and you need to know what others are looking at..

Want to join my room and get a feel for what is going on..?
Contact me now at [email protected] and we can arrange an informal chat. Just leave your name and a phone number and I'll call you ASAP.

Look forward to speaking to you
[email protected]

Confidence Based Trading – Trading with Clarity 31/07/2024

Watch this video and get in touch if you think this might be for you.
[email protected]

Confidence Based Trading – Trading with Clarity The Sharp End is a Members Only Trading Club.It's Founders and Senior Traders are;* An ex Nat West Dealer.Specialist fields - FOREX and Fixed Income.* An ex ICAP Money Broker.Specialist fields - Indices, Oil and Gold.* An ex Cantor's Market Data Analyst.Specialist fields - Equites and FX.


The Sharp End September Offer


Does anybody want to spend a day in The Sharp End completely FREE of charge..?
Get in touch quickly - first come first served limited offer.

[email protected]

See you shortly


Hi all.
The usual Summer months activity is here with lower than average volumes and spiking to go with that, it's normal - happens every year. This just reinforces the rules regarding when and when not to be in a trade. Lower turnover often does not mean lower returns.
I am still offering a £15.00 entry for a week in The Sharp End in case you missed it. Get in touch if this is something you would like to at least talk about.

email [email protected]

Clive Arneil

The Sharp End Evaluation Trial 09/08/2023

Here it is Guys as promised
If you a trader or thinking about trading, check out this video and get back to me ASAP.
Look forward to hearing from you.

[email protected]


The Sharp End Evaluation Trial If you are a Trader or a Trader in the making you really do not want to miss this opportunity. Come and join other like-minded traders in our live trading en...


I am asked (a lot) about how much money can be made at this trading game...? So I have recorded a week in The Sharp End with minimal risk to show you how and what can be done with a modest account. The trick is to let that account grow by compounding it.
Keep an eye out as it will be posted via YouTube within the next few days. If you want to learn how to get results like this then you know what you need to do - get in touch
[email protected]



Are you still trading or have you given up for one reason or another..?
Either way, I’d love to hear from you…

If you “have” given up it will be for one of a handful of reasons, it always is, and I can probably help you with that. Either way, given up or want to improve your trading please read below carefully, as I have put something together that will help people like you get back into it or improve in a fully supported live trading environment at a minimal cost.

How do you like the sound of this..?

1 - Being in a live online trading environment using a computer, tablet, phone, or even all..?

2 - Being around other traders seeing and discussing opportunities as they come…?

3 - Being able to see live coaching and mentoring recorded on the platform most days..?

4 - Being able to take advantage of live trade calls..?

5 - Don’t have a live Account..? - How about you being able to open one for as little as 250.00 Pounds, Dollars or Euros through my platform…?

6 - You can then trade using the wealth of information you see…?

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get back into trading fully supported in a 24 hours a day trading room.

We trade WTI Oil, Gold, FX and Stock Market Indices.

I am offering an Introductory trial period of a week to you for just £15.00...!
If this is is something you would like to be included in, get back to me as soon as possible. This offer will not be open forever so act now to be sure to get in on this incredible opportunity. There are no strings attached, at the end of the evaluation period you decide what you want to do.

Reply to this email
[email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.
Clive Arneil
The Sharp End
[email protected]


To Retail Traders Everywhere...
Would you like to have a hand held week in my trading room for £15.00..?
That's right, one week of full access for £3 per day.
I am offering a "taster" to anyone that would like to experience a live on line trading environment with other like minded traders.
As a trader it always helps to know what others think especially with the experience levels within my room...

To take me up on this incredible experience contact me NOW.

Clive at [email protected]

See you in the room.


Do you answer YES to the following 5 Questions..?

1 - Do you live in South Africa..?
2 - Are you a trader..?
3 - Would you like to be part of a trading room..?
4 - Would you like to like to be part of a special initiative for S.A..?
5 - Would you like live help..?

If you answer yes to the above get in touch quickly for a very special offer...

Look forward to hearing from you soon
Clive Arneil
[email protected]


Hi Guys
How would you like to be on an event like this..? The Sharp End specialises in small informal live trading events for our clients. This is a photo from the one we had on the 28th of June. Would you like to be included in one of these fantastic days..? If so simply get in touch and we can go through it. It couldn't be easier.
Contact Clive at [email protected] and I'll get back to you.

Clive Arneil
The Sharp End


I will come straight to the point as beating about the bush would be a waste of time. Things are getting tough and going to get a lot tougher for the majority of people. I am not going to get drawn into the whys and wherefores as that really does not matter and it will only make my blood boil. The thing is, it is getting harder and will be more so soon and there is not a lot we can do about it.
Or is there..?

We all know that trading can be lucrative but for the majority it remains an enigma. I would like to offer anyone that has thought about trading an opportunity to do that for the price of a couple of beers or coffees.

I have an incredible package including broker account all set up and ready for anyone that wants to give it a go.

If you want to make a change here is your chance

email me NOW at [email protected] to get one of these incredible packages.



I will be hosting a Webinar on Thursday June 22nd at 18:30 lasting for about 1 hour. If you are interested in seeing what we do in The Sharp End, this webinar could be just what you are after. During the session you will get a rare glimpse into the Trading Room and will be able to see what we have done throughout the day.The Room will be live too so it possible that trading will still be going on...!
If you have been thinking about joining us or are just inquisitive then get back to me asap. The meeting will be delivered via Zoom and limited to no more than 12 attendees. That keeps it personal and gives all a chance to ask questions and interact.
To book your place email me at [email protected]
Look forward to seeing you there.

Clive Arneil – Confidence based Forex Trading 03/05/2023

Hi all.
Regular readers of my blogs will have noticed that they have not been quite so regular these last few weeks. I won't go into detail but other things needed to be looked after. But that time was not wasted. It gave me a moment to think about how I could improve things for my Blog readers when I returned - then it came to me.
Not everyone wants to read through edit but they don't mind a 2 or 3 minute video, that's why YouTube is so big after all.
So going forward if you want to "see" what I am doing and what I think go to my YouTube channel by simply typing Clive Arneil in a google search bar. The first video dropped in there this morning May 3rd.
Oh BTW - You might find an 8 second test video.
Don't bother with that it is of no use to anyone.
I've yet to work out how to delete it (ha-ha).
I will be posting videos taken from my Sharp End Trading Room 3 or more times a week going forward. They will be real time and when possible done at the beginning of the day for the day ahead - anyone can do backwards can't they..? They are designed to help you with your trading but also give you an insight into our thoughts and sometimes my trade directions. Viewing these will also give you a bite-size example of the general support and mentoring that is commonplace daily when a full time subscriber.
Our Senior Dealers have well over 65 years of trading experience both as professionals and retail which we believe cannot be rivalled.
If you like what you see and hear in these videos why not get in touch and I will be happy to give you a FREE day entry into the room to see how it all works with no strings attached. In order to take advantage of that offer simply email [email protected] and request your FREE Day.
I will then email you back and we can arrange a day that suits.
You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.
Keep it tight
The Sharp End

Clive Arneil – Confidence based Forex Trading The Sharp End is a Members Only Club. Its refreshing innovative way of doing things isNEW, UNIQUE and UNRIVALLED.A Paradigm ShiftThe Sharp End was founded in August 2020 by a group of professional traders with decades of trading experience behind them. We wanted to create a real-time trading environ...


After a fairly busy week last week without any major news scheduled today I am expecting a quiet one all around. Stock Markets aren't doing anything, FX is mixed and Oil is having a little pull-back from its recent slide. None of this is really surprising as we approach the Fed's Interest rate decision early May. So maybe today is day to enjoy the sun as it has made an appearance at last. It seems to have been raining forever...

Anyone that is trading knows that clicking the buy or sell button is not something you need to do everyday. It's knowing when to do it and when not to do it too - You don't have to be in it to win it so to speak.
Having a book of rules and sticking to them is important.
My rule book currently tells me to leave things alone, so I will, no "if's or but's". Developing that discipline is pretty important in my view.

So as it is likely to be quiet my decision is "what shall I do now..?"
After all the Sun is out.
Shall I walk the dogs, go out of my Motorbike or maybe go fishing..?
Maybe I should do all three...!

If you would like to learn how to trade and give yourself the opportunity of choosing whether you work (trade) or not.
Get in touch.
If you are already trading and want to take your trading to the next level.
Get in touch.
If you would like to be in a trading environment with other retail traders.
Get in touch.

Hope to hear from you soon
[email protected]

Clive Arneil – Confidence based Forex Trading 18/04/2023

Happy Birthday to me

To celebrate my birthday I am giving away some pressies.

Pressie number 1 - value £39.00
A 50% discount off your first months Sharp End Subscription.
Pressie Number 2 - value £100.00
A one on one session to discuss your trading or any other issues such as risk.

Get in touch quickly as this offer obviously can't stay open for too long.

Hope to hear from you soonest

The Sharp End

Clive Arneil – Confidence based Forex Trading The Sharp End is a Members Only Club. Its refreshing innovative way of doing things isNEW, UNIQUE and UNRIVALLED.A Paradigm ShiftThe Sharp End was founded in August 2020 by a group of professional traders with decades of trading experience behind them. We wanted to create a real-time trading environ...

Clive Arneil – Confidence based Forex Trading 18/04/2023

Happy Birthday to me

To celebrate my birthday I am giving away some pressies.

Pressie number 1 - value £39.00
A 50% discount off your first months Sharp End Subscription.
Pressie Number 2 - value £100.00
A one on one session to discuss your trading or any other issues such as risk.

Get in touch quickly as this offer obviously can't stay open for too long.

Hope to hear from you soonest

The Sharp End

Clive Arneil – Confidence based Forex Trading The Sharp End is a Members Only Club. Its refreshing innovative way of doing things isNEW, UNIQUE and UNRIVALLED.A Paradigm ShiftThe Sharp End was founded in August 2020 by a group of professional traders with decades of trading experience behind them. We wanted to create a real-time trading environ...


Good Day to you.
Well it certainly has been for the Sharpenders in my trading room.
Some fantastic returns as of late in a fairly tricky market.
Results mostly from Gold and Oil but today with the U.S Indies too.

If you are trading and want to know what it is we do why not get in touch.
Can you afford not to..?
Contact me at [email protected] and let's have a chat.

I have a special offer going on right now so if you have been thinking about joining us now is definitely the time.

Hope to hear from you soon


Guys, I have to tell you.
This is the least active I have been trading for quite some time. In fact this month has been the least active trading month for me since I began keeping records.
Is that a good thing..?
Well, yes and no I guess...
Yes because I am not at least wasting time chasing losses through frustrated emotional trading. And no because it is really boring and of course not creating a profit. The way I see things is that not creating a profit is also not creating a loss.
I'll just have to wait and keep disciplined.

The Sharp End is still looking for traders to join us.
If you would like to know more about that why not email me at [email protected] and we can arrange a chat.

Hope to hear from you soon



Looking for Traders
Are you looking for a place to meet other traders..?
Are you looking for a live trading environment you can be part of..? Are you looking for somewhere where you can develop and grow..?

I think I have what you are looking for.
Would you like to come take a look and see if it is what you need..?
For a limited time I am going to offer some FREE days in The Sharp End Trading Room.

To gain access to my platform and trading room email me now at
[email protected]
This offer will not be on for long - why..?
To be a successful trader you need to make decisions very quickly.
This is one that you have to do the same.

The Sharp End
A Place Where Traders Meet

Clive Arneil

Clive Arneil – Confidence based Forex Trading 28/03/2023

Are you already Trading or a Newbie..?

There is no doubt that many work better when surrounded by other like-minded people. Whether already pretty good at something or starting out, being around others is generally beneficial.

Would you like an opportunity like that..?

Would you like to be in a live trading environment sharing trade ideas and analysis..?

Would you like continued support and mentoring..?

If you answer yes to the previous 3 questions then get in touch.

For a limited time I will be offering a complimentary 1 day pass to The Sharp End. All you need to do is email me at [email protected] and I'll walk you through the procedure.

You have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

Hope to hear from you soon


Clive Arneil – Confidence based Forex Trading The Sharp End is a Members Only Club. Its refreshing innovative way of doing things isNEW, UNIQUE and UNRIVALLED.A Paradigm ShiftThe Sharp End was founded in August 2020 by a group of professional traders with decades of trading experience behind them. We wanted to create a real-time trading environ...


Another quiet start today with not a lot news wise to "liven" things up.
My main focus these days is WTI Oil as that does move. Yesterday it frustrated for the most part of the day but then as usual set off in the U.S session, well of course it did you say. Currently at $73.25 this "appears" to have $75.00 in its sights where it seems to be comfortable, although there are still many experts calling much, much higher levels. The Indies are not really doing anything and Gold having touched the mighty $2000 soon fell back. With so much going on in the world it really is no surprise that the markets are as nervous as they are but we have to remain focused. Trading is a marathon, not a sprint, and as such we have quiet times like this. Unfortunately, like the British winter this time around, it's lasting longer than any of us would like.
So I am LONG Oil and nothing else right now - we shall see.

Have a nice day


Clive Arneil – Confidence based Forex Trading 27/03/2023

Markets "twitch" courtesy of the latest banking situation with Credit Suisse and the rumours of more of the same to come.

FX has been very boring, the Stock Markets don't know what to do and U.S Oil has managed to frustrate just below $71.00.

Gold has fallen from "touching" the mighty $2000 and the question now is will it have a run at it again.

The U.S Dollar frankly does not know what to do right now and until such times as it does then I think we can expect more of the same.

Early bath today leaving it to the Americans to sort out.

G'nite all


The Sharp End

Clive Arneil – Confidence based Forex Trading The Sharp End is a Members Only Club. Its refreshing innovative way of doing things isNEW, UNIQUE and UNRIVALLED.A Paradigm ShiftThe Sharp End was founded in August 2020 by a group of professional traders with decades of trading experience behind them. We wanted to create a real-time trading environ...


UK News
Early this morning the U.K Consumer Prices Index recorded a higher than expected number (these numbers basically measure inflation).
If inflation runs too rich, rising prices mean the Central Banks (BoE in this case) often raise interest rates in an effort to slow things down.
The expected number was 9.9% but a shock count of 10.4% was announced. This is really going to cause a problem for Andrew Bailey (AB) and the "old lady".
A 0.25% hike tomorrow is already priced into the markets and I think the Bank was ok with that. The dilemma is that AB knows he really needs to reduce rates to stimulate business and take the heat out of Joe and Joanne Public's current financial situation. I think he was ok with a 0.25% this time and was looking at interest rates topping out in the UK soon and even reducing in the not too distant future. But now with this latest shock to the inflation figures he is going to be under pressure to either raise rates in small doses for longer or possibly even whack them up 0.5% this time.
Whilst this is very unlikely - it is possible.
Cable (£/$) has jumped from around midnight last night 1.2200 to almost 1.2100 as I type this. That is not huge by any stretch but depending on the Fed this evening and its stance on things we could possibly see Cable up at 1.2500.
These next few days are very BIG
We have all been patient in The Sharp End this week waiting for this - no rush for me until later today.



Hi Blog Readers
A busy day at The London Trader Show on Friday with many asking "different" questions this time. Not the usual, "what time frame do you use, what broker do you use, what charting package do you use..?"
No, this time it was like "what do I need to do in order to take the next step..?" I spent at least half my day answering this kind of question which was encouraging in many ways. A great deal of people expressed interest in the "Sharp End" especially as they saw it in action on the day. This only goes to show that we are on the right track providing what retail traders need.

Those that joined us have "seen" 5 trade calls with 5 winners this morning already resulting in profit for the day by 09:10
Seeing is believing - believing is seeing.

So, to any retail trader out there.
Can you afford "not" to be a Sharpender..?


TICKETS - The London Trader Show 04/03/2023

Hi Guys.
Just a reminder about the London Trader Show next Friday 10th March. It would be really nice to meet some of my blog readers so please see if you can make it. It's on at The Novotel in Hammersmith from 09:00. I'll be on stage presenting a session on Mindset for the Retail Trader at 13:00 too. Added to that I have a stand where you can come and have an informal chat. Last year was good but this year looks as if it is going to be even better already 🙂
The venue is filling fast so don't delay in getting your ticket.

I have a discount code that can get you in for FREE or you can use it for a bigger package. There are some really good speakers on at this event so come on down.

To grab one of my £25.00 free entry codes or use towards a discount go to and register.
Make sure you use the the code SHARPEND23

See you there

TICKETS - The London Trader Show Attend the London Trader Show on 10th March 2023 at the Novotel London West - an exciting one-day event and exhibition, dedicated to supporting active traders and helping you to maximise profit and improve your trading returns.

TICKETS - The London Trader Show 28/02/2023

March 10th is approaching fast as we prepare for the London Trader Show.
If this is the better than last years success, and it will be I am sure, it will be a real triumph. Whether you are already trading or looking at getting into it why not come along to this event and see what it is all about.

For more info check out my post yesterday 27th February

Look me up at The Sharp End booth for a chat and a coffee.

To grab a £25.00 discount go to and use the code SHARPEND23
There are a few options available to use with your discount.
Make sure you make the most of it as there are some fantastic speakers you really wouldn't want to miss.

Look forward to seeing you there


TICKETS - The London Trader Show Attend the London Trader Show on 10th March 2023 at the Novotel London West - an exciting one-day event and exhibition, dedicated to supporting active traders and helping you to maximise profit and improve your trading returns.

Videos (show all)

The Sharp End September Offer
I thought I would drop you a Video :)
The Sharp End Social Trading Platform.

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00