LET Reviewer 2023

LET Reviewer 2023

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1. Principal A tells her teachers that training in the humanities is most important. To which educational philosophy does she adhere?
A. Perennialism✅ C. Existentialism
B. Progressivism D. Essentialism

2. Principal B shares this thought with his teachers :" Subject matter should help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts,feelings and actions. From which philosophy is this thought based?
A. Progressivism C. Essentialism
B. Perennialism D. Existentialism✅

3. Education should help students discover and developed their personal values and even when values conflict with tradition ____.
A. Existentialism✅ C. Essentialism
B. Progressivism D. Pragmatism

4. The environment of education should be one that encourage the growth of free creative not adjustment to group thinking nor public norm _____.
A. Progressivism C. Essentialism
B. Existentialism✅ D. Perennialism

5. The primary aim of education is to make students discover who they are and what their choices are ____.
A. Existentialism✅ C. Humanism
B. Progressivism D. Realism

6. The atmosphere of the school provides authentic freedom when a student is allowed to find his /her own truth and ultimate fulfilment through non-confirming making ______.
A. Progressivism C. Idealism
B. Existentialism✅ D. Perennialism

7. In his class,Teacher Manie presents principles and values so as to encourage his students to examine them and decide for themselves whether to accept them or not. What kind of philosophy does he practice?
A. Humanism C. Existentialism✅
B. Pragmatism D. Idealism

8. The school of thought prided themselves on listening to learners and questions,but not telling what to do, because they teach students to make their own choices.
A. Reconstructivism C.Existentialism✅
B. Perennialism D. Progressivism

9. Students define their own essence and wide variety of options.
A. Behaviorism C. Idealism
B. Pragmatism D. Existentialism✅

10. Thea listens to the advice given by her sister to end the relationship that she has with Gilbert. However, her sister learned that the advice she has given was not followed and Thea decided to continue the relationship. This action of Thea is a manifestation of what kind of philosophy?
A . Essentialism B. Perennialism
C . Existentialism✅ D. Humanism

11. "Life is what you make it ",implies best what philosophy?
A. Humanism C. Existentialism✅
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism

12. The growth is the main goal of education..
A. Essentialism B. Perennialism✅
C. Existentialism D. Progressivism

13. The school should provide group thinking in a democratic atmosphere to foster cooperation rather than competition.
A. Perennialism✅ B. Humanism
C. Essentialism D. Naturalism

14. What philosophy of education advocates that the curriculum should only include and unchanging truths?
A. Pragmatism B. Perennialism✅
C. Idealism D. Realism

15. Most conservative philosophy and they are used their higher faculties
A. Perennialism✅ C. Existentialism
B . Behaviorism D. Progressivism

16. What philosophy means eternal truths,permanence and everlasting?
A. Idealism B. Pragmatism
C. Perennialism✅ D. Constructivism

17. " Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less ".
A. Existentialism C. Essentialism
B. Perennialism✅ D. Progressivism

18. After listening to the homily of the priest about fidelity,Catherine has a moment of reflection. Her understanding of the value of fidelity has become deeper as she related to her past experience. This typifies what kind of philosophy?
A. Reconstructivism C. Existentialism
B. Constructivism✅ D. Idealism

19. "Learning is the process of retrieving prior learning ",that is a statement from a
A. Progressivist C. Reconstructivist
B. Constructivist✅ D. Idealist

20. Learners are the builders and creators in which philosophy?
A. Essentialism C. Idealism
B. Constructivism✅ D. Realism

21. Kein learns well through active interplay with others. His learning increases when engaged in activities that has meaning on him. Which philosophy can describe this?
A. Progressivism✅ C. Empiricism
C. Idealism D. Realism

22. After finishing the degree in education,Teacher Mary realizes that learning never stops. In fact, she accumulates more knowledge after learning the portal of her alma mater. This typifies what kind of philosophy?
A. Perennialism C. Progressivism✅
B. Constructivism D. Humanism

23. After studying the principle of identity,Teacher Bing asks her students to determine which among the given set of problems conforms to the said identity. This shows that Teacher Bing upholds this kind of philosophy?
A. Perennialism C. Naturalism
B.. Progressivism✅ D. Essentialism

24. To develop learners to become enlightened and intelligent citizen is which philosophy of?
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism✅
B. Humanism D. Perennialism

25. If the subject are interdisciplinary,integrative and interactive, this curriculum is based on which educational philosophy?
A. Progressivism✅ C. Pragmatism
B. Perennialism D. Existentialism

26. Kia is an advocate of the principle "making the most of your life " . She is indeed an advocate of what kind of philosophy?
A. Idealism B. Humanism✅
C. Existentialism D. Progressivism

27. Teacher Rea is a very dedicated teacher in the nursery. Her foremost concern is for the students to learn how to adapt themselves in the environment. This shows that Teacher Rea upholds this what kind of philosophy?
A. Naturalism✅ B. Progressivism
C. Pragmatism D. Idealism

28. What school of philosophy asserts the scientific knowledge is final?
A. Idealism C. Essentialism
B. Existentialism D. Naturalism✅

29. Teacher Ray serves as an inspiration to his students because of his efficiency and effectiveness as a teacher. The mind set of students towards him is an instance of what kind of philosophy?
A. Realism C . Naturalism
B. Idealism✅ D. Humanism

30. Ms.Sotto,a Christian living teacher puts so much significant on values development and discipline. What could be her educational philosophy?
A. Idealism✅ C. Realism
B. Pragmatism D. Progressivism

31. Which philosophy proclaims the spiritual nature of man and stresses that the human spirit,soul or mind are the most important element in life?
A . Perennialism C. Existentialism
B. Idealism✅ D. Essentialism

32. The teacher who teaches of numbers first before multiplication is aware of educational philosophy which is?
A . Essentialism✅ C. Reconstructivism
B. Idealism D. Existentialism

33.This is not to radically reshape society,what kind of philosophy?
A. Constructivism C . Idealism
B. Essentialism✅ D. Humanism

34. The educational philosophy which applies that certain subjects are necessary to be taken of the rest to facilitate learning is
A. Progressivism C. Perennialism
B. Essentialism✅ D. Realism

35. The department of education gives greater emphasis on the development of basic skills. What is the philosophical basis for this?
A. Essentialism✅ C. Progressivism
B. Constructivism D. Perennialism

36. Class schedule,list of competencies to master,and uniform class requirements belong to a school governed by the educational philosophy?
A. Progressivism C. Essentialism✅
B. Perennialism D. Existentialism

37. Which philosophy emphasize the authority of the teachers and value of subject matter curriculum?
A. Idealism C. Perennialism
B. Essentialism✅ D. Realism

38. Students respond to various stimuli and response to internally and externally ,what kind of philosophy?
A. Idealism C. Pragmatism
B. Behaviorism✅ D. Essentialism

39. Which educational philosophy focuses on the rule if curriculum as a means of remaking the society?
A. Perennialism C. Reconstructivism✅
B. Essentialism D. Naturalism

40. Teacher Kaye has not only explained the concept of Philosophy of Education but also imparted this to her students,this demonstrate what kind of philosophy?
A. Naturalism C. Realism✅
B. Idealism D. Perennialism

41. It refers to the philosophy which holds that education should by concerned with the actualities of life.
A. Humanism C. Idealism
B. Realism✅ D. Essentialism

42. If a teacher believes that learning also takes place in having interaction with the environment,this teacher can be regarded as
A. Pragmatist C. Naturalist
C. Idealist D. Realist✅

43. "Learning by doing" principle obeys what philosophy in education?
A. Humanism C. Existentialism
B. Pragmatism✅ D. Behaviorism

44.A philosophy that judge the validity of ideas by their consequence in action is
A. Progressivism C. Pragmatism✅
B. Realism D. Idealism

45. What was the philosophy of education in the Philippines before the establishment of the public school system?
A. Idealism C. Humanism
B. Progressivism D. Pragmatism✅

Photos from LET Reviewer 2023's post 08/11/2022


Photos from LET Reviewer 2023's post 08/11/2022


Photos from LET Reviewer 2023's post 08/11/2022


PRC BR 435 – Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers
PD 1006 – Decree Professionalizing
RA NO. 1425 – inclusion of the works
of Jose Rizal
RA NO. 4670 – “Magna Carta for
Public School Teacher”
RA 7722 – CHED
RA 7796 – “TESDA Act of 1994”
RA 7836 – Phil. Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994
RA 9155 – BEGA (Basic Educ.) or
DepEd Law
RA 9293 – Teachers Professionaliza
tion Act
RA 10533 – K-12 Law
ACT NO. 2706 – “Private School Law”
“persons in authority”
PROKLAMA BLG 12 - Linggo ng Wika
PROKLAMA BLG. 186 – Linggo ng
Wika (Quezon,Ag13-19)
PROKLAMA BLG. 1041 – Buwan ng
Wika (Ramos)
RA 1079 – no limit of Civil Service
RA 6655 – “Free Public Secondary
Educ. Act of 1988”
RA 6728 – “Act Providing Government
Assistance to
Students and Teachers in Private
RA 7277 – Magna Carta for PWD
RA 7610 – Anti-Child Abuse Law
(Amendment: RA 9231)
RA 7743 – establishment of public
RA 7877 – “Anti Sexual Harassment
Act of 1995”
RA 7880 – “Fair and Equitable Access
to Education Act”
RA 8049 – Anti-Hazing Law
RA 8187 – Paternity Act
RA 10627 – Anti-Bullying
SB 1987 ART. 14 SEK. 6-9 – FILIPINO
(National Language)



✔John Locke — tabularasa , empiricism:"Father of Liberalism"
✔Francis Bacon — "Father of scientific method" "Father of empiricism"
✔Jean Jacques Rousseau -- "Hollistic education"(physical, moral, intellectual): nature of child.
✔Edgar Dale - "Cone of Experience" aka "Father of Modern Media in Education"
✔Erik Erickson — Psychosocial development Theory
✔Edward Lee Thorndike =Theory of Connectionsim “satisfaction” “the law of effect, readiness and exercise”." Father of Modern Educational psychology;
✔Friedrich Frobel — "Father of kindergarten"
✔Johann Herbart — founder of pedagogy as an academic discipline.
✔Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi — symmetrical and harmonious devt of child: motto " Learning by head, hand and heart"


✔Sigmund Freud — psychosexual , psychoanalytic; “father of modern psychology”
✔Wilhelm Woundt = german psycologist “father of psychology’.
✔John Dewey – Learning by doing: education for all.
✔David Froebel – Father of kinder garten
✔Ivan Pavlov = classical conditioning: involuntary behavior
✔Burrhus Frederic Skinner — operant cond.
✔Jean Piaget —cognitivist/ Cognitive dev’t Theory, info processing , dynamic interrelation.
✔David Ausubel — meaningful learning envronment theory, graphic organizer, assumption
✔William Kohler — insight learning theory
✔Lawrence Kohlberg — moral dev’t theory
✔Albert Bandura —Modeling/Imitate: Social learning Theory,"bobo doll" experiment, neo – behaviorism
✔Robert Gagne — Cumulative Learning Theory: sequence of instruction
✔Abraham Maslow — hierarchy of needs , motivation theory
✔Brofenbrenner's - Ecological System Theory (microsystem, mesosystem, exo, macro and chrono)
✔Benjamin Bloom — bloom’s cognitive taxonomy
✔David Krathwohl — affective domain
✔Simpsons / Anita Harrow — psychomotor domain
✔Jerome Bruner — Discovery Learning Theory/Inquiry method: Scaffolding Theory :constructivist, spiral curr, instrumental conceptualism
✔Lev Vygotsky — constructivist :Social Constructivism; Zond of Proximal Development (ZPD) : More knowledgeable others (MKO)
✔Edgar Dale — cone of exp. (20% remember)
✔John Locke — tabularasa , empiricism:"Father of Liberalism"
✔Howard Gardner — multiple int.
✔John Flavel — metacognition
✔John Watson — behaviorial theory: “Father of Behaviorism”, psychological school of behaviorism.
✔Kurt Lewin - The Father of Social Psychology; his work pioneered the use of scientific methods to study social behavior.
✔Charles darwin = theories to mental characteristics as human think, feel & behave(” evolutionary psychology”)
✔William Sheldon – Physiological
✔Max Wertheimer = gestalt psychology
✔Wolfgang Ratke — used vernacular for approaching the class.
✔Edward Tolman — purposive behaviorism and goal oriented
✔Plato --- Idealist/Idealism(own ideas) nothing exist except in the mind of a man.
✔Aristotle-- Realist/Realist (experience) mastery of organized subject matter.
✔Cunfucios – Great philosopher, analects, golden rule, society, name (essence) rule.
✔Mencius — idealistic wing of confucianism; love covers all (good, right)
✔Hzun tzu — realistic wing of confusianism
✔Lao tzu — taoism: Go with the flow.
✔Bowlby — attachment theory



Could, Should, and Would are Auxiliary verbs. Past tense sila ng Can, Shall and Will respectively. Ano yan e, Posible vs Kailangan vs Gusto.

➪ 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗 - past tense of Can. Tagalog: Maaari
*Ginagamit ang Could sa pagsasaad ng posibilidad.
-That could be Ned's diary. (Maaaring diary ni Ned iyon.)
*Ginagamit din sa pagrerequest.
-Could you pass me the rice. (Maaari mo bang ipasa ang kanin sa akin.)

➪ 𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗 - past tense of Shall. Tagalog: Dapat
*Used to express something that is probable.
-He should be here by now. (Dapat ay naririto na sya.)
*To ask if you need to do something.
-Should we turn left? (Dapat ba tayong lumiko sa kaliwa)
-Shouldn't you be getting dressed? (Hindi ba dapat ay nagbibihis ka na?)
*To show obligation, give opinion, or give recommendation.
-You should change your child's diaper first. (Dapat ay palitan mo muna ng lampin ang anak mo)
-We should go to the clinic tomorrow. (Dapat na tayong pumunta sa clinic bukas)
-You should try this wine. (Dapat mong subukan ang wine na ito)

➪ 𝗪𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗 - past tense of will. Tagalog: Ibig/Nais
*To ask
-What would you do? (Ano ang ibig mong gawin?)
*To make a request
-I would like to speak to your manager. (Nais kong makausap ang inyong manager)
*For hypothetical situations
-If I have a lot of money I would build a mansion. (Kung mayroon akong maraming pera, nais kong magtayo ng mansyon.)
*To ask for a preference
-Would you like a cup of coffee or tea? (Nais nyo po ba ng kape o tyaa?)

Same sa HAS, HAVE, HAD. Has and Have is Present. Had is Past Tense. So, dagdagan ng BEEN. Been is an indication of a Perfect Tense. So, HAS BEEN & HAVE BEEN are both in a PRESENT PERFECT TENSE. HAD BEEN is in PAST PERFECT TENSE.

➪ 𝗛𝗔𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 - used in he, she, it, who, and singular nouns/pronouns. In present perfect tense.

➪ 𝗛𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 - used in I, you, we, they, and plural nouns/pronouns. In present perfect tense.

*Ang HAS BEEN at HAVE BEEN ay parehong present perfect tense. Ginagamit ito sa pagdedescribe ng action na nangyari recently na relevant parin hanggang ngayon o nangyayari parin hanggang ngayon.
-She has been to the US many times.
-I have been dreaming about you lately.

➪ 𝗛𝗔𝗗 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 - used in both singular & plural nouns/pronouns. In past perfect tense.
*Ang HAD BEEN ay ginagamit kapagnagdedescribe ng action na nangyari in the past na nangyari bago ang isa pang pangyayari o nangyari in the past at naresolba o natapos/nagbago.
-They had been living in Paris before they moved here.

Pareho lang po sila. Contraction o mas pinaiksing version lang ang Can't. Parang Don't at Do not.


➪ 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 refers to a location, or direction.
-Where is the restroom? (Nasaan ang palikuran?

➪ 𝗪𝗲𝗿𝗲 ay plural past tense form. Kumbaga past tense sya ng "ARE"
-I thought they were going to swim? (Akala ko ba ay lalangoy sila?)

➪ 𝗪𝗲'𝗿𝗲 ay contraction ng WE ARE o WE WERE.
-We're going to Japan tomorrow. (Kami ay pupunta sa Japan bukas)

Photos from LET Reviewer 2023's post 28/10/2022


Photos from LET Reviewer 2023's post 19/10/2022




📌Aristotle - Father of Biology
📌Buddha - Founder of Buddism; path to achieve spiritual enlightenment
📌Bertand Russell - Principia Mathematica
📌Confucius - Founder of Confucianism: social harmony
📌David Hume - Treatise of Human Nature
📌Francis Bacon - Novum Organum
📌G.W.F. Heget - Phenomenology of Spirit
📌 George Berkeley - Principle of Human Knowledge
📌Immanuel Kant - Critique of Pure Reason
📌Jean - Jacques Rousseau - Proponent of the Social Contract
📌John Locke - Proponent of Empiricism
📌Karl Marx - Philosopher of Communism
📌Lao Tzu - Founder of Daosim
📌Ludwig Wittgenstein - Tractus Logico-Philosophicus
📌Plato - The Republic
📌Plotinus - Father of Neoplatonism
📌Rene Descartes - Meditations
📌Saren Kierkegaard - Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments
📌Socrates - A life unexamined is not worth living
📌St. Augustine of Hippo - Summa Theologiae



1. Astronomy - study of celestial objects
2. Astrology - study of celestial functions
3. Anatomy - study of body structure
4. Bacteriology - study of bacteria
5. Biology - study of life
6. Bibliology - study of books
7. Chemistry - study of substance properties
8. Chaology - study of chaos
9. Cosmology - study of universe
10. Criminology - study of crime
11. Demography - study of population
12. Demology - study of human behavior
13. Demonology - study of demons
14. Diabology - study of devils
15. Diplomatics -science of ancient writings
16. Dysteleology - study of useless organs
17. Ecclesiology - study of church affairs
18. Ecology - study of environment
19. Economics - study of material wealth
20. Egyptology - study of ancient egypt
21. Entomology - study of insects
22. Entozoology - study of parasites
23. Epidemiology - study of diseases
24. Epistemology - study of knowledge
25. Eschatology - study of final matters
26. Ethnology - study of culture
27. Ethnomethodology - communication
28. Ethology - study of natural character
29. Etymology - study of word's origin
30. Euthenics - science of living conditions
31. Exobiology - study of extraterrestrials
32. Folkloristics - study of folklore
33. Garbology - study of garbage
34. Gemmology - study of gems
35. Genesiology - study of heredity
36. Geogony - study of earth's formation
37. Geography - study of earth's surface
38. Geology - study of earth's crust
39. Geomorphogeny-landform origin studies
40. Geratology - study of decay
41. Gerocomy - study of old age
42. Gigantology - study of giants
43. Glaciology - study of ice age
44. Gloosology - study of language
45. Gnosiology - study of knowledge
46. Hagiology - study of saints
47. Hamartiology - study of sin
48. Heliology - study of the sun
49. Helmintology - study of worms
50. Hematology - study of blood
51. Heortology - study of religious feasts
52. Heresiology - study of heresies
53. Herpetology - reptiles and amphibians
54. Hierology - science of sacred matters
55. Historiology - study of history
56. Hydrobiology - study of aquatic life
57. Hydrology - study of water resources
58. Iconography - study of drawing symbols
59. Iconology - study of symbols
60. Ideology - science of ideas
61. Immunology - study of immunity
62. Irenology - study of peace
63. Kalology - study of beauty
64. Ktenology - science of killing
65. Lexicology -study of words and meaning
66. Lexigraphy - art of defintion of words
67. Linguistics - study of language
68. Liturgiology - study of church rituals
69. Mariology - study of Virgin Mary
70. Mathematics - study of numbers
71. Metaphysics - principles of nature
72. Metaphsycology - nature of the mind
73. Meteoritics - study of meteors
74. Microbiology - study of microscopics
75. Micropaleontology - micro fossil studies
76. Mineralogy - study of minerals
77. Musicology - study of music
78. Mythology - study of myths
79. Naology - study of church architecture
80. Nephology - study of clouds
81. Neurypnology - study of hypnotism
82. Neutrosophy - study of origins
83. Noology - science of intellect
84. Nymphology - study of nymphs
85. Oceanography - study of oceans
86. Ombrology - study of rains
87. Oneirology - study of dreams
88. Onomastics - study of proper names
89. Ontology - study of pure beings
90. Optics - study of light
91. Orthoepy-study of correct pronunciation
92. Orthography - study of spelling
93. Paleoanthropology-study of early human
94. Paraphsycology-bizarre phenomena
95. Pataphysics -study of imaginary solution
96. Patrology - study of early christianity
97. Pedagogics - study of teaching
98. Phenomenology - study of phenomena
99. Philology - study of ancient texts
100. Philosophy - science of wisdom
101. Planetology - study of planets
102. Polemology - study of war
103. Praxeology - study of efficient actions
104. Pseudology - art of lying
105. Pseudoptics - study of optical illusions
106. Psychognosy - study of mentality
107. Pyrgology - study of towers
108. Rheology - study of deformation
109. Scatology - study of obscene literature
110. Seismology - study of earthquakes
111. Semantolography - study of meanings
112. Semantology-science of word meaning
113. Semiotics - study of signs and symbols
114. Sexology - study of sexual behavior
115. Significs - science of meanings
116. Sindinology - study of shroud of Turin
117. Sitology - dietetics
118. Sociology - study of society
119. Soteriology - theological salvation
120. Spectrology - study of ghosts
121. Storiology - study of folk tales
122. Stratography - art in leading in army
123. Suicidology - study of su***de
124. Symbology - study of symbols
125. Synectics - processes of invention
126. Systematology - study of systems
127. Teratology - study of malformation
128. Thanatology - study of death
129. Thaumatology - study of miracles
130. Theology - study of religious doctrine
131. Toxicology - study of poisons
132. Uranography - descriptive astronomy
133. Uranology - study of the heavens
