Rewire Your Mindset Strategy

Rewire Your Mindset Strategy

Psychology Coach
Personal/Relationship Mentor
Advocate Dis/Ability


Humans have a propensity to become upset, irritated, or furious easily, often failing to recognize that whatever we are going through is a necessary part of the process of overcoming it.

However, if we avoid facing the problem head-on, we can find ourselves experiencing the same thing at different points in our lives—akin to déjà vu—until we either learn from it or go through the flow.

According to Islam, suffering from everything from a minor cut or prick to major health problems indicates that Allah (SWT) is putting a believer to the test.

The believer is aware that the trials are a necessary part of the process of purging sin.

That in and of itself gives a believer hope that suffering will cease in the most tranquil manner.

Such a beautiful concept!



The world in which we live is globally interconnected.

You act professionally if someone you don’t know gets in touch with you.

Nowadays, a lot of people lack the fundamental manners of professionalism, decency, and honesty.

If you engage in any unprofessional activity, just because it’s accepted in your community doesn’t imply it’s appropriate; in fact, there’s a good chance that your actions could be insulting or illegal.

Keep in mind that your words and deeds define who you are.



The era of virtual reality is upon us.

Eighty to ninety percent of our time is spent online. We work, socialize, watch movies, and attend school online.

Show up in the greatest possible ways when someone refers you to them for a particular cause.

I’m not joking around. The tale can be made or broken by the first text message you type and send.

For instance, don’t challenge the interviewer when you are contacted about a job chance after being suggested to them; instead, act professionally to avoid missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

That is both true and fact!



My parents instilled in me as a child that life is unpredictable. In a matter of seconds, life may turn from wonderful to awful and vice versa.

Since children attend to school every day from Monday through Friday, they can never fully comprehend this truth when they are young. Nothing fresh, is there?

A few days ago, while at work, I saw a social media story about an incident that had happened in Chicago. I was completely taken aback.

A 19-year-old boy witnessed his father murder his wife and three adult daughters, ages ranging from 20 to 30! Recall that the murderer claimed to be a Muslim.

Thus, it is unquestionably true that people’s actions and/or behaviors make life incredibly unpredictable.

As an adult, I genuinely think that individuals are unpredictable because they are unable to take responsibility for their own words, deeds, and duties, not because life is unpredictable; rather, I think that life is simply a result of your words and acts!

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un (إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎)



I’ve discovered that people are more able to tolerate differences and deal with reality when they travel.

People who don’t travel are solely in the minds of others. They are intolerant and lacking in acceptance.

Traveling allows us to experience new things like meeting new people, discovering new cultures, interacting with individuals from other languages and dialects, enjoying delicious cuisine, and most importantly, it elevates our perception of reality to a whole new level!

I encourage everyone to take a trip. It is a means to demonstrate your self-assurance in oneself.

Journeying also equates to self-love and self-care.

This year, set a challenge for yourself to try new things and visit areas you have never been.

📆 2023



Podcast - New Episode “Hand in Hand” available only on TikTok or Instagram!

Photos from Rewire Your Mindset Strategy's post 18/01/2024

I was speaking with an individual who, instead of taking responsibility for his problems, would point the finger at society, his family, and Allah (SWT).

When someone is unable to accept the consequences of their own acts, you can be sure that they will never take responsibility for their own actions and will always place the blame for everything on other people.

Projectionists are the persons that fit this description. They blame everyone else for all of their mistakes. These kind of people can never achieve or live their full potential.



Snowstorms have been hitting us for the past few days. We had little more than 10 inches of snow in just two days, and it has been as cold as -20 degrees.

Yes, it’s true that we’re in popsicle land🧊

#2024 ❄️


What does snow mean to you? ❄️

On days like this, when it snows, I am reminded of Allah (SWT)’s miracle.

We used to create snowflakes in art class when we were little and in school, which we would then hang from the ceiling until Valentine’s Day.

The teacher would graciously remind us of the beauty of snow and winter each day as we walked into a classroom covered with snowflakes.

As an adult, snow represents a new beginning and a blank slate for me.

#2024 #❄️

Photos from Rewire Your Mindset Strategy's post 10/01/2024

As an adult, I’ve come to the realization that my likes and dislikes have evolved along with my priorities. which, as we mature into adults, is very natural. Our tastes also alter with each passing day.

Because there are only so many days in a lifetime, never take them for granted!

🚩Seattle Washington
📆 2023


Photos from Rewire Your Mindset Strategy's post 06/01/2024


Last year I wanted to start a project that I wasn’t able to do that, so In’Sha’Allah this year I am trying to do that.

Jazaka’Allah Khair for your patience and continue to stay updated for this year In’Sha’Allah.



I think of myself as bluffing skyscraper. I adore large structures and the stories they tell, especially when it comes to the reasons behind the angles and colors chosen in their construction.

Every building has a story to tell, especially in

📆 Aug 2023


Embracing Life’s Moments: Part 1

Life is a series of moments, and the value we derive from it often lies in the memories we create. In our pursuit of success, amidst our busy schedules and daily routines, it’s easy to lose sight of the significance of these moments and the people we share them with. However, there’s an undeniable beauty in cherishing each moment and cultivating meaningful experiences with our loved ones.

📆 Dec 2023



Happy 2034 🎉🎉🎉

I know that many of us don’t have any positive feelings for this year, since 2020, all we have faced was Covid-19, inflation, isolation, lockdowns, and now there seems to be nothing to look forward. Majority of us are in “survival mode.”

All that is true and okay. I truly believe each is us are capable to having at least one goal, regardless of what that is, we aim for it and work towards it. That itself gives us motivation and hope for betterment.

I was discussing this discussion with a family member while enjoying HB Nankatai from Kenya 🇰🇪 and chai.

#2024 #🇰🇪


Majority of people want changes, but aren’t willing to take initiatives towards that. They want or believe, everything should happen, just cause they want it.

The reality with that mindset is that, no doors of opportunities will open for you.”

There are around 8+ billion people on the Earth. Everyone wants to be part of 1% wealthy people!!

Take charge and change your life, cause you are the only one who is in charge of your life and no one else.

Stop blaming, start living.

📷 Mexico
📆 2022/23



This year has been challenging and yet it has brought many memories that I will always treasure them forever.

One of the most beautiful memory is witnessing Islands and its magical landscape.

The whole island is like a dream, which one doesn’t want to wake up from.

It’s pricy and very private experience. It’s limited mobility accessible but because of my friends, I will always treasure their gifts.

📷 Seashell
🚩Turks and Caicos Islands
📆 2023



People never cease to disappoint me nowadays.

People who claim to be rich are nothing more than thieves and those who announce tirelessly their poverty & play victim are nothing more than lazy!

Never trust anyone, especially when they claim they are so-called well wishers, because they are nothing more than hypocrites, envious, and thieves.


It’s not easy working everyday. It can create huge mental exhaustion, especially when in our own personal lives, so much is happening.

One of the best method to cope, I experienced was to go to the local coffee shop. I went to and spent time working there!

It’s accessible for wheelchairs and strollers, customer service is good and most of all, the environment is really “homey”.

It was my first time going there and I loved the experience. I met new people including an individual from

It was an experience that taught me a lot about myself “as in the big picture” and where I fit!!

🔑 #2023


When I saw this picture, I didn't understand the meaning behind it.

We each have our own perspectives towards an image, word, color, etc.

Here is my take on it!

It turns out that the cat has seen a snake's tail sticking out of a small hole and the cat thought that it was a rat's tail, so he wanted to pull it and tease it until it came out... .

This image is the work of the famous Italian illustrator Marco Melgrati

the meaning of his painting: "You never know who you're playing with, without knowing the risks, because today's qualities like ignorance, show-off, hard work, quick solutions etc.".

In today's fast & busy life, what we see is only a tiny fraction of the truth, we tend to make decisions based on small aspect of what we believe we see and jump to conclusions, ignoring the whole picture and facts!

We become victims, when we make haste decisions, or let others make our decisions.

Each of us are responsible for our own decisions, not ANYONE ELSE and before making the decision, take time to learn what is real vs reel!


If you can than you must; otherwise remain regretful!

🔑 #2023


Your Perspective is NOT a fact, but one biased opinion out of 8 Billion in this world.

🔑 #2023


It is NO one's responsibility for your financial stability, except your own.

Today I would like to take a moment to share my experience.

When I was studying, so many my so-called relatives made fun of me and taunted me, cause in their culture “women don’t study” and they hated I followed Islam, where education for women is mandatory.

Today these illiterate people suddenly praise me and ask me for financial help.

Moral of the story ~ You do you and people will always criticize cause they themselves are insecure in their own bodies and lives!

🔑 🔑reels #2023


When you lie, you aren't only lying to someone, but reflecting your own stupidity!

🔑 🔑reels #2023


The day you compare yourself to someone is the day, you lost yourself

🔑 🔑reels #2023


Life isn’t complicated, we make life complicated, by attaching ourselves to materialistic aspect of life!

🔑 🔑reels #2023


Don't live your life accordance to man-made culture.

Make your own path!

🔑 🔑reels #2023


"Sunday is a time when you sit back and reflect on all the blessings that you have received. Smile at all the good things that you are enjoying.

🔑 🔑reels #2023


"Failure is a blessing or a curse, depending on your reaction and mindset!'

The choice is yours!

🔑 🔑reels #2023


Islam is not a mere religion, but rather a lifestyle!

This Jum’ah this reminder is for myself and anyone who needs it.

Let’s embrace our Deen in every aspect of life, instead of choosing into bits and parts. Every aspect of our deen is beneficial when done correctly and genuinely!

May Allah (SWT) accepts all our deeds and multiply immense folds, which becomes our path to Jannah. Aameen.

🔑 🔑reels #2023


I'm not "everybody" & I don't do what "everybody" do!

Be genuinely you and live your life with kindness, empathy, moreover, on your terms. No one should depict another adults choices or life.

🔑 🔑reels #2023

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