Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging

Using nutrition and lifestyle to age with health.

Timeline photos 02/02/2020

Nothing but meat last night and today. Feeling great.

Timeline photos 28/01/2020

Great article. Thanks to Cris Kresser for emailing it.

Timeline photos 27/01/2020

I’ve joined Integrative Nutrition to become a health coach!

Timeline photos 11/11/2019

What should I begin with? Got meals for a fews day here.

Timeline photos 09/11/2019

Tried this cauliflower crust meat lovers pizza from Mod pizza. Glucose increased from 74 to 119 them back to 108 within an hour. I ate 4 slices. Delicious, but may need to seek an alternative.


Introduction Hi all, I wanted to write a quick post to introduce myself and inform you that I plan to write regularly regarding my past and present experiences with trying t