Time Savour Meal Prep

Time Savour Meal Prep

Food service


Hi all!!! I am excited to say I have ONE available slot for weekly meal preps for yourself/your family! If you are potentially interested, please message this account (or my personal page) to see if it would be a good fit! 🙂


This week I will have an extra single order of taco sticks available, $5. Comment below if you want it!


Here is the extra servings I will have this week! $5 for each individual serving- just comment below to claim!

Bedford pickup on Wednesday nights


Hey all- it’s been a bit! Just a quick question:

All my current weekly client spots are full, HOWEVER, I do have something potentially to offer! I have a client who orders single portions I offer, and sometimes I make those meals in bulk and have extra. Would you leave me a comment below if you would be interested in me posting individual portions of certain meals that I have extra of, for sale at a discounted price? Thank you ! 🥰


Hey all- long time no post!

As I’ve mentioned, come January my services will look a little different! I will now be working with set individuals/families for weekly meal prep. I had previously been full, but unfortunately had someone have to back out for health reasons. If you’re interested in taking my LAST REMAINING SLOT for weekly meal preps, or just want more details on what this will look like, MESSAGE ME!!!

Photos from Time Savour Meal Prep's post 03/11/2022

A couple kids birthday parties I’ve done recently!

A dinosaur birthday cake (confetti cake with buttercream) and daisy cupcakes (apple cider cake with brown sugar maple icing)

As a side note, I am by NO MEANS a professional!!! Meals are definitely more my wheelhouse, but I have had a good time making some baked goods to help out friends and family 💛


Hey all! I’m working on revamping my meal prep business. I want to provide what YOU all want the most!

If you could COMMENT BELOW and let me know, would you be more likely to…

-prefer baked goods (oat balls, muffins, etc) OR full meals

-have weekly variation of options OR a set menu you can order from that stays the same each week

I’d really appreciate the feedback- thanks to all who continue to support!

Photos from Time Savour Meal Prep's post 20/10/2022

Don’t forget to place your orders for November 9th pickup- just a few slots remaining!

Also… anyone who has placed/does place an order in the next 24 hours will be entered for a chance to win a dozen free Oreo truffles as a thank you for supporting me 🥰

Photos from Time Savour Meal Prep's post 24/09/2022

Cupcakes from this week! 3 different flavors- I am much more of a cook, but I love getting to bake for friends every now and then ☺️

Photos from Time Savour Meal Prep's post 19/09/2022

Reminder that I also offer baked goods and charcuterie/snack boards! Pricing dependent on quantity and details.

Remember me for any of your party and event needs! ☺️ Message me for details!


Orders due by Friday night !


Since there was so much interest in the casseroles and muffins, I’ve decided to open up orders on all options listed below again!

Comment below to place your order!


I’m back!

Below is the list of what I will be offering and prices. You’ll notice I’m now offering individual portions as well as family portions! If you have any questions about the meals/ingredients, please feel free to ask! I will be offering:

-5 available slots for casserole meal
-5 available slots for the soup and cornbread meal
-5 available slots for the sausage muffins
-8 slots for the Oat balls
-*DONT FORGET, you can also comment if you’d like a weekly, personalized meal plan created by me ☺️*

You can claim your slots by commenting below what you would like to order and what servings you would like.

This round will be ready the week of October 10th. As usual,I will message you within the week to determine specific pickup time and date after you’ve placed your order. I’m so excited to be back! ❤️


Long time no see!

I’m gearing up to get back at the Meal Prep game! I’ll be posting for orders at NOON- so be on the lookout!


Hey y’all!

Still waiting on our daughter to make her appearance (any day now!), and as I plan and wait for her, I wanted to let you all know about something new Im considering offering AFTER maternity leave! (Along with normal meal options)

Each week, I would open a set number of slots for Meal Prep Plans! This is a great option for those who:

-enjoy cooking but not planning weekly meals
-want a straight forward/easy to follow plan to maintain healthy meals for yourself
-don’t have/want to spend the money for someone else to cook your meals for you

Price will be
$20 for 3 planned meals
$30 for 5 planned meals

If you see yourself being interested in this type of option, please COMMENT BELOW and let me know if I should add this to my business!


Half of this weeks orders went out today!

-deli Dijon pinwheels
-bbq chicken and quinoa salad
-Oreo truffles
-pesto tilapia with veggies and pasta

This will be my last round until I come back from maternity leave, but don’t forget about me! I will be back and ready to start making WEEKLY meals for you all! In the mean time, let me know what you’ve enjoyed so far and what you’d like to see in the future ☺️ thank you all for your continued support!


For those who don’t know me in person well, I wanted to put a face to the page, and also show why I will soon be taking a break from meal prep!

My daughter is due in 5 (ish) weeks, but once I come off maternity leave, I am SO excited to make this business real and offer weekly options ☺️

In saying that, I’d love to hear some feedback from y’all! If you have a moment and would be willing to copy and paste the following questions in the comments with your answers, it would be so appreciated and help me know how to come back prepared for your needs ❤️


1.) what meals would you like to see come back ?

2.) would you like to see more breakfast options?

3.) would you like to see more snack options?

4.) should I continue to offer baked goods/desserts?

5.) what is one meal suggestion you’d love to see added to a week?

6.) are the portion sizes working for your needs?

7.) am I offering enough variety in choices weekly ?


One order from this weeks offerings!

-chocolate pumpkin muffins
-peanut butter oat balls
-shrimp taco bowls
-pasta salad (with a side of fruit)

I hope everyone who ordered ENJOYS!!! I am loving creating meals for y’all, what do you wanna see included in my next round? Trying to decide if I should try doing one more before having my baby, so let me know if you have interest in the comments ☺️ thank you all!

Photos from Time Savour Meal Prep's post 07/06/2022

Hi all- happy Monday!

As I continue to plan and start up my business for after maternity leave, I am considering some extra side projects to go along with my weekly meal offerings!

Would you all have any interest in charcuterie/snack boards in the future? This would be more of an extra available at any time; I would offer different varieties (as pictured below or custom!) sizes, pricing, etc. If you could ever see yourself ordering one of your family, friends, parties, etc., please comment and let me know! ☺️

Photos from Time Savour Meal Prep's post 31/05/2022

*EDIT TO POST* I will open up 2 more slots for the shrimp bowls and pasta salad, comment to claim them!

Take 2! Bringing back a couple favorites from last time, and offering a couple new selections for this meal prep round ☺️

Below are pictures of each meal option I am offering. I will be allotting:

-4 available slots for the shrimp bowls and pasta salad
-6 slots for the oat balls and muffins

You can claim your spot by commenting on the specific photos of the meals you want (you can order more than one option, just comment on each item you’d like to order please!). Prices will be listed per serving, and once you claim your spot, I will message about servings/allergies/preferences/etc for you! If you have a family of 4 or larger I would be providing for, I will also work with you to offer a family discount!

The meals will be ready the week of June 20th, and I will message you privately regarding when/where pickup works for the both of us! If any of this is unclear, please feel free to leave me a comment and I am happy to clarify. Thank you all again for your continued interest 🤍

Photos from Time Savour Meal Prep's post 27/05/2022

I am so thankful for the response y’all have given my new little business 🥰

I want to make sure I am providing things you all are interested in and will enjoy! I am planning on doing another round in late June, and wanted to know what sweet option you prefer I offer.

So comment below, next time I open up orders, should I offer peanut butter oat balls again, or switch it up and offer my chocolate pumpkin muffins?!


I am going to have 2 extra portions of chicken and dumplings (with a side salad) available for pickup TOMORROW. Each portion is $9- if you would like to claim one or both portions, comment below and I will message you for pickup times/location ☺️


Round one of Meal Prep is underway!

Pictured are my peanut butter oat balls, chicken and dumplings with side salad, bbq chicken with quinoa salad (or broccoli, I customize to YOUR preferences!), and shrimp taco bowls.

I plan to switch meals up every week, but if there are any popular items I will always be glad to repeat!

Comment below 👇🏼 and let me know what looks good to you, and what kind of meals you think I should add into my next rotation!
