Get Over My Divorce

Get Over My Divorce

Get Over My Divorce. Inspiring stories, articles and resources empowering women after divorce.


* Free 30 Day Bounce Back Plan *

Did you know that January is considered the divorce month? It's the time after Christmas when people have got through the festive season and have decided to go into a new year with a fresh start. But it’s not easy. Making the decision to leave your marriage is tough.

Maybe this is where you find yourself at the start of 2022, or the decision was made for you and you’re struggling with what to do next?

If you’re feeling lost and are longing for more understanding about yourself or the relationship, I know how it feels to be the other side and unsure about everything. That’s why I’m giving away a 30-day bounce back course I created for free.

It’s an empowering plan of self-discovery to help you navigate the other side of divorce and get you back on your feet again.

I can’t promise it will solve all your problems but what I can promise is that at the end of the 30 days you will feel more direction, more understanding of yourself and most importantly, more empowered to move forward with your life.

Just enter the code ‘empower you’ at the checkout to get the 100% discount. Lisa x


Monday Affirmation

"I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I have been given."


Distance Reiki

Reiki is a traditional Japanese relaxation technique using universal life force energy. By placing the hands on the body, energy can be transmitted to restore physical and emotional well-being.

A one-off session can be enough to balance your mind, body and soul and alleviate any stress or aliments to being you back into alignment. Distance Reiki is a way of sending Reiki healing remotely and is just as effective as a hands on treatment.


The 5 Stages of Divorce

The five stages of divorce include cognitive separation, emotional divorce, physical separation, legal dissolution, and spiritual un-bonding.


Monday Affirmation

"I acknowledge my own self-worth; my confidence is soaring."


The Ex-Back Plan

Breaking up is never easy. Do you wish it was how it was at the very beginning when you were both so in love? The Ex-Back Plan is a 30 day plan to help you win back your ex. Follow these steps and at the end your ex will be pleading with you to take them back…


I Don't Want A Divorce

"Have you thought to yourself, "I don't want a divorce but I don't know what to do"? Are you struggling with all the mixed emotions you're feeling about your husband and your marriage? The following input from the life coach can help you gain perspective in your situation, especially if you want to keep your marriage together."


Monday Affirmation

"I am courageous and I stand up for myself."


Empowering Books

In this resources list, you’ll find books to help empower you after divorce. From understanding relationships and attachment styles to identifying issues from your childhood that may be still affecting your life today.


A Divorce Perspective – Giving Up On Happily Ever After

"When you get married, you walk down the aisle thinking “This is my dream” and I don’t know many women who walk down the aisle thinking this is going to end..."


"Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good..."


Free Resources

From articles to videos, these free resources are some of the best that I have found to navigate yourself through the emotions of a divorce.


The Empowerment of Solo Travel

One of the most empowering things that you can do to get over a divorce is learn how to spend time alone.

After my divorce I got back on the road and went travelling. It was challenging but having so much time alone taught me to grow.

I am such an advocate for solo travel as I know first-hand how empowering it can be. I find that each journey I take, gives me the life lesson that I need at that moment.


"I forgive those who have harmed me in my past..."


Getting through a divorce is a process and it’s important to be as kind to yourself as you can along the journey and practice self-care.


"Happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy today."


Mindset & Clarity Coaching

When we get divorced, it’s easy to feel lost with no sense of direction as we battle with losing the life that we had dreamed for ourselves. If you’re feeling stuck and ready for a change in your life, having sessions with a Life Coach can help you to navigate through these feelings and get to a place of joy, passion and purpose, ready to tackle the world with a new sense of freedom and alignment.


Falling Back in Love With Life & Myself

“Getting divorced at 30 was never in the script. I didn’t see it coming and what’s worse, I had to face my divorce less than two months after my father suddenly passed away...”


Monday Empowerment

"I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends."


Inner Voice Coaching

Even in the most trying of times, within each of us resides a deep well of wisdom, love and peace, an inner knowing that’s ready and eager to help address life’s toughest questions. Connecting with your inner voice gives you permission to fully embrace your most authentic self.


Divorce Success Story

Getting over a divorce after 26 years of marriage can be hard and challenging. Liz Granirer shares her journey of discovery in this divorce success story.


I am in control of my life and how I feel...

Divorce Coaching - Get Over My Divorce 09/07/2021

Divorce Coaching

If you’re struggling with the thought of divorce or emerging from a divorce or separation and are feeling overwhelmed and unsure how you will manage everything alone, you may want to work with a divorce coach to help get you through it, especially if you’re not ready to give up on your partner and have a desire to heal your relationship.

Divorce Coaching - Get Over My Divorce If you’re struggling with the thought of divorce, you may want to work with a divorce coach to help get you through it, especially if you’re not ready to give up on your partner and have a desire to heal your relationship.  Sallyanne Hartnell is a relationship, separation, divorce & co-parentin...

Is There Life After Divorce? - Get Over My Divorce 07/07/2021

Is There Life After Divorce?

When you come through the other side of divorce, you’ll wonder if it ever really happened. Was that really me that walked down an aisle in a white wedding dress before vowing to spend the rest of my life with just one person?

Is There Life After Divorce? - Get Over My Divorce (I wanted to write this post to help anyone who may be struggling to get over a divorce whether it was their decision or the choice was taken out of their hands. This is my story and experience of divorce. I hope it helps someone). When you come through the other side of divorce, you’ll […]


"My fears of tomorrow are melting away..."
