Roqya Coranic Treatment

Roqya Coranic Treatment

《We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers》[SURAH AL-ISRA AYAT 82]


《We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers》[SURAH AL-ISRA AYAT 82]


Before Roqya
Make wudhū, offer two rak‘ats and make sincere du‘ā’. Du‘ā’, especially in tahajjud,
brings great reprieve and assistance from Allah جل جلاله.Make abundant and sincere istighfār (seeking forgiveness from Allah جل جلاله ,(and stay away from sins. One should restore people’s rights if they have wronged anyone or taken anything unjustly. Give sadaqah as it wards off calamity (Bayhaqī). The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Treat your sick by giving Sadaqah.” (Bayhaqī)
Remove animate pictures from the home. Any amulets (ta’wīdh) which contain
illegible text or invokes upon other than Allah should also be taken out and disposed of in a river.Remain in a state of wudhū through the day and also sleep with wudhū.


Conditions for Ruqyah to be successful
1 - Intention
Ruqyah is a du’ā. The intention should always be to ask Allah to remove the evil by the words of the Qur’ān.
2 - Conviction (yaqīn)
One should recite loudly and clearly, with firm conviction and belief in Allah, who Alone gives cure.
3 - Patience & Consistency
Like all treatment, consistency is key. Daily recitation, du‘ā’ and other treatments must be maintained for positive results.



Ruqyah’ is the practice of treating Illnesses through Qur’ānic āyāt and invocations as prescribed by the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم .It provides a cure for evil eye, magic and
physical ailments.
The Qur’ān offers perfect solace to a believer - both spirtually and physically. Ruqyah should therefore play an essential role in our lives. Allah جل جلاله says: “And say: The truth has come, and falsehood has vanished. Surely falsehood is ever bound to vanish by its very nature. And We send down in the Qur’ān that which is a cure and a mercy for the believers.” (17:81-2)
As well providing a cure, Ruqyah is an excellent way for the believers to build their Imān and reaffirm their tawhīd for Allah جل جلاله .Indeed seeking treatment through the Qur’ān demonstrates complete belief in the Book of Allah جل
