Keeley Maread

Keeley Maread

I teach people how to escape the grind and step into their power✨


A few days ago I sat down to write a post, and let me tell you, the WHOLE thing was negative

I was, in so many words, saying that I feel unfulfilled - mentally, physically, romantically, creatively - in ALL the ways imaginable

And while that might still ring somewhat true, waking up today I have a completely different outlook on things

A bad moment does not mean a bad life or even a bad day. It just means there’s something tough to navigate, a challenge to work through

And the beauty of it? You WILL climb the mountain - every. single. time.

You will come out on the other side and you will find another layer of strength that you didn’t know you had

Today as I write this post, all I feel is grateful🤞🏻

Not being EXACTLY where you want to be can be a beautiful journey if you let it✨🤍

Show yourself some extra love today and remember, you grow through what you go through🌱


2023 is 𝗧𝗛𝗘 year

The year to start saying YES to your dreams!✅

The year to try something NEW!✅

The year to UPLEVEL the heck out of your life!✅

If you’re ready to claim 2023 as YOUR year, and start chasing the life you’re meant to have, then this is for you!

You guessed it! The Freedom Era is hosting another 2-day LIVE masterclass all about high ticket affiliate marketing - this will help you learn the exact steps to take to generate high profit income in the online space in 2023

You’ll hear from 4 EXPERTS in the field, who will teach you how to turn sharing yourself on social media into a business that supports a life of CHOICE and FREEDOM👣🌎

And the best part is … it’s FREE😍

This is your opportunity to quit playing small, to recession proof your life, to work from anywhere in the world, take OWNERSHIP back of your life, and create the money and impact that you are destined to

If you are ready to step into the next version of yourself AND make some damn good money at the same time, send me DM with the “💸” emoji and I’ll send you the access link!

Just imagine, 90 minutes changes your whole life!!!!!! You can thank me later😉


I need to be honest with you guys…

Showing up all the time is HARD

Exuding good vibes all the time is HARD

Choosing to level up all the time is (you guessed it!) HARD

I have fallen off the wagon a lot lately

I haven’t been on top of my nutrition, I’ve been slacking in the gym, I haven’t showed up on my socials, and in all honesty… I’ve barely been showing up in my life

But guess what?


IT’S OK to fall off the wagon
IT’S OK to slip up
IT’S OK to fall back and focus on getting your mental right

Give yourself some grace, show yourself some extra love, and when you’re ready, get down to the nitty gritty on WHY you’re falling off or feeling burnt out

And then hop back on the wagon and ride that bitch!!!!!

You CAN make changes over and over again
You CAN come back to social media over and over again
You CAN fail forward, over and over and over again

One foot in front of the other babe, you got this✨

Excited to be back on my socials and sharing more of this crazy life of mine🍾


I’ve finally started staying NO to anything that doesn’t light me up inside

Even if it disappoints people

Even if it’s not what people expect from me

Even if it means missing out on things

Overcoming the guilt and the FOMO has been it’s own journey,

But the immense weight off my chest means I’m finally able to breath

And it’s been cyclical - the more I say NO, the lighter I feel

The more I say NO, the easier it is to tap into what ACTUALLY aligns with me right now

The more I say NO, the more I’m finally saying YES to me

Finding the worth and the confidence to choose only things that contribute to my betterment has been the best lesson I’ve learnt all year


Forever grateful 🍾🤍💫


Your new life is going to cost you your old one…

How many of you have heard this sentiment before?

Letting go of the current phase you’re in and being fully open to the next,

is one of the most beautiful experiences this world has to offer.

Letting go of the relationships, the responsibilities, and the commitments that no longer serve you,

will open your heart to all of the new opportunities that you are meant to experience.

When you’re ready to let go, to grieve your old life,

the most beautiful of things will fall into place.

The moments to come are going to be so inspiring, and fulfilling, and aligned,

but you must be willing to close this chapter and move on to bigger and better.

You deserve it,

You deserve the whole wide world - so go and get it🌻


I have a very special invitation for you💌

This is a one-of-a-kind event,

called the Solution Summit💫

Because these last two years the world has been throwing problem after problem at us.

Interest rates are rising.
The grocery bills are creeping higher.
The budget is getting tighter and tighter...

It’s not fun, that’s for sure.

But neither is sitting there and being taken along for the ride of financial uncertainty.

I want to show you how to take these problems and turn them into solutions.

Instead of drowning in bills and stressing about what comes next, you’ll be armed with everything you need to build a stable, abundant financial future for yourself.

The Freedom Era will be hosting a two day LIVE SUMMIT (the last one of 2022
I might add😅) to help you tackle whatever circumstances you’re in, and come out thriving

This is for you if…
💚 You’re a traditional business owner who desires multiple streams of income and time leverage
💚 You’re a network marketer wanting to escape the hustle of low ticket and selling to your friends and family
💚 You're a total newbie to the online space and want to learn how to create a high profit business, without being a slave to your phone
💚 You're a coach or consultant sick of being on the launch hamster-wheel, forever on sales calls and seeking a more automated business
💚 You’re a free spirited traveller who wants to work from anywhere and not have to sacrifice comfort for experience
💚 You’re an impact driven soulpreneur who craves a business model that allows you to create real change in people's lives
💚 You’re a parent craving the freedom to spend more time together as a family without having to worry about how you’re going to earn an income

If you are ready to catapult to the next level version of you AND recession proof your lifestyle, send me the word READY in a DM and I'll send you the link to an exciting and super relevant conversation happening next week!! Imagine if 90 minutes could change your whole life!!


You wanna know the secret to being successful?


Keep pushing, learning, growing, expanding.

Now, this looks difference for everyone

Maybe that means climbing the corporate ladder

Maybe that means becoming an entrepreneur

Maybe that means putting in overtime hours

Maybe that means healing yourself internally to allow better things in

Whatever that means to you, just DO THE FU***NG WORK.

It’s time to start living an extraordinary life - we all deserve this!

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Work harder. Move smarter. Keep pushing yourself to new levels.

Big news coming in this space - stay tuned🥳

08-09-22 🌱 08-10-22


I’ve found so much peace lately,

in just accepting things as they are.

No longer battling for control,

just being okay with whatever happens.

I’ve learned that things don’t always need to be taken so seriously,

sometimes things can just BE.

It’s ok to let go,

endings really are just new beginnings🌷


What role are you playing in your own life?

Are you sitting in the passenger seat, letting other people steer and choose your path?

Are you watching from the sidelines, cheering others on, while your own life passes before your eyes?

Are you constantly saying YES to others, but never to yourself?

Who do you want to be?

What do you want stand for?

What do you want your life to be about?

It’s absolutely VITAL that we get into the drivers seat and take some control

Not where you want to be yet? Work harder. Own your decisions. Take aligned action.

If you had 3 months left to live, would you be 100% content with where you are at?

What would you need to do in order to live a life without regret?

Start f*cking doing that then.

Make the big move.
Travel more.
Love harder.
Laugh more.

Start doing things that light you the f**k up

It’s time to start ✨L I V I N G✨


I wanna share with the world something that I’m struggling with a little bit…

Lately I’m struggling to find the line between holding true to my boundaries, but also operating from an abundant, empathetic, and kind space

I guess these are the challenges that come with learning to set boundaries, but I really don’t know how these two things can be synonymous

I suppose though, that in order to be truly abundant, to give back to others, and to show up as the highest version of myself, that MEANS setting, enforcing, and respecting my boundaries

While I can’t seem to figure out how they are synonymous, I also understand that they totally go hand-in-hand

I guess what I’m sharing is that right now is this:

this phase of my life seems to be centred around DUALITY - grasping the understanding that life is full of ups and downs and highs and lows AND they can all happen at the same time

None of us have this life stuff figured out and we are all just here for the adventure

everything can be totally ok and also totally not ok

everything can be totally different and also the same

there is good and there is bad

you can be happy and also be healing

Life just IS… and it all comes in waves🌊


Trust the process baby 🫧🫶🏼

Who knows where you’ll be 6 months from now


This week I cried.

I cried thinking about how far I’ve come, in the last year alone.

It’s been a f**king rollercoaster of a year, let me tell you that.

Health issues, heartbreak, travel, career change, heartbreak again, entrepreneurship, love interests, burnout, anxiety, lots of laughs, but also lots of tears.

But the most beautiful thing came out of it - I realized I have no clue who I am, what I like, or where I want to be in life.

And for some, this might be T E R R I F Y I N G

For me, it means a fresh start.

I get to learn about myself, rediscover my passions, try to new things, step out of my comfort zone, say HELL YES to anything and everything that I want in life.

I realized that it’s TOTALLY OK and VERY NORMAL to be unsure of your first steps! In fact, it’s to be expected!!!

It seems like IG is a highlight reel most of the time, but I promise you everyone is going through this period of finding themselves and learning about life.

If you’re unsure of what’s next, who you are, or want you want out of life, please know that you are seen and heard, and your feelings are totally valid.

If any of this resonated with you, drop an emoji below so I can show you some love❤️


The 3 secrets to becoming more ✨self-aware✨

If you know me, you know that self-awareness has not always come easy for me, but with a conscious effort I think I’ve finally cracked the code🤫

Self-awareness is KEY to having successful relationships with others AND with yourself! Self-awareness allows you to live in alignment, and to show up as your best self daily🌱

Through a LOT of trial and error, I have found that these 3 components are VITAL to growing your self-awareness toolbox

💭Getting clear on your CORE values - prioritizing what really MATTERS to you helps increase your self-awareness because you know what it is that you WANT and EXPECT out of life, yourself, and others!

💭Try new things - until you get out of your comfort zone and try new things / have new experiences, you’ll never know what it is that you actually like vs. dislike!

💭Identify your own triggers & negative beliefs - when you understand and can recognize your own shortcomings, you’re such better able to relate and be empathetic towards others

We are all deserving of kindness and I think that starts with showing it to yourself first - shadow work can be tough and uncomfy but it is oh so worth it🤍


“I just don’t have the time or money right now☹️”

This is the number 1 objection I hear when I tell people about my online business opportunity

But that sentence is just so crazy to me … of course you don’t have the time or money, THAT’S WHY YOU NEED THIS!!!!!!!!

Think about all the times you’ve had to say no to something you *actually* wanted to do, because you had to go to work. Or you had to meet a friend for the yearly obligatory coffee date. Or you had to take your dog to the vet or take your kids to soccer practice.

Think about all the times you had to say no to something you *really* wanted to buy, because it wasn’t in the budget. Or because it was a little toooooo frivolous. Or because you’re saving for a house, or a car, or the next big purchase.

Working 40 hours a week for 48 hours off, on a CAPPED income, NEVER LETS YOU GET AHEAD🗣

I’m not telling anyone to quit their day job and move to a remote island - I’m telling people to think a little bit bigger. To really understand that unless you’re the owner of the company, the CEO, or born into money, there is no real way to get ahead.

60% of Canadians have a side hustle … why not CONSIDER the opportunity to create that from your phone?? Why not consider the extreme advantages to having multiple streams of income?

The beauty of this business is that you get to determine what it looks like for you!

Whether it’s a side hustle to your day job, an income stream that eventually replaces your full time wage, or somewhere in between, it gives you that extra leg up - that calculated risk, that investment into yourself and your future, that opportunity to get ahead and start bringing your dreams to life💫

Comment 1 thing you DO or BUY if you had the extra time or money⏱💸


I’ll never forget the first time I felt truly free …

I was 18, sailing the waters of Greece, sitting alone on the deck of a massive cruise boat at 5am.

As my legs dangled off the side of the boat, the early morning dew soaking through my (very tiny🥴) jean shorts, I just started to tear up - which eventually turned into a full on sob-fest.

I couldn’t understand why. The tears came out of nowhere and continued for what felt like forever.

When I was finally over the tears, I just stood up and screamed at the top of my lungs. I could feel ALL the emotions, tension, and stress leave my body.

The missed trains, the fights between friends, all the problems we had faced on that trip just disappeared.

The worries about life back home - relationship troubles, feeling homesick, missing out on life, none of it weighed on me anymore.

It all just faded away, seeming so insignificant as I stared into the the open ocean, screaming my heart out.

I finally felt f*cking FREE.

It was the reminder I needed that life does NOT need to feel so heavy.

That there is so much more life and adventure out there for us to experience.

That it is OKAY to let go of things that no longer serve you.

And since that morning sitting alone on the boat, I have chased that feeling - over and over and over again🌞

I do things that light up that spark in me, even if those around me don’t understand or agree.

I say YES to opportunities that fill my soul with sunshine.

I will forever be chasing the feeling of freedom🦋

And if you ask me (I might be a little bit biased😉) chasing that feeling is what life is all about!

Can you remember the first time you had that feeling?? Comment below a time you’ve felt similar😝



Ok so I thought the last workshop we ran was epic but this….. INSANE🔥

The 💰Freedom Formula💰 masterclass that ran earlier this week just took things to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!


We dove right into teaching the exact 3-step formula that is helping everyday people like you and I reach freedom and live extraordinary lives!

We also looked at the incredible academy that teaches this step-by-step process for creating an income online and achieving your dream life!

Now is the time to claim back your time, your financial security, and your freedom to choose the how, what, and where of your life! 🥳

If you missed out on day one or two … it’s your lucky day!

I have EXTENDED ACCESS for the replays until Saturday night at 10pm EST!

DM me for access!💸 💥 👏🏼


📣We have something HUGE coming📣

This 2 day virtual event is going to change the trajectory of people’s lives. Do you want the in?

✨the freedom formula✨

This is a 2-day masterclass like no other that is launching inside our private Facebook group with a power hour from 8pm-9pm each day (Mon. May 30th & Tues. May 31st!)!

I am SO excited to be working on this, and if you’re interested in learning more about the online space and creating an income from your phone, I’d love for you to join me for 45 minutes each day where we give you the full (and super unique!) experience, with an introduction to life changing strategies and tools that will change your relationship with money.

• How to create a healthy and positive relationship with money 💰
• How to achieve limitless freedom and abundance 💲
• What it means to build a legacy💸

• How to mortise your social media 💰
• Proven strategy to create generational wealth 💲
• How to leverage automation 💸

It’s time to stop trading your time for money and start making money in a way that allows you to enjoy your time!

This masterclass will set you up to know how to build an income that evolves with you, and celebrates who you are - your financial future is in your hands👏🏼

To get access to this container and to be part of this movement, just pop a YES below and I’ll send you the link with all the details 💥

This is the future of freedom, I can promise you that!!


📣We have something HUGE coming📣

This 2 day virtual event is going to change the trajectory of people’s lives. Do you want the in?

✨the freedom formula✨

This is a 2-day masterclass like no other that is launching inside our private Facebook group with a power hour from 8pm-9pm each day (Mon. May 30th & Tues. May 31st!)!

I am SO excited to be working on this, and if you’re interested in learning more about the online space and creating an income from your phone, I’d love for you to join me for 45 minutes each day where we give you the full (and super unique!) experience, with an introduction to life changing strategies and tools that will change your relationship with money.

• How to create a healthy and positive relationship with money 💰
• How to achieve limitless freedom and abundance 💲
• What it means to build a legacy 💸

• How to mortise your social media 💰
• Proven strategy to create generational wealth 💲
• How to leverage automation 💸

It’s time to stop trading your time for money and start making money in a way that allows you to enjoy your time!

This masterclass will set you up to know how to build an income that evolves with you, and celebrates who you are - your financial future is in your hands👏🏼

To get access to this container and to be part of this movement, just pop a YES below and I’ll send you the link with all the details 💥

This is the future of freedom, I can promise you that!!



(Again) lol

But no seriously, I am so excited to share that I am saying my final goodbye to the 9-5 life, and a see ya never to the corporate world!

For the last year or so, I’ve finally come to realize that working 40+ hours a week just for 48 hours to myself just didn’t make sense.

I also just recently learned that if you decide to retire early you are PENALIZED and have your pension reduced??!?!!! Wtf!!!!!! You can work your ass off for a company for 30 years and if you decide to retire 3 years early your pension is docked? Get f*cked. That’s quite literally insane.

And it’s definitely not the life I want for myself.

Another thing I realized about the corporate world was that no matter how hard I worked, how much effort I put in, I was still getting paid the same amount. If I put in 200% effort or 70%, I would still get my regular paycheque. Here’s the bad news. I’m not a 70% kind of person. So I was breaking my back, working overtime just to make the same amount. No promotion, no pay increase, no nothing for my 200% effort that I put in EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Imagine if I started investing that 200% into myself or my own business, or my own ventures…

I also realized that no matter what, there is NO getting ahead when you work a 9-5. The only way to escape the rat race is to take a risk, invest in yourself, and do something DIFFERENT - something BOLD.

I DID alllllllll the things society tells you to do:

I graduated university with 4 degrees to “keep doors open for myself”

I got a decent job with a decent income which was really exciting to have straight out of graduation, to “start my career”

And guess what? I was miserable.

And now? I am living unapologetically. I am having the summer of my life. I am FREE!! 

Free to invest in myself, to discover my passions, and to build an empire that I am PROUD of.

I can’t wait to share more about my journey in and out of the corporate world, to share what I’m doing next, and to take you along on all the adventures in between.

This is your sign. Cut the s**t that drains you, and start f**king living unapologetically. Do ONLY what lights your soul up🤍✨🦋


I finally have a vision for my future.

It’s simple really,

I just want to be happy.

I want to live freely,

And love with my whole heart.

I want to see the world,

Live unapologetically,

And be the best version of myself.

I want to have an impact on this world,

And I want my life to mean something.

I think a lot of people shy away from their vision,

Or back down from dreaming about a better life.

There is something freeing, though,

About daring to dream bigger.

About following your intuition,

Even when it feels scary.

But that’s exactly what I am doing.

I’m saying yes to the things that light me up,

And letting go of what no longer serves me.


Hi it’s me again!!

I’m back after a pretty ‘meh’ few months. I’ve been DOWN and OUT this last little while but I’m back and better than ever - sort of😝

This last little while has been filled with so much growth, so many new understandings, and a lot of learning about myself and the world around me.

I am really proud of who I am growing into and I’m really excited to be back on here to share that.

I just want to remind you that it’s never too late for a fresh start, to reinvent yourself, or to press the restart button. 

Life is f*cking short and we live on a floating rock🙃 Do with that what you will.

But seriously - stop taking everything so seriously and start enjoying the damn journey. 

There so many beautiful moments out there just waiting for you,
go get em’✨


Are you ready to get your sh*t together and finally start making some changes in your life?? Are you ready to ditch the chaotic mess that is your life and step into the most aligned and badass version of yourself?

Let me tell you, the first step is learning about HOW to actually change your behaviour… and it’s actually really simple!

Lets talk about the 4 laws of behaviour change

How to create a good habit:
~ make it obvious (cue)
~ make it attractive (craving)
~ make it easy (response)
~ make it satisfying (reward)

How to break a bad habit:
~ make it invisible (no cue)
~ make it unattractive (no craving)
~ make it difficult (no response)
~ make it unsatisfying (no reward)

Once you start to actually understand this formula, the creation and breaking of habits becomes VERY easy

For the month of March, I am challenging myself (and you!) to either create or break one habit each week.

This week, the habit I am BREAKING is the endless tiktok scrolling before bed🥴 this habit is the reason I snooze my alarm in the morning, and because of that - IT’S GOTTA GO👋🏼

Tell me in the comments what habit you are creating or breaking this week, andddddd GO!!!⬇


Photos from Keeley Maread's post 24/02/2022

Ok this is about to get raw..

I’ve found myself in a place right now where I’m being promoted at my full time job - this should be SO exciting.

I’m being recognized for working my ass off, yet I feel so defeated.

This new opportunity (which I am so freaking honoured to be considered for!) would mean:
- busting my ass, working overtime
trading my time for money
- grinding in order to climb the corporate ladder, where some day I can run my own team
- a pay increase, but at a capped income
- giving 110% of myself to make someone else’s dreams come true

But …

I don’t want to loose the spark that my job brings me.

I don’t want to lose the balance I’ve worked so hard to create in my life.

I don’t want loose myself to the grind.

I am SO proud of the person I am becoming.
I am SO proud of the hard work I’ve put in, every single day.

I am IN LOVE with the life I am creating for myself.
I am IN LOVE with where I am going.
I am IN LOVE with who I am becoming.

Finding a stream of income that allows me to play up my strengths, share my why, never settle for capped income, work for myself, chase my dream life, and never trade my time for money has been the biggest blessing and I am so thankful for it every day.

By choosing to invest in myself, to align with products that fill my soul, and to take a chance at success in the online space, I’ve opened the flood gates to full potential - not only for me, but for those in my team who want this too

Choosing me, choosing my health, and choosing to continue building a life that I am in love with, will always trump money, grinding, and corporate growth.

As sad as I am to decline this opportunity, I know that my heart and soul lie elsewhere. I am forever grateful for the online space, for the opportunity to be raw, vulnerable, and to learn for myself every single day.

Cheers to making hard decisions, seeing where this new balanced life takes me, how my online business thrives in the next 6 months, and who I continue growing into🥂


How I went from full blown crisis mode, to fully blooming in my own skin🌷

Over the course of the last year I started to feel like I was losing myself.

This didn’t happen all once, but rather a slow and steady decline, never being able to put my finger on what was wrong. All I knew was that I no longer felt like myself, I no longer felt like I had any control over my life, and I constantly felt like I was being swept away, drowning in my own head.

I genuinely did not recognize who I saw in the mirror - physically or mentally.

I’ve spent the last 2 months working so hard to get KEELEY back. And I have🖤
Let me share with you how …

⭐️ gratitude

⭐️prioritizing my wellness over EVERYTHING else

⭐️diving deep into what makes me happy - this one was hard… I no longer knew what made me happy but relearning this was key

⭐️the secret formula: doing 1 thing every day for my mind, for my body, and for my soul

⭐️reading books

⭐️creating REAL habits that I could stick with

I am going to take you through the whole process, and together we’ll go from surviving to to thriving✨

Comment below if you’re ready for the challenge!🎉🦋💌

Photos from Keeley Maread's post 07/12/2021

Things were kind of hectic around my birthday this year, just busy being on a whole other continent and stuff🤪

But I never really got to share what we did, or how much effort and went to for me. These two angels made my day sooo special and worked so hard to make my birthday as normal as possible given that I couldn’t see any family or friends and was feeling a little homesick

These two started the birthday off with arranging for me to get my eyelashes done (if you know me, you’ll know this was important🤣), woke me up at 6 am with me because I hate being alone (and even got me the cutest birthday balloons!!), made me breakfast, and spent my whole work day hanging out with me!🥞

Then we all went and got *sort of* matching tattoos to commemorate our special trip🦋Each of us got a different butterfly, and they all hold different meanings for each of us, but it was also a really special way to spend my birthday and to always remember what this trip was for us

Then they treated me to dinner and bottle service at a rooftop club🍾 too bad all the restaurants and clubs close at 9pm🤣 we were literally escorted out at closing confused as hell, but either way, it was one to remember!

We finished off the birthday celebrations the next day with a surprise - going to a speak easy!! This was very confusing for me because I thought this meant we were attending a poetry slam LOL (my history knowledge is lacking) … thank god it was more alcohol instead🍹

I am SO beyond grateful to have such beautiful friends, who made my start to 23 so special🤍

and thank you both for everything🎈


Its interesting …

I’ve been really hard on myself lately for not accomplishing the goals I set for myself while I’ve been on this trip - for not losing the 10 pounds, not reading more books or meeting more people, not being as present as I’d like to. 

For the last few weeks I’ve felt like I wasn’t doing enough, like I was just zombie-ing my way through this trip, through my life (we’ll circle back to this soon).

But today I sat and thought about the last 2 months I’ve spent adventuring. I’ve overcome so much. I AM a completely changed person from who I was when I left, even if it looks a little different then I thought it would.

I have had some crazy experiences, some that I can’t wait to share more about soon. I’ve worked through some serious s**t … but it was all happening in the background, slowly but surely, making beautiful, lasting change.

I think it’s time we stop discounting ourselves and selling short our growth. I’m really proud of how far I’ve come, emotionally, physically, spiritually while on this trip. It makes me even more excited to see what the future holds and what is in the cards for me next. Only bigger and better, no matter what that looks like

Seriously though the s**t the universe has been putting me through ……… all for the character development right? 😅

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MY WHY - PART 2🦋The last year has provided so many “fuck this” moments for me. So I took hold of the reins and have foun...
MY WHY - PART 1🦋I am … DREAMING BIGGER AND LIVING LOUDER, finally. Over the last 4 years, I really fell into a rut. I lo...
