Dr Sudhir Singh

Dr Sudhir Singh

Dr. Sudhir Singh is one of the renowned ophthalmologists worldwide. He completed his MBBS and SMS, M

Topical Phaco With Alcon Foldable IOL In Soft Cataract HD (Unedited) 28/06/2024

Topical Phaco With Alcon Foldable IOL In Soft Cataract HD (Unedited)

Topical Phaco With Alcon Foldable IOL In Soft Cataract HD (Unedited) The AcrySof® UV-absorbing IOL SA60AT is part of the AcrySof® family of intraocular lenses (IOLs). Let me provide some details about this specific lens:Design...


**Celebrating 25 Years of Service and Care**
Today marks a personal and professional milestone that fills my heart with gratitude.
25 years ago, I embarked on a journey with the JW Global Hospital and Research Centre in Mount Abu, driven by a passion for healing and a commitment to health care. It's been a voyage enriched by the grace of God, the unwavering support of my family, the wisdom of my teachers and seniors, and the cherished camaraderie of my friends.
Each day has been a step forward in our collective mission to serve and uplift the community. Every challenge faced and every life touched has been a testament to the power of compassion and dedication.
As I reflect on this 25-year saga, I am overwhelmed with appreciation for everyone who has been part of my odyssey. Your trust, love, and affection have been the wind beneath my wings, propelling me to new heights.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making this journey not just memorable but truly wonderful.
Here's to continuing this beautiful expedition, with hope and health as our guiding stars.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Sudhir Singh


🎉 **Celebrating 25 Years of Service and Care** 🎉
Today marks a personal and professional milestone that fills my heart with gratitude. 🙏
25 years ago, I embarked on a journey with the JW Global Hospital and Research Centre in Mount Abu, driven by a passion for healing and a commitment to health care. It's been a voyage enriched by the grace of God, the unwavering support of my family, the wisdom of my teachers and seniors, and the cherished camaraderie of my friends.
Each day has been a step forward in our collective mission to serve and uplift the community. Every challenge faced and every life touched has been a testament to the power of compassion and dedication.
As I reflect on this 25-year saga, I am overwhelmed with appreciation for everyone who has been part of my odyssey. Your trust, love, and affection have been the wind beneath my wings, propelling me to new heights.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making this journey not just memorable but truly wonderful.
Here's to continuing this beautiful expedition, with hope and health as our guiding stars.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Sudhir Singh

Phaco With Foldable IOL in Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 HD (Unedited) 27/04/2024

Phaco With Foldable IOL in Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 HD (Unedited)

Phaco With Foldable IOL in Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 HD (Unedited) WARNING: Teaching Surgical procedures video which some viewers may find disturbing and not appropriate. The content is intended for medical professionals, s...

Management of the Traumatic Dislocated in the Ant Chamber 27/04/2024

Management of the Traumatic Dislocated Lens in the Anterior Chamber HD


Management of the Traumatic Dislocated in the Ant Chamber WARNING: Teaching Surgical procedures video which some viewers may find disturbing and not appropriate. The content is intended for medical professionals, s...


Today I did squint surgery on this young girl. Pre-operative image (left side) and post-operative image on right. This surgery was done on moving eyes under Topical anesthesia (without general or local anesthesia). The patient and her parents we so happy that I can express it in words. It took 2 hours of my surgical time but it was worth spending to make someone smile; that is our job.

Photos from Dr Sudhir Singh's post 14/04/2023

मुझे यह साझा करते हुए बहुत खुशी हो रही है कि मेरा नवाचार "इंट्राटनल फैकोफ्रैक्चर" एक लेंस न्यूक्लियस प्रबंधन सर्जिकल तकनीक है, जिसे अमेरिकन एकेडमी ऑफ ओप्थाल्मोलॉजी की प्रतिष्ठित आईडब्ल्यूआईकी वेबसाइट पर प्रकाशित किया गया था और अब तक 32300 बार देखा जा चुका है।
I am very glad to share that my innovation "Intratunnel Phacofracture " a lens nucleus management surgical technique, was published on the American Academy of Ophthalmology's prestigious EyeWIki website and has 32300 views so far.


मैं शपध लेता हूं कि ....
मैं जनता का इलाज मुफ्त में करूंगा,
अगर सरकार जनता को खाना ढाबों से लेकर पाँच सितारा होटल में मुफ्त में खिलाएं‌।
मैं सभी का इलाज मुफ्त में करूंगा
अगर सरकार हमारे बच्चों की शिक्षा "प्राईवेट" स्कूल कालेजों में मुफ्त करवाए। उन्हें डॉक्टर मुफ्त में बनाए।
मैं सभी का इलाज मुफ्त में करूंगा
अगर सरकार हमें अस्पताल के लिए जगह मुफ्त में दे, building बना के दे, सारे equipments मुफ्त में मुहैया करवाए, सभी स्टाफ की तनख्वाह दे, कोई भी टैक्स ना लगाए, बिजली मुफ्त में दे।
मैं सभी का इलाज मुफ्त में करूंगा,
अगर सरकार हमें मुफ्त में पीने का पानी दे, मुफ्त में रहने को मकान दे, मुफ्त में वाहन दे।
इनमें से एक भी सुविधा मिलती है हमें.....?
फिर, Private Hospitals पर Right To Health (RTH) Bill क्यों???
क्या यह स्वास्थ्य का अधिकार है या फिर सुनियोजित तरीके से Private Medical Sector को बर्बाद करने की साज़िश?

सरकार का यह नियम इलाज की गुणवत्ता को पूरी तरह से बर्बाद कर देगा क्योंकि मुफ्त का इलाज कैसा हो सकता है, कोई भी समझ सकता है।
चुनाव का झुनझुना
By all means NO to Draconiun Right To Health (RTH) Bill Rajasthan

SICS In Posterior Polar Cataract (Unedited) HD 24/02/2023

Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery In Posterior Polar Cataract Unedited HD

SICS In Posterior Polar Cataract (Unedited) HD SICS In Posterior Polar Cataract (Unedited) HDWARNING: Teaching Surgical procedures video which some viewers may find disturbing and not appropriate. The co...

Combined SICS With IOL With Trabeculectomy (Unedited) HD 16/02/2023

Combined SICS With IOL With Trabeculectomy (Unedited) HD

Combined SICS With IOL With Trabeculectomy (Unedited) HD Surgical video for medical professionalsNuclear cataract (Grade 4 ) with open angle glaucomaDr. Sudhir SinghM.S(Ophthalmology)Fellow American Academy of Opht...

Trabeculectomy In Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma (Unedited) HD 14/02/2023

Trabeculectomy (Glaucoma Surgery) In the Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma (Unedited) HD

Trabeculectomy In Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma (Unedited) HD Surgical Video for medical the medical professionals This patient came with an acute attack of angle closure glaucoma.The Intraocular was 50 mm hg ,the pupil...

Reverse Chop Phacoemulsification Under Topical Anesthesia HD Clip 21/12/2022

Reverse Chop Phacoemulsification Under Topical Anesthesia HD Clip

Reverse Chop Phacoemulsification Under Topical Anesthesia HD Clip Reverse Chop Phacoemulsification Under Topical Anesthesia HD ClipDr Sudhir SinghM.S(Ophthalmology)Fellow American Academy of Ophthalmology Rotary Club Host P...


Intratunnel Phacofracture Technique
Intratunnel phacofracture technique is a new technique of manual small incision cataract surgery (MSICS).In this technique, the nucleus is broken inside the 4 to 6-mm wide sclero-corneal tunnel with the help of the Lewis lens loop. MSICS is significantly faster, less expensive, and less technology-dependent than phacoemulsification and has been extensively practiced in developing countries such as India. However, the drawback of most commonly practiced MSICS techniques Blumenthal, viscoexpression, irrigating wire vectis, and fish-hook needle is that they all require a large incision of 7 to 9 mm, which leads to induced astigmatism. The Intratunnel Phacofracture technique was innovated by Dr Sudhir Singh1,2.
1.Singh S. First postoperative day visual outcome following 6 mm manual small incision cataract surgery using intratunnel phacofracture technique. US Ophthalmic Review. 2014;7(1):26-30.
2.Singh Sudhir. Step-by-step: Intratunnel Phacofracture. Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe | MAY 2016:48-51

Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 With Non Well Dilated Pupil (Unedited) HD 01/12/2022

Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 With Non Well Dilated Pupil (Unedited) HD

Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 With Non Well Dilated Pupil (Unedited) HD Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 With Non Well Dilated Pupil (Unedited) HDDr Sudhir SinghM.S(Ophthalmology)Fellow American Academy ...

Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 (Unedited) HD 01/12/2022

Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 (Unedited) HD

Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 (Unedited) HD Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Nuclear Cataract Grade 4 (Unedited) HDDr Sudhir SinghM.S(Ophthalmology)Fellow American Academy of Ophthalmology Rotary Club...

Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Intumescent White Cataract (Unedited) HD 30/11/2022

Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Intumescent White Cataract (Unedited) HD

Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Intumescent White Cataract (Unedited) HD Intratunnel Phacofracture SICS In Intumescent White Cataract (Unedited) HDDr Sudhir SinghM.S(Ophthalmology)Fellow American Academy of Ophthalmology Rotary Cl...

SICS In Non Well Dilated Pupil (Unedited) HD 25/11/2022

**Deferred live SICS in Not well dilated pupil Duration 7Minuts 55 Seconds**

SICS In Non Well Dilated Pupil (Unedited) HD SICS In Non Well Dilated Pupil (Unedited) HDDr Sudhir SinghM.S(Ophthalmology)Fellow American Academy of Ophthalmology Rotary Club Host Program International ...

Hydrodissection In The Posterior Polar Cataract , I Do It In Every Case, And Its Safe 19/11/2022

Hydro dissection in the posterior polar cataracts, I do it in every case

Hydrodissection In The Posterior Polar Cataract , I Do It In Every Case, And Its Safe Hydrodissection In The Posterior Polar Cataract, I Do It It In Every Case, And Its Safe.Full Video Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ICFx-Y2eAc Dr Sudh...

Combined SICS and Trabeculectomy Using A Kelly's Punch (Unedited) HD 05/11/2022

Deep Sclerectomy using a Kelly's Punch in 39 Seconds

Combined SICS and Trabeculectomy Using A Kelly's Punch (Unedited) HD Combined SICS and Trabeculectomy Using A Kelly's Punch (Unedited) HDThis was an interesting case of cataract with primary open-angle glaucoma.Interesting Poi...

Combined SICS and Trabeculectomy Using A Kelly's Punch (Unedited) HD 05/11/2022

Full Video Combined SICS and Trabeculectomy Using A Kelly's Punch (Unedited) HD

This was an interesting case of cataract with primary open-angle glaucoma.

Interesting Points

1. Lens zonules were weak so the capsulorhexis was not as routinely done

2. Cataract was done 6 mm MSICS

3. Deep Sclerectomy was done the Kelly"s punch.

The Viewers are advised to watch this video on a laptop or smart TV for the best appreciation and experience

Combined SICS and Trabeculectomy Using A Kelly's Punch (Unedited) HD Combined SICS and Trabeculectomy Using A Kelly's Punch (Unedited) HDThis was an interesting case of cataract with primary open-angle glaucoma.Interesting Poi...

Combined SICS And Trabeculectomy (Unedited) HD 18/10/2022

Combined SICS And Trabeculectomy (Unedited) HD "Teaching videos for medical professionals, the viewer's discretion is advised"
Conjunctival Flap 00;00 To 1.08
Scleral Flap 1:08 To 2:41
SICS With IOL 2.42 To 11:45
Deep Sclerotomy 11:45 To 12:45
Bleeding Control 12:45 To 18;05
Peripheral Iridectomy 18:05 To 18:25
Releasable Sutures 19:00 To 23:23
Conjunctival Flap Closure 23:30 To 28:31

Combined SICS And Trabeculectomy (Unedited) HD Combined SICS And Trabeculectomy (Unedited) HD"Teaching videos for medical professionals, the viewer's discretion is advised"Conjunctival Flap 00;00 To 1.08S...

Photos from Dr Sudhir Singh's post 15/10/2022

World Sight Day Celebration at JW Global Hospital Research Centre Mount Abu
We had a very Interactive high-definition video based session on various aspects about the eye sight with the Inner Wheel Members, Nari Utkarsh Sanathan and Mount Abu citizens

CAKE Issue 15: The ebook version (The 'East Goes West' Issue) 20/09/2022

Dr. Sudhir Singh began in a similar vein and spoke at greater length about the prevalence of MSICS surgery in India, beginning by pointing out India’s singularity in its size and position in the world. As a developing country with more than 1.4 billion people, the technological means for Western-style care are not simply unavailable within the country, but often do not exist at the required scale. Therefore, he said that Indian doctors have come to embrace a practical approach to effective, low[1]tech solutions instead of seeking out high-tech treatment methods. Where surgical techniques can provide the same outcome as expensive technology, doctors in India have come to rely upon their skills more than automation and machines. MSICS is a perfect example of this preference for surgical technique as opposed to a technological approach. While MSICS has no establishment cost, the most basic phacoemulsification machine carries a cost of around US$30,000, and the femto laser[1]assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) suite can cost considerably more, often in the neighborhood of US$500,000. Already, the start-up cost makes the latter prohibitively expensive for many ophthalmologists in India. Beyond that up-front expense, however, Dr. Singh noted that the MSICS consumables cost (including intraocular lenses) per cataract surgery in India is about $20, while the per cataract surgery cost (excluding intraocular lens cost) of the phacoemulsification cataract and the FLACS are $100 and $400, respectively. The annual maintenance costs of the phacoemulsification machine and the femto laser machine are also very high, while again, MSICS has no ongoing cost. For this reason, Dr. Singh stated that millions of manual small incision cataract surgeries are performed under the National Programme for Control of Blindness and Visual Impairment (NPCB&VI) in India. Through mass manual small incision cataract surgeries, doctors in India have been able to reduce the burden of preventable cataract blindness very economicallyand quickly, all while saving billions of dollars. As the per cataract cost of phacoemulsification and femto laser[1]assisted cataract surgery is too high, no developing or developed country can afford it for a large population. Dr. Singh said that MSICS was among the most important things that ophthalmologists from the West could learn from India or the East. “MSICS is a simple, inexpensive, fast, less technology-dependent and reproducible technique,” he said, “by which all types of cataracts can be operated with comparable visual outcomes to any other cataract surgery modalities like phacoemulsification and femto laser[1]assisted cataract surgery.”

(Cake Magazine Page 16, Sept/Oct 2022)

Dr. Singh compared the advantages both the West and the East have in being able to aid one another. The West, he said, is way ahead in innovations and new technologies, while the East is good in surgical techniques. This, he reasoned, is because the Western world is industry[1]driven, perhaps sometimes to a fault. “Femto laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) is a perfect example of how too much technology is pushed without a substantial gain in the final visual outcome as compared to conventional phacoemulsification,” he said. “In my opinion, phacoemulsification is the standard modality for cataract removal for both East and West that is affordable for their populations, but all types of cataracts cannot be conquered by phacoemulsification alone.” Dr. Singh went on to say that he felt femto laser-assisted cataract surgery does not provide any substantial benefit to the visual outcome when compared to the standard phacoemulsification. Rather, he suggested that for treating conditions such as white cataracts and the densest nuclear cataracts with comorbidities such as a crowded anterior segment, coagulopathy, corneal opacity or severe miosis, FLACS could indeed be the riskier procedure for the endothelium or posterior capsule compared to the more traditional phacoemulsification. Such cataracts with comorbid conditions, Dr. Singh noted, are safely treated by manual small incision cataract surgery. “If our Western counterparts learn and adopt manual small incision cataract surgery,” Dr. Singh concluded, “then they can tackle any type of cataract with comorbidity without serious vision-threatening complications. In my opinion, manual small incision cataract surgery is a wonderful technique and every cataract surgeon must learn this to tackle complex cataract with comorbidities with excellent visual outcomes

Cake Magazine Page 17, Sept/Oct 2022


CAKE Issue 15: The ebook version (The 'East Goes West' Issue) CAKE (Cataract - Anterior Segment - Kudos - Enlightenment) is The World's Second Funky Ophthalmology Magazine, and Asia-Pacific's Most Delicious Magazine on the Anterior Segment. CAKE magazine is published by Media MICE.


This young man had right eye lateral re**us palsy following a fatal road traffic accident. He was referred to us. He had a paralytic convergent squint, which is very difficult to treat per se.
We took this challenge and did augment the Hummelsheim procedure (Superior Re**us Muscle and Inferior Re**us Muscle Transposition) combined with medial re**us muscle recession.
It took my 2 hours of operating time. The result was very rewarding for the patient, his family, and the surgeon

Intratunnel Phacofracture MSICS In Cataract With Pseudo Exfoliation And Non-Well Dilated HD 08/09/2022

Intratunnel Phacofracture MSICS In A Cataract With Pseudo Exfoliation And Non-Well Dilated HD


Intratunnel Phacofracture MSICS In Cataract With Pseudo Exfoliation And Non-Well Dilated HD Intratunnel Phacofracture MSICS In Cataract With Pseudo Exfoliation And Non-Well Dilated HD (Unedited)Dr Sudhir SinghM.S(Ophthalmology)Fellow American Academ...

Topical Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery HD (Unedited) 31/08/2022

Topical Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery HD (Unedited)

Topical Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery HD (Unedited) Topical Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS) HD (Unedited)Dr Sudhir SinghM.S(Ophthalmology)Fellow American Academy of Ophthalmology Rotary Club Hos...

Phaco In Not Well Dilated Pupil HD(Unedited) 23/08/2022

Phaco In Not Well Dilated Pupil HD(Unedited)
The pupil was not getting well dilated. Capsulorhexis was done. The nucleus was managed by the reverse chop technique. The epinucleus was managed by viscodissection and bimanual irrigation and aspiration. The hydrophobic IOL was implanted under hydro.

Phaco In Not Well Dilated Pupil HD(Unedited) Phaco In Not Well Dilated Pupil HD(Unedited)The pupil was not getting well dilated. Capsulorhexis was done. The nucleus was managed by the reverse chop techn...


Dear Friends
I am very happy to share that I have published my three E video books internationally on the prominent digital platforms
White Intumescent Cataract Management: My Approach
ISBN: 9798201376215
Posterior Polar Cataract Management: My Approach
ISBN: 9798201084349
Cataract And Small Pupil Management Manual Techniques
ISBN: 9798201201784
Digital platforms are as follows
Barnes & Nobles
Rakuten Kobo
Thalia (Germany)
Indigo (USA)
Angus & Robertson (Australia)
Vivlio (France)
Borrow Box
Baker & Taylor

Dr Sudhir Singh Send a message to learn more


I am very happy to share my new E Video book "Cataract And Small Pupil Management Manual Techniques". https://books2read.com/u/bz1zxE

Videos (show all)

Intratunnel Phacofracture TechniqueIntratunnel phacofracture technique is a new technique of manual small incision catar...