Robin Holm

Robin Holm

Vote Robin Holm for Sooke Municipal Council!

DISTRICT OF SOOKE VOTE 2022 05/10/2022

If you missed my platform speech at the all candidates event at EMCS on Saturday (or if you just want to listen again), you can now watch it here!

Here's the text version of my speech, for those who may have hearing impairment or who just prefer reading:

"My name is Robin Holm, I live here in Saseenos, and I’ve chosen Sooke as my home because of the natural beauty of this land and the character of our community. As a member of council, I will use my platform to advocate for climate action, equity and inclusion, and meeting the needs of our community.

I’ll tell you a little bit about me. I’m 28. I have a degree in science, with a major in Chemical Biology. I’m agender. I work as a project manager in the non-profit sector. I spent the spring in the Canadian Conservation Corps volunteering for the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

I’m running for council because I would like to help steer our community towards sustainability and climate resilience, while upholding equity, reconciliation and the wellbeing of all residents regardless of identity, health, and socio-economic status.

Through thoughtful planning and sustainable development, we can uphold the natural beauty of our land while improving access to affordable food, housing, healthcare, and services. We need to build a community that makes room for all residents, preserving habitat for wildlife, and natural green spaces that we all benefit from.

We are a part of the ecosystem. The land is the foundation of our community, and the health of our environment is central to the health of our residents. We need to make science-based, results-oriented decisions that take into account the needs of all. We are facing a climate crisis, and we will need to be adaptable and resilient.

There is an urgent need to change our relationship with our environment, and leadership at all levels of government is needed to transition towards a more sustainable, livable future. I would like to see Sooke invest in long-term urban planning and resilient infrastructure that will help us overcome the challenges we will face as our planet warms.

I’m eager to engage in the thoughtful consultation and informed decision-making needed to preserve the health and natural beauty of our land as our community grows and develops, and to ensure that Sooke continues to be a cherished home for everyone who lives here."

DISTRICT OF SOOKE VOTE 2022 Mayoral Candidates Conversation & Councillor Candidate PlatformsProduced by: The Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the EMCS Society

Photos from Robin Holm's post 04/10/2022


A mailout from the CRD has been accidentally sent to residents in Sooke (pictured). Please help spread the message that Sooke voters DO NOT vote in the CRD, despite the mailout you may have received!

The following (text) are the CORRECT polling stations for Sooke voters:

Advanced Voting, October 5 and 12:
District of Sooke Council Chambers
2225 Otter Point Road, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

General Voting, October 15:
Edward Milne Community School
6218 Sooke Road, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.


You can also come chat with me at this event! I'd love to learn more about what's important to you.


Attend to learn about the platforms of candidates running for election in Sooke (including mine)!

Update: A few seats are still available, so if you want to show up without a ticket, we should be able to accommodate you. Ticket holders get seated first, then the remainders are available!

All-candidates event in Sooke on Oct 1, 2022. REGISTRATION MANDATORY. ADDED: The event will be video recorded for later viewing on Youtube.

Hour 1: Mayoral Candidates (up to 3), each is asked a series of pre-determined questions.

Hour 2: Councillor Candidates (up to 23), each is invited to give a 1.5 minute overview of themselves and their platform.

Because of the large number of candidates, reserve your questions for Sunday's (Oct 2) Transition Sooke speed meet and greet event.
