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Weekly Wins 25/02/2024

🛞 Weekly Wins👋 Hello friend

Welcome to Weekly Wins. 🌟 Let's dive into the nuggets of progress and discoveries from this past week:

Last week, I shared my habit tracking journey. I have added the goal of hitting 10,000 steps daily. Spoiler: It's tougher than it may or may not sound!

I've also been fine-tuning my sleep with the SD8 Framework:

* Schedule 3 key tasks for tomorrow.
* Digital Shutdown 1 hour before bed.
* 8 hours of Zs, minimum.

Audiobook Alert: I'm hooked on The Diary of a CEO by Steven Bartlett. It's a goldmine of stories and psychology in business.

This Week's Wisdom: "In relationships, like in bad marketing, we often pitch what matters to us, not what the other person needs. Shift your view; transform your connections." - from Shortform: Gino Wickman, Traction

Take Action Coaching Technique

1. Where do you want to be? On a scale (from 1-10) which measures where you want to be, this is probably a 10 out of 10.
2. Which number represents where you are right now on the scale in relationship to your goal?
3. Which one thing would take you up half a point?. another half a point?. another half a point?

Schedule the action points into your calendar.

Master the 80/20 Principle: I try to ask myself before each major task: What are 20% of the effort/things I should work on to achieve 80% of the result? I have an accountability buddy whom I message every day what I 80/20'd today. This is the best technique to implement 80/20.

Beating Procrastination: Some questions I posted on Reddit recently, I thought I'd share with you.

* What will I maximize, and what will I minimize to get started as quickly as possible?
* How can I make this fun?
* Am I showing up as an amateur or a professional in this area of life?
* How can I make it easier?
* Am I managing my time or my energy?
* How can I make this trackable?
* What is the next micro-goal I could achieve to get me closer to the macro-goal I want to achieve?
* How can I avoid bad habits and implement good ones by replacing the bad ones?
* What are the behaviors/habits/process goals I could track to achieve my long-term goals?
* Which obstacles might I face in the process of getting started, and how am I planning to overcome them?
* What does my ideal self look like in the areas of health, work, and relationships?
* Which courses, coaches, and groups could help me get started on what I want to achieve?
* Would I get started if a stranger were holding a gun to the head of my loved one?
* How can I make this fun, perhaps with instrumental studying music on Spotify?

Have a great week! 😄

xx Lukas

Weekly Wins 👋 Hello friend Welcome to Weekly Wins. 🌟 Let's dive into the nuggets of progress and discoveries from this past week:

💓Balanced Lifestyle 18/02/2024

💓Balanced Lifestyle👋 Hello friend,

I've prepared a list of interesting topics I've gained insights on:

* Huberman Lab Fitness Protocol: I've been trying the Huberman Lab Fitness Protocol for several weeks and tracking my workouts with the Strong app.
* Tracking: I've started tracking my habits, behaviors, and process goals. Whenever I incorporate a new habit into my life, I always try to make it measurable, using a simple Google sheet.

* : On my 30-Day Yoga Journey with Adriene, I'm on Day 25. I like the video-guided implementation of a new practice, like Yoga. What should I try next month?
* Audiobook: "Mindset" by Carol S. Dweck. This is a great book on the power of habitual beliefs which eventually create our mindset, either fixed or a growth mindset.
* 2 Inspiring Questions:
1. What conversations are you avoiding?
2. What is one thing you must minimize, and one thing you must maximize to achieve the desired outcome?
* Habit Formation: Good habits should be made obvious, easy, and awesome. Bad habits should be made invisible, hard, and terrible.
* Time-Tracking has made me more prone to single-tasking. Shifting between tasks can cost as much as 40 percent of someone's productive time. ("Multitasking: Switching costs", American Psychological Association)
* Quote on Procrastination: "Practicing a skill called self-compassion—which involves being kind (instead of judgmental) to yourself, realizing that everyone procrastinates, and avoiding identifying strongly with a negative self-image—can help you decrease your distress and increase your motivation to get the task done." (Shortform, Immediate Action by Thibaut Meurisse)
* Quote on Fitness: Grip strength, or how hard you can grip with your hands, is pegged by Attia as a proxy for overall strength and robustness. Increase it with weighted carries, dead hangs, or pull-ups. “One of the standards we ask of our male patients is that they can carry half their body weight in each hand (so their full body weight in total) for at least one minute,” says Attia.
* Longevity Fitness: I am in the process of building a weekly longevity training program for myself, with science-backed research from experts like Andrew Huberman, Peter Attia, and Jeff Cavaliere. It's for people interested in living a healthy, long, and enjoyable life. The focus is on injury prevention, cardiovascular exercises, building muscle and strength in important parts of the body, and flexibility. It's not for those only interested in the aesthetic aspect of training, like gaining big biceps and a chest to impress.

Fitness has been an integral part of my life for over 10 years. I wanted to share with you a photo from when I was 17.5 years old, back then trying to achieve an Arnold-like physique. The hair is definitely on point. 🪮

Have a great week!

xx Lukas

💓Balanced Lifestyle 👋 Hello friend, I've prepared a list of interesting topics I've gained insights on: * Huberman Lab Fitness Protocol: I've been trying the Huberman Lab Fitness Protocol for several weeks and tracking my workouts with the Strong app. * Tracking: I've started tracking my habits, behaviors, and proce...

🪞 Weekly Review 11/02/2024

🪞 Weekly Review👋 Hello friend

The last few weeks I attended the Weekly Review Workshop hosted by Ali Abdaal. The Weekly Review is the cornerstone of every good Productivity System.

I will share with you the 5 questions of the weekly review.

Taking Action

1. Take out a pen and paper or open a new Google doc.
2. Put on some inspiring music, like Lord of the Rings | The Shire - Music & Ambience.
3. Get out a cup of green tea or yerba mate. 🍵

Answer 5 questions. Take 3 minutes each.

-> 3 minutes timer ⏲️

🥅 What are your top 3-5 goals of the year?

🎉 Review the previous week's accomplishments.

🏔️ What were last week's challenges? In what way did you not act in line with your best self? What would you like to change (if anything) next week?

🗓️ Create calendar blocks for things you want to get done or things you want to take time for. Maybe Sport? Work? Meeting friends?

🚀 Choose your Top 3 outcomes for the upcoming week - if the week ahead was great, what would be the top 3 things you'd accomplish?

a. Schedule time in your calendar to work towards these outcomes.

👍Like this post if you are interested in a 30-minute review workshop next Sunday. I have great inspiring reflection questions for peak performance coming your way.

Have a productive week!

xx Lukas

🧠 Revolutionize your mental well-being and stress relief routine with Wingwave® Music, a cognitive enhancement tool changing the game.

This unique auditory experience fosters a harmonious dialogue between your brain's hemispheres, offering a spa day for your neurons.

It reduces stress and enhances creativity with just five minutes of listening. From personal experience, incorporating Wingwave® into daily life has been transformative, providing calmness, reducing intrusive thoughts, boosting energy, and fueling creativity.

Discover the benefits for yourself and enhance your neurohacking journey. Check out the Wingwave® music collection and use code NEUROHACKINGLY for a 10% discount. Upgrade to a more focused, relaxed, and vibrant you with Wingwave® Music.

🪞 Weekly Review The last few weeks I attended the Weekly Review Workshop hosted by Ali Abdaal. The Weekly Review is the cornerstone of every good Productivity System.

🌋 Peak Performance Program 04/02/2024

🌋 Peak Performance ProgramI am currently attending Eric Partaker's (the CEO Coach of Ali Abdaal) 5-week Peak Performance Program. Eric Partaker normally charges $2500/h for 1:1 coaching. Fortunately, I got the Peak Performance Program for less money, with a huge amount of value. 🤑💸

In today's newsletter edition, I share the most valuable lesson I got from 360 minutes of transformative teaching so far. (+ a free downloadable reflection template called "The Dream Team")

"If there is one thing to implement into your life from the Peak Performance Program it would be "The Dream Team" Exercise." - Eric Partaker

You can combine this exercise with setting 3 Alarms, but more on this later.

The Dream Team Exercise takes 5 minutes a day to reflect on the Ideal Version of Yourself in 3 Areas:

* 🩺 Health
* 💼 Wealth
* 💏 Relationships

For each Domain, (Health, Wealth & Relationships) you should answer the following 4 Questions:

* Identity: What is your Identity in this domain? You at your best.
* Values: 3 words that describe how this version of you behaves.
* Goal: An exciting long-term goal this version of you could achieve.
* Today's Highlight: The #1 Thing you will do today to "prove" you are being this champion version of yourself.

🔁 Then Repeat the 4 questions for the other 2 Domains.

Free downloadable Template: You can find a Google doc with the Dream Team Practice. 👇

Google Doc "The Dream Team" Template

Bestselling Book from Eric Partaker: The 3 Alarms

To remind yourself at which time of the day which Version of Yourself will be active you set 3 Alarms on your Phone.

The alarms will remind you to concentrate on one single area of your life and to act from the ideal version of yourself you have manifested in the morning.

I have many more golden nuggets coming your way next week.

Feel free to write me any questions that come up. You can download Eric Partaker’s 100-page bestselling book "The 3 Alarms", for free here.

Have a productive week! ☺️

xx Lukas

🌋 Peak Performance Program I am currently attending Eric Partaker's (the CEO Coach from Ali Abdaal) 5-week Peak Performance Program. Eric Partaker normally charges $2500/h for 1:1 coaching.

Peak Performance Program 31/01/2024

🚀 Peak Performance Program🔨This page will be continuously improved. These are my notes on the Peak Performance Program by Eric Partaker.

Last week, I signed up for the Peak Performance Program by Eric Partaker.

Eric Partaker advised Fortune 50 CEOs while at McKinsey & Company. He is the CEO Coach of Ali Abdaal, charging 2500 USD per hour, and held a life workshop.

I decided to book his 5-week Peak Performance Program to gain the knowledge and experience he usually charges 50,000 USD per year per client for a fraction of the money.

Erik is very down-to-earth, and I enjoy the easy-to-use framework he uses to condense information overload.

👀 Who is Eric Partaker?

* CEO of the Year. (UK, 2019)
* helped build Skype's multi-billion dollar success story
* one of the "Top 30 Entrepreneurs in the UK" by Startups Magazine

👨‍⚖️ To get the best out of my online course experience, I like to set up some rules for myself.

1. Ask one question during each live session.
2. Actively participate and share my experience in the chat.
3. Write down how and why I will implement what I learn while going through the material.
4. Write as many things that come to my mind when doing self reflection exercises, and set a timer for about 2-3 minutes each. (better less than too much time)
5. I will read the Book "The 3 Alarms" to consolidate my knowledge.
6. Most important: To execute what I learn. Knowlegde only isn't power anymore.

I would probably only get 20% of the results if I only read the book. The video-course, community, and live sessions will help me actively implement everything I learn in the next five weeks. Thus I will give my all to get the most out of the next weeks.

🤓 My Top Takeaways from the Peak Performance Program with Eric Partaker (+ extra helpful advice to boost your productivity)

1. Motivation Formular: value * expectancy / impulsivity * delay
2. Turn Pro: Action generates Feelings, vs. remaining Amateur: feeling generates action
3. Eric splits life areas into 3: Wealth, health, and relationships. Each area should be given about the same amount of attention.
4. How you talk to yourself massively impacts your productivity. Swap negative with positive self-talk.
5. Try a physiological sight if you feel overwhelmed during your QTB (Quality Time Blocks).

"Huberman explained how it works: "You have little sacks of air in the lungs, which increase the volume of air that you can bring in. Those sacks collapse over time, and as a result, oxygen levels start to go down and carbon dioxide levels go up in the bloodstream and body, and that a big part of the signaling of the stress response."

The double inhale of the physiological sigh "pops" the air sacks (called alveoli) open, allowing oxygen in and enabling you to offload carbon dioxide in the long exhaled sigh out." - How stress affects your brain and how to reverse it, Stanford Medicine

1-minute centering: Eric Partaker taught us the breathing exercise of inhaling for 5 seconds and exhaling for 7 seconds.

6. A study by the Draugiem Group used a computer application to track employees' work habits. It found that the 10% most productive employees worked 52 minutes and took 17 minutes of breaks. They focused on quality breaks and intense focus sessions instead of 8-hour workdays.
7. Use the acronym WOOP (Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan) to evaluate and mitigate risks. Ask yourself: What are the likely things that may come my way, and how can I mitigate them?
8. What scares you but is necessary for your growth? What one step could you take to get a little bit closer to this goal?
9. Start by focusing on the evening routine, as this sets you up for the next day. Getting high-quality sleep is important to starting a morning routine the next day.
10. The 80/20 Principle (This is something I want to be focusing on throughout the course)

The vital few will always matter more than the trivial many. A simple explanation is this: go over a task once, giving it 80% effort. This is often enough, and you can move on to the next task."

Two rounds of 80/20 effort in this way yields what I like to call “the 96% solution.” It's not 100%, but it's pretty damn close. And you have the added benefit of not aiming for perfection each time. - The 3 Alarms, page 59, Eric Partaker

🥗 80/20 for health:

* get eight hours of sleep,
* eat well,
* and work out.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 80/20 for relationships:

We can acquire half of the improvement we seek in our relationships simply by reacting better to those around us. We're often so preoccupied with what we could do proactively that we miss the reactive side of the coin. - The 3 Alarms, Eric Partaker

📖 The 3-Alarms by Eric Partaker

I can 100% recommend the book The 3 Alarms by Erik Partaker.

You can download it for free on Erik Partaker's website. It is only 100 Pages packed with literally more "Aha moments" than there are pages. It reminds me of my teachers saying, "Less highlighting is more."

But in The 3 Alarms by Eric Partaker I have more words highlighted than left blank.

I joined Ali Abdaal's free Productivity Club, where we have a 30-minute Weekly Reflection every Sunday.

The 5 Questions we asked ourselves last Sunday were:

1. What are your top 3-5 goals for the year?
2. Review the previous week's accomplishments (as many as you can; list the wins)
3. What were the challenges this week? In what ways did you not act in line with your intentions for the week? What would you like to change for the next week?
4. Look ahead to the next two weeks and see what's coming up. Based on this, do you need to create any calendar blocks or to-do action items?
5. What are the top three outcomes for the upcoming week? If the week ahead were going to be great, what would be the top three things to accomplish?
1. schedule time in your calendar to work towards these goals

Do you have any questions regarding Productivity, Procrastination, and Peak Performance regarding health, wealth, and relationships?

I still have four live sessions in the next four weeks and want to continue sharing what I learned in the Peak Performance Program.

Hit reply and send me your question(s). I will include Erik's answers in next week's newsletter.

Sign up for my masterclass productivity newsletter

Sign up for my newsletter if you want the best productivity hacks and tools I get out of the 5-week Peak Performance Program. No Spam. Just high-quality insights.

I want to maximize my Productivity 🚀

Peak Performance Program I share the most valuable insights after taking Erik Partakers course, who charges 2500 USD per hour of coaching.

🪴 Neurodoses 23/01/2024

🪴 NeurodosesHello friend,

My friend Onjae from is a brain health coach and clinical herbalist.

He helps to boost brain health & emotional well-being with microdosing, nootropics, biohacking, and other holistic strategies.

Last week, I talked with him for about an hour, and I can 100% recommend him from a coaching and personal side of view. Microdosing and Nootropics are things I don’t know much about… However, like Richard Feynman, Onjae had simple and understandable explanations for my questions. Even I understood it. 🤓

If this sounds like an area you want to explore, discover free out-of-this-world resources or book a free 30-minute coaching session with Onjae from

Nothing to lose, so much to gain. :)

Have a great week!

xx Lukas

🪴 Neurodoses Hello friend, My friend Onjae from is a brain health coach and clinical herbalist. He helps to boost brain health & emotional well-being with microdosing, nootropics, biohacking, and other holistic strategies. Last week, I talked with him for about an hour, and I can 100% recommend hi...

My Review on Ali Abdaal's Feel Good Productivity Annual Planning Workshop 2024 18/01/2024

My Review on Ali Abdaal's Feel Good Productivity Annual Planning Workshop 2024After ordering his new book, Feel Good Productivity, I attended Ali Abdaal's Feel Good Productivity Annual Planning Workshop.

Ali Abdaals Yearly Reflection Workshop 2024: 3.5 hours of reflecting on 2023, brainstorming where we want to go in the future, and defining goals for 2024. Over 10.000 participants enjoyed taking a step back from the daily life hustle while listening to inspirational music from Alis Playlist Study With Me.

Those kinds of workshops I enjoy really doing.

❌ These kinds of workshops take my thoughts away from questions like:

* What do I need to do?
* What are my todo's?

✅ And take my focus on more important things like:

* What do I enjoy doing?
* What do I want to spend more time on? With whom?

I still remember Tony Robbins telling us in a seminar how important it is to plan a few days in a year to reflect, relax, and take a step back to see if you are focusing on the "right" goals.

🎯My Key Takeaways from Ali Abdaal's Feel Good Productivity Annual Planning Workshop 2024:

1. Reflect on the past first to know what to focus on in the future.
2. Write as much as you can in a limited time period. (Ali often gave us 3min per question only) Try to think less and just write what comes up intuitively.
3. My priorities for 2024: What do I need, and what is good for me? Also, I focus on strengthening and maintaining relationships that energize me. I enjoyed watching the new video START 2024 SUCCESSFULLY WITH ME | day in the life from Unjaded Jade.
4. Collect Moments. Breathwork, exploring Asia, south Amerika, taking risks, learning to dance, MMA.. So many great moments to collect in 2024.

❔ The 2 most impactful Questions you shouldn't miss to reflect on:

What would you do again in 2023 even if you knew you'd fail?

"The Future TED Talk Prompt: You’re attending the TED conference, and everyone in the audience (including you) is deeply moved and inspired by what the speaker is talking about. The speaker is you, 20 years in the future. What is “You + 20 Years” talking about, and what’s so inspiring about it?" - Worksheet Annual Planning Workshop Ali Abdaal

1 Thing that could be improved (not criticizing, just giving feedback - if you read this, Ali 😄)

The beginning was a little bit long. I would have enjoyed to jump right into "doing the work". Maybe it's just my non-existent patience. ;)

I enjoyed:

* Closing my eyes while Ali was asking questions and expanding on the topic we reflected on. Only then writing down the thoughts on paper.

How will the journey continue?

Ali has a new Community on Circle called Productivity Club.

I'm excited about what's to come.

I joined the Beta Program and hope to get early access to the upcoming programs.

I am already looking forward to Ali Abdaal's Feel Good Productivity Annual Planning Workshop 2025 next year 🤓

My Review on Ali Abdaal's Feel Good Productivity Annual Planning Workshop 2024 After ordering his new book, Feel Good Productivity, I attended Ali Abdaal's Feel Good Productivity Annual Planning Workshop. Ali Abdaals Yearly Reflection Workshop 2024: 3.5 hours of reflecting on 2023, brainstorming where we want to go in the future, and defining goals for 2024. Over 10.000 partic...

(Untitled) 18/01/2024

(Untitled)I wouldn't call myself an expert in Time Tracking.

However, I have spent about 10 hours reading and learning about Time Tracking. And I have probably spent over 100 hours practicing Time Tracking in my own life.

Here's how I first got interested in Time Tracking:

I came across Matt D'Avellas Youtube Video How a stopwatch made me more productive. I'm a fan of collecting data about myself, which I can use to optimize my life. For my health, I use the Oura Ring Gen3.

So, my goal over the next 30 days is:

To track every minute of my day.

I use Toggle Track as an app on my smartphone and computer. It allows me to sort my time into categories quickly. I created chunked categories like sleep, food, family & friends, etc.

This will help me to keep an overview.

I will provide a full review of Toggle Track and how I use it in the future.

🖲️ One Feature I like about Toggle Track

One Feature I like about Toggle Track is that it can track your desktop activity. You can set Toggle Track to record which programs you use and for how long. (example in the picture down below)

If you are like me and forget to track your time more often than not, you can simply look at your desktop activity in Toggle Track and assign a corresponding project.

(Untitled) I wouldn't call myself an expert in Time Tracking. However, I have spent about 10 hours reading and learning about Time Tracking. And I have probably spent over 100 hours practicing Time Tracking in my own life. Here's how I first got interested in Time Tracking: I came across Matt

A Simple 3-Step Journaling Framework for Perfectionists To Prioritize and Plan The Day 18/01/2024

A Simple 3-Step Journaling Framework for Perfectionists To Prioritize and Plan The DayOver the last 3 years, I filled 10 journals.

I experimented with pre-made templates, free-text writing, morning pages, and other journaling methods.

After thousands of diary entries, I discovered this simple and powerful 3-step Journaling Framework.

My Simple 3-Step Journaling Framework for Perfectionists To Prioritize and Plan The Day

☀️ Highlight

Your Daily Highlight should be 60-90 minutes long and be executed when you have maximum energy and focus.

3 Ways to Pic Your Highlight: Urgentcy, Satisfaction, Joy.

Read Choose a Highlight To Make Time Every Day for a detailed explanation.

🎯 Goal

Every month, I define one life area I give particular focus on.

I set a small goal for the day to improve this area.

Today, for example, it was a leg workout.

Focus area January: Health

🤏 Less

Instead of adding more things that should be done, I ask myself:

What do I want to do less of?

This could be as simple as not scrolling through my phone when bored.

Honestly, I wish someone had told me this journaling method earlier.

But I'm at least glad I can pass them along to you.

A Simple 3-Step Journaling Framework for Perfectionists To Prioritize and Plan The Day Over the last 3 years, I filled 10 journals. I experimented with pre-made templates, free-text writing, morning pages, and other journaling methods. After thousands of diary entries, I discovered this simple and powerful 3-step Journaling Framework. My Simple 3-Step Journaling Framework for Perfecti...

I have been going Ice Bathing Every Day for the past 30 Days 17/01/2024

I have been going Ice Bathing Every Day for the past 30 DaysFor the past 30 Days, I went Ice Bathing Every Day.

I have been doing Ice Bathing and Cryotherapy for 4 years. I have already written about ice bathing in two of my email newsletters:

* Why getting into an ice bath is comparable to any other challenge in our lives.
* Self-Help Nuggets

I want to share my knowledge for ice bathing beginners. 🧑‍🔬

🧠 Ice bathing has physical and mental benefits

Take a short time to calm the mind by focusing on the breath.

Ice bathing doesn't just have health benefits. Like Vipassana meditation, it teaches us to recognize the present situation. Feeling cold is just a feeling like any other. It arises and passes away sooner or later.

Maybe you have already thought when sitting in ice-cold water: Why am I doing this to myself?

The monkey mind gets louder. It tries to find one reason after the other why you should NOT CONTINUE. It searches for reasons to get out of the ice bath NOW.

⏸️ You choose how you react to stress.

You have found a safe way to expose your body under enormous stress purposely.

You can train yourself to look at the situation with equanimity. Your response will be slightly different the next time your life throws a stressful situation at you. (Even you may not notice it) We retrain our behavior patterns.

Your body doesn't know whether you've just been fired or are about to take an important exam.

The physiological effect of stress is the same. You can use ice bathing as a tool to train your resilience.

🕺 The Power of the Horse Stance After The Ice Bath

What do most people do after getting out of the ice bath?

Usually, they grab a towel. I did the same before attending the Wim Hoff workshop from Peakwolf in Thun, Switzerland. In this 3-hour workshop, Peakwolf taught us that it's important NOT to dry off after the ice bath.

Instead, you do the Horse Stance, moving your hands from side to side.

❓Which Biohacks do you practice regularly?

I have been going Ice Bathing Every Day for the past 30 Days For the past 30 Days, I went Ice Bathing Every Day. I have been doing Ice Bathing and Cryotherapy for 4 years. I have already written about ice bathing in two of my email newsletters: * Why getting into an ice bath is comparable to any other challenge in our lives.

Meaning, Freedom and Responsibility by Viktor E. Frankl 17/01/2024

Meaning, Freedom and Responsibility by Viktor E. FranklViktor E. Frankl, an Austrian doctor, wrote "Meaning, Freedom, and Responsibility," sharing insights on finding life's purpose. Though less known than his diary "Man's Search for Meaning," this book offers profound advice on discovering meaning in life, regardless of one's circumstances.

Three Paths to Finding Meaning

Frankl identifies three ways to find meaning:

1. Work: Engaging in meaningful work, like teaching with a belief in its impact, provides a sense of purpose.
2. Love: Beyond romance, love encompasses connections with family, friends, nature, and culture. It helps us see and nurture the potential in others and ourselves.
3. Noble Suffering: This is about finding purpose in difficult times, not by seeking suffering, but by growing through unavoidable hardships.

The Concept of Noble Suffering

Noble suffering involves finding meaning in life's challenges. It's about using tough situations for personal growth. Frankl saw that people who find meaning in suffering often have more resilience. This isn't about the pain itself, but about what we learn or how we grow from these experiences.

Finding Meaning in Work

Work becomes meaningful when it's seen as impactful. A teacher who believes in influencing future generations exemplifies finding deep purpose in their profession. Meaningful work isn’t just about financial success but about feeling that you are contributing positively to the world.

The Broad Concept of Love

Love, in a broad sense, is about forming deep connections. It's not limited to romantic relationships but includes bonds with friends, family, and even a sense of unity with nature or culture. Through love, we understand others better and help them realize their potential, leading to shared growth and discovery.

Reframing Challenges and Achievements

Handling life's challenges can lead to a sense of achievement and purpose. Frankl believed that overcoming difficulties often brings a sense of pride and contributes to finding meaning in life. It's about turning challenges into opportunities for growth.

The Paradox of Seeking Happiness

According to Frankl, true happiness comes when we stop focusing on it. Instead, by engaging in meaningful activities and relationships, happiness becomes a natural byproduct. It's about self-forgetfulness in the pursuit of something greater than oneself.

The Art of Forgetting

Frankl illustrates the challenge of intentional forgetting with a story about Immanuel Kant. Kant tried to forget his thieving servant by writing a note, but this only made him remember more. The lesson is that we can't force ourselves to forget; instead, we find release by focusing on meaningful tasks.

Meaning, Freedom and Responsibility by Viktor E. Frankl Explore Viktor Frankl's insights on finding life's meaning through work, love, and resilience in a concise, easy-to-understand guide.

30 Atomic Essays in 30 Days - January 2024 Edition 12/01/2024

30 Atomic Essays in 30 Days - January 2024 EditionAtomic Essay Day 1: Why I'm Starting To Write Online (Again)

I recently signed up for Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole's cohort-based course, Ship 30 for 30.

Here are a few reasons why:

1. I want to start into 2024 with a challenge. Like taking a cold shower as the first thing of the day, everything else will feel easy afterward.
2. Writing = Clarity -> Power
3. One of the proudest and best experiences in 2022 was attending Ship30.

Over the next 30 days, I plan on writing about mental health, physical wellbeing and self-coaching.

Join me on this adventure—and let me know if you have any questions along the way!

I'm excited to start sharing what I know online. (again)

Atomic Essay Day 2: 3 Topics I Am Exploring In My Life Right Now

There are 3 topics I am actively thinking about a lot these days:

Topic #1: Personal Energy Management

I am interested in Energy Management because I noticed that I only have a certain amount of energy a day. I want to make the best possible use of this resource.

And I hope that over the next 3 years, as I continue to learn more and more, I'll be able to be in balance throughout the day.

Topic #2: Self-Reflection with Self-made Notion Templates

I first got interested in Self-Reflection with Self-made Notion Templates a few years ago.

Ali Abdaal introduced me to it—and since then, I have learned a lot about the importance of reflecting in the morning and evening, having preformulated questions, and using past entries to optimize my life.

Topic #3: Automation of Daily Life Processes (Digital and Physical)

I also have an interest in learning more about the automation of daily life processes (digital and physical)

It's one of those fun rabbit holes I find myself exploring simply because I enjoy it.

It would be great to connect with other people who are interested in these same topics—so if any of the above resonates, feel free to reach out!

Atomic Essay Day 3: The Best Way To Get Started Learning About Journaling

I love learning about Journaling.

Unfortunately, when I first got interested in Journaling I had a hard time figuring out where to start.

So, if you are trying to learn more about Journaling here's the best way to get started:

* 📘 Read This Book: The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. It will give you a lay of the land and is a helpful way to get your bearings.
* 🎬 Watch This YouTube Video: How to Use Writing To Sharpen Your Thinking by Tim Ferriss is a must-watch beginner resource for anyone interested in Journaling.
* 🎧 Listen To This Podcast: And if you really want to start going down the rabbit hole, listen to A Science-Supported Journal Protocol to Improve Mental and Physical Health by Andrew Huberman.

These 3 resources will exponentially accelerate your learning process.

Atomic Essay Day 4: ⏲️ How I Got Interested In Time Tracking

I wouldn't call myself an expert in Time Tracking.

However, I have spent about 10 hours reading and learning about Time Tracking. And I have probably spent over 100 hours practicing Time Tracking in my own life.

Here's how I first got interested in Time Tracking:

I came across Matt D'Avellas Youtube Video How a stopwatch made me more productive. I'm a fan of collecting data about myself, which I can use to optimize my life. For my health, I use the Oura Ring Gen3.

So, my goal over the next 30 days is:

To track every minute of my day.

I use Toggle Track as an app on my smartphone and computer. It allows me to sort my time into categories quickly. I created chunked categories like sleep, food, family & friends, etc.

This will help me to keep an overview.

Atomic Essay Day 5: A Simple 3-Step Journaling Framework for Perfectionists To Prioritize and Plan The Day

Over the last 3 years, I filled 10 journals.

I experimented with pre-made templates, free-text writing, morning pages, and other journaling methods.

After thousands of diary entries, I discovered this simple and powerful 3-step Journaling Framework.

☀️ Highlight

Your Daily Highlight should be 60-90 minutes long and be executed when you have maximum energy and focus.

3 Ways to Pic Your Highlight: Urgentcy, Satisfaction, Joy.

Read Choose a Highlight To Make Time Every Day for a detailed explanation.

🎯 Goal

Every month, I define one life area I give particular focus on.

I set a small goal for the day to improve this area.

Today, for example, it was a leg workout.

Focus area January: Health

🤏 Less

Instead of adding more things that should be done, I ask myself:

What do I want to do less of?

This could be as simple as not scrolling through my phone when bored.

Honestly, I wish someone had told me this journaling method earlier.

But I'm at least glad I can pass them along to you.

30 Atomic Essays in 30 Days - January 2024 Edition Atomic Essay Day 1: Why I'm Starting To Write Online (Again) I recently signed up for Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole's cohort-based course, Ship 30 for 30.