Wizard in the Middle
A group of friends playing Dungeons and Dragons 5e in podcast form for fun!
Podcast listening locations:
Podbean: https://wizardinthemiddle.podbean.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6yJMeJ6IahFcpSSyXe9OEW
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The last in this mini series! Hope you enjoyed!
Oliver and Ignatz set a trap for the rival vampires while Heather and Victor set up for a party.
May we come in?
Heather learns who is behind the sabotage and the vampires meet to decide what their next step is.
Get your coffins set more vampires coming your way!
The vampires rest until the next day to see the fruits of their labor may not have gone as well as they’d hoped.
More vampires? It's bound to be fang-tastic!
The vampires head back home to decide how to complete the task they’ve been given.
What's this? Something amiss? It's Vampire time baby!
We’re doing a little one off! Vampires and drama galore! This episode contains some setup for the session. Enjoy!
Pass me some chevon Episode 107!
Alex and Astra continue the conversation in regards to trying to find an avenue to Pelor.
Avoid the river Styx Episode 106!
The group discusses how to approach Matteo about the cursed lute case.
Who's cutting chives? Oh! It's Episode 105!
The journey to Gathazar begins in earnest with some interesting events along the way.
What's washed ashore? It's Episode 104!
The group finishes their business with the Cat Merchant and make their way back to the Skywarden.
Quick! Like a bumblebee sit down for Episode 103!
A small tour of the ship is given and the Skywarden takes off! Oh…wait back to town!
Apologies everyone, but no episode this week. See you next week!
Look what I drew! It's Episode 102!
The group departs the Evocation household and decides to plot a course of action for their mail delivery.
Get ready to laugh some...it's Episode 101!
Dinner continues with Seighardt present as does the continued shenanigans of Astra.
Is it well funded? It's Episode 100!
Holy smokes 100 Episodes!!! Yaaaay!!!
The group arrives at Nola’s new home for dinner with her and her husband to be.
Although not well defined it's Episode 99!
The group head to Agni to hear what he needs from them (also more curse breaking).
Don't need this on rebate. It's Episode 98!
The group finishes their business at the church and break off to do some shopping and complete their Nola es**rt mission.
Gather round people class is in session. Today we're watching Episode 97!
The group rushes to Kevril’s side as one last pulse washes across the battlefield.
I can only get in a couple of licks before the start of Episode 96!
The battle takes a turn as “Kevril” begins to fight his allies. The pulse-wave continues to cause even bigger Kevril problems.
Let's hope the crew survives...it's Episode 95!
As the pulse wave subsides, the group finds Kevril has been affected in a big way.
Have you explored Episode 94?
The battle against the demons continues. The group begins to get the upper hand, but then a pulse-wave washes over the battlefield.