James Arrowsmith Videos

Videos by James Arrowsmith. I am a musician based in Brisbane, Australia. I like creating music and sounds that enhance altered states of consciousness and soothe the soul.

James Arrowsmith - Phoenix Fyre

Step into your power and embody your creativity...

Phoenix Fyre is a visualisation piece. The sacral opening and solar plexus activation will help you step into your power of creativity and expressing your most authentic self.

All my work is tuned to the universal frequency of 432Hz.

Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside your body, releases emotional blockages, and expands consciousness. 432Hz music allows you to tune into the knowledge of the universe around us in a more intuitive way.

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Other James Arrowsmith videos

James Arrowsmith - Phoenix Fyre
Step into your power and embody your creativity... Phoenix Fyre is a visualisation piece. The sacral opening and solar plexus activation will help you step into your power of creativity and expressing your most authentic self. All my work is tuned to the universal frequency of 432Hz. Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside your body, releases emotional blockages, and expands consciousness. 432Hz music allows you to tune into the knowledge of the universe around us in a more intuitive way.