South America news Abyayala

South America news Abyayala

Hello, this page contains news from Latin America, translated into English. The news published here have their source in Spanish.


🇺🇸 Head of the US Southern Command Laura Richardson, admitted that the US comes for lithium, water, gold and oil in South America.
The head of the Southern Command speaks of Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia as a region to "liberate" from the Chinese threat.

In this context, she stressed that the so-called "lithium triangle" Argentina, Bolivia and Chile, accumulates 60% of the world's lithium.

The Bolivian President, Luis Arce, warned the United States that Latin America "is not its backyard".

Death Toll Rising After a Violent Earthquake Shakes Haiti 15/08/2021

Haiti: A major earthquake rattled southwestern Haiti Saturday morning, tumbling buildings and sending residents fleeing into the streets 11 years after a catastrophic earthquake hit the capital and killed somewhere between 200,000 and 300,000 people.

Death Toll Rising After a Violent Earthquake Shakes Haiti The 7.2 magnitude earthquake centered in Haiti’s southwestern coast, which was devastated by a hurricane five years ago.

La aplaudida intervención de constituyente lickanantay en sesión de la Convención: "Se le cortó la lengua a nuestra a gente en un proceso que se llamó chilenización" 08/08/2021

Chile, In the process of the "Chilenizacion" or nationalization, the nation state of Chile, extirpated the tongues of Lickanantay people who spoke the Ckunza language. The language was kept hidden in confined spaces and today is the first time in the history of the Lickanantay people, that Ckunza is spoken in public.

La aplaudida intervención de constituyente lickanantay en sesión de la Convención: "Se le cortó la lengua a nuestra a gente en un proceso que se llamó chilenización" El convencional entregó unas palabras en kunza (idioma del pueblo atacameño) por el mes de la Madre Tierra.

Mapuche woman to lead body drafting Chile’s new constitution 06/07/2021

Mapuche woman to lead body drafting Chile’s new constitution
Constitutional assembly picks academic Elisa Loncon to lead body drafting new text to replace Pinochet-era constitution.

Mapuche woman to lead body drafting Chile’s new constitution Constitutional assembly picks academic Elisa Loncon to lead body drafting new text to replace Pinochet-era constitution.

Colombians Denounce Ongoing Police Brutality in Cali 10/05/2021

Colombia now

Colombians Denounce Ongoing Police Brutality in Cali Defense Minister Diego Molano confirmed that 10,000 police and 2,100 soldiers were deployed in Cali to "guarantee security." 

Hostages on their own land. Chile is waging war on the indigenous community - Phoenix Media Co-operative 29/03/2021

Hostages on their own land. Chile is waging war on the indigenous community - Phoenix Media Co-operative "Indigenous peoples,' in Chile are threatened with 'extinction thanks to the genocidal policies of the government".

Bolivia: Ex-interim President Jeanine Áñez arrested over 'coup' 13/03/2021


Bolivia: Ex-interim President Jeanine Áñez arrested over 'coup' Prosecutors say Jeanine Áñez took part in a coup against leader Evo Morales in 2019.

Violent protests erupt in Chile after police shoot street artist 08/02/2021

Panguipulli Chile, protest against the police who murdered the street artist

Violent protests erupt in Chile after police shoot street artist Hundreds poured into the streets and a public building was burned down in protest of the fatal police shooting of a street artist in Chile. The incident...

INDH y balance post 18-O: Estamos más cerca de la impunidad que de la verdad y la justicia 05/02/2021

Chile: The National Institute of Human Rights (INDH) presented this Tuesday its first "Follow-up Report on Recommendations" that it delivered in its 2019 Annual Report, focused on the repression unleashed by Carabineros and the Armed Forces during the wave of protests that occurred in the country as of October 2019.
The information is offered by the organization 15 months after the social outbreak that occurred in Chile, to demonstrate against the neoliberal policies of the Government of Sebastián Piñera and to demand a new Constitution for the country.
The director of the human rights institute in Chile, Sergio Micco, affirmed that "if today we were to deliver a final judgment, we would be closer to impunity than to truth and justice, and that is extremely serious for the Chilean democratic state."

INDH y balance post 18-O: Estamos más cerca de la impunidad que de la verdad y la justicia El organismo presentó el primer "Informe de Seguimiento a las Recomendaciones" que entregó tras el estallido social a las policías, el Gobierno, el Congreso y la Fiscalía. Resaltó que sólo hay un caso con agente del Estado imputado ya resuelto con una condena.

Sixth Mapuche-Wallmapu Indigenous Cinema Festival Takes Place Online | Sounds and Colours 27/01/2021

Sixth Mapuche-Wallmapu Indigenous Cinema Festival Takes Place Online | Sounds and Colours Organised by the Mapuche of Southern Chile, self-representation is the theme of the sixth edition of the Mapuche Film and Indigenous Arts Festival, taking place between January 25 and 29, and broadcast from Temuco, Wallmapu ancestral territory of Chile’s Aurucania region. In total, more than 50 fi...

Otro caso de violencia de la PDI contra la infancia mapuche: Cuando un niño es agredido por defender a su madre werken 15/01/2021

In September 2020, the Chilean police were denounced for psychological and physical torture against 2 Mapuche children, a 14-year-old and a 13-year-old girl. This happened when the police officers detained the children's mother, accused of possessing weapons. In the video, the boy is on the ground and the policeman is on him for a long time.
Since 2011, the community in Collipulli, 50 meters from the Renaico River, has been in a permanent struggle to defend their indigenous ancestral territory. The Chilean state maintains the Wallmapu indigenous zone, Mapuche territory, militarized since European settlers, and their descendants, occupied the Mapuche lands to capitalize the territory.

Otro caso de violencia de la PDI contra la infancia mapuche: Cuando un niño es agredido por defender a su madre werken La imagen de los funcionarios de la PDI inmovilizando a la hija de Camilo Catrillanca en medio de un operativo descomunal el fin de semana pasado ha quedado en la retina. Así es como las dinámicas represivas contra la infancia mapuche se han repetido de manera sistemática en Wallmapu. El Desconci...

Filtran audio que acusa a funcionario PDI de amenaza de muerte a niña de 12 en Temucuicui 14/01/2021

👉 In the audio recording, you hear the gunshots and screams of a heartbroken crying girl, while police threaten her and force her to be on the floor. In the audio, it is heard that the mistreatment is brutal against Mapuche girls. "If you move, I'll kill you,! " is the threat against girls. The Araucanía area, (Wallmapu) remains militarized.

Filtran audio que acusa a funcionario PDI de amenaza de muerte a niña de 12 en Temucuicui Este jueves, vía Twitter, se filtró un audio difundido por Radio Villa Francia, medio que indicó que durante el operativ...

Mapuche Political Prisoners Continue Struggle for Land and Freedom 02/01/2021

Mapuche Political Prisoners Continue Struggle for Land and Freedom
Political imprisonment of Mapuche activists serves as one of many tools in the Chilean state’s counterinsurgency arsenal.

Mapuche Political Prisoners Continue Struggle for Land and Freedom Political imprisonment of Mapuche activists serves as one of many tools in the Chilean state’s counterinsurgency arsenal.

Celebrations as Chile votes by huge majority to scrap Pinochet-era constitution 26/10/2020


Celebrations as Chile votes by huge majority to scrap Pinochet-era constitution A plebiscite called in response to street protests in 2019 sees 78% of people back a new charter to replace one imposed by military dictator

Chilean police throw boy, 16, off bridge during protests 04/10/2020

Santiago de Chile

Chilean police throw boy, 16, off bridge during protests Apparent serious assault is latest in series of alleged human rights abuses by Carabineros

CHILE IN REVOLTE [Multi-language] 06/04/2020

Video of German production, which shows from their perspective, the social struggle in Santiago de Chile. The audiovisual material does not show anything new, and lacks the voices of the Mapuche, Lickanantai, Aymaras, Quechuas, and Easter communities, among many others. However it serves to document a basic part of the history of Chile.

CHILE IN REVOLTE [Multi-language] MULTIPLE SUBS VERSION [Español abajo / Deutsch Unten] "Chile in Revolte", the sequel of the short documentary 'Chile in Flammen', is…

Shutdown Chilean capital gets visit from a cougar 24/03/2020

A young cougar surprised residents of a central neighbourhood of the Chilean capital Santiago

Shutdown Chilean capital gets visit from a cougar A young cougar surprised residents of a central neighbourhood of the Chilean cap...

Cuba Comes to Italy's Aid by Sending Team of Doctors and Nurses 22/03/2020

Cuba Comes to Italy's Aid by Sending Team of Doctors and Nurses “We are all afraid but we have a revolutionary duty to fulfill, so we take out fear and put it to one side,” Leonardo Fernandez, 68, an intensive care specialist, told Reuters late on Saturday shortly before his brigade’s departure.

'Our children are going to prison': Chile holds scores of minors arrested during protests 03/03/2020


'Our children are going to prison': Chile holds scores of minors arrested during protests Many Chilean minors have been detained since the protests began, in a youth justice system rife with cruelty and abuse

6 Indigenous Leaders Killed in Nicaragua Biosphere Raid 05/02/2020

6 Indigenous Leaders Killed in Nicaragua Biosphere Raid In Nicaragua, six indigenous environmental leaders were assassinated last week after a group of at least 80 armed men raided the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve — the second-largest rainforest in the Americas after the Amazon. The attack is believed to be linked to raging land disputes between the loca...

Beaten, mutilated and forced to undress: Inside Chile’s brutal police crackdown against protesters 27/01/2020


Beaten, mutilated and forced to undress: Inside Chile’s brutal police crackdown against protesters Security forces have deliberately shot demonstrators in the eyes and forced those arrested to strip naked. Some of those affected tell Naomi Larsson

Maria Pia Adriasola, wife of Jose Antonio Kast: “Sex is truly safe when it is not exercised” 15/01/2020

Chille: “sex is truly safe when not exercised.” Maria Pia Adriasola
She is mother of 9 children and manager for the project that establishes bases for the emotional and sexual education of children and adolescents in educational establishments.

Maria Pia Adriasola, wife of Jose Antonio Kast: “Sex is truly safe when it is not exercised” Maria Pia Adriasola, the wife of Jose Antonio Kast, attended the Education Committee of the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday to present a project that establishes bases for the emotional and sexual e…

Chile: was a young woman murdered for photographing anti-government protests? 14/01/2020

Chile: was a young woman murdered for photographing anti-government protests? Albertina Martínez found dead two days after covering a protest in Santiago amid speculation she was targeted because of her job

They’re Killing Us Like Dogs: A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for Help 26/12/2019

They’re Killing Us Like Dogs: A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for Help Medea Benjamin is on the ground in Bolivia as the government crackdown grows more violent and the country spirals towards civil war.

Human Rights Commissioner Kofler on the OHCHR’s report on Chile 22/12/2019

I call on the Chilean Government to involve all sectors of society, including the indigenous peoples of Chile, in the drafting of the new constitution.

Human Rights Commissioner Kofler on the OHCHR’s report on Chile Bärbel Kofler, Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Assistance at the Federal Foreign Office, issued the following statement today (18 December) on the report by the…

The rights of Indigenous Peoples are key to saving our global ecosystems 22/12/2019

The rights of Indigenous Peoples are key to saving our global ecosystems Indigenous Peoples have been protecting biodiversity on Earth for thousands of years. Yet their rights are increasingly being eroded and they face multiple threats. This photo-essay gives you a glimpse of the symbiotic relationship that indigenous communities have with the ecosystems that they call....

Caustic Soda Found in Water Cannons Used During Protests 20/12/2019

Caustic Soda Found in Water Cannons Used During Protests SANTIAGO – The Resistance Health Movement (MSR) asserts that liquid used by police water trucks contained caustic soda. The MSR says water samples were examin

Admiten querella contra Piñera por crímenes de lesa humanidad: arriesga hasta 20 años de cárcel 18/12/2019

Last minute! The 7th Santiago Court of Guarantee declared admissible this Tuesday the criminal complaint for crimes against humanity that Senator Alejandro Navarro filed against President Sebastián Piñera. The legal action is due to the hundreds of people who suffered eye injuries since October 18 at the hands of state agents.

Admiten querella contra Piñera por crímenes de lesa humanidad: arriesga hasta 20 años de cárcel La acción judicial fue interpuesta por el senador Alejandro Navarro.

Chile: UN calls for prosecution of police and army over response to protests 17/12/2019

During its 30 October-22 November mission, the UN team documented, 26 people were killed, 113 specific cases of torture and ill-treatment – mainly through “severe beatings” – and 24 cases of sexual violence against women, men and adolescents by members of the police and army.

Chile: UN calls for prosecution of police and army over response to protests Security forces acted in ‘fundamentally repressive manner’, with UN report flagging ‘alarmingly high number’ of 345 eye injuries

Global heating plus inequality is a recipe for chaos – just look at Chile | Maisa Rojas 15/12/2019

In Chile, just a month before the social crisis exploded, we saw the first internal displacement as a result of the climate crisis. A 10-year-long drought has resulted in many small-scale and subsistence animal farmers losing their livelihoods. In the same areas, competition for water is fierce between local people and agriculture, particularly avocado producers. So as the impacts of the climate crisis become more intense, we can expect more displacement and more unrest. Not just in Chile but around the world.

Global heating plus inequality is a recipe for chaos – just look at Chile | Maisa Rojas The protests that forced the COP25 conference from Santiago to Madrid had the climate crisis at their core, says its scientific coordinator, Maisa Rojas

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🇺🇸 Head of the US Southern Command Laura Richardson, admitted that the US comes for lithium, water, gold and oil in Sout...
