Survive Everyday

Survive Everyday

Prepping for people who don't have a bunker.


How Lola decided to cuddle in the chair today....


November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes care has come a long way, but there is such a long way to go to helping diabetes get access to the care they need.

A lot of folks like to share the "Wal-Mart Insulin Hack" to get affordable insulin. To a type 1 diabetic that can be very very harmful/ borderline deadly. Here are some ways you can support a newly diagnosed Type 1 Diabetic.

1. Share and create a plan to get access to programs across the spectrum; To discounted or free blood sugar meters, to insulin programs like Lilly Cares. I used this website when I left Inogen and lost health insurance coverage. Great resource to create a plan of attack.

2. Listen to the Juicebox Podcast. Scott does a great job communicating the latest trends in diabetes care. The way he talks about insulin and how to use it is refreshing. Not only is it entertaining, but how many podcasts can you say lowered your A1C just by listening. Also I made an appearance on the show last year I think. Check it out.


In recent years I've tried to understand what 9/11 has done to America. How has it changed us? How has it torn our national fabric? What wounds do we still need to heal?

There are a few books I would highly recommend you read to understand HOW 9/11 happened.

1. The Black Banners by Ali Soufan
2. The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright (also a Hulu Miniseries now)
3. 9/11 Commission Report

These are other books I would recommend you read about the side effects of 9/11, and to understand what we've become.

1. House to House by David Belavia
2. Un-American by Erik Edstrom
3. The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture (now a movie called The Report on Amazon Prime)
4. The Mauritanian by Mohamedou Would Slahi (now a movie of the same name on Netflix)

All of these books tell the story collectively. Each from a point of view that is skewed by the environment they find themselves in.

House to house tells the story of David Belavia who fought house to house in Fallujah. He won a Medal of Honor for his exploits in house to house. Un-American is one soldier's perspective on the longest wars America has ever battled. Never have we fought so hard for absolutely nothing. The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture is an overview on what we enabled out of fear. We have to reconcile our chest beating with the fact that we tortured people, knowing it didn't work. The Mauritanian is a book written from an innocent prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. What he had to endure overseas then in his detention without charges.

We can simultaneously support our war fighters and hold ourselves as a country to a higher standard. We can lost 3000+ innocent Americans on 9/11, and many more 9/11s have since happened to other innocent civilians across the globe as we fought a war against terrorism. We still have a lot of healing to do as a country.


Finishing this book. Fitting that I finish this book on 9/11, the event that sets all other events in this book in motion.


Reached out to Matthew Desmond to try and book him for the podcast. He politely declined as he's booked for the next bit, but was nice enough to send the book out.

Still going to cover the book on an episode.


Listened to this on the return trip home today. Uncomfortable listen on a few different levels.


Next up on the long weekend book reads.


Cooking soon to the podcast.

Been enjoying some time off with the family. Been reading and researching some content ideas.

This book will definitely be talked about a lot.


A few weeks ago I had the honor of sitting in on the nerdiest and weirdest podcast on the internet, thanks to a supporter and member of our coffee club . Had a great time.

Get the episode on any podcast platform, or check it out here.

Check it.

Photos from Survive Everyday's post 24/05/2023

Over the last month, the wife and I have visited 3 book sales at libraries. I now have a substantial stack to read, hopefully some of these make the podcast.

All of these books cost less than $5.00 considering the cover prices for each hardback are like $34.00, that's a huge savings.

37: Stop.Drop.Rewind - Music = Survival - Survive Everyday 15/05/2023

ICYMI: Check it out.

37: Stop.Drop.Rewind - Music = Survival - Survive Everyday In our previous episode, we explored the importance of literacy. Today, we'll be diving into another form of language that is also essential to our survival - music.From ancient times to the present day, music has been an integral part of human cu...


ICYMI: We're giving stuff away. Check out how to enter on the latest episode at


So we find ourselves at a library. is having a book sale. For those of you looking for books to read for check it out.

Best way to 3xpand your home library. Most 3xpenaove book is $0.50. most are $0.25

Circle Of Nerds 11/05/2023

So tonight I'm sitting in and rapping with another sweet podcast of Nerds - long time listener first time guest. No idea what to expect, but check em out and subscribe and don't miss it. Not sure when the episode will drop so subscribe so you don't miss it.

Circle Of Nerds Listen to Circle Of Nerds on Spotify. Join this slightly inappropriate group of socially awkward misfits as they take you on an unapologetic tour of the Nerdyverse.


New episode preview. I asked a week ago about your "I want" song. You know, the one in the first act of every Broadway musical.

I said I was writing my I want song, it wasn't ready to share. Well tomorrow, you get to hear what my song says.

Also I'd you like photography, I'm giving away some prints so stay tuned on see how you can win one!


Some exciting things are in the works.

Announcements are coming soon, but the first step in a larger plan has happened.

Stay tuned for more, but holy cow, this is awesome.


Listener Feedback on the latest episode with stop.drop.rewind that's quickly one of the top 3 of the year.

"Dude, I just listened and man I got to listen more to these guys, because a dig it "

"Yeah I love they talked about the Mandalorian"

"When they play nearby I'm definitely checking out their shows"

Thanks for listening and if you haven't yet, check them out at or anywhere you get your podcasts.

Best way to support is to share it with your friends!


So much of a musician's life is promoting themselves online. Gone are the days of playing a show and a DJ likes what you're doing and plays it on the radio. Everything you hear now is carefully curated, new music trickles out unless you know where to look. In the latest episode I try to change that, but I don't have millions of listeners.

Same with podcasts. In the beginning of the podcast boom, it wasn't hard to grow an audience because there wasn't a ton of competition, now everyone seems to have a podcast and is begging their friends to listen.

Check out his week's episode about music and how artists need to package themselves to pe*****te the forcefield of wide acceptance.

Listen anywhere you get our podcast, and here's a helpful flow chart of how you can help .drop.rewind and your favorite podcast grow, for free...check it


New Episode!

Last week we talked about the power of literacy. This week we are talking about another language - music.

If you love music, or just love the creative process, we are talking with Kris and DJ from the band stop.drop.rewind about how they got into music, and play a few of their tunes for you. This is definitely a departure from the normal format.

Catch this episode anywhere you find podcasts or at


Furiously editing the final mix for tomorrows new episode. Doing something a bit different...again


Can't believe a week ago the Literacy Avengers dropped and it's been one of our most downloaded episode. Literacy spans generations and genres. This is Ken Glanc from Operation Comic Book talking about how collaboration is key to promote literacy.

Literacy projects are all fighting for the same resources, but Cleveland Reads is a collaborative to bring everyone's ideas to bear on the issue of literacy. If you haven't heard this episode grab it anywhere you get your podcasts or

DigitalC The Literacy Cooperative Cleveland Kids' Book Bank Cleveland Public Library


Tablets, Kindles, and iPads. Are they good or bad for kids when they're learning how to read?

Laureen Atkins-Holliday from The Literacy Cooperative explains why it isn't a leap forward in learning as we think it is when it comes to children. Reading a physical book is essential to development, so it playing outside. Interact with your kids, read with them, give them books, say big words around them.

Check out the latest episode of the podcast at or anyhwere you get your podcasts.

DigitalC Operation Comic Book Cleveland Public Library
Cleveland Kids' Book Bank Cleveland Reads


One of the great authors of our time, Judy Blume explains how you can get your kids to read your favorite books. Also as a side note, this is why book bans aren't really going to work. By telling me no, I want to see what you won't want me to read.

This week has been a huge week for the podcast. The Literacy Avengers is one of the most listened to episodes of the year, and for good reason.

Have a great weekend. If you haven't heard the episode check it out at or anywhere you get your podcasts.

Operation Comic Book Cleveland Public Library The Literacy Cooperative
Cleveland Kids' Book Bank DigitalC


There is only 1 state in the United States that hasn't tried to ban or restrict books in 2022. Nevada. But all around the country book bans have been increasing. Texas, in 2022 banned 93 titles. (source: PBS Newshour)

Book bans discourage freedom of thought and expression and it undermines one of the primary functions of education; to get our children to think for themselves.

In this clip, Jennifer Jumba of the Cleveland Public Library talks about book bans in the library; and why it's important to keep that book on the shelf for our kids to find.

I would love it if you shared this with everyone you know!

If you haven't listened to the latest episode, get it at or anywhere you get your podcasts. Just tell your smart speaker to play the Survive Everyday Podcast.

DigitalC The Literacy Cooperative Cleveland Kids' Book Bank Operation Comic Book


Redlining in our communities is nothing new, Richard Rothstein wrote a great book about it called, The Color of Law, I highly reccomend you read it (and log it at Cleveland Reads if you live, work, pray, or stay in Cleveland). But over the years redlining has taken on more depth.

Joshua Edmonds, CEO of DigitalC explains what digital redlining is, and in this episode, what his organization is doing about. Spoiler alert, it directly impacts not only reading literacy, but digital literacy which is essential in our techologially connected world.

If you've already listened to this episode, share it with your friends. If you haven't listened to this week's episode, check it out at or anywhere you find your podcasts

The Literacy Cooperative Cleveland Kids' Book Bank Cleveland Public Library
Operation Comic Book


Access to children's books it vital to the literacy development of a child. Cleveland Kids' Book Bank help provide this important service to children in their communities. These are the super heroes of a community. They're the ones out there everyday doing the hard work.

What is happening in your community? What resources are in your communities to help promote literacy?

Catch this episode of the podcast anywhere you find podcasts or at

Operation Comic Book Cleveland Public Library The Literacy Cooperative
DigitalC Cleveland Reads

‎Survive Everyday on Apple Podcasts 26/04/2023

The First Review is in on the latest episode of The Literacy Avengers.

"Just listened to the Literacy Avengers. Great show and information! Love hearing the idea of promoting community in the subject of preparedness."

Check out the latest on Apple Podcasts:

‎Survive Everyday on Apple Podcasts ‎Society & Culture · 2023


Here's my reading log for this month, I logged these all for Cleveland Reads

Live in the Cleveland area? Sign up! What did you read this month.

Catch the new episode anywhere you get your podcasts.

Videos (show all)

ICYMI: We're giving stuff away. Check out how to enter on the latest episode at
Auto Tune is a useful tool for any band in the recording process. Lots of bands like to tout they are auto-tune free. Th...
Can't believe a week ago the Literacy Avengers dropped and it's been one of our most downloaded episode. Literacy spans ...
Tablets, Kindles, and iPads. Are they good or bad for kids when they're learning how to read? Laureen Atkins-Holliday fr...
Redlining in our communities is nothing new, Richard Rothstein wrote a great book about it called, The Color of Law, I h...
Judy Blume
Access to children's books it vital to the literacy development of a child. Cleveland Kids' Book Bank help provide this ...
So what is Cleveland Reads? You heard all 5 of our guests talk about it. So here is what it is.  The goal of Cleveland R...
Latest Episode of the Survive Everyday Podcast is out now.
A book discussion on the book, The Premonition is now playing at or, anywhere you get your podca...