I'm a writting,recording and gospel singing artist with a mission to reach the world with the Word of God through music with no discrimination.


Hey friends,hope you all kept under grace.
So my single music video will be out in two weeks.It's a must watch video and a must listen song.Fully packed with the annointing and the heart of worship.
If you wanna be one of the first people who will recieve it straight from me,please just say"the song,saved" in the app number below and i will send it to you.


opportunities are always there but you need the divine power to appoint you at the right time and right place,otherwise you will keep missing them.(Everyday prayer:Lord guide and direct my path lest i toil for nothing)Luke 5:5 Simon said to Jesus,"We have toiled all night and caught nothing;nevertheless at your word i will let down the net".6 and when they had done this they enclosed a great multitude of fishes that the net broke.

Speak a word oh Lord for my everyday. amen and amen


Wisdom is knowing that it is ok to acknowledge situations that brings you fear,it is relatively ok to acknowledge your fears but the problem starts when you comform and submit to them.The more you fall the more reason to rise up again dust yourself and confront whatever trips you.Learning to command your mountains out of your way rather than waiting for someone who will finally appear one day and create a new path for you without mountains.


Believe it,,say it and have it.Principles of faith,power of creating by the word.


knowing how to choose your beliefs wisely is essential.Only what you believe in is what can carry you to an expected destination wether good or bad.When you believe in something be very convinced that the destination is good for you,if its negative refuse to believe in it.You can teach your mind and heart to not believe in negativity no matter what reality says or situations seems like,This by prayer and building great desire in you for that particular destination.
(Psalms 27:13unless i had believed to see the goodness of the Lord,i would have fainted) meaning bcz of situations you may fail and remain in your storms and challenges,but believing in good right when you are still in the midst of your storms is what will carry you through and out..God bless you and give you strength to keep your faith in the right direction and cause your victory and breakthrough to appear sooner than later.In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.Amen


It is only by the Spirit of God that you can cross boundaries and break limits.("Acts 4:31 When they had prayed, the place was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.")Only if you pray,believe and allow the Spirit of God to come over you then only can you see life around you being shaken for your good.

Blessed morning.May the Lord God King of glory do you well.


May his final journey lead him to eternal glory,man of God,pastor and worshipper Israel Mosehla ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


The storms came in 2020,Some of the mighty fell but you and I with the little strength we marched forward until we have crossed over to 2021.It can only be grace..As we acknowledge the Lord Almighty,the same grace shall cause this year to favour us,the same grace shall carry us through to greater heights.Glory be to the Lord God and happy new year to you all.


Being a religious person doesn't make one,a child of God but recieving Him is what does(John 1:12 as many as recieved Him,to them gave He power to become the sons of God,even to those who believe on His name)Now being a child of God doesn't remove you from the challenges of the world but makes you to be able to rise above them(psalms 34:19 many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all)Your victory and protection is guaranteed(psalms 91:7 a thousand shall fall at your side,and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you) ..Amen- so shall it be to you only recieve and believe in our God He is faithful to keep His promises...blessed day to you all,love you with Christ's love


Rain(worship song is finally landed)pliz inbox me for more info


"And in the morning,rising up a great while before day,he went out,and departed into a solitary place,and there prayed (mark1:35)".... nothing matters most than shaping your day and stirring it your way thru morning prayer.God bless you this morning as you seek for His presence before anything else,may His face shine on you and guide your steps..blessed day everyone


Hey guys,,,im currently sending ppl my tracks via watsup..will update u when they're now available on platforms...thnx a lot to those who love my work n believe in me..may the good Lord do you well,bless,protect & favour you during this festive season.stay blessed๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜

Timeline photos 14/12/2020

My first track is out already,my second will drop anytime this week..If interested app me for more info on 0611792607


just dropped my first single,hope you enjoy n stsy blessed

