Judenne Waters

Judenne Waters

here hides the heart of giudellius









"Well, I'm not a poet, I'm just a woman. And as a woman I have no way to make money, not enough to earn a living and support my family. Even if I had my own money, which I don't, it would belong to my husband the minute we were married. If we had children they would belong to him, not me. They would be his property. So don't sit there and tell me that marriage isn't an economic proposition, because it is. It may not be for you but it most certainly is for me."

Little Women
Greta Gerwig


Yes. ❤️‍🔥




I have been struggling to find myself for years until I saw myself praying to just fade away. What I noticed, though, was there’s always a moment when I felt so vigorous and motivated to live. I called such a feeling as “flicker”. This time my goal is to house that flicker and expand it for hours to days, weeks, months and years. The aim is to transform that flicker into a hearth that will last me a lifetime. 🌟


Léon: The Professional (1994)

Director: Luc Besson



Carol (2015)
Director: Todd Haynes



Oh I love this quote from Walter Barbie so much! 👏👏👏

We sometimes have our traditional way of explaining something, but if the child does not understand, instead of expecting them to adapt to our way of thinking, we need to work at finding ways that make sense to that individual child! If your student/s are not learning the way you teach, teach the way they learn.

Timeline photos 18/01/2024


but like why do you have to be so mean about it 🥹



Guante, from NOT A LOT OF REASONS TO SING, BUT ENOUGH: http://bit.ly/guantenotalot




Filipinos often brand themselves as either rich or poor, with others thinking they belong somewhere in between. Here's how much each income class in the Philippines is earning, according to the latest figures provided by Philippine Institute for Development Studies: https://bitly.ws/3a3if



Let me introduce you
To a woman that I know
She hears my every thought
And follows everywhere I go

She wakes me up abruptly sometimes
When I’m fast asleep
And keeps me up for hours
Whilst she taunts and laughs at me

She takes joy in convincing me
That I am hard to love
That if I’m less than perfect
Then I’ll never be enough

She shakes the ground I stand on
And talks down what I achieve
She highlights all my flaws to me
And tells me I’m naïve

She battles with my confidence
And wrestles with my pride
She’s like a double agent
But she’s never on my side

And she knows just how to sabotage
By sowing seeds of doubt
And arguing with logic
In a voice that likes to shout

And you’d think I wouldn’t listen
That I’d turn and walk away
But it’s so hard to ignore her
When she knows just what to say

In ways that make me question
Things I’ve thought and done and said
You see, she is an imposter
And she lives inside my head


Imposter syndrome always seems to hit me hard at the beginning of the year. I'll just keep ignoring her as much as I can!

Becky Hemsley 2022
Image by rawpixel.com

'Sabotage' is from my second collection:


🌟 Exciting news for publishers, authors, and publishing creatives! 🌟

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our grants program to support and empower creatives in the Philippine publishing sector!

Are you an author, artist, researcher, or publisher with a groundbreaking idea? This is your chance to turn your dreams into reality!

Spread the Word: Let's show to the world that we are the emerging content capital in Southeast Asia! Tag a friend who needs to see this!

🌐 Let’s collaborate! Get in touch with us at [email protected]🚀💡




So buy your own glass slippers
And take yourself to the ball
Then sing and dance as if
Nobody else is there at all

This is for the princess
Who is trapped up in the tower
You think you have no cards to play
No leverage or power

Because you’ve read the books that start
With ‘once upon a time’
And so you’re waiting
‘Til a handsome prince comes riding by

You’re hoping that your beauty
Is enough to see you through
That he will see a pretty face
And fall in love with you

Well, let me tell a secret
You see, I once thought like this
I thought that thin or pretty
Would deliver true love’s kiss

So I craved a certain number
In the clothes that I would wear
I modified my make-up
And the way I wore my hair

But it’s not quite as simple
As they make out in the books
True love is not determined
By our bodies or our looks

You see, your real beauty’s
Not wrapped up in what you weigh
Your face may bring you suitors
But it will not make them stay

What will is all your courage
And the way your heart is kind
Your spirit, your adventure
And the way you speak your mind

But none of that will matter
Until you can see your worth
The truest love you’ll ever know
Is loving yourself first

So buy your own glass slippers
And take yourself to the ball
Then sing and dance as if
Nobody else is there at all

Let others crave the beauty
That is wrapped within your soul
You’re waiting to be rescued
Just ‘cause that’s what you’ve been told

But with your heart and spirit
You don’t need anyone else
So let your hair down princess
And go and save yourself


Becky Hemsley 2022
Artwork by the exquisitely talented kelogsloops

'Fairytale' is from What the Wild Replied


Mark Twain's posthumously published novel "The Mysterious Stranger" (1916) is set in 16th-century Austria, a time and place where witch hunts were rampant, leading to the persecution and ex*****on of innocent individuals accused of involvement in the occult.

The section below presents Twain's reflections on humanity, shaped by the considerable hardships he endured later in life.

His views on human nature are encapsulated in a poignant observation: "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man."

This statement underscores Twain's perspective on people.

Timeline photos 15/01/2024

me either




Ty Chapman, from TARTARUS: https://buttonpoetry.com/product/tartarus/



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