A sustainable lifestyle brand 🌿
vegan recipes • sustainable travel • natural beauty • wellness


🇬🇧 Meditation tips:

▫️Play soothing music, sounds of the ocean, alpha or thetha sounds on...or just enjoy the silence
▫️Light a candle
▫️Sit comfortably: on a cushion or chair
▫️Stare at the flame for 3 minutes while you repeat this affirmation.

🇪🇸 "Las cosas siempre funcionan a mi favor."

Consejos de meditación:

▫️Pon música relajante, sonidos del océano, sonidos alfa o thetha... o simplemente disfruta del silencio
▫️Enciende una vela
▫️Siéntate cómodamente: en un cojín o silla
▫️Mira fijamente la llama durante 3 minutos mientras repites esta afirmación.


Hours left! 🤍


🇬🇧 Although the ego is always concerned with the past and the future, the present moment is everything we really have. 🌟

Living in the present is the key for a healthy and happy life:

🤍 it helps us acknowledge and accept our negative emotions such as fear and also cope with stress more effectively
🤍 it enables us to connect with our bodies and our intuition
🤍 it helps alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression
🤍 it strengthens our relationships

Below are some tips to help you make the NOW your primary focus:

🔹️start your day thinking or writing down 3 things you are grateful for
🔹️journal or write Morning Pages - three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning
🔹️focus on one thing at a time - don't multitask
🔹️use your 5 senses - enjoy the warm water on your skin as you take a shower, the softness of your clothes, focus on the colours of things around you, savour & enjoy the scent of your tea and notice sounds such as birds or music
🔹️spend time in nature
🔹️focus on your breath - practice yoga or breathwork (to read more about breathwork visit 🍃 link in bio)

Consciously take your mind back to the present when you spot yourself wandering and build these techniques into your daily routine, making it into a habit. Try this for the first 21 days of September and notice the effects it has on your life.

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

🇪🇸 in comments


🇬🇧 It's HERE! Welcome to our instagram page! This is our very first post and we're very excited to share our newly launched website with you. 🎉

There you can find wellness, clean beauty, healthy living, vegan recipes or sustainable travel inspiration. 🌼

Link in bio.

🇪🇸 ¡Ya está AQUÍ! ¡Bienvenidos a nuestra página de instagram! Este es nuestro primer post y nos hace mucha ilusión compartir nuestra nueva web con vosotros. 🎉

Allí encontraréis inspiración sobre bienestar, belleza natural, recetas veganas saludables o viajes sostenibles. 🌼

Link en la bio.

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🇬🇧 Meditation tips: ▫️Play soothing music, sounds of the ocean, alpha or thetha sounds on...or just enjoy the silence▫️L...