Cheryl Boone,

Cheryl Boone,

Welcome to my Author Page. I am so excited about the reactions and comments I have received on my first book. Seriously, the truth will not hurt me.

If you did not rate it on Amazon after reading it, just post your thoughts here. I found this out when doing seven re-writes for my editor. I am a tough old bird! So give me your thoughts. And if you liked The Fourteenth Rilla, the sequel will me showing up in a couple of months!


BATTLE CRY OF THE THIRTEEN NATIONS is now available on Kindle and as a paperback on Amazon!
And I have exciting news...
I have been contacted by our local community newspaper to be interviewed as an author!
This is such a blessing. The difficulty of getting your books noticed in a flooded self-publishing market is enormous. It is easy to get frustrated. Then today a message came that said, “Hey Cheryl, your books came yesterday… Where did you find this imagination? Wow! Can’t wait to continue today. You are AWESOME!”
You have no idea what this sort of comment does for my soul.
I want everyone to love my books, but first they have to know they exist, and that other people have enjoyed them.
Now I am asking you for a favor. Even if you have commented before, please write your thoughts about my books, The Fourteenth Rilla, Tears of a Queen, or Battle Cry of the Thirteen Nations on this site so that I can show what you think of the books to others. You words do more to promote my books than anything else I can do.
And check out the dedication in this final book of the Saga. It is for you!

Illinois Cannabis Tracking System - Sign On 14/10/2021

It is getting closer!

My friend Dot Robertson Flanagan, who has edited the other Rilla books, just did not have time to edit this one. But she just read it, and said "As usual I loved it!" I am thrilled because this one was a little more challenging to write. And I am sad that my journey with Rilla and the other is almost done. But as Dot said, now I can finish the other book she likes! Poor thing, she has to read all that I do! LOL

They say that a writer should never edit their own work, but now that I know it flows well and I did not leave anything unexplained,
( thank you Dot!) I am going to do it anyway. In fact I am about a quarter of the way through.

So if all goes well, I will have this published by the end of the month. I will let you know as soon as it is done.

Illinois Cannabis Tracking System - Sign On


The last battle has been fought... a few more chapters, a ton of proofing, and the last book of the Rilla Saga will be done! It is bittersweet. I am going to miss them all! It is funny how real your characters become to you when you write.
Should be ready to publish in October... will keep you posted!!


To those of you who have asked about the third book in the Rilla series, it is coming along. I know most people think that when you sit down to write, it begins with chapter A and follows through to chapter Z. Nope, not for me. My first editor told me I have too much imagination and need to rein it in. Easier said than done.

When I write, the ideas that come are not necessarily about the book I am working on. When one of those ideas is persistent, I open a new word page to jot it down - only sometimes that idea expands into pages before I can let it go. I got a little curious as to how many possible books are in there that have written more than three chapters, so I counted. The magic number is seventeen. SEVENTEEN! I shocked myself.

Of course that list has been years in the making. Rilla first appeared five years ago and you see how long she took to develop.

I am not one that can focus on one thing at a time. That is why I just sent six chapters of a different book to my editor and muse, Dot Robertson Flanagan, that grabbed me while working on book 3 in the Rilla Saga. I needed to know if was something she felt everyone might be interested in. Her comment was "Please finish this book." Yay! Because I really like the characters.

Meanwhile, the third Rilla book is deciding whether it can be finished in this one book, or if she is going to have to have a fourth. The writer is leaning towards four... but simply cannot decide so just writes until she figures it out!

To everyone who has been so supportive and written or spoken rave reviews to me (and also to Amazon), thank you. But most of all, thank you for loving Rilla as much as I do.


You have scoured the internet for the best deals on presents for those you love. So what about you? I actually bought a couple of books to enjoy while quarantining this year. Then I though about you. How would you like an offer of both The Fourteenth Rilla and the newly released Tears of a Queen? Like maybe 99 cents each on Kindle... Well then consider it done!
On December 15th at 8:00 am and ending on December 22nd you can purchase either book for 99 cents. You will be glad you did! I am getting amazing feedback on the Tears of a Queen, and still hearing excellent things about the Fourteenth Rilla. Easy reads that move along quickly.
Merry Christmas!


I am absolutely speechless. That is why I am writing! LOL Seriously though, how do I thank all of you? I checked on how Tears of A Queen is selling - there have been sales every single day since it was released. All the reviews are still Five Star.

I had someone ask about sharing their books and I would love for that to happen with every single book purchased, whether paperback or eBook. PLEASE SHARE!

There are always hopes of becoming a best seller when anyone writes a book, but for me the real joy has been knowing I wrote something everyone so far has enjoyed. If you have not read it, it is a very easy read, and I hope that as many have said, impossible to put down.

So thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I am taking a break until after Christmas, but book three will definitely come out in the Spring.


The Fourteenth Rilla is available for a
99 cent special on Kindle until November 3rd :)


Tears of a Queen is now on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback versions - however, you have to look up the paperback as "Tears of a Queen the Rilla Series.

Why? I have no idea! LOL I did read that it takes some time for them to link on Amazon, so maybe this is temporary.

Want to know what this one is about? Well.... read it! JUST KIDDING! The summary is below. When you do read it, please let me know your thoughts. Amazon is not posting all the reviews and if not for some of you sending me your thoughts, and some have even written me through snail mail, I would never know if if was liked or not. As Robby would say, "I needs to know!"


A time of peace comes to Winter Rose for Michael and Rilla as their relationship heals and grows, but the path ahead turns violent as Serena, the dark queen, also grows in her power. Step by step Rilla follows that path which leads her ever closer to becoming the warrior queen she must be, sacrificing the life she craves for the one she must embrace. She is the only one who can lead her warriors to save the innocents of the world from hideous torture, maiming, and death, until all that is left is a profoundly evil society.
Tensions between sister warriors, family members who are not what they seem, enemies made when Rilla enters the world of politics, and the kidnapping of her family threaten to overwhelm her as she continues to seek her destiny.

Since the first attempt to kill Rilla when she was just fifteen had failed, Serena has bided her time until she is strong enough to succeed. While several plans fail, Serena is still able to bring misery and heartbreak to Rilla until the time comes that she finds the one plan that cannot fail. This plan will take Rilla to the abyss of madness where she is powerless to save herself, her family, the Warrior Sisters of the Thirteen Nations, or the unsuspecting people who inhabit the earth.



In order to make the best advertising campaign with Amazon, I just read this.... "Your ad will contain your book cover image, book title, author name, current star rating if you've received at least 15 reviews and they average 3.5 stars or higher".

I have 5 reviews on Amazon, all 5 star, (THANK YOU!!!) but I need ten more.

It is not necessary to have purchased my book on line. All that is required is that you have actually read it. This includes books I gave to family as well as those I sent the book to while it was still just a Word Document, hint hint! 😏

So, this is me, begging! LOL If you have read it, and you liked it, please go online and click the button almost at the bottom left of the page where it says: Write a customer review.

Thank you so much!


Dot Robertson Flanagan and I made a discovery that was not a good one. The program we were using to edit the book 'together' was flawed, and we had to choose another program to use. The new program, in my opinion, is better, so maybe this needed to happen. I am still pretty sure that I can get it published in October which was the goal.

Now if I can just decided on a title! Lol Minor technicality, right?

I do have a special request. I am honored that so many of you have told others about and even shared my book. If you have shared it, I don't need to know with whom, but I am really curious about whether they liked it. So let me know when you get a chance.

The truth is, I use all of you when I have a bad day. You will never know what a vital part of getting this second book done you are, or how much I want you to like it as well as the first. In a way, you are all my muses. I love your feedback, and I love you! Keep it coming...


A huge thank you to everyone who has liked and is following this page. I am amazed at how many of you responded so quickly. Just be patient as I still have no idea what I am doing with this promotion. I am moving forward mostly by trial and error and there is no telling what happens next! LOL Just know I appreciate you so much.


Create an Author Page, they said. It is so easy, they said. So why am I on my third attempt? LOL Please do not answer that! it seems that simply writing a book is not nearly enough. You have to find ways to self-promote, and establish a following in order for any literary agency to take you seriously. So if you visit me on this page, please click follow. You are the best!
