

Story telling with Zafi Mandali The aim is to develop a community of sharing and support in educational matters evolving around storytelling.

Elt stotytelling with zafi is a meeting place for educators looking for ways to use the storytelling tool in their teaching reality. It is also the place to navigate nursery teachers, parents, grandparents and child minders who would wish to engage the little ones through activities in English. With frequent referencing to the www.eltstorytelling site, this chat forum is an open invitation

The type of people around us 10/06/2024


The type of people around us insight into the kind of people in our circle

The Sun and the Cave. A parable 18/05/2024


The Sun and the Cave. A parable If we carry light in our mind we can overcome the darkness and obstacles which befall us.




If you can make it do not miss it. We all strive to shape students' character and pass on traits to help them cope with challenges. This is part 2 of the 3 sessions on TEACHING LIFE SKILLS THROUGH STORIES. Go on supporting personality growth as you teach English and basically use it as a tool, a means to pass on knowledge in general.

📢 We look forward to having you with us!
Click here to register: 👇


Those who can make it are most welcome. Steadily we see practical approaches to our teaching practices and much is due to this constant free, give and take,between teachers. So, here is another opportunity for something more given , waiting to be takedn. It is funded by GlobalCert Nocn. I hope to see you. The link for registration is the previous post.

A story of two dogs 29/03/2024


A story of two dogs It is our mood which often determines the way we perceive the world.

Lady ANGER and lady SORROW 27/03/2024

An allegory on mixed feelings. Are we sure we can always tell ANGER from SORROW?

Lady ANGER and lady SORROW This allegory communicates the larger meaning that mixed feelings create vague facades which we need to see through.


Ukraine and Gaza all thess months remind us that actually living the history is so much harder than telling it.


Mask all the way from Venice. Thank you Gianna.


Bslancing work facts

"Beethoven" by Elena and Emily 01/03/2024


"Beethoven" by Elena and Emily A presentation on Beethoven and his life in a creative way....



I DEPEND ON MYSELF A few reasons whey we should not yield the batons of our lives to others

Vincent Van Gogh by John Alexiou 16/02/2024


Vincent Van Gogh by John Alexiou A student impersonating Vincent Van Gogh and talking about his life!


O Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Google Sundar Pichai έδωσε μια ομιλία σε μόλις 60 δευτερόλεπτα⏳ και είπε..
"Φανταστείτε ότι η ζωή είναι ένα παιχνίδι με 5 μπάλες που τις πετάτε στον αέρα προσπαθώντας να μην πέσουν. Μία από αυτές είναι από καουτσούκ και οι υπόλοιπες από γυαλί.
Οι πέντε μπάλες είναι: Η εργασία, η οικογένεια, η υγεία, οι φίλοι, η ψυχή.
Δεν θα αργήσετε να συνειδητοποιήσετε ότι η (εργασία) είναι μια λαστιχένια μπάλα. Όποτε πέφτει, θα πηδά ξανά, ενώ οι άλλες μπάλες είναι από γυαλί. Εάν μία από τις άλλες πέσει, δεν θα επιστρέψει στην προηγούμενη μορφή της.
Θα καταστραφεί, θα σπάσει...
Πρέπει να το γνωρίζεις αυτό και να προσπαθείς για το καλύτερο.
Διαχειριστείτε την εργασία σας αποτελεσματικά, κατά τη διάρκεια των ωρών εργασίας, δώστε τον απαραίτητο χρόνο στην οικογένεια και τους φίλους σας, ξεκουραστείτε όσο μπορείτε και φροντίστε την υγεία σας.

Εάν κάτι από αυτά "σπάσει", δεν είναι εύκολο να επιστρέψει σε αυτό που ήταν.
Via- Humans of Kalamata

Storytelling for Social and Emotional Learning – Zafi Mandali 30/01/2024


Storytelling for Social and Emotional Learning – Zafi Mandali Stories are not only nets cast to activate students’ curiosity, imagination, understanding, involvement and expression. They are treasured, condensed wisdom ...

Smile 21/01/2024

A Little poem for a mood changer for our students and us.

Smile A little mood changer in the form of a rhyming poem.

Photos from Byron College GR's post 14/01/2024
The Ladybird and the Rosebush. 10/01/2024

A tiny story to tell our students and ourselves. Enjoy.

The Ladybird and the Rosebush. A tiny story of wisdom coming from nature






If you are wondering which stories, activities and crafts can bring the Christmas spirit to your classes do join Zafi Mandali and Evi Karydi in their storytelling and drama techniques webinar this Saturday morning from 10 to 12. The 2-hour webinar is loaded with ready to apply Christmas themed material which will only need a tiny twitch to work in various settings. Do join this fusion of storytelling and drama event.

The aa story .docx 26/11/2023


The aa story .docx The ‘a’ picture story The ginger cat sat on the mat. He was sad on his own! Then a bat and a rat and a cat in a hat came. Now they chat - and the cat is not alone. Tell the story from the pictures c a t m a t s a d b a t r a t h a t ch a t c a t The ‘e’ p...

the apple rhyme - Αντιγραφή.docx 26/11/2023


the apple rhyme - Αντιγραφή.docx the APPLE TREE RHYME Match the Apple idioms with the explanations. IDIOMS EXPLANATION She’s a negative person. Apples are good for your health. Be clean, tidy and well organized. Children are similar to their parents. He’...

Kafka and the doll, a story of healing. 19/11/2023

Beautiful story by Kafka, which passes caring and healing messages. Reshaped from the original from me. Enjoy and use.

Kafka and the doll, a story of healing. An emotional story the messages of which are classic and always impactful


How about a rhyming phonic picture story?It is the "OO" story. The pictures help students remember it.
In the light of the moon, the flowers were in bloom. It was cool in the pool. There was a ‘coo’ from the owl, a ‘twit-twoo’ from a bird, a moo from the cow and a ‘boo’ from the naughty boy!

Videos (show all)

The  WHY  game  can be applied in all sort of cases. Here is one example.  If you enjoy it, break the class routine from...
A husband and wife story and some  unoccupied space.
On misunderstanding.  Enjoy.
On base instincts and their consequences.elt storytelling with Zafiwww.eltstorytelling.com#storytelling #child_learning ...
The thoughts we are wearing
The letter
Christmas Carol
A story telling idea.