Shaolin Kung Fu Five Animal style

Shaolin Kung Fu Five Animal style

Shaolin Kung Fu Five Animal style the crane, Snake, Tiger, Leopard Dragon are the.bace for this art


thanks for the photos. your looking good son call me. love you always Dad


Crane, snake tiger leopard dragon
Shaolin Kung Fu Five Animal style


Masters Black ink Art

this is a drawing of i -Cing he was called the first smart man. destroying was hard to make as you can see it's on and feet shoulder and in the arms and the leg and how the position where they are at but there's no straight lines very difficult to make a lot of work and detail
a lot of detail work long time to make.


learn more ways to protect rather than destroy
check resident hurt.
hurt rather than mame
maim rather than kill.
for all life is precious
Nor can any be replaced


a man must do what he must do
but not for self

a man must do what he must do
but not for show.

0 a man must do what he must do
but not for Glory

man at his best..... like water
serves as he goes along

he reads his own level..... like water

he seeks his own level the ..... like water
common level of life


perceived the ways of nature and no force of man can harm you you do not meet a wave head on you avoided it. to hear the target in this manner you must use the c'hi inner strength
it can last for through sickness and health and through the heat and the cold through
old age and beyond..

a Shaolin is at one with his self

it has been said a Shaolin and walk through walls look for it cannot be seen touch cannot be felt there but not there


learn more ways to protect rather than destroy check for her hurts
hurt rather than Maine
maim rather than kill
for all life is precious nor can any be replaced


The Shaolin Temple

in the Shaolin Temple there are three types of people students disciples and Masters development of the mind can only be achieve when the body has been disciplined to achieve this the anxious as taught us to imitate God's creatures. crane teaches us Grace and self control the snake we learn simpleness and rhythmic endurance the tiger teaches you power and tenacity and the leopard we learn agility and quickness and from the dragon we learned to ride the wind. all creepy the high and the low are one with nature between the fragile beauty of the dragonfly and a fire impact of the wing dragon there is only Harmony between the simple silence of a snake and the eagles claw they are one in nature. if we had to wizard to learn all may teachers us their virtuous.
so there's only Harmony and Accord with the flow of the universe.


the master within

I met a man once who at first seemed very timid or shy his eyes were crystal clear reflecting it purely of soul. he did not speak much. he once told me it is better to listen and hear, then to speak and not be heard. this wisdom was not met as a unique strange expression but but is it common sense which is the way of Master Rick Clevenger when I first met Rick I already had a strong background in⁰ karate and I asked him many many times to teach me his art I learned from this wise silence that he could is common sense will not allow him to give a child a loaded weapon this was revealed to me reveal to me after I had proven myself ready for the gift he possessed I have seen and can testify that this man can do things through his kung fu that are as unique as deadly and as wonderful as they are effective I could go on and on about his abilities and rightfully so for he has mastered the five animal Shaolin Kung Fu style crane snake leopard tiger and dragon he has also learned other styles like monkey tiger praying mantis eagles claw pai-lum kung fu and a few Japanese style like aikido togakure ryu ninjitdu Ninjitsu. shinki ryu jujitsu and a master in aikido it is a combination of all these arts and the many years of training that makes Master Clevenger which is the ultimate option of the true acquisition like a cool Summer breeze he has passed through this land unnoticed and never breaking the silence of the master within. writing calling go see him and maybe you too can harness them the power of the ancients in your the palm of your hand.

Ken Jones Houston Texas

if there any mistakes in the story it is because of recopy and not the mistakes of Ken jones the writer
