Gosnells Vision for the Future

Gosnells Vision for the Future

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Gosnells Vision for the Future, Community Service, .


I have been very quiet lately......reason...well many but a visit from UK has made me realise that " we are not alone!!!"

The same issues plague Europe as do here!!!

Developers have the ear of governments and money talks.

We are lost in ego building? why? because each small group 'wants to push their cause;' yet we are pushing against a government elected by and therefore using a mandate from ALL WA!!!

This page is about uniting and forgetting ego......save wild animals? BUT keep pets? save our bit of land but to hell with others?

How can we ever win?

Think people and join together or suffer from your own ego boosts!!!

9News Perth on Twitter 17/08/2022

9News Perth on Twitter “The Premier has gone on the defensive after being lavished with one thousand dollar bottles of luxury wine at a rich Perth property developer's home. Mark McGowan says the Grange tasting dinner was all in a day's work for a state leader in high demand. ”


Hotham Valley Railway Soak up a hundred years of history on board our vintage dining train or thrill to the sights and soun

Mobile uploads 03/07/2022

CoK up 🤣in the Hills view of our railway!!!!!!!!😉

Bikes that ran on railroad tracks, Pellston, Michigan, 1910.


Following on from the HVR post of yesterday.

Why is tourism important?

How does it protect our heritage?

Why does tourism mean improvement to Kalamunda (and other townsites)?

Is the tourism committee at present functioning as a conduit for ideas?

I think those few questions deserve honest answers;

We all know what has happened to (this is just one example please, others towns etc have also similar problems) Kalamunda……businesses have closed and we are left with a centre that is not attracting tourists….events are attracting tourists/day trippers.

The Covid matter did not shut Kalamunda down…it already was shut down.

We have featured several times our analysis of the various capital cities in Oz and where their tourism aspects are.

We have shown there are NO tourism features in Perth that are not found either bigger or better elsewhere…we may have scenic views but we do not have The Blue Mountains……we may have a huge waterway but we do not have Sydney’s Ferry system……we may have wine districts but we do not have the heritage/old buildings of the Victorian and South Australian wine industries. That does not make us non attractive….it is essential for tourism to fire to have a key or permanent attraction others do not have. Hence my own constant reference to Historic Chatham Dockyard…..It could equally be Liverpool Docks and the Beatles Museum….or any number of venues around the world that are unique.

So it would seem that “unique” is the key to getting people in to a region.

We have done the ‘what is unique in Perth’ before and last time we were told a cable across the river would do that!!!!! Yes folks the cruise liners and passengers will be queuing to get up there and fly across the river!!!! 

So what is unique……we have a steam train track that climbed a hill/scarp within 20k’s of the City centre……so close for visitors…all ages are interested in steam trains….Kalamunda Council wants to close the road/that is actually a rail bed to vehicles….we do not want their money….nor their vetting of the project as it is totally in the control of ONRSR.

Where else in the world do they have a zig zag like this? NO WHERE!!!!!! Is that therefore unique...... or are we the committee missing something here?

Why is real tourism important….

Because it grows money to areas…it allows businesses to plan for constant clients, it allows communities to develop volunteers groups and activities…..it allows the community to develop AS a community….therefore protecting its heritage and history as it develops.

How does it protect its heritage?....

Heritage is protected by not for profit groups making money out of tourism and spending it on ‘save the’ features like old buildings or old walking trails…whatever the community decides…not the government. Funding is a great controller of projects….government/public service control all projects that they fund by appointment of staff and ‘conditions of loan/grant.

Why does tourism mean improvement to Kalamunda (and other townsites)?

Because with constant numbers of tourists, comes constant income…therefore planning and business success…more employment and diverse shops etc.

Is the tourism committee at present functioning as a conduit for ideas?.....

I can only answer this by saying….even though this project was put together at a time cost to us…..it has never even been acknowledged by the Hills Tourism committees or Kalamunda Councils Tourism Committee….

You have to draw your own conclusions from that. (please remember this was requested by Kalamunda Council’s ceo.

So we are using different methods now to get the publicity we require, we will continue to speak the truth and we will continue to develop this for our backers.

Thank you all for your loyalty….we are sorry this is so long winded but we can and will get this thing up and running.

John the Trainist

Photo? The USSR also had a single example of a huge 5' gauge Garratt, built by Beyer Peacock in 1932, reputedly the largest steam loco ever built in Europe.

Photos from Railways of Western Australia's post 20/06/2022

This has featured on our page previously (of course!!!) but I thank our friends at HVR for pointing out the obvious......make a railway a walking/cycle track? the ALL the tourists will get bikes and cycle or walk to Pickering Brook!!!!!

John the bemused Trainist🥲


From our fantastic Co Chair Alexzandra Withers!!!

Photos from Perth Hills Zig Zag Railway's post 20/04/2022


Photos from The Voice Western Australia's post 07/04/2022

Coming to a suburb near you!!!!


RALLY UPDATE: POSTPONED due to covid situation.

We had to postpone this event due to COVID 19. A small contingent will meet with Minister Reece Whitby who has promised to open the doors on discussion on our seven point plan. Labor's Stephen Pratt MLC will also submit the Petition to the upper house, so hopefully this will lead to a full investigation. You can still drop petitions off on the day at Parliament. We will rally again as soon as we are able.

Letter in 'The West' today advertising the rally. We also have some Cockatuesday Craftavism happening today at South Beach at 5pm - bring cardboard.


Very Happy to confirm we are OK at last to use the awful logo I dreamed up (dreamtime.....get it?)

We cannot offend anyone now surely by combining the real flag with the Oz colours and our great railway zig zag making reconciliation a real thing........white Australia being led and educated to reach The Real Australia!

John the Humble Trainist🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃😉😉🙃🙃🚵🚵


We have come a very long way in 3 short yrs…….we as a group have found so many new friends and supporters……

We have a whole “New Mob” of Indigenous Directors!!!!! Welcome to you all and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your friendship and support.

The team at PHZZR wish you all a wonderful and safe Christmas…

no matter what religion or nationality you come from…..we are all Australians and we should remember just how “special” that is!!!!

John the Jovial Trainist. 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚂🚵🚵🚵😉😉🙃🙃


Please share this to all your friends and work places......it matters what we do, before the State reopens.


to help a friend


"Heal country Always, grow strong spirits"

Our mother spirit, she has it all
Look after her. She is the one.
She is a strong force,you just cant beat. She will let us all know,if shes not being looked after properly.

She knows her worth more than anything.

She can and will disrupt all life to help her be healed,on a massive scale if she wants. She will make you stop and think about country by force, if you wont listen to her calls or take care of her.. you will eventually feel her fury to stop and heal her. It could be lots of rain, flooding , it could be a fire, wind, the oceans strength or something more . But you know when it happens, it is her wake up call to you all.
Remebering the times of old people,our old Ancestors and how knowledge from long ago is still very relevant for todays society, our young ones,our inbetweens and elders need to be strong inside and keep pride in each other because "THAT BLOOD FLOWING IN OUR VEINS IS NOT THERE FOR NOTHING",It should remind us all of our unique history and our place in the oldest continuous living culture in this world.our blood runs with life of old ancetors thru it,stills holds our old people knowledge within it, they are a part of us and directly connect all our mob, to times from many thousands of years ago., so the knowledge has always been with us deep inside our inner spirit, it is special and it also needs to always heal and grow through life, growth like earth plants that are cared for., use or recreate in a different way that works in harmomy but still follow olds ways with it. We still have to respect and honour them Ancetors by caring for country so much more, young and old, My art brings a happy vibe of peace and love for our mother earth spirit, our dreamings all over,Repay and respect what she has already done for us. She brings light each day from darkness.with her beaufit

We all need to heal country and find balance .

pass on good knowledge about healing country to many many many people . All the spirits represent this coming together and Healing her together.
If only people could see and hear her spirit more to heal county more. Even in your own space daily. Do what has to be done to do your part. Keep country strong. Care for her.

She will let you know when she needs you to listen. This painting is about caring for her deeply, together all people everywhere need to know how to care for country properly, like the old ways, the ways that kept eveything in perfect balance and good harmony for thousands n thousands of years with no damage.
My art is a message to you all, about bringing back our Ancestors knowledge on how to take care of Country, together,the right way.
You can look at it an think about it, deeply and think what you are doing in your life to heal country and keep her well for the future generations. What kniwledge will you leave the young.
Then you might see that growth and healing can continue to happen and gives us hope and good health too. It makes our hearts feel good.
Our inner spirit will be strong and taken care of too. For doing the right thing.
I continue in hope that my art can be special enough to make adifference even in one person.

Artist story :Nerolie Bynder


From our friends over East!!! they are doing it tough again.....they have not been open for years because of bushfires and all sorts of "bad happenings" yet they get volunteers and they rebuild....REALLY are we so much different in WA? Is it possible that maybe Authority has got it wrong and we can build a railway from a trackbed? Lithgow has done it twice in 10 yrs!!!! what are we ?
Well done Zig Zag Lithgow you are a shining example of what "community is!" John the Trainist 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚂🚵😉

Plenty of beautiful snow around this morning at Top Points and into the Lithgow Valley. We hope everyone is staying safe wherever they may be

Rural Wattle Grove on the chopping block 15/08/2021

Good friends of ours......please support them as we have supported you!

Rural Wattle Grove on the chopping block By Melissa Sheil THE fiery long-standing debate on the rezoning of Wattle Grove South will soon be ...


David Goode perhaps you could share this on!

This is the story of The Great Southern Land .

Many years ago, an Aboriginal man was living on Country with his wife and children, brothers and sisters, parents and grandparents and all the rest of his clan - when without warning, a strange-looking white skinned man marched in.

The Aboriginal man thought he was a ghost,and stared at him in amazement, then spoke to him in language:

"What are you ? Where did you come from ?" he asked .

The white man didn't understand, and laughed to his soldiers -

' Can't speak my language, doesn't wear clothes, doesn't grow food, wanders from place to place, no laws,no proof he owns the land, not even human.'
'No problem here.
This is my Country now.'

So the Aboriginal man started to walk...

He walked across green paddocks beside rivers filled with catfish perch and yabbies, passed by billabongs alive with eel and duck, walked under skies where eagle and cockatoo flew, across vast bushlands where koala and numbat roamed,slept under night skies filled with thousands of stars ,walked the red ground of the outback where kangaroo, emu, and snake ran , through the lush green rainforests in the North, across the snowfields in the South, he walked under the harsh hot sun of the central desert filled with salt bush and mulga, beside turquoise oceans in the Straits filled with turtle, dugong and crocodile, and he kept walking when the Balanda fenced off his lands built big homesteads brought rabbits goats cattle and sheep and he kept walking when they r***d his wife and daughters turned them into slaves and called their children half-castes forced them to live on missions and become servants and stole their wages and he kept walking when they put his brothers in chains and forced them to work as stockmen and drovers, trackers and police officers to hunt down and kill their own people kept them in huts with no food, water and wages and he walked past the sun-bleached bones of thousands of his people who'd been shot, tortured ,mutilated and massacred, past the bodies of his people who had drunk water from poisoned waterholes and he watched his people lose their Lores, their Songs and their Languages,and he kept walking....

Sometimes he would stop to rest under a gum tree and turn into an emu or kangaroo, and run and hop across the land watching the white mans huge machines tear down the ancient birthing trees and gauge great holes in the Earth to take out the black gold, and he cried out in agony when he felt the earth shudder and tilt under his feet, mourned when the big steel poles went into the river beds searching for the liquid poison, and he watched great bridges and buildings being built where sacred sites once lay, watched the huge silver birds in the sky bring people from other lands, who were welcomed housed and educated, while his people were driven to the fringes of towns to live in shacks, with no water and sewage, and he watched his sons and daughters die in the white man's jails, watched his brothers and sisters die from the white mans alcohol, watched his grand children su***de from drugs and despair, watched the Balanda argue with each other in their big houses of Parliament, and he saw the greed and lawlessness while fire, flood and drought destroyed his beloved Mother Land, watched the land turn brown, the rivers run dry, the sky turn black, and he kept following the Songlines, and he kept walking...

A couple of centuries later he walked into the Central Desert where a huge Red Rock stretched out shimmering in the sun.

Standing at the base of the Rock was a very, very old white man.

The old white man stared at the Aboriginal man in amazement, and said :
'Who are you ? Where did your come from ? '

The Aboriginal man spoke with great patience:

' My name is Australia, the name you gave me, I come from the Dreamtime.
Long ago you invaded my country, took over my lands, murdered my people, and tried to make them extinct.
Now the air is filled with poison, the earth is barren,and all the animals are dying.

You separated my people from their Mother, prevented them from taking care of Her ,and for many years they have wandered from place to place searching for their identity, and they have suffered, and many have died, but through it all they never lost patience with you, never took up arms, never sought revenge.
That is not our Way.

Now my people sit in your class rooms, colleges, universities , law schools, medical schools and houses of Parliament.
Now they gather across their Lands, marching under their flag, dancing and singing their stories of Dreaming, Myth and Legend, through Art, Literature Film and Theatre, Now their message is being heard across Country, Now they are demanding change', Now the descendants of the murderers are listening'

The old white man bowed his head ,and kicked the red dirt at his feet.
The Aboriginal man looked up at the Great Red Rock shimmering in the desert before he spoke again:

'When the big clock in your time reaches two and one quarter centuries, my people's Truth will be told to the world and written into history, their knowledge of Agriculture,Science, Engineering, and Medicine will be practised, their lores enacted their culture upheld and only then will the rivers flow , the sky turn blue, the earth turn green, and all living things run free. Until then you will continue to suffer, while our ancient secrets can never be shared with you, you have not yet learned to respect the Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire.'

The Aboriginal man paused before he spoke again :

' I am the Great Southern Land, I come from the Dreaming,
when my people rose up from the dust and walked on Country, forming a proud, powerful, indestructible culture which has survived every other culture in the world and will continue.

I can never be owned, stolen, ceded, gifted or destroyed.
I am this Land this Land is me.

and the Aboriginal man started walking again....

The old white man lifted his head and called out to him in anguish....

'But what will I do? where will I go? how will I survive ? '

The Spirit of the Great Southern Land stopped walking ...

'Follow me brother ... I'll take you into Tomorrow.'

Copyright ©
Page Manager
Outback Dreaming
26th January 2018.


We acknowledge NAIDOC Week and offer a pledge from PHZZR..

This group will make every effort to move forward to work with and respect First Nation in all aspects of our Concept Plan for Perth Hills.
We acknowledge First Nations love and respect for Country and offer our total support to achieve their standards of ecological support for this land.

Our Logo is our word…..

We are Australian (green and gold);

Moving through this land (our zig zag);

Towards a better place, Noongar Country and conservation values. (First Nation flag above all else).


I am not going to "bang on" there is no point.......why was it the country wanted to let all those people in from India? racist? no common sense told you they were going to bring infection.

Common sense and every contingency planner around the world told us, hotels are not safe!!!!

So why is the media not being held responsible for this outbreak.....Please?


From our main page!

I have been contacted by a friend who has said I am “an influencer” not sure I have ever heard that word before…..but if it means I put down thoughts based on my experience and those thoughts may or may not influence how others see things…then maybe that is correct?

I would like to take this post to that place!!!
We have just had a group on Perth Hills meeting to tell us all what is needed in the hills, how we need to work with them; as a non government, non political group? Yet they are (it seems) totally sponsored by Regional development; their own page is full of “regional Development” and its Ceo?
Now I have no issue at all with groups getting together and forming opinions based on US…the people of Perth Hills. Yet they will not (in any correspondence) state their aims, just the fatcs that we need to trust them and they will select who can speak for US!!!!

Am I missing something here? Who is going to speak for us? On what basis is the data being evaluated? We have all seen how CoK evaluates people right out of any form of discussion, as they have with us?
This group also has had 3 yrs to individually make contact and tell us what a bad idea or good idea this project is????

So please be very wary of people making offers to represent you…they have refused to give PHZZR any position on their committee, so who do they favour? It would seem not tourism.
Thoughts would be appreciated!!!! John the perplexed tourist


This is for ALL the groups that fight so hard to protect our beautiful State........Stand with us all you People........I think this expresses Perth Hills and how we feel about those that try to destroy us!!!!!



We are not in NSW but are we any less likely to volunteer? why are our government and Council so opposed to a community volunteer project? who gets the money if we went public? who could afford to build this as a public entity?🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚂🤔😉

Tomorrow marks the start of This National Volunteer Week we will be celebrating the tremendous efforts of our dedicated volunteers as we get ever closer to running steam passenger trains once again. Are you interested in joining the team? Most of our volunteers had no railway experience before joining our organisation, many come from Sydney, the Blue Mountains & the Greater West. Over the next few months we will be starting our training so we are ready to start carrying passengers late this year, to register your interest in becoming a volunteer, please email us at [email protected] or you can leave a message on 1300ZIGZAG - 1300 944 924
