Clover Explorer

Clover Explorer

Vacation inspirations | Idee Viaggi (mock page assignment)


Have you ever been on the Mont Blanc?

The daunting challenges surrounding vaccine passports 16/04/2021

Here an interesting article about the vaccine passport! What do you think?

The daunting challenges surrounding vaccine passports Techy apps and paper cards could prove your COVID-19 status, but they might invade your privacy.


🇮🇹 Ciao! In questa pagina troverai idee per i tuoi viaggi e vacanze! Come già sai l’UE si sta impegnando a sostenere il turismo europeo e italiano, colpito dalle restrizioni introdotte per limitare la diffusione del virus.
Fammi sapere che contenuti ti piacerebbe vedere e quale destinazione hai scelto per le tue prossime vacanze COVID free!

🇺🇸 Hi! This page is about holiday inspirations and travel ideas! As you might know, the EU has committed to supporting the European and Italian tourism sector, which was hit by the restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus.
Let me know what content you would like to see on this page and which destination you chose for your next holidays COVID free!
