




#اصحاب #حب

Why Stereotyping is harmful 06/03/2023

Wassim Aziz

Why Stereotyping is harmful Stereotyping is a type of cognitive shortcut where we use generalizations about a group of people to make assumptions about an individual based on their membership in that group. However, using stereotypes to make judgments about individuals can be harmful for several reasons: It is inaccurate: Ster...


How to stay healthy mentally and physically happy

Wassim Aziz


Fitness4mind Wassim Aziz




How can I reframe situations to stop getting angry?

Anger is often a result of misunderstanding other people's actions and assigning our own meaning to them. For example, someone who struggles with anger might say, "He cut me off on purpose! He was out to get me!" or "She was in my face, waving her finger and yelling at me. She deserved to be hit!" These thoughts fuel a cycle of rage; if the "perpetrator" intentionally and maliciously attacked, the "victim" has no choice but to retaliate
However, considering other perspectives and regulating emotions an manage anger. Instead of assuming the worst, you could consider, "They may not have seen me, or maybe they had a bad day. t has nothing to do with me personally."



حاجات مش محتاجين نعتذر عنها:
اذا كنا محتاجين ناخد راحة
اذا كنا محتاجين مساعدة
اذا كان عندنا طموح
مشاعرنا واحاسيسنا
حدودنا في التعامل مع حاجات معينة


Difference between self esteem and self

Self-esteem and self-compassion are two distinct concepts, although they are both related to the way we feel about ourselves.
Self-esteem refers to the overall evaluation of our worth as a person. It involves our beliefs about our competence, abilities, and personal qualities. It is based on how we perceive ourselves in comparison to others and on how well we meet our own internal standards. In general, high self-esteem means that we feel good about ourselves and our abilities, while low self-esteem means that we feel less confident and less worthy.
On the other hand, self-compassion refers to the way we treat ourselves when we face difficulties, setbacks, or failures. It involves being kind and supportive to ourselves, recognising our own suffering, and understanding that we are not alone in our struggles. It is based on the belief that imperfection and suffering are a part of the shared human experience.
In this sense, self-compassion is a more accepting and forgiving attitude towards ourselves, while self-esteem is a more evaluative and judgmental attitude.
بالرغم ان احترامنا لذاتنا وتعاطفنا معها هم نوعين مختلفين من المشاعر الا انه في ارتباط غير مباشر بينهم. احترامنا لذاتنا بيشمل تقييم عام لقيمتنا كأشخاص وفي نفس الوقت بيحتوي علي تقييم لمعتقداتنا , كفاءاتنا وقدراتنا الشخصية وفي نفس الوقت يعتمد علي مقارنة انفسنا بالناس اللي حولنا. من الناحية الاخري التعاطف مع الذات بيعتمد علي الطريقة اللي بنتعامل بيها مع انفسنا لما نواجه مشاكل او متاعب او احباطات, بيعتمد ايضا علي ان نكون طيبين مع انفسنا وداعمين لنفسنا في معانتها وان الجزء المهم هو ان احنا نتقبل المعاناة كجزء من التجربة نفسها وبالتالي نصل لموقف اكثر قبولا لنفسنا


4 signs you are a high-level thinker

High-level thinking is an experience like no other.
It’s when several unique ideas coalesce to form extraordinary insights giving rise to epiphanies — just like colours mix to form new colours. Such epiphanies — borne in the brilliant minds of high-level thinkers —carry the capacity to influence the world. There are signs that tell you are a high-level thinker:

1- You have a set of unique experiences that enable them to have a unique subconscious that allows them to come up with extraordinary solutions that the average person cannot easily master.
2- While most reject such ideas, high-level thinkers are able to see the potential in new ideas. Why is this? Personally, I think high-level thinkers work to foster the right balance between openness and skepticism.
3- A high-level thinker is secure enough in himself to be able to tolerate the discomfort of intellectual humility. If you are a person who is secure enough to be polite and seek facts before forming an opinion, then you are a high level thinker.
4- If you’re the kind of person who isn’t afraid to let the world know that your knowledge is limited by asking questions, then you’re definitely a high-level thinker.
في علامات تدل علي انك شخص بتفكر علي مستوي مختلف. لما الافكار المختلفة و الفريدة تتجمع , بتتكون رؤي غير عادية ممكن توصل لدرجة من درجات الادراك علي مستوي غير متاح لناس كتيرة. من علامات انك شخص بتفكر علي مستوي مختلف
١- بيكون عندك مجموعة من التجارب المختلفة اللي تشكل اللاوعي وده بيسمح لهم بالتوصل لحلول غير عادية الشخص العادي يصعب عليه الوصول اليها
٢- في الوقت اللي معظم الناس بترفض الافكار المختلفة, الناس اللي بتفكر بشكل مختلف بيقدروا يشوفوا الافكار دي بشكل مختلف بسبب طريقتهم المتوازنة في التفكير بين الانفتاح علي الافكار الجديدة والتشكيك فيها في نفس الوقت
٣- الناس اللي تفكر بشكل مختلف عندهم ثقة في نفسهم بدرجة مهذبة مع تكوين ارائهم بعد البحث عن الحقائق قبل تكوين الرأي
٤- اذا كنت من الناس اللي مش بتخاف انك تشارك الناس معرفتك اذا طلبوا رأيك, فأنت اكيد بتفكر بشكل مختلف


How do I forgive myself for past mistakes?

Begin by acknowledging that you are at fault and take responsibility for the hurt you caused. Reflect on why the event occurred and identify how to avoid a similar offence in the future. Then forgive yourself by focusing on the thought, saying it aloud, or writing it down. Apologise to the person you wronged and try to improve their life in a meaningful way.Forgiveness and Forgiveness Therapy have been linked to greater feelings of happiness, hopefulness, and optimism. The process of forgiveness can also protect against serious conditions such as anxiety and depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
بداية التسامح مع النفس بتبدأ ان نعترف ونتحمل مسئولية الغلط اللي عملناه, وازاي الغلط ده حصل, ونعرف ازاي نتفادي الغلط ده انه يحصل في المستقبل. من الاساليب اللي ممكن نعملها علشان نغفر لنفسنا ان احنا نتكلم مع نفسنا بصوت عالي عن اللي حصل من غير جلد للذات واذا امكن نعتذر للشخص اللي حصل الغلط ده في حقه. التسامح مع النفس وعلاجه بيرتبط بنوع اكبر من السعادة والامل والتفاؤل ويحمينا من القلق والاكتئاب

Home | Fitness4mind 17/02/2023

Reasons Why You Feel Like Your Life Is Out of Control

There are many decisions that we must make throughout the course of a day. Whether we're deciding what clothes to wear, which activities to do, or which people to see.
The best way to handle this is by finding ways to be content with not knowing.
Some of the reasons why we feel life is out of control are, stress, health, relationships, work loads, etc.
Here are some steps to do when we feel our life is out of control:
* Pause and take a break
* Take control of things we can control
* We can be confident in our decisions
* Talk about it with someone
* Think positively
جزء اساسي من يومنا ان احنا ناخد قرارت منها المهم ومنها الغير مهم زي عايزين نلبس ايه, نشوف مين, الحاجات اللي عايزين نعملها وغيره. كل ده ممكن يكون سبب ان احنا نشعر ان حياتنا خارج سيطرتنا. بالاضافة لاسباب تانية ممكن تكون السبب في نفس الشعور ده, زي ضغوط الشغل, الاجهاد, صحتنا, علاقتنا بالناس اللي حوالينا. من ضمن الحاجات اللي ممكن تساعدنا لما نحس ان حياتنا خارجة عن السيطرة, ان احنا نتوقف ونرتاح بشكل ما, نفهم اننا ممكن نسيطر علي الحاجات اللي نقدر نسيطر عليها بس, ان احنا نكون واثقين في قرارتنا, ان احنا نتكلم مع حد عن شعورنا ده, اخيرا ان احنا ننظر للامور بنوع من الاجابية


Home | Fitness4mind As a certified Mental+Wellness+Consultant, I understand the weight and frustration of feeling like there is more out there for you, but not knowing where to turn to first. That’s why my mission is simple: give my clients the wellness education, tools and resources that they need to feel happy, hea...

Home | Fitness4mind 16/02/2023

Being more open minded

Findings ways to overcome the confirmation bias can be a great way to cultivate an open mind. Be aware of this bias and look for ways to challenge your existing assumptions to make sure you are not simply cherry-picking information that supports what you already believe to be true.
Giving yourself time to consider information can help you approach it with a more open mind. This often takes more effort, but it can be a great way to learn more about other points of view.
ان احنا نلاقي طرق نغير بيها انحيازنا لافكار معينة بشكل معين ده من الاساسيات اللطيفة لتنمية عقلنا. لما هانبقي واخدين بالنا من الانحياز الدايم لافكارنا مسبقا بالذات اذا كانت مبنية علي فرضيات من غير حقايق ولو ادينا لنفسنا الوقت ان احنا نفكر بشكل بيعتمد علي المعلومات اكتر من الافتراضات, اكيد ده هايساعدنا في التعامل بشكل متفتح اكتر مع اللي حوالينا وطبعا ده بيتطلب جهد زيادة بس في نفس الوقت فرصة كويسة لمعرفة وجهات نظر مختلفة

Home | Fitness4mind As a certified Mental+Wellness+Consultant, I understand the weight and frustration of feeling like there is more out there for you, but not knowing where to turn to first. That’s why my mission is simple: give my clients the wellness education, tools and resources that they need to feel happy, hea...


How fascinating to talk to someone who’s different to us. It opens a wider door to see another side of humanity which we may disagree with but it exists helps in conflict resolution - other source of information Fitness4mind


How to Become a Nicer Person
Becoming a nicer person isn't as hard as you might think. There are things that you can do to show Becoming a nicer person isn't as hard as you might think. There are things that you can do to show compassion, empathy, and kindness in your everyday interactions with others.
For instance, if a co-worker makes a mistake, pause before you criticize their work. Maybe you view their mistake as an opportunity to help them rather than becoming annoyed at them for not being perfect. There few ways to help you become a nicer person:

Be Honest
Stay true to yourself and your values. You can still express yourself nicely while being honest.
Be Nice to Yourself
The way that we treat ourselves, including our self-talk, plays an important role in how we treat others. After all, how can we treat others nicely if we don't treat ourselves nicely?

Be Open-Minded
Life is full of change. When we're confronted with ideas, situations, or people that are unfamiliar to us, negative emotions can arise that make it difficult to be nice. It's much easier to be nice when you're comfortable with yourself and your environment—even amidst the many changes life throws your way.
ازاي نكون اشخاص الطف في الحياة
ان احنا نكون اشخاص الطف مع الناس مش بالصعوبة اللي ناس كتير متخيلاها. في اشياء بسيطة ممكن نعملها تخلينا اشخاص الطف في تعاملاتنا كل يوم مع الناس اللي حوالينا.
مثلا لو عندنا زميل في الشغل عمل حاجة مزعجة او غلط, خلينا نوقف ونفكر قبل ما ننتقده علي الغلط اللي اتعمل, يمكن تكون دي فرصة ان احنا نساعده وده اكيد هايكون افضل من انتقاده.
من الحاجات اللي ممكن تخلينا اشخاص الطف ان احنا نكون صادقين مع انفسنا ومع قيمنا اللي بنؤمن بيها وده بيدينا فرصة نعبر عن نفسنا بصدق.
محتاجين نكون الطف مع نفسنا وفي الطريقة اللي بنتعامل بيها مع نفسنا وده بيشمل كلامنا مع نفسنا, لأن علشان نكون الطف مع غيرنا, محتاجين الطف مع نفسنا الأول.
ذهننا محتاج انه يكون متفتح, الحياة كلها متغيرات, بنشوف ناس مختلفة عننا وده ممكن يسبب لنا مشاعر سلبية وبالتالي يبقي من الصعب نكون الطف مع الناس, انما لو ذهننا تفتح وتقبلنا غيرنا بهدوء, ده هايساعدنا نكون الطف مع الناس اللي حوالينا


We all face rejection, sadness, fear, and unhappiness. When we find ourselves getting stuck on the negative aspects of our lives, however, it helps to be aware of why we might be doing so. We may be evolutionarily hard-wired to focus on negative things, but it’s possible to retrain our brains to adopt more positive frames of reference and boost our wellbeing.

Being positive is not about eliminating negative thoughts and emotions from our everyday experiences; it’s more concerned with how we handle them. With an understanding of negativity bias, we can start to interact with adverse events, trauma, and so forth more adaptively.

كلنا بنواجه الرفض والحزن والخوف والتعاسة. لما نلاقي نفسنا متعطلين في الحاجات السلبية في حياتنا ، فإنه يساعد على إدراك سبب قيامنا بذلك. وممكن تكون حاجة مهمة ان احنا نشوف الحاجات السلبية ونحاول نصلحها .. بس الاهم ان احنا نرتب دماغنا بالشكل اللي الحاجات الايجابية اللي في حياتنا في نفس الوقت ونخلق point of reference للحاجات الايجابية دي.

أن احنا نبقي ايجابيين ده مش معناه ان احنا ما نشوفش الحاجات السلبية في حياتنا, بالعكس.. لازم نشوف الحاجات السلبية بس في نفس الوقت نشوف الايجابيات علشان يبقي عندنا القدرة علي التفاعل مع السلبيات ووضعها في مكانها المحدود زي اي تجربة في الحياة .. ليها وقت معين وتخلص

Fitness4mind, Counsellor, Doncaster East, VIC, 3109 | Psychology Today 12/02/2023

Fitness4mind, Counsellor, Doncaster East, VIC, 3109 | Psychology Today Fitness4mind, Counsellor, Doncaster East, VIC, 3109, (03) 8771 4841, I am a registered Counsellor with over 15 years’ experience applying psychological practice across a variety of settings. I work with people of all ages including young people and families and people with diverse cultural backgro...


We all deserve to be happy, we should explore the current state of our life, assess our level of happiness, and find a direction to work toward that will likely bring greater joy and contentment. We need to keep in mind, however, that happiness means different things to different people.
كلنا نستحق نكون سعداء.. علشان ده يحصل, محتاجين نستكشف حياتنا اكتر, ندور علي طريق يوصلنا للسعادة والانبساط اللي نستحقه. واحنا في مرحلة الاستكشاف دي, محتاجين نبقي عارفين ان السعادة ليها اشكال مختلفة والاختلاف ده مصدره اختلاف الناس عن بعض Fitness4mind


People like you don’t happen very, never forget how rare you are
الناس اللي زيك مش بيتكرروا كتير.. اوعي تنسي انت نادر اد ايه


Let’s talk about you


A fundamental key to our mental fitness is our thoughts, we are able to reshape the content of our thoughts and our relationship with them

Steak day for a change 🥩 – Fitness4mind 25/08/2021

Steak day for a change 🥩 – Fitness4mind Weight Loss Diary 25August, 2021August 25, 2021 Steak day for a change 🥩 Breakfast No breakfast Lunch No lunch Dinner Steak and Salad Snacks Greens peas coated in wasabi 100gm – 2 hours after dinner Water 1 litre 1651 SHARES Share on Facebook Tweet Follow us Share Share Share Share Share Prev p...

It was Mcdonald today 🤭 – Fitness4mind 24/08/2021

It was Mcdonald today 🤭 – Fitness4mind Weight Loss Diary 24August, 2021August 24, 2021 It was Mcdonald today 🤭 Breakfast 100ml of full cream milk Lunch 10 strawberries with a tablespoon of honey Dinner Mcdonald Angus burger with bacon and cheese, large fries Snacks 50 grams of salted almonds 3 hours after dinner Water 1 litre 1651 SHA...

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