Chimp co

Chimp co

CHiMP company is more than a clothing company, its a brand that aspires to let you express your wild

Timeline photos 17/01/2019

Well guys, it’s been another monthlong break from notivationals but I’m back at running the page again. As always I will say that this seemingly simple habit is something that takes a lot of effort to do so many days I’m discouraged from putting the effort in. Nonetheless I am extremely proud of my projects and I stare at my wall everyday reminding myself that I need to keep trying at it even if that means starting it back up again and again and again.

While I could be talking about the philosophy of “just trying” that’s for another day. What I would like to tell you guys about is something I’m hella stoked about: my New Years resolution.

Now, while im not really a New Years resolution-y person it occurred to me that there was one prime thing that I was missing in my life here in California and it was actually the one thing that was making me so depressed and unmotivated. This one thing is simply going out and doing what I want to do!

While this may sound simple and not really a motivational piece of advice I can argue that it’s actually pivotal to you being the best person you can be.

Often we fail at doing what we love. In fact, with all the normal life chores we have in our day to day we often find ourselves neglecting our passions in life regardless of how much we are reminded about what we once loved.

I love YouTube and dancing and creating content but I have been putting off something as simple as visiting a local dance studio for MONTHS. This year, I’m committed to planning on going out and trying one new thing a week and following it out and I challenge you to do the same. What’s a couple of bucks for an ADVENTURE??!

Timeline photos 08/12/2018

Here’s a question for you: why do we have to wait for a GOOD day to say “I feel like a million bucks”?

I think that at one point of your life you have set the standard for yourself that you will have some great fortune one day. Unfortunately, for most people, the dream is made when you’re very young and slowly dies as you get older and get hit by reality.

And honestly, s**t happens. You have student loans, you create a family, the business plan that you started isn’t seeming as glorious as it once did when you were a young excited kid. Yet, take the money out of it and what do you have? A value and passion for life. I don’t think anyone really gets money by wanting money. Rather, I think that it’s because they have such a joy for life and value for themselves that $1,000 or $10,000 or $100,000 isn’t good enough.

Here’s another thought: you’re only worth what you WONT settle for. You see, if I get hit by problem A and stop there and think that I’m good enough I’m never going to amount to the problems B and C that will get me to accomplish my dreams! Never forget who you wanted to be and never settle for someone you don’t like being! You’re worth more than that. Thanks for reading and stay notivated (: 🤙

Timeline photos 26/11/2018

“If you can’t fly then run.
If you can’t run then walk.
If you can’t walk then crawl,
but whatever you do you have
to keep moving FORWARD.”
~Martin Luther King Jr.

Happy , it’s been a slow progress but a progress nonetheless. I made a promise that I’d keep these coming until I filled my wall up with notecards and I intend to keep that promise! Thank you for everyone who has followed me since day one. More to come!!

Timeline photos 23/11/2018

Hey guys this is a little late but I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving! There’s so much we take for granted and having a good family around you and a home to have a good dinner in is a lot.

While I was in the company of my family here in California I missed my fam back in Oregon but I thought about how fortunate I was to have such a loving family that brought such a great holiday together. I also thought about the people out there who either were not comfortable in their household/ family or did not even have a home to go to for a thanksgiving dinner (something that many of us take for granted).

I hope that this message gets to everyone who sees this post and that more people could help give these people a warm home for the holidays (however that may happen). But at the very least, I hope that this post could act as a reminder to those of you reading this that family is so important and you should cherish that! Thanks for reading and thanks for following me (: stay notivated 🤙

Photos from Chimp co's post 20/11/2018

Hey guys, I was going to do a shoutout for but I forgot /: sorry Emily 😅

"Oftentimes, society emphasizes ghe negative effects of failure. As the doubt and pressure settles into your heart, failure dominates and ultimately defines you and your accomplishments. Why? Is it because we, as free-thinking individuals, give failure the power to consume us? No. No more. Failure is simply a reality check! Together we shall flip the dialogue and see failure as a key to personal growth." -Emily

She really went all out on this so props to my good friend .do29 ! Thank you (:

Timeline photos 20/11/2018

Often in the most desperate situations
we make decisions
that we end up regretting.
But with peace of mind
we seem to find
ourselves in the midst
of a better alternative.
